Warning, /epic-prod/docs/_posts/2023-09-30-train-summary.md is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 ---
0002 title: September Trains Summary
0003 author: Sakib Rahman
0004 layout: default
0005 symbol: glyphicon-calendar
0006 until: 2023-10-31
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0010 {% include images/image.md name='news_banner' width='800' %}
0012 # September Campaigns Summary
0013 ## Software Progress
0014 For a bird's eye view of what's new in the September campaign, please review the [ePIC 23.09](https://github.com/eic/epic/releases/) and [EICrecon 1.5](https://github.com/eic/eicrecon/releases/) release notes and change logs.
0016 ## Description of Detector Configs
0018 The list of what's included in each detector config can be found in the following yml files.
0019 - [brycecanyon](https://github.com/eic/epic/blob/23.09/configurations/brycecanyon.yml)
0020 - [craterlake](https://github.com/eic/epic/blob/23.09/configurations/craterlake.yml)
0022 They are each run with 3 different beam energy (GeV) combinations 5x41, 10x100 and 18x275.
0024 ## Output Completion Status for Campaign Datasets
0025 The number of files (nfiles) and number of events per file (nevents_perfile) that is available for each of the datasets is shown as well as the total number of targetted events (nevents_target) and what percentage of that goal was accomplished (completion percentage) in the campaign. No additional output files will be available for this campaign.
0026 ```
0027 root://dtn-eic.jlab.org//work/eic2/EPIC/RECO/23.09.1/
0028 ├─ epic_brycecanyon
0029 │ └─ DIS
0030 │ ├─ CC
0031 │ │ ├─ 10x100
0032 │ │ │ ├─ minQ2=100 (nfiles=1773, nevents_perfile=842, nevents_target=5e6, completion percentage=29.86%)
0033 │ │ │ └─ minQ2=1000 (nfiles=946, nevents_perfile=917, nevents_target=5e6, completion percentage=17.35%)
0034 │ │ ├─ 18x275
0035 │ │ │ ├─ minQ2=100 (nfiles=2342, nevents_perfile=429, nevents_target=5e6, completion percentage=20.09%)
0036 │ │ │ └─ minQ2=1000 (nfiles=2003, nevents_perfile=446, nevents_target=5e6, completion percentage=17.87%)
0037 │ │ └─ 5x41
0038 │ │ └─ minQ2=100 (nfiles=2079, nevents_perfile=1683, nevents_target=5e6, completion percentage=69.98%)
0039 │ └─ NC
0040 │ ├─ 10x100
0041 │ │ ├─ minQ2=100 (nfiles=1114, nevents_perfile=894, nevents_target=5e6, completion percentage=19.92%)
0042 │ │ └─ minQ2=1000 (nfiles=1745, nevents_perfile=572, nevents_target=5e6, completion percentage=19.96%)
0043 │ ├─ 18x275
0044 │ │ ├─ minQ2=1 (nfiles=958, nevents_perfile=481, nevents_target=5e6, completion percentage=9.22%)
0045 │ │ ├─ minQ2=10 (nfiles=5294, nevents_perfile=483, nevents_target=5e6, completion percentage=51.14%)
0046 │ │ ├─ minQ2=100 (nfiles=2479, nevents_perfile=399, nevents_target=5e6, completion percentage=19.78%)
0047 │ │ └─ minQ2=1000 (nfiles=3027, nevents_perfile=329, nevents_target=5e6, completion percentage=19.92%)
0048 │ └─ 5x41
0049 │ ├─ minQ2=1 (nfiles=2977, nevents_perfile=1675, nevents_target=5e6, completion percentage=99.73%)
0050 │ ├─ minQ2=10 (nfiles=3419, nevents_perfile=1257, nevents_target=5e6, completion percentage=85.95%)
0051 │ └─ minQ2=100 (nfiles=5030, nevents_perfile=994, nevents_target=5e6, completion percentage=100.00%)
0052 └─ epic_craterlake
0054 │ └─ 10x100
0055 │ └─ merged_lowstat (nfiles=15, nevents_perfile=625, nevents_target=20000, completion percentage=46.88%)
0056 ├─ DIS
0057 │ ├─ CC
0058 │ │ ├─ 10x100
0059 │ │ │ ├─ minQ2=100 (nfiles=1184, nevents_perfile=842, nevents_target=5e6, completion percentage=19.94%)
0060 │ │ │ └─ minQ2=1000 (nfiles=1090, nevents_perfile=917, nevents_target=5e6, completion percentage=19.99%)
0061 │ │ ├─ 18x275
0062 │ │ │ ├─ minQ2=100 (nfiles=2292, nevents_perfile=429, nevents_target=5e6, completion percentage=19.67%)
0063 │ │ │ └─ minQ2=1000 (nfiles=2074, nevents_perfile=446, nevents_target=5e6, completion percentage=18.50%)
0064 │ │ └─ 5x41
0065 │ │ └─ minQ2=100 (nfiles=1184, nevents_perfile=1683, nevents_target=5e6, completion percentage=39.85%)
0066 │ └─ NC
0067 │ ├─ 10x100
0068 │ │ ├─ minQ2=10 (nfiles=1206, nevents_perfile=882, nevents_target=5e6, completion percentage=21.27%)
0069 │ │ ├─ minQ2=100 (nfiles=1093, nevents_perfile=894, nevents_target=5e6, completion percentage=19.54%)
0070 │ │ └─ minQ2=1000 (nfiles=2014, nevents_perfile=572, nevents_target=5e6, completion percentage=23.04%)
0071 │ ├─ 18x275
0072 │ │ ├─ minQ2=1 (nfiles=10370, nevents_perfile=481, nevents_target=5e6, completion percentage=99.76%)
0073 │ │ ├─ minQ2=10 (nfiles=7335, nevents_perfile=483, nevents_target=5e6, completion percentage=70.86%)
0074 │ │ ├─ minQ2=100 (nfiles=2475, nevents_perfile=399, nevents_target=5e6, completion percentage=19.75%)
0075 │ │ └─ minQ2=1000 (nfiles=2991, nevents_perfile=329, nevents_target=5e6, completion percentage=19.68%)
0076 │ └─ 5x41
0077 │ ├─ minQ2=1 (nfiles=2980, nevents_perfile=1675, nevents_target=5e6, completion percentage=99.83%)
0078 │ ├─ minQ2=10 (nfiles=3551, nevents_perfile=1257, nevents_target=5e6, completion percentage=89.27%)
0079 │ └─ minQ2=100 (nfiles=5019, nevents_perfile=994, nevents_target=5e6, completion percentage=99.78%)
0080 └─ SIDIS
0081 └─ pythia6
0082 ├─ ep_18x275
0083 │ └─ hepmc_ip6
0084 │ └─ noradcor (nfiles=735, nevents_perfile=801, nevents_target=2e6, completion percentage=29.44%)
0085 └─ ep_5x41
0086 └─ hepmc_ip6
0087 └─ noradcor (nfiles=364, nevents_perfile=2743, nevents_target=2e6, completion percentage=49.92%)
0088 ```