Warning, /epic.github.io/_documents/conferences.md is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 ---
0002 title: Conferences and Meetings with ePIC participation
0003 name: conferences
0004 layout: default
0005 years:
0006 - 2025
0007 - 2024
0008 - 2023
0009 ---
0010 {% include layouts/title.md %}
0012 ##### Policies and Procedures
0014 * __The Conference and Talk Committee (CTC)__ is responsible for the oversight and management of all oral and poster presentations given at scientific conferences on behalf of the Collaboration.
0015 For contact information and more detail, please see [the committee web page](/collaboration/committees.html){:target="_blank"}.
0016 * The [ePIC Conference and Talks Policy](https://zenodo.org/records/14052729){:target="_blank"} was adopted by Council on November 7, 2024 (restricted to members).
0017 * If you plan on getting involved in the Collaboration activity at various conferences and workshops, please make a point of subscribing to the dedicated
0018 mailing list for Collaboration-level conference material approval: __epic-talks-l@lists.bnl.gov__
0020 {{ site.hr }}
0022 ##### Links of Interest
0023 * The Project Sharepoint folder with pictures and other documents of interest is available at [this link](https://brookhavenlab.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/EICPublicSharingDocs/EujNGT5IzzxHtG0hMeDpu-cBihVczsqTO6L7CbfkXLHQ-Q?e=5bfcjY){:target="_blank"}
0024 * A general list of the EIC-related conferences can be found on a separate [website maintained by the EICUG](https://eic-conferences.lbl.gov/home){:target="_blank"}.
0026 {{ site.hr }}
0028 ##### List of Events
0029 * The table below lists conferences with ePIC participation, or of immediate interest to our Collaboration.
0030 * The left column in the tables below contains links to the respective conferences' pages (if available).
0031 * The right column contains official ePIC keywords assigned to each conference.
0032 Keywords rendered as clickable links will list the ePIC items on archived on Zenodo, related to the conference (or meeting).
0033 * Please note that some conference uploads (especially for future conferences) may be still pending i.e. not all queries will produce results.
0034 * For easy access, the conferences are grouped by the year.
0036 {{ site.hr }}
0038 {% for year in page.years %}
0039 {% assign c4y=site.data.keywords | where_exp: "item", "item.year==year" | where_exp: "item", "item.category=='conference'" | sort: "name" %}
0041 <h5>{{ year }}</h5>
0042 <table width="80%" border="1">
0043 {% for conference in c4y %}
0044 <tr>
0045 {% if conference.url == '' %}
0046 <td width="80%"><nobr>{{ conference.description }}</nobr></td>
0047 {% else %}
0048 <td width="80%"><nobr><a href="{{ conference.url }}" target="_blank">{{ conference.description }}</a></nobr></td>
0049 {% endif %}
0050 {% if conference.upload != false %}
0051 <td width="20%"><nobr><a href="{{ site.zenodo_query_base }}{{ conference.name }}" target="_blank">{{ conference.name }}</a></nobr></td>
0052 {% else %}
0053 <td width="20%"><nobr>{{ conference.name }}</nobr></td>
0054 {% endif %}
0055 </tr>
0056 {% endfor %}
0057 </table>
0059 <br/>
0062 ---
0064 {% endfor %}
0067 ---