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0001 # PHYSICS
0002 - name: inclusive
0003 description: 'Inclusive'
0004 mission_statement: 'The inclusive physics working group evaluates the ability of the ePIC detector to observe inclusive processes. As this largely relies on detecting the scattered beam electron, the inclusive PWG is contributing significantly to the development of electron identification and reconstruction algorithms. Inclusive kinematics can also be reconstructed using information from the hadronic final state, and therefore the inclusive PWG is also contributing to hadronic reconstruction algorithms. Evaluating the resolutions of multiple reconstruction methods across the ePIC acceptance will allow maximal exploitation of ePICs capabilities. Last but not least, the inclusive PWG is benchmarking ePIC performance by extracting key inclusive physics observables, namely reduced cross sections (NC and CC) and double-spin asymmetries.'
0005 conveners: tyler_kutz, stephen_maple
0006 list: 'eic-projdet-Inclusive-l@lists.bnl.gov'
0007 list_sub: 'https://lists.bnl.gov/mailman/listinfo/eic-projdet-inclusive-l'
0008 indico: 'https://indico.bnl.gov/category/417/'
0009 mattermost: 'https://chat.epic-eic.org/main/channels/inclusive-physics'
0010 wiki: 'https://wiki.bnl.gov/EPIC/index.php?title=Inclusive'
0011 meetings: 'Mondays at 12pm ET (bi-weekly)'
0013 - name: exclusive_diffraction
0014 description: 'Exclusive and Diffraction'
0015 mission_statement: 'The responsibilities of the Exclusive, Diffraction, and Tagging working group are to evaluate the performance of the ePIC detector as it relates to exclusive, diffractive, or tagging processes. We are charged with the development of a set of performance and physics benchmarks.'
0016 conveners: zhoudunming_tu, raphael_dupre
0017 list: 'eic-projdet-excldiff-l@lists.bnl.gov'
0018 list_sub: 'https://lists.bnl.gov/mailman/listinfo/eic-projdet-excldiff-l'
0019 indico: 'https://indico.bnl.gov/category/419/'
0020 mattermost: 'https://chat.epic-eic.org/main/channels/phys-exclusive-diffractive'
0021 wiki: 'https://wiki.bnl.gov/EPIC/index.php?title=ExclusiveDiffractionTagging'
0022 meetings: 'Mondays at 12:00 pm ET (bi-weekly)'
0024 - name: semi_inclusive
0025 description: 'Semi-Inclusive'
0026 mission_statement: 'The semi-inclusive working group evaluates the performance of the ePIC detector for the future measurements of semi-inclusive processes. For this, it needs to study the reconstruction of the scattered lepton and the typical DIS variables as well as the reconstruction of the produced hadrons, including the quality of their identification.'
0027 conveners: stefan_diehl, charlotte_van_hulse
0028 list: 'eic-projdet-semiincl-l@lists.bnl.gov'
0029 list_sub: 'https://lists.bnl.gov/mailman/listinfo/eic-projdet-semiincl-l'
0030 indico: 'https://indico.bnl.gov/category/418/'
0031 mattermost: 'https://chat.epic-eic.org/main/channels/semi-inclusive'
0032 wiki: 'https://wiki.bnl.gov/EPIC/index.php?title=SIDIS'
0033 meetings: 'Tuesdays at 8:30 am ET (bi-weekly)'
0035 - name: jets_hf
0036 description: 'Jets and Heavy Flavor'
0037 mission_statement: 'The responsibilities of the Jets and Heavy Flavor working group are to evaluate the performance of the ePIC detector as it relates to jet and heavy flavor observables utilizing a set of performance and physics benchmarks. We also work on developing the analysis techniques and software tools needed to implement the benchmarks used in detector evaluation.'
0038 conveners: olga_evdokimov, rongrong_ma
0039 list: 'eic-projdet-jethf-l@lists.bnl.gov'
0040 list_sub: 'https://lists.bnl.gov/mailman/listinfo/eic-projdet-jethf-l'
0041 indico: 'https://indico.bnl.gov/category/420/'
0042 mattermost: 'https://chat.epic-eic.org/main/channels/phys-jets-hf'
0043 wiki: 'https://wiki.bnl.gov/EPIC/index.php?title=JetsHF'
0044 meetings: 'Wednesdays at 12:00 pm ET (bi-weekly)'
0046 - name: bsm_ew
0047 description: 'BSM and EW'
0048 mission_statement: 'The BSM and EW group looks at physics topics that are not usually associated with the EIC such as Charged Lepton Flavor Violation and Dark Photons. The impressive ePIC detector will allow for physics reach that is complementary to other searches of beyond the standard model physics at the LHC or other low energy facilities around the world. The group explores ways to improve detector sensitivities to such searches through particle detection and simulations. New ideas and exploratory investigations are welcome and supported within the group.'
0049 conveners: ciprian_gal, juliette_mammei
0050 list: 'eic-projdet-bsmew-l@lists.bnl.gov'
0051 list_sub: 'https://lists.bnl.gov/mailman/listinfo/eic-projdet-bsmew-l'
0052 indico: 'https://indico.bnl.gov/category/421/'
0053 mattermost: 'https://chat.epic-eic.org/main/channels/ew-bsm'
0054 wiki: 'https://wiki.bnl.gov/EPIC/index.php?title=BSMEW'
0055 meetings: 'Wednesdays at 10:00 pm ET (bi-weekly)'
0058 - name: production
0059 description: 'Production Working Group'
0060 mission_statement: 'The production working group is responsible for managing all apects of continuous production activity by the ePIC experiment, including simulation and reconstruction.'
0061 conveners: sakib_rahman, thomas_britton
0062 indico: 'https://indico.bnl.gov/category/463/'
0064 - name: learning
0065 description: 'User Learning Working Group'
0066 mission_statement: 'The User Learning working group is responsible for managing the process of onboarding and continued learning of the ePIC members, in the field of software and computing.'
0067 conveners: holly_szumilla, stephen_kay
0068 indico: 'https://indico.bnl.gov/category/443/'
0070 - name: validation
0071 description: 'Validation Working Group'
0072 mission_statement: 'The Validation working group is responsible for managing the process of testing and validation of the ePIC software.'
0073 conveners: torri_jeske, dmitry_kalinkin
0074 indico: 'https://indico.bnl.gov/category/463/'
0076 - name: simulation
0077 description: 'Physics and Simulation Working Group'
0078 mission_statement: 'The Physics and Simulation working group is responsible for managing event generators, physics components of the simulation process, detector simulations and other related topics.'
0079 conveners: kauder, chao_peng
0080 indico: 'https://indico.bnl.gov/category/463/'
0082 - name: reconstruction
0083 description: 'Reconstruction Working Group'
0084 mission_statement: 'The Reconstruction working group is responsible for all aspects of reconstruction techniques and related software used in the ePIC experiment.'
0085 conveners: shujie_li, derek_anderson
0086 indico: 'https://indico.bnl.gov/category/463/'
0088 - name: streaming
0089 description: 'Streaming Computing Model Working Group'
0090 mission_statement: 'The Streaming Readout working group is responsible for all aspects of Streaming Computing techniques and related software and hardware used in the ePIC experiment.'
0091 conveners: marco_battaglieri, jin_huang, jeff_landgraf
0092 indico: 'https://indico.bnl.gov/category/463/'
0095 #- name: name
0096 # description: 'Description Working Group'
0097 # mission_statement: 'The work we do.'
0098 # conveners: person1, person2
0099 # list: 'mailing-list'
0100 # list_sub: 'subscrtibe link'
0101 # indico: 'https://indico.bnl.gov/blah'
0102 # mattermost: ''
0103 # wiki: ''
0104 # meetings: ''