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File indexing completed on 2025-01-18 09:15:45

0001 #ifndef PLOTTHELPER_H
0002 #define PLOTTHELPER_H
0004 #include "TLegend.h"
0005 #include "TAxis.h"
0006 #include "TColor.h"
0007 #include "TCanvas.h"
0008 #include "TLine.h"
0009 #include "TBox.h"
0010 #include "TPad.h"
0011 #include "TFrame.h"
0012 #include "TLatex.h"
0013 #include "TGraph.h"
0014 #include "TGraphErrors.h"
0015 #include "TGraphAsymmErrors.h"
0016 #include "TGaxis.h"
0017 #include "TSystem.h"
0018 #include "TStyle.h"
0019 #include "TileSpectra.h"  
0020 #include "CommonHelperFunctions.h"
0021   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0022   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0023   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0024   TString ReturnDateStr(){
0025       TDatime today;
0026       int iDate           = today.GetDate();
0027       int iYear           = iDate/10000;
0028       int iMonth          = (iDate%10000)/100;
0029       int iDay            = iDate%100;
0030       return Form("%i_%02d_%02d",iYear, iMonth, iDay);
0031   }
0034   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0035   // find bin with largest content
0036   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0037   Double_t FindLargestBin1DHist(TH1* hist, Double_t minX = -10000, Double_t maxX = -10000 ){
0038     Double_t largestContent     = 0;
0039     if (!hist){
0040         std::cout << "histogram pointer was empty, skipping!" << std::endl;
0041         return 0.;
0042     }
0043     Int_t minBin = 1;
0044     Int_t maxBin = hist->GetNbinsX()+1;
0045     if (minX != -10000) minBin = hist->GetXaxis()->FindBin(minX);
0046     if (maxX != -10000) maxBin = hist->GetXaxis()->FindBin(maxX)+0.0001;
0047     for (Int_t i= minBin; i < maxBin; i++){
0048         if (largestContent < hist->GetBinContent(i)){
0049             largestContent = hist->GetBinContent(i);
0050         }
0051     }
0052     return largestContent;
0053   }
0054   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0055   // find bin with smallest content
0056   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0057   Double_t FindSmallestBin1DHist(TH1* hist, Double_t maxStart = 1e6 ){
0058     Double_t smallesContent     = maxStart;
0059     for (Int_t i= 0; i < hist->GetNbinsX(); i++){
0060       if (hist->GetBinContent(i) != 0 && smallesContent > hist->GetBinContent(i)){
0061         smallesContent = hist->GetBinContent(i);
0062       }
0063     }
0064     return smallesContent;
0065   }
0067   // ---------------------------- Function definiton --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0068   // StyleSettingsBasics will make some standard settings for gStyle
0070   void StyleSettingsBasics( TString format = ""){
0071       //gStyle->SetOptTitle(kFALSE);
0072       gStyle->SetOptDate(0);   //show day and time
0073       gStyle->SetOptStat(0);  //show statistic
0074       gStyle->SetPalette(1,0);
0075       gStyle->SetFrameBorderMode(0);
0076       gStyle->SetFrameFillColor(0);
0077       gStyle->SetTitleFillColor(0);
0078       gStyle->SetTextSize(0.5);
0079       gStyle->SetLabelSize(0.03,"xyz");
0080       gStyle->SetLabelOffset(0.006,"xyz");
0081       gStyle->SetTitleFontSize(0.04);
0082       gStyle->SetTitleOffset(1,"y");
0083       gStyle->SetTitleOffset(0.7,"x");
0084       gStyle->SetCanvasColor(0);
0085       gStyle->SetPadTickX(1);
0086       gStyle->SetPadTickY(1);
0087       gStyle->SetLineWidth(1);
0088       gStyle->SetPaintTextFormat(".3f");
0090       gStyle->SetPadTopMargin(0.03);
0091       gStyle->SetPadBottomMargin(0.09);
0092       gStyle->SetPadRightMargin(0.03);
0093       gStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.13);
0096       TGaxis::SetMaxDigits(4);
0097       gErrorIgnoreLevel=kError;
0099       if (format.CompareTo("eps") == 0 ||format.CompareTo("pdf") == 0  ) gStyle->SetLineScalePS(1);
0100   }
0102   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0103   void SetPlotStyle() {
0104   //    const Int_t nRGBs = 7;
0105       const Int_t nRGBs = 5;
0106       const Int_t nCont = 255;
0108       Double_t stops[nRGBs] = { 0.00, 0.34, 0.61, 0.84, 1.00 };
0109       Double_t red[nRGBs]   = { 0.00, 0.00, 0.87, 1.00, 0.51 };
0110       Double_t green[nRGBs] = { 0.31, 0.81, 1.00, 0.20, 0.00 };
0111       Double_t blue[nRGBs]  = { 0.51, 1., 0.12, 0.00, 0.00};
0113       TColor::CreateGradientColorTable(nRGBs, stops, red, green, blue, nCont);
0114       gStyle->SetNumberContours(nCont);
0115   }
0117   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0118   void SetPlotStyleNConts(    Int_t nCont = 255) {
0119       const Int_t nRGBs = 5;
0120       Double_t stops[nRGBs] = { 0.00, 0.34, 0.61, 0.84, 1.00 };
0121       Double_t red[nRGBs]   = { 0.00, 0.00, 0.87, 1.00, 0.51 };
0122       Double_t green[nRGBs] = { 0.00, 0.81, 1.00, 0.20, 0.00 };
0123       Double_t blue[nRGBs]  = { 0.51, 1.00, 0.12, 0.00, 0.00 };
0124       TColor::CreateGradientColorTable(nRGBs, stops, red, green, blue, nCont);
0125       gStyle->SetNumberContours(nCont);
0126   }
0128   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0129   void DrawCanvasSettings( TCanvas* c1,
0130                           Double_t leftMargin,
0131                           Double_t rightMargin,
0132                           Double_t topMargin,
0133                           Double_t bottomMargin){
0135       c1->SetTickx();
0136       c1->SetTicky();
0137       c1->SetGridx(0);
0138       c1->SetGridy(0);
0139       c1->SetLogy(0);
0140       c1->SetLeftMargin(leftMargin);
0141       c1->SetRightMargin(rightMargin);
0142       c1->SetTopMargin(topMargin);
0143       c1->SetBottomMargin(bottomMargin);
0144       c1->SetFillColor(0);
0145   }
0147   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0148   TCanvas *GetAndSetCanvas( TString name,
0149                             Double_t leftmargin = 0.11,
0150                             Double_t bottommargin = 0.1,
0151                             Double_t x = 1400,
0152                             Double_t y = 1000){
0154       TCanvas *canvas =  new TCanvas(name,name,x,y);
0155       canvas->SetLeftMargin(leftmargin);
0156       canvas->SetRightMargin(0.015);
0157       canvas->SetTopMargin(0.03);
0158       canvas->SetBottomMargin(bottommargin);
0159       canvas->SetFillColor(0);
0161       return canvas;
0163   }
0165   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0166   TLegend *GetAndSetLegend( Double_t positionX,
0167                           Double_t positionY,
0168                           Double_t entries,
0169                           Int_t Columns = 1,
0170                           TString header =""){
0172       if(header.CompareTo("") != 0) entries++;
0173       Double_t positionYPlus = 0.04*1.1*(Double_t)entries;
0174       TLegend *legend = new TLegend(positionX,positionY,positionX+(0.25*Columns),positionY+positionYPlus);
0175       legend->SetNColumns(Columns);
0176       legend->SetLineColor(0);
0177       legend->SetLineWidth(0);
0178       legend->SetFillColor(0);
0179       legend->SetFillStyle(0);
0180       legend->SetLineStyle(0);
0181       legend->SetTextSize(0.04);
0182       legend->SetTextFont(42);
0183       if(header.CompareTo("") != 0)legend->SetHeader(header);
0184       return legend;
0185   }
0187   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0188   TLegend *GetAndSetLegend2(  Double_t positionX,
0189                               Double_t positionY,
0190                               Double_t positionXRight,
0191                               Double_t positionYUp,
0192                               Size_t textSize,
0193                               Int_t columns               = 1,
0194                               TString header              = "",
0195                               Font_t textFont             = 43,
0196                               Double_t margin             = 0
0197   ){
0199       TLegend *legend = new TLegend(positionX,positionY,positionXRight,positionYUp);
0200       legend->SetNColumns(columns);
0201       legend->SetLineColor(0);
0202       legend->SetLineWidth(0);
0203       legend->SetFillColor(0);
0204       legend->SetFillStyle(0);
0205       legend->SetLineStyle(0);
0206       legend->SetBorderSize(0);
0207       legend->SetTextFont(textFont);
0208       legend->SetTextSize(textSize);
0209       if (margin != 0) legend->SetMargin(margin);
0210       if (header.CompareTo("")!= 0) legend->SetHeader(header);
0211       return legend;
0212   }
0214   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0215   void SetHistogramm( TH1 *hist,
0216                       TString xLabel,
0217                       TString yLabel,
0218                       Double_t rangeYlow  = -99.,
0219                       Double_t rangeYhigh = -99.,
0220                       Double_t xOffset    = 1.0,
0221                       Double_t yOffset    = 1.15,
0222                       Font_t font         = 42
0223   ){
0225       Double_t scale = 1./gPad->GetAbsHNDC();
0226       //hist->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(rangeX[0],rangeX[1]);
0227       if(rangeYlow != -99.) hist->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(rangeYlow,rangeYhigh);
0228       hist->SetTitle("");
0229       hist->SetXTitle(xLabel);
0230       hist->SetYTitle(yLabel);
0231       hist->GetYaxis()->SetDecimals();
0232       hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(yOffset/scale);
0233       hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(xOffset);
0234       hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.04*scale);
0235       hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.04*scale);
0236       hist->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.035*scale);
0237       hist->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.035*scale);
0238       hist->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(font);
0239       hist->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(font);
0240       hist->SetMarkerSize(1.);
0241       hist->SetMarkerStyle(20);
0242   }
0244   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0245   void SetGraph( TGraph *graph,
0246                   TString xLabel,
0247                   TString yLabel,
0248                   Double_t rangeYlow = -99.,
0249                   Double_t rangeYhigh = -99.,
0250                   Double_t xOffset = 1.0,
0251                   Double_t yOffset = 1.15){
0253       Double_t scale = 1./gPad->GetAbsHNDC();
0254       //graph->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(rangeX[0],rangeX[1]);
0255       if(rangeYlow != -99.) graph->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(rangeYlow,rangeYhigh);
0256       graph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(xLabel);
0257       graph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(yLabel);
0258       graph->GetYaxis()->SetDecimals();
0259       graph->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(yOffset/scale);
0260       graph->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(xOffset);
0261       graph->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.04*scale);
0262       graph->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.04*scale);
0263       graph->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.035*scale);
0264       graph->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.035*scale);
0265       graph->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(42);
0266       graph->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(42);
0267       graph->SetMarkerSize(1.);
0268       graph->SetMarkerStyle(20);
0269   }
0271   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0272   void SetMarkerDefaults(    TH1* histo1,
0273                               Style_t markerStyle,
0274                               Size_t markerSize,
0275                               Color_t markerColor,
0276                               Color_t lineColor,
0277                               Bool_t setFont = kTRUE) {
0278       histo1->SetMarkerStyle(markerStyle);
0279       histo1->SetMarkerSize(markerSize);
0280       histo1->SetMarkerColor(markerColor);
0281       histo1->SetLineColor(lineColor);
0282       if (setFont){
0283         histo1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(42);
0284         histo1->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(42);
0285         histo1->GetYaxis()->SetTitleFont(62);
0286         histo1->GetXaxis()->SetTitleFont(62);
0287       }
0288   }
0289   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0290   void SetMarkerDefaults(    TH1* histo1,
0291                               TString xtitle = "",
0292                               TString ytitle = "",
0293                               Style_t markerStyle = 20,
0294                               Size_t markerSize = 1,
0295                               Color_t markerColor = kBlack,
0296                               Color_t lineColor = kBlack,
0297                               double textsize = 0.045,
0298                               double labelsize = 0.045,
0299                               double xoffset = 1.,
0300                               double yoffset = 1. ) {
0301       histo1->SetTitle("");
0302       histo1->SetStats(0);
0303       histo1->SetMarkerStyle(markerStyle);
0304       histo1->SetMarkerSize(markerSize);
0305       histo1->SetMarkerColor(markerColor);
0306       histo1->SetLineColor(lineColor);
0307       histo1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(42);
0308       histo1->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(42);
0309       histo1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(labelsize);
0310       histo1->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(labelsize);
0311       histo1->GetYaxis()->SetTitleFont(62);
0312       histo1->GetXaxis()->SetTitleFont(62);
0313       histo1->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(textsize);
0314       histo1->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(textsize);
0315       if(!xtitle.EqualTo("")) histo1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(xtitle);
0316       if(!ytitle.EqualTo("")) histo1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(ytitle);
0317       histo1->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(xoffset);
0318       histo1->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(yoffset);
0319   }
0320   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0321   void SetMarkerDefaultsProfile( TProfile* prof,
0322                                   Style_t markerStyle,
0323                                   Size_t markerSize,
0324                                   Color_t markerColor,
0325                                   Color_t lineColor ) {
0326       prof->SetMarkerStyle(markerStyle);
0327       prof->SetMarkerSize(markerSize);
0328       prof->SetMarkerColor(markerColor);
0329       prof->SetLineColor(lineColor);
0330       prof->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(42);
0331       prof->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(42);
0332       prof->GetYaxis()->SetTitleFont(62);
0333       prof->GetXaxis()->SetTitleFont(62);
0334   }
0336   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0337   void SetLineDefaults(    TH1* histo1,
0338                               Int_t LineColor,
0339                               Int_t LineWidth,
0340                               Int_t LineStyle ) {
0341       histo1->SetLineColor(LineColor);
0342       histo1->SetLineWidth(LineWidth);
0343       histo1->SetLineStyle(LineStyle);
0344   }
0346   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0347   void SetLineDefaultsTF1(  TF1*  Fit1,
0348                               Int_t LineColor,
0349                               Int_t LineWidth,
0350                               Int_t LineStyle ) {
0351       Fit1->SetLineColor(LineColor);
0352       Fit1->SetLineWidth(LineWidth);
0353       Fit1->SetLineStyle(LineStyle);
0354   }
0357     //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0358   void DefaultCancasSettings( TCanvas* c1,
0359                               Double_t leftMargin,
0360                               Double_t rightMargin,
0361                               Double_t topMargin,
0362                               Double_t bottomMargin){
0363       c1->SetTickx();
0364       c1->SetTicky();
0365       c1->SetGridx(0);
0366       c1->SetGridy(0);
0367       c1->SetLogy(0);
0368       c1->SetLeftMargin(leftMargin);
0369       c1->SetRightMargin(rightMargin);
0370       c1->SetTopMargin(topMargin);
0371       c1->SetBottomMargin(bottomMargin);
0372       c1->SetFillColor(0);
0373   }
0375   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0376   void DefaultPadSettings( TPad* pad1,
0377                           Double_t leftMargin,
0378                           Double_t rightMargin,
0379                           Double_t topMargin,
0380                           Double_t bottomMargin){
0381       pad1->SetFillColor(0);
0382       pad1->GetFrame()->SetFillColor(0);
0383       pad1->SetBorderMode(0);
0384       pad1->SetLeftMargin(leftMargin);
0385       pad1->SetBottomMargin(bottomMargin);
0386       pad1->SetRightMargin(rightMargin);
0387       pad1->SetTopMargin(topMargin);
0388       pad1->SetTickx();
0389       pad1->SetTicky();
0390   }
0392   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0393   void SetMarkerDefaultsTGraph(  TGraph* graph,
0394                                   Style_t markerStyle,
0395                                   Size_t markerSize,
0396                                   Color_t markerColor,
0397                                   Color_t lineColor,
0398                                   Width_t lineWidth       = 1,
0399                                   Style_t lineStyle       = 1,
0400                                   Bool_t boxes            = kFALSE,
0401                                   Color_t fillColor       = 0,
0402                                   Bool_t isHollow         = kFALSE
0403                                 ) {
0404       graph->SetMarkerStyle(markerStyle);
0405       graph->SetMarkerSize(markerSize);
0406       graph->SetMarkerColor(markerColor);
0407       graph->SetLineColor(lineColor);
0408       graph->SetLineWidth(lineWidth);
0409       graph->SetLineWidth(lineStyle);
0410       if (boxes){
0411           graph->SetFillColor(fillColor);
0412           if (fillColor!=0){
0413               if (!isHollow){
0414                   graph->SetFillStyle(1001);
0415               } else {
0416                   graph->SetFillStyle(0);
0417               }
0418           } else {
0419               graph->SetFillStyle(0);
0420           }
0421       }
0422   }
0424   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0425   void SetMarkerDefaultsTGraphErr(   TGraphErrors* graph,
0426                                       Style_t markerStyle,
0427                                       Size_t markerSize,
0428                                       Color_t markerColor,
0429                                       Color_t lineColor,
0430                                       Width_t lineWidth       = 1,
0431                                       Bool_t boxes            = kFALSE,
0432                                       Color_t fillColor       = 0,
0433                                       Bool_t isHollow         = kFALSE) {
0434       graph->SetMarkerStyle(markerStyle);
0435       graph->SetMarkerSize(markerSize);
0436       graph->SetMarkerColor(markerColor);
0437       graph->SetLineColor(lineColor);
0438       graph->SetLineWidth(lineWidth);
0439       if (boxes){
0440           graph->SetFillColor(fillColor);
0441           if (fillColor!=0){
0442               if (!isHollow){
0443                   graph->SetFillStyle(1001);
0444               } else {
0445                   graph->SetFillStyle(0);
0446               }
0447           } else {
0448               graph->SetFillStyle(0);
0449           }
0450       }
0451   }
0453   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0454   void SetMarkerDefaultsTGraphAsym(  TGraphAsymmErrors* graph,
0455                                       Style_t markerStyle,
0456                                       Size_t markerSize,
0457                                       Color_t markerColor,
0458                                       Color_t lineColor,
0459                                       Width_t lineWidth   =1,
0460                                       Bool_t boxes        = kFALSE,
0461                                       Color_t fillColor   = 0,
0462                                       Bool_t isHollow     = kFALSE
0463                                     ) {
0464       if (!graph) return;
0465       graph->SetMarkerStyle(markerStyle);
0466       graph->SetMarkerSize(markerSize);
0467       graph->SetMarkerColor(markerColor);
0468       graph->SetLineColor(lineColor);
0469       graph->SetLineWidth(lineWidth);
0470       if (boxes){
0471           graph->SetFillColor(fillColor);
0472           if (fillColor!=0){
0473               if (!isHollow){
0474                   graph->SetFillStyle(1001);
0475               } else {
0476                   graph->SetFillStyle(0);
0477               }
0478           } else {
0479               graph->SetFillStyle(0);
0480           }
0481       }
0482   }
0484   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0485   void SetMarkerDefaultsTF1( TF1* fit1,
0486                               Style_t lineStyle,
0487                               Size_t lineWidth,
0488                               Color_t lineColor ) {
0489       if (!fit1) return;
0490       fit1->SetLineColor(lineColor);
0491       fit1->SetLineStyle(lineStyle);
0492       fit1->SetLineWidth(lineWidth);
0493   }
0495   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0496   void SetStyleTLatex( TLatex* text,
0497                       Size_t textSize,
0498                       Width_t lineWidth,
0499                       Color_t textColor = 1,
0500                       Font_t textFont = 42,
0501                       Bool_t kNDC = kTRUE,
0502                       Short_t align = 11
0503                   ){
0504       if (kNDC) {text->SetNDC();}
0505       text->SetTextFont(textFont);
0506       text->SetTextColor(textColor);
0507       text->SetTextSize(textSize);
0508       text->SetLineWidth(lineWidth);
0509       text->SetTextAlign(align);
0510   }
0512   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0513   void DrawLatex(const double  PosX = 0.5, const double  PosY = 0.5, TString text = "", const bool alignRight = false, const double TextSize = 0.044, const int font = 42, const double dDist = 0.05, const int color = 1){
0515       std::vector<TString> Latex;
0517       TObjArray *textStr = text.Tokenize(";");
0518       for(Int_t i = 0; i<textStr->GetEntries() ; i++){
0519           TObjString* tempObj     = (TObjString*) textStr->At(i);
0520           Latex.push_back( tempObj->GetString());
0521       }
0522       for(unsigned int i = 0; i < Latex.size(); ++i){
0523           TLatex l(PosX, PosY - i*dDist, Latex[i]);
0524           l.SetNDC();
0525           l.SetTextFont(font);
0526           l.SetTextColor(color);
0527           l.SetTextSize(TextSize);
0528           if(alignRight) l.SetTextAlign(31);
0529           l.DrawClone("same");
0530       }
0531   }
0533   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0534   void SetStyleHisto( TH1* histo,
0535                       Width_t lineWidth,
0536                       Style_t lineStyle,
0537                       Color_t lineColor) {
0538       if (!histo) return;
0539       histo->SetLineWidth(lineWidth);
0540       histo->SetLineStyle(lineStyle);
0541       histo->SetLineColor(lineColor);
0542   }
0544   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0545   void SetStyleFit(   TF1* fit,
0546                       Double_t xRangeStart,
0547                       Double_t xRangeEnd,
0548                       Width_t lineWidth,
0549                       Style_t lineStyle,
0550                       Color_t lineColor) {
0551       if (!fit) return;
0552       fit->SetRange(xRangeStart,xRangeEnd);
0553       fit->SetLineWidth(lineWidth);
0554       fit->SetLineStyle(lineStyle);
0555       fit->SetLineColor(lineColor);
0556   }
0558   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0559   void SetStyleHistoTH2ForGraphs( TH2* histo,
0560                                   TString XTitle,
0561                                   TString YTitle,
0562                                   Size_t xLableSize,
0563                                   Size_t xTitleSize,
0564                                   Size_t yLableSize,
0565                                   Size_t yTitleSize,
0566                                   Float_t xTitleOffset    = 1,
0567                                   Float_t yTitleOffset    = 1,
0568                                   Int_t xNDivisions       = 510,
0569                                   Int_t yNDivisions       = 510,
0570                                   Font_t textFontLabel    = 42,
0571                                   Font_t textFontTitle    = 62
0572                                 ){
0573       histo->SetXTitle(XTitle);
0574       histo->SetYTitle(YTitle);
0575       histo->SetTitle("");
0576       histo->SetStats(0);
0578       histo->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(textFontLabel);
0579       histo->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(textFontLabel);
0580       histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitleFont(textFontTitle);
0581       histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitleFont(textFontTitle);
0583       histo->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(xLableSize);
0584       histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(xTitleSize);
0585       histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(xTitleOffset);
0586       histo->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(xNDivisions,kTRUE);
0588       histo->GetYaxis()->SetDecimals();
0589       histo->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(yLableSize);
0590       histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(yTitleSize);
0591       histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(yTitleOffset);
0592       histo->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(yNDivisions,kTRUE);
0593   }
0595   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0596   void SetStyleHistoTH1ForGraphs( TH1* histo,
0597                                   TString XTitle,
0598                                   TString YTitle,
0599                                   Size_t xLableSize,
0600                                   Size_t xTitleSize,
0601                                   Size_t yLableSize,
0602                                   Size_t yTitleSize,
0603                                   Float_t xTitleOffset    = 1,
0604                                   Float_t yTitleOffset    = 1,
0605                                   Int_t xNDivisions       = 510,
0606                                   Int_t yNDivisions       = 510,
0607                                   Font_t textFontLabel    = 42,
0608                                   Font_t textFontTitle    = 62
0609                                 ){
0610       histo->SetXTitle(XTitle);
0611       histo->SetYTitle(YTitle);
0612       histo->SetTitle("");
0614       histo->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(textFontLabel);
0615       histo->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(textFontLabel);
0616       histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitleFont(textFontTitle);
0617       histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitleFont(textFontTitle);
0619       histo->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(xLableSize);
0620       histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(xTitleSize);
0621       histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(xTitleOffset);
0622       histo->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(xNDivisions,kTRUE);
0624       histo->GetYaxis()->SetDecimals();
0625       histo->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(yLableSize);
0626       histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(yTitleSize);
0627       histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(yTitleOffset);
0628       histo->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(yNDivisions,kTRUE);
0629   }
0632   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0633   void SetStyleTProfile( TH1* histo,
0634                          TString XTitle,
0635                          TString YTitle,
0636                          Size_t xLableSize,
0637                          Size_t xTitleSize,
0638                          Size_t yLableSize,
0639                          Size_t yTitleSize,
0640                          Float_t xTitleOffset    = 1,
0641                          Float_t yTitleOffset    = 1,
0642                          Int_t xNDivisions       = 510,
0643                          Int_t yNDivisions       = 510,
0644                          Font_t textFontLabel    = 42,
0645                          Font_t textFontTitle    = 62
0646                         ){
0647       histo->SetXTitle(XTitle);
0648       histo->SetYTitle(YTitle);
0649       histo->SetTitle("");
0651       histo->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(textFontLabel);
0652       histo->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(textFontLabel);
0653       histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitleFont(textFontTitle);
0654       histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitleFont(textFontTitle);
0656       histo->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(xLableSize);
0657       histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(xTitleSize);
0658       histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(xTitleOffset);
0659       histo->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(xNDivisions,kTRUE);
0661       histo->GetYaxis()->SetDecimals();
0662       histo->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(yLableSize);
0663       histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(yTitleSize);
0664       histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(yTitleOffset);
0665       histo->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(yNDivisions,kTRUE);
0666   }
0668   /* // DrawLines will draw the lines in the histogram for you
0669   * startX - starting point of drawing in x
0670   * endX - end point of drawing in x
0671   * startY -starting point of drawing in y
0672   * endY - end point of drawing in y
0673   * linew - line width
0674   */
0675   void DrawLines(Float_t startX, Float_t endX,
0676                   Float_t startY, Float_t endY,
0677                   Float_t linew, Float_t lineColor = 4, Style_t lineStyle = 1, Float_t opacity = 1.){
0678       TLine * l1 = new TLine (startX,startY,endX,endY);
0679       l1->SetLineColor(lineColor);
0680       l1->SetLineWidth(linew);
0681       l1->SetLineStyle(lineStyle);
0682       if (opacity != 1.)
0683           l1->SetLineColorAlpha(lineColor,opacity);
0685       l1->Draw("same");
0686   }
0688   //********************************************************************************************************************************
0689   //********************************************************************************************************************************
0690   //********************************************************************************************************************************
0691   TBox* CreateBox(Color_t colorBox, Double_t xStart, Double_t yStart, Double_t xEnd, Double_t yEnd, Style_t fillStyle = 1001 ) {
0692       TBox* box = new TBox(xStart ,yStart , xEnd, yEnd);
0693       box->SetLineColor(colorBox);
0694       box->SetFillColor(colorBox);
0695       box->SetFillStyle(fillStyle);
0696       return box;
0697   }
0701   //********************************************************************************************************************************
0702   //********************** Returns default labeling strings  ***********************************************************************
0703   //********************************************************************************************************************************    
0704   TString GetStringFromRunInfo(RunInfo currRunInfo, Int_t option = 1){
0705       if (option == 1){
0706           if (currRunInfo.species.Contains("cosmics")){
0707               return  Form("cosmics, Run %d, #it{V}_{#it{op}} = %1.1f V", currRunInfo.runNr, currRunInfo.vop  );
0708           } else if (currRunInfo.species.CompareTo("g") == 0){
0709               return  Form("LED, Run %d, #it{V}_{#it{op}} = %1.1f V", currRunInfo.runNr, currRunInfo.vop  );
0710           } else {
0711               TString beam = currRunInfo.species.Data();
0712               if (beam.CompareTo("Muon +") == 0) beam = "#mu^{+}";
0713               return  Form("%s-beam, #it{E}_{#it{b}}= %.0f GeV, Run %d, #it{V}_{#it{op}} = %1.1f V", beam.Data(),, currRunInfo.runNr, currRunInfo.vop  );
0714           }
0715       } else if (option == 2){
0716           if (currRunInfo.species.CompareTo("cosmics") == 0){
0717               return  "cosmics";
0718           } else if (currRunInfo.species.CompareTo("g") == 0){
0719               return  "LED";
0720           } else {
0721               TString beam = currRunInfo.species.Data();
0722               if (beam.CompareTo("Muon +") == 0) beam = "#mu^{+}";              
0723               return  Form("%s-beam, #it{E}_{#it{b}}= %.0f GeV", beam.Data(),;
0724           }
0725       } else if (option == 3){
0726           return Form("Run %d, #it{V}_{#it{op}} = %1.1f V", currRunInfo.runNr, currRunInfo.vop  )   ;
0727       } else if (option == 4){
0728           if (currRunInfo.species.CompareTo("cosmics") == 0){
0729               return Form("cosmics, Run %d, #it{V}_{#it{op}} = %1.1f V, HG = %1d, LG = %1d", currRunInfo.runNr, currRunInfo.vop, currRunInfo.hgSet, currRunInfo.lgSet);
0730           } else if (currRunInfo.species.CompareTo("g") == 0){
0731               return Form("LED, Run %d, #it{V}_{#it{op}} = %1.1f V, HG = %1d, LG = %1d", currRunInfo.runNr, currRunInfo.vop, currRunInfo.hgSet, currRunInfo.lgSet);
0732           } else{
0733               TString beam = currRunInfo.species.Data();
0734               if (beam.CompareTo("Muon +") == 0) beam = "#mu^{+}";
0736               return Form("%s-beam, #it{E}_{#it{b}}= %.0f GeV, Run %d, #it{V}_{#it{op}} = %1.1f V, HG = %1d, LG = %1d", beam.Data(),, currRunInfo.runNr, currRunInfo.vop, currRunInfo.hgSet, currRunInfo.lgSet);
0737           }
0738       } else if (option == 5){
0739           return Form("pedestal, Run %d, #it{V}_{#it{op}} = %1.1f V", currRunInfo.runNr, currRunInfo.vop  )   ;
0740       }
0742       return "";
0743   }
0747   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0748   // Plot 2D fit variables overview
0749   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________  
0750   void PlotSimple2D( TCanvas* canvas2D, 
0751                      TH2* hist, Int_t maxy, Int_t maxx, 
0752                      Float_t textSizeRel, TString nameOutput, RunInfo currRunInfo, 
0753                      int labelOpt = 1, Bool_t hasNeg = kFALSE, TString drwOpt ="colz", 
0754                      bool blegAbove = false, TString additionalLabel = ""
0755                     ){
0756       canvas2D->cd();
0757       SetStyleHistoTH2ForGraphs( hist, hist->GetXaxis()->GetTitle(), hist->GetYaxis()->GetTitle(), 0.85*textSizeRel, textSizeRel, 0.85*textSizeRel, textSizeRel,0.9, 1.05);  
0758       hist->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.85*textSizeRel);
0759       hist->GetZaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.06);
0760       hist->GetZaxis()->SetTitleSize(textSizeRel);
0761       // if (hist->GetYaxis()->GetTitle().CompareTo("") != 0)
0763       if (maxy > -10000)hist->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0.5,maxy+0.1);
0764       if (maxx > -10000)hist->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.5,maxx+0.1);
0765       if (!hasNeg)
0766         hist->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(hist->GetMinimum(0),hist->GetMaximum());
0767       else 
0768         hist->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(hist->GetMinimum(),hist->GetMaximum());
0770       if (((TString)hist->GetZaxis()->GetTitle()).Contains("counts")){
0771         gStyle->SetPaintTextFormat(".0f");
0772         std::cout << "entered counts case" << std::endl;
0773       } else {
0774         gStyle->SetPaintTextFormat(".3f");
0775       }
0776       hist->Draw(drwOpt.Data());
0778       if (!blegAbove)
0779         DrawLatex(0.85, 0.92, GetStringFromRunInfo(currRunInfo,labelOpt), true, 0.85*textSizeRel, 42);
0780       else 
0781         DrawLatex(0.92, 0.97, GetStringFromRunInfo(currRunInfo,labelOpt), true, 0.85*textSizeRel, 42);
0783       if (additionalLabel.CompareTo("") != 0){
0784         if (!blegAbove)
0785           DrawLatex(0.11, 0.92, additionalLabel, false, 0.85*textSizeRel, 42);
0786         else 
0787           DrawLatex(0.08, 0.97, additionalLabel, false, 0.85*textSizeRel, 42);
0788       }
0789     canvas2D->SaveAs(nameOutput.Data());
0790   }
0793   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0794   // Plot 1D distribution
0795   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________  
0796   void PlotSimple1D( TCanvas* canvas2D, 
0797                      TH1* hist, Int_t maxy, Int_t maxx, 
0798                      Float_t textSizeRel, TString nameOutput, RunInfo currRunInfo, 
0799                      int labelOpt = 1,
0800                      TString additionalLabel = ""
0801                     ){
0802       canvas2D->cd();
0803       SetStyleHistoTH1ForGraphs( hist, hist->GetXaxis()->GetTitle(), hist->GetYaxis()->GetTitle(), 0.85*textSizeRel, textSizeRel, 0.85*textSizeRel, textSizeRel,0.9, 1.05);  
0805       SetMarkerDefaults(hist, 20, 1, kBlue+1, kBlue+1, kFALSE);   
0806       // if (hist->GetYaxis()->GetTitle().CompareTo("") != 0)
0808       if (maxy > -10000)hist->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0.5,maxy+0.1);
0809       if (maxx > -10000)hist->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.5,maxx+0.1);
0811       hist->Draw("p,e");
0813       DrawLatex(0.95, 0.92, GetStringFromRunInfo(currRunInfo,labelOpt), true, 0.85*textSizeRel, 42);
0814       if (additionalLabel.CompareTo("") != 0){
0815         DrawLatex(0.95, 0.92-textSizeRel, additionalLabel, true, 0.85*textSizeRel, 42);
0816       }
0817     canvas2D->SaveAs(nameOutput.Data());
0818   }
0820   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0821   // Plot 1D distribution
0822   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________  
0823   void PlotContamination1D( TCanvas* canvas2D, 
0824                      TH1* histAll, TH1* histMuon, TH1* histPrim, Int_t maxy, Int_t maxx, 
0825                      Float_t textSizeRel, TString nameOutput, RunInfo currRunInfo, 
0826                      int labelOpt = 1,
0827                      TString additionalLabel = ""
0828                     ){
0829       canvas2D->cd();
0830       SetStyleHistoTH1ForGraphs( histAll, histAll->GetXaxis()->GetTitle(), histAll->GetYaxis()->GetTitle(), 0.85*textSizeRel, textSizeRel, 0.85*textSizeRel, textSizeRel,0.9, 1.05);  
0832       SetMarkerDefaults(histAll, 20, 1, kBlue+1, kBlue+1, kFALSE);   
0833       // if (hist->GetYaxis()->GetTitle().CompareTo("") != 0)
0835       if (maxy > -10000)histAll->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0.5,maxy+0.1);
0836       if (maxx > -10000)histAll->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.5,maxx+0.1);
0838       histAll->Draw("p,e");
0839       SetMarkerDefaults(histMuon, 25, 1, kGray+1, kGray+1, kFALSE);   
0840       histMuon->Draw("p,e,same");
0841       SetMarkerDefaults(histPrim, 24, 1, kRed+1, kRed+1, kFALSE);   
0842       histPrim->Draw("p,e,same");
0845       DrawLatex(0.95, 0.92, GetStringFromRunInfo(currRunInfo,labelOpt), true, 0.85*textSizeRel, 42);
0846       if (additionalLabel.CompareTo("") != 0){
0847         DrawLatex(0.95, 0.92-textSizeRel, additionalLabel, true, 0.85*textSizeRel, 42);
0848       }
0850       TLegend* legend = GetAndSetLegend2( 0.11, 0.95-3*textSizeRel, 0.4, 0.95,0.85*textSizeRel, 1, "", 42,0.2);
0851       legend->AddEntry(histAll, "no evt. selection", "p");
0852       legend->AddEntry(histMuon, "muon events", "p");
0853       legend->AddEntry(histPrim, "remaining events", "p");
0854       legend->Draw();
0856     canvas2D->SaveAs(nameOutput.Data());
0857   }
0860   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0861   // Plot 2D fit variables overview
0862   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________  
0863   void PlotSimple2DZRange( TCanvas* canvas2D, 
0864                      TH2* hist, Int_t maxy, Int_t maxx, double minZ, double maxZ,
0865                      Float_t textSizeRel, TString nameOutput, RunInfo currRunInfo, 
0866                      int labelOpt = 1, TString drwOpt ="colz", 
0867                      bool blegAbove = false, TString additionalLabel = ""
0868                     ){
0869       canvas2D->cd();
0870       SetStyleHistoTH2ForGraphs( hist, hist->GetXaxis()->GetTitle(), hist->GetYaxis()->GetTitle(), 0.85*textSizeRel, textSizeRel, 0.85*textSizeRel, textSizeRel,0.9, 1.05);  
0871       hist->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.85*textSizeRel);
0872       hist->GetZaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.06);
0873       hist->GetZaxis()->SetTitleSize(textSizeRel);
0874       // if (hist->GetYaxis()->GetTitle().CompareTo("") != 0)
0876       if (maxy > -10000)hist->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0.5,maxy+0.1);
0877       if (maxx > -10000)hist->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.5,maxx+0.1);
0878       hist->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(minZ,maxZ);
0880       if (((TString)hist->GetZaxis()->GetTitle()).Contains("counts")){
0881         gStyle->SetPaintTextFormat(".0f");
0882         std::cout << "entered counts case" << std::endl;
0883       } else {
0884         gStyle->SetPaintTextFormat(".3f");
0885       }
0886       hist->Draw(drwOpt.Data());
0888       if (!blegAbove)
0889         DrawLatex(0.85, 0.92, GetStringFromRunInfo(currRunInfo,labelOpt), true, 0.85*textSizeRel, 42);
0890       else 
0891         DrawLatex(0.92, 0.97, GetStringFromRunInfo(currRunInfo,labelOpt), true, 0.85*textSizeRel, 42);
0893       if (additionalLabel.CompareTo("") != 0){
0894         if (!blegAbove)
0895           DrawLatex(0.11, 0.92, additionalLabel, false, 0.85*textSizeRel, 42);
0896         else 
0897           DrawLatex(0.08, 0.97, additionalLabel, false, 0.85*textSizeRel, 42);
0898       }
0899     canvas2D->SaveAs(nameOutput.Data());
0900   }
0903   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0904   void ReturnCorrectValuesForCanvasScaling(   Int_t sizeX,
0905                                               Int_t sizeY,
0906                                               Int_t nCols,
0907                                               Int_t nRows,
0908                                               Double_t leftMargin,
0909                                               Double_t rightMargin,
0910                                               Double_t upperMargin,
0911                                               Double_t lowerMargin,
0912                                               Double_t* arrayBoundariesX,
0913                                               Double_t* arrayBoundariesY,
0914                                               Double_t* relativeMarginsX,
0915                                               Double_t* relativeMarginsY,
0916                                               Bool_t verbose = kTRUE){
0917       Int_t realsizeX             = sizeX- (Int_t)(sizeX*leftMargin)- (Int_t)(sizeX*rightMargin);
0918       Int_t realsizeY             = sizeY- (Int_t)(sizeY*upperMargin)- (Int_t)(sizeY*lowerMargin);
0920       Int_t nPixelsLeftColumn     = (Int_t)(sizeX*leftMargin);
0921       Int_t nPixelsRightColumn    = (Int_t)(sizeX*rightMargin);
0922       Int_t nPixelsUpperColumn    = (Int_t)(sizeY*upperMargin);
0923       Int_t nPixelsLowerColumn    = (Int_t)(sizeY*lowerMargin);
0925       Int_t nPixelsSinglePlotX    = (Int_t) (realsizeX/nCols);
0926       Int_t nPixelsSinglePlotY    = (Int_t) (realsizeY/nRows);
0927       if(verbose){
0928           std::cout << realsizeX << "\t" << nPixelsSinglePlotX << std::endl;
0929           std::cout << realsizeY << "\t" << nPixelsSinglePlotY << std::endl;
0930           std::cout << nPixelsLeftColumn << "\t" << nPixelsRightColumn  << "\t" << nPixelsLowerColumn << "\t" << nPixelsUpperColumn << std::endl;
0931       }
0932       Int_t pixel = 0;
0933       if(verbose)std::cout << "boundaries X" << std::endl;
0934       for (Int_t i = 0; i < nCols+1; i++){
0935           if (i == 0){
0936               arrayBoundariesX[i] = 0.;
0937               pixel = pixel+nPixelsLeftColumn+nPixelsSinglePlotX;
0938           } else if (i == nCols){
0939               arrayBoundariesX[i] = 1.;
0940               pixel = pixel+nPixelsRightColumn;
0941           } else {
0942               arrayBoundariesX[i] = (Double_t)pixel/sizeX;
0943               pixel = pixel+nPixelsSinglePlotX;
0944           }
0945           if(verbose)std::cout << "arrayBoundariesX: " << i << "\t" << arrayBoundariesX[i] << "\t" << pixel<<std::endl;
0946       }
0948       if(verbose)std::cout << "boundaries Y" << std::endl;
0949       pixel = sizeY;
0950       for (Int_t i = 0; i < nRows+1; i++){
0951           if (i == 0){
0952               arrayBoundariesY[i] = 1.;
0953               pixel = pixel-nPixelsUpperColumn-nPixelsSinglePlotY;
0954           } else if (i == nRows){
0955               arrayBoundariesY[i] = 0.;
0956               pixel = pixel-nPixelsLowerColumn;
0957           } else {
0958               arrayBoundariesY[i] = (Double_t)pixel/sizeY;
0959               pixel = pixel-nPixelsSinglePlotY;
0960           }
0961           if(verbose)std::cout << i << "\t" << arrayBoundariesY[i] <<"\t" << pixel<<std::endl;
0962       }
0964       relativeMarginsX[0]         = (Double_t)nPixelsLeftColumn/(nPixelsLeftColumn+nPixelsSinglePlotX);
0965       relativeMarginsX[1]         = 0;
0966       relativeMarginsX[2]         = (Double_t)nPixelsRightColumn/(nPixelsRightColumn+nPixelsSinglePlotX);;
0968       relativeMarginsY[0]         = (Double_t)nPixelsUpperColumn/(nPixelsUpperColumn+nPixelsSinglePlotY);
0969       relativeMarginsY[1]         = 0;
0970       relativeMarginsY[2]         = (Double_t)nPixelsLowerColumn/(nPixelsLowerColumn+nPixelsSinglePlotY);;
0972       return;
0973   }
0975   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
0976   void ReturnCorrectValuesTextSize(   TPad * pad,
0977                                       Double_t &textsizeLabels,
0978                                       Double_t &textsizeFac,
0979                                       Int_t textSizeLabelsPixel,
0980                                       Double_t dummyWUP){
0981       if(dummyWUP){}
0983       textsizeLabels = 0;
0984       textsizeFac = 0;
0985       if (pad->XtoPixel(pad->GetX2()) < pad->YtoPixel(pad->GetY1())){
0986           textsizeLabels = (Double_t)textSizeLabelsPixel/pad->XtoPixel(pad->GetX2()) ;
0987           textsizeFac = (Double_t)1./pad->XtoPixel(pad->GetX2()) ;
0988       } else {
0989           textsizeLabels = (Double_t)textSizeLabelsPixel/pad->YtoPixel(pad->GetY1());
0990           textsizeFac = (Double_t)1./pad->YtoPixel(pad->GetY1());
0991       }
0992       std::cout << textsizeLabels << std::endl;
0993       std::cout << textsizeFac << std::endl;
0995       return;
0997   }
0999   //********************************************************************************************************************************
1000   //******** CreateCanvasAndPadsFor8PannelTBPlot ***********************************************************************************
1001   //********************************************************************************************************************************
1002   void CreateCanvasAndPadsFor8PannelTBPlot(TCanvas* &canvas, TPad* pads[8],  Double_t* topRCornerX, Double_t* topRCornerY,  Double_t* relSize8P, Int_t textSizePixel = 30, Double_t marginLeft = 0.03, TString add = "", bool rightCorner = true){
1003     Double_t arrayBoundsXIndMeasRatio[5];
1004     Double_t arrayBoundsYIndMeasRatio[3];
1005     Double_t relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX[3];
1006     Double_t relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioY[3];
1007     ReturnCorrectValuesForCanvasScaling(2200,1200, 4, 2,marginLeft, 0.005, 0.005,0.05,arrayBoundsXIndMeasRatio,arrayBoundsYIndMeasRatio,relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX,relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioY);
1009     canvas = new TCanvas(Form("canvas8Panel%s", add.Data()),"",0,0,2200,1200);  // gives the page size
1010     canvas->cd();
1012     //*****************************************************************
1013     // Test beam geometry (beam coming from viewer)
1014     //===========================================================
1015     //||    8 (4)    ||    7 (5)   ||    6 (6)   ||    5 (7)   ||  row 0
1016     //===========================================================
1017     //||    1 (0)    ||    2 (1)   ||    3 (2)   ||    4 (3)   ||  row 1
1018     //===========================================================
1019     //    col 0     col 1       col 2     col  3
1020     // rebuild pad geom in similar way (numbering -1)
1021     //*****************************************************************
1023     pads[0] = new TPad(Form("pad8Pane%sl_0", add.Data()), "", arrayBoundsXIndMeasRatio[0], arrayBoundsYIndMeasRatio[2], arrayBoundsXIndMeasRatio[1], arrayBoundsYIndMeasRatio[1],-1, -1, -2);
1024     pads[1] = new TPad(Form("pad8Pane%sl_1", add.Data()), "", arrayBoundsXIndMeasRatio[1], arrayBoundsYIndMeasRatio[2], arrayBoundsXIndMeasRatio[2], arrayBoundsYIndMeasRatio[1],-1, -1, -2);
1025     pads[2] = new TPad(Form("pad8Pane%sl_2", add.Data()), "", arrayBoundsXIndMeasRatio[2], arrayBoundsYIndMeasRatio[2], arrayBoundsXIndMeasRatio[3], arrayBoundsYIndMeasRatio[1],-1, -1, -2);
1026     pads[3] = new TPad(Form("pad8Pane%sl_3", add.Data()), "", arrayBoundsXIndMeasRatio[3], arrayBoundsYIndMeasRatio[2], arrayBoundsXIndMeasRatio[4], arrayBoundsYIndMeasRatio[1],-1, -1, -2);
1027     pads[4] = new TPad(Form("pad8Pane%sl_4", add.Data()), "", arrayBoundsXIndMeasRatio[0], arrayBoundsYIndMeasRatio[1],arrayBoundsXIndMeasRatio[1], arrayBoundsYIndMeasRatio[0],-1, -1, -2);
1028     pads[5] = new TPad(Form("pad8Pane%sl_4", add.Data()), "", arrayBoundsXIndMeasRatio[1], arrayBoundsYIndMeasRatio[1],arrayBoundsXIndMeasRatio[2], arrayBoundsYIndMeasRatio[0],-1, -1, -2);
1029     pads[6] = new TPad(Form("pad8Pane%sl_4", add.Data()), "", arrayBoundsXIndMeasRatio[2], arrayBoundsYIndMeasRatio[1],arrayBoundsXIndMeasRatio[3], arrayBoundsYIndMeasRatio[0],-1, -1, -2);
1030     pads[7] = new TPad(Form("pad8Pane%sl_4", add.Data()), "", arrayBoundsXIndMeasRatio[3], arrayBoundsYIndMeasRatio[1],arrayBoundsXIndMeasRatio[4], arrayBoundsYIndMeasRatio[0],-1, -1, -2);
1032     DefaultPadSettings( pads[4], relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX[0], relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX[1], relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioY[0], relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioY[1]);
1033     DefaultPadSettings( pads[5], relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX[1], relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX[1], relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioY[0], relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioY[1]);
1034     DefaultPadSettings( pads[6], relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX[1], relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX[1], relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioY[0], relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioY[1]);
1035     DefaultPadSettings( pads[7], relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX[1], relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX[2], relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioY[0], relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioY[1]);
1036     DefaultPadSettings( pads[0], relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX[0], relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX[1], relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioY[1], relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioY[2]);
1037     DefaultPadSettings( pads[1], relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX[1], relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX[1], relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioY[1], relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioY[2]);
1038     DefaultPadSettings( pads[2], relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX[1], relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX[1], relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioY[1], relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioY[2]);
1039     DefaultPadSettings( pads[3], relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX[1], relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX[2], relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioY[1], relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioY[2]);
1041     topRCornerY[0]  = 1-relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioY[1];
1042     topRCornerY[1]  = 1-relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioY[1];
1043     topRCornerY[2]  = 1-relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioY[1];
1044     topRCornerY[3]  = 1-relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioY[1];
1045     topRCornerY[4]  = 1-relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioY[0];
1046     topRCornerY[5]  = 1-relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioY[0];
1047     topRCornerY[6]  = 1-relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioY[0];
1048     topRCornerY[7]  = 1-relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioY[0];      
1049     if (rightCorner){
1050       topRCornerX[0]  = 1-relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX[1];
1051       topRCornerX[1]  = 1-relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX[1];
1052       topRCornerX[2]  = 1-relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX[1];
1053       topRCornerX[3]  = 1-relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX[2];
1054       topRCornerX[4]  = 1-relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX[1];
1055       topRCornerX[5]  = 1-relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX[1];
1056       topRCornerX[6]  = 1-relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX[1];
1057       topRCornerX[7]  = 1-relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX[2];
1058     } else {
1059       topRCornerX[0]  = relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX[0];
1060       topRCornerX[1]  = relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX[1];
1061       topRCornerX[2]  = relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX[1];
1062       topRCornerX[3]  = relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX[1];
1063       topRCornerX[4]  = relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX[0];
1064       topRCornerX[5]  = relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX[1];
1065       topRCornerX[6]  = relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX[1];
1066       topRCornerX[7]  = relativeMarginsIndMeasRatioX[0];
1067     }
1069     for (Int_t p = 0; p < 8; p++){
1070       if (pads[p]->XtoPixel(pads[p]->GetX2()) < pads[p]->YtoPixel(pads[p]->GetY1())){
1071         relSize8P[p]  = (Double_t)textSizePixel/pads[p]->XtoPixel(pads[p]->GetX2()) ;
1072       } else {
1073         relSize8P[p]  = (Double_t)textSizePixel/pads[p]->YtoPixel(pads[p]->GetY1());
1074       }
1075       std::cout << p << "\t" << topRCornerX[p]<< "\t" << topRCornerY[p] << "\t" << relSize8P[p] << std::endl;
1076     }
1077     return;
1078   }
1081   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1082   // Plot Noise with Fits for Full layer
1083   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1084   void PlotNoiseWithFitsFullLayer (TCanvas* canvas8Panel, TPad* pads[8], Double_t* topRCornerX,  Double_t* topRCornerY, Double_t* relSize8P, Int_t textSizePixel, 
1085                                   std::map<int,TileSpectra> spectra, Setup* setupT, bool isHG, 
1086                                   Double_t xPMin, Double_t xPMax, Double_t scaleYMax, int layer, int mod,  TString nameOutput, RunInfo currRunInfo){
1088     Double_t maxY = 0;
1089     std::map<int, TileSpectra>::iterator ithSpectra;
1091     int nRow = setupT->GetNMaxRow()+1;
1092     int nCol = setupT->GetNMaxColumn()+1;
1093     int skipped = 0;
1094     for (int r = 0; r < nRow; r++){
1095       for (int c = 0; c < nCol; c++){
1096         int tempCellID = setupT->GetCellID(r,c, layer, mod);
1097         ithSpectra=spectra.find(tempCellID);
1098         if(ithSpectra==spectra.end()){
1099           std::cout << "WARNING: skipping cell ID: " << tempCellID << "\t row " << r << "\t column " << c << "\t layer " << layer << "\t module " << mod << std::endl;
1100           skipped++;
1101           continue;
1102         } 
1103         TH1D* tempHist = nullptr;
1104         if (isHG){
1105           tempHist = ithSpectra->second.GetHG();
1106         } else {
1107           tempHist = ithSpectra->second.GetLG();
1108         }
1109         if (maxY < FindLargestBin1DHist(tempHist, xPMin , xPMax)) maxY = FindLargestBin1DHist(tempHist, xPMin , xPMax);
1110       }  
1111     }
1113     for (int r = 0; r < nRow; r++){
1114       for (int c = 0; c < nCol; c++){
1115         canvas8Panel->cd();
1116         int tempCellID = setupT->GetCellID(r,c, layer, mod);
1117         int p = setupT->GetChannelInLayer(tempCellID);
1118         pads[p]->Draw();
1119         pads[p]->cd();
1120         pads[p]->SetLogy();
1121         ithSpectra=spectra.find(tempCellID);
1122         if(ithSpectra==spectra.end()){
1123           std::cout << "WARNING: skipping cell ID: " << tempCellID << "\t row " << r << "\t column " << c << "\t layer " << layer << "\t module " << mod << std::endl;
1124           pads[p]->Clear();
1125           pads[p]->Draw();
1126           if (p ==7 ){
1127             DrawLatex(topRCornerX[p]-0.04, topRCornerY[p]-4*0.85*relSize8P[p]-1.4*relSize8P[p], GetStringFromRunInfo(currRunInfo, 2), true, 0.85*relSize8P[p], 42);
1128             DrawLatex(topRCornerX[p]-0.04, topRCornerY[p]-4*0.85*relSize8P[p]-2.2*relSize8P[p], GetStringFromRunInfo(currRunInfo, 3), true, 0.85*relSize8P[p], 42);
1129           }
1130           continue;
1131         } 
1132         TH1D* tempHist = nullptr;
1133         if (isHG){
1134             tempHist = ithSpectra->second.GetHG();
1135         } else {
1136             tempHist = ithSpectra->second.GetLG();
1137         }
1138         SetStyleHistoTH1ForGraphs( tempHist, tempHist->GetXaxis()->GetTitle(), tempHist->GetYaxis()->GetTitle(), 0.85*textSizePixel, textSizePixel, 0.85*textSizePixel, textSizePixel,0.9, 1.1, 510, 510, 43, 63);  
1139         SetMarkerDefaults(tempHist, 20, 1, kBlue+1, kBlue+1, kFALSE);   
1140         tempHist->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(xPMin,xPMax);
1141         tempHist->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.7,scaleYMax*maxY);
1143         tempHist->Draw("pe");
1144         short bctemp = ithSpectra->second.GetCalib()->BadChannel;
1145         if (bctemp != -64 && bctemp < 3){
1146           Color_t boxCol = kGray;
1147           if (bctemp == 1)
1148             boxCol = kGray+1;
1149           else if (bctemp == 0)
1150             boxCol = kGray+2;
1151           TBox* badChannelArea =  CreateBox(boxCol, xPMin, 0.7, xPMax,scaleYMax*maxY, 1001 );
1152           badChannelArea->Draw();
1153           tempHist->Draw("same,axis");
1154           tempHist->Draw("same,pe");
1155         }
1157         TString label           = Form("row %d col %d", r, c);
1158         if (p == 7){
1159           label = Form("row %d col %d layer %d", r, c, layer);
1160         }
1161         TLatex *labelChannel    = new TLatex(topRCornerX[p]-0.04,topRCornerY[p]-1.2*relSize8P[p],label);
1162         SetStyleTLatex( labelChannel, 0.85*textSizePixel,4,1,43,kTRUE,31);
1165         TF1* fit = nullptr;
1166         if (isHG){
1167           fit = ithSpectra->second.GetBackModel(1);
1168         } else {
1169           fit = ithSpectra->second.GetBackModel(0);  
1170         }
1171         if (fit){
1172           SetStyleFit(fit , xPMin, xPMax, 7, 7, kBlack);
1173           fit->Draw("same");
1174           TLegend* legend = GetAndSetLegend2( topRCornerX[p]-8*relSize8P[p], topRCornerY[p]-4*0.85*relSize8P[p]-0.4*relSize8P[p], topRCornerX[p]-0.04, topRCornerY[p]-0.6*relSize8P[p],0.85*textSizePixel, 1, label, 43,0.2);
1175           legend->AddEntry(fit, "Gauss noise fit", "l");
1176           legend->AddEntry((TObject*)0, Form("#mu = %2.2f #pm %2.2f",fit->GetParameter(1), fit->GetParError(1) ) , " ");
1177           legend->AddEntry((TObject*)0, Form("#sigma = %2.2f #pm %2.2f",fit->GetParameter(2), fit->GetParError(2) ) , " ");
1178           legend->Draw();
1180         } else {
1181           labelChannel->Draw();  
1182         }
1184         if (p ==7 ){
1185           DrawLatex(topRCornerX[p]-0.04, topRCornerY[p]-4*0.85*relSize8P[p]-1.4*relSize8P[p], GetStringFromRunInfo(currRunInfo, 2), true, 0.85*relSize8P[p], 42);
1186           DrawLatex(topRCornerX[p]-0.04, topRCornerY[p]-4*0.85*relSize8P[p]-2.2*relSize8P[p], GetStringFromRunInfo(currRunInfo, 3), true, 0.85*relSize8P[p], 42);
1187         }
1188       }
1189     }
1190     if (skipped < 6)
1191       canvas8Panel->SaveAs(nameOutput.Data());
1192   }
1195   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1196   // Plot Noise extracted from collision data
1197   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1198   void PlotNoiseAdvWithFitsFullLayer (TCanvas* canvas8Panel, TPad* pads[8], Double_t* topRCornerX,  Double_t* topRCornerY, Double_t* relSize8P, Int_t textSizePixel, 
1199                                       std::map<int,TileSpectra> spectra, std::map<int,TileSpectra> spectraTrigg, Setup* setupT, bool isHG, 
1200                                       Double_t xPMin, Double_t xPMax, Double_t scaleYMax, int layer, int mod,  TString nameOutput, RunInfo currRunInfo){
1202     Double_t maxY = 0;
1203     std::map<int, TileSpectra>::iterator ithSpectra;
1204     std::map<int, TileSpectra>::iterator ithSpectraTrigg;
1206     int nRow = setupT->GetNMaxRow()+1;
1207     int nCol = setupT->GetNMaxColumn()+1;
1208     int skipped = 0;
1209     for (int r = 0; r < nRow; r++){
1210       for (int c = 0; c < nCol; c++){
1211         int tempCellID = setupT->GetCellID(r,c, layer, mod);
1212         ithSpectra=spectra.find(tempCellID);
1213         if(ithSpectra==spectra.end()){
1214           std::cout << "WARNING: skipping cell ID: " << tempCellID << "\t row " << r << "\t column " << c << "\t layer " << layer << "\t module " << mod << std::endl;
1215           continue;
1216         } 
1217         TH1D* tempHist = nullptr;
1218         if (isHG){
1219           tempHist = ithSpectra->second.GetHG();
1220         } else {
1221           tempHist = ithSpectra->second.GetLG();
1222         }
1223         if (maxY < FindLargestBin1DHist(tempHist, xPMin , xPMax)) maxY = FindLargestBin1DHist(tempHist, xPMin , xPMax);
1224       }  
1225     }
1226     for (int r = 0; r < nRow; r++){
1227       for (int c = 0; c < nCol; c++){
1228         canvas8Panel->cd();
1229         int tempCellID = setupT->GetCellID(r,c, layer, mod);
1230         int p = setupT->GetChannelInLayer(tempCellID);
1231         pads[p]->Draw();
1232         pads[p]->cd();
1233         pads[p]->SetLogy();
1234         ithSpectra=spectra.find(tempCellID);
1235         if(ithSpectra==spectra.end()){
1236           skipped++;
1237           std::cout << "WARNING: skipping cell ID: " << tempCellID << "\t row " << r << "\t column " << c << "\t layer " << layer << "\t module " << mod << std::endl;
1238           pads[p]->Clear();
1239           pads[p]->Draw();
1240           if (p ==7 ){
1241             DrawLatex(topRCornerX[p]-0.045, topRCornerY[p]-4*0.85*relSize8P[p]-1.4*relSize8P[p], GetStringFromRunInfo(currRunInfo, 2), true, 0.85*relSize8P[p], 42);
1242             DrawLatex(topRCornerX[p]-0.045, topRCornerY[p]-4*0.85*relSize8P[p]-2.2*relSize8P[p], GetStringFromRunInfo(currRunInfo, 3), true, 0.85*relSize8P[p], 42);
1243           }
1244           continue;
1245         } 
1246         ithSpectraTrigg=spectraTrigg.find(tempCellID);
1247         TH1D* tempHist = nullptr;
1248         if (isHG){
1249             tempHist = ithSpectra->second.GetHG();
1250         } else {
1251             tempHist = ithSpectra->second.GetLG();
1252         }
1253         SetStyleHistoTH1ForGraphs( tempHist, tempHist->GetXaxis()->GetTitle(), tempHist->GetYaxis()->GetTitle(), 0.85*textSizePixel, textSizePixel, 0.85*textSizePixel, textSizePixel,0.9, 1.1, 510, 510, 43, 63);  
1254         SetMarkerDefaults(tempHist, 20, 1, kBlue+1, kBlue+1, kFALSE);   
1255         tempHist->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(xPMin,xPMax);
1256         tempHist->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.7,scaleYMax*maxY);
1258         tempHist->Draw("pe");
1259         short bctemp = ithSpectra->second.GetCalib()->BadChannel;
1260         if (bctemp != -64 && bctemp < 3){
1261           Color_t boxCol = kGray;
1262           if (bctemp == 1)
1263             boxCol = kGray+1;
1264           else if (bctemp == 0)
1265             boxCol = kGray+2;
1266           TBox* badChannelArea =  CreateBox(boxCol, xPMin, 0.7, xPMax,scaleYMax*maxY, 1001 );
1267           badChannelArea->Draw();
1268           tempHist->Draw("same,axis");
1269           tempHist->Draw("same,pe");
1270         }
1272         TH1D* tempHistT = nullptr;
1273         if (isHG){
1274             tempHistT = ithSpectraTrigg->second.GetHG();
1275         } else {
1276             tempHistT = ithSpectraTrigg->second.GetLG();
1277         }
1278         SetMarkerDefaults(tempHistT, 24, 1, kRed+1, kRed+1, kFALSE);   
1279         tempHistT->Draw("same,pe");
1281         TString label           = Form("row %d col %d", r, c);
1282         if (p == 7){
1283           label = Form("row %d col %d layer %d", r, c, layer);
1284         }
1285         TLatex *labelChannel    = new TLatex(topRCornerX[p]-0.045,topRCornerY[p]-1.2*relSize8P[p],label);
1286         SetStyleTLatex( labelChannel, 0.85*textSizePixel,4,1,43,kTRUE,31);
1289         TF1* fit            = nullptr;
1290         bool isTrigFit      = false;
1291         if (isHG){
1292           fit = ithSpectraTrigg->second.GetBackModel(1);
1293           if (!fit){
1294               fit = ithSpectra->second.GetBackModel(1);
1296           } else {
1297               isTrigFit = true;
1298           }
1299         } else {
1300           fit = ithSpectraTrigg->second.GetBackModel(0);
1301           if (!fit){
1302               fit = ithSpectra->second.GetBackModel(0);
1303           } else {
1304               isTrigFit = true;
1305           }  
1306         }
1307         if (fit){
1308           if (isTrigFit)
1309             SetStyleFit(fit , 0, 2000, 7, 3, kRed+3);
1310           else 
1311             SetStyleFit(fit , 0, 2000, 7, 7, kBlue+3);  
1312           fit->Draw("same");
1313           TLegend* legend = GetAndSetLegend2( topRCornerX[p]-10*relSize8P[p], topRCornerY[p]-4*0.85*relSize8P[p]-0.4*relSize8P[p], topRCornerX[p]-0.04, topRCornerY[p]-0.6*relSize8P[p],0.85*textSizePixel, 1, label, 43,0.1);
1314           if (isTrigFit)
1315             legend->AddEntry(fit, "Gauss noise fit, trigg.", "l");
1316           else 
1317             legend->AddEntry(fit, "Gauss noise fit", "l");  
1318           legend->AddEntry((TObject*)0, Form("#mu = %2.2f #pm %2.2f",fit->GetParameter(1), fit->GetParError(1) ) , " ");
1319           legend->AddEntry((TObject*)0, Form("#sigma = %2.2f #pm %2.2f",fit->GetParameter(2), fit->GetParError(2) ) , " ");
1320           legend->Draw();
1321         } else {
1322           labelChannel->Draw();  
1323         }
1325         if (p ==7 ){
1326           DrawLatex(topRCornerX[p]-0.045, topRCornerY[p]-4*0.85*relSize8P[p]-1.4*relSize8P[p], GetStringFromRunInfo(currRunInfo, 2), true, 0.85*relSize8P[p], 42);
1327           DrawLatex(topRCornerX[p]-0.045, topRCornerY[p]-4*0.85*relSize8P[p]-2.2*relSize8P[p], GetStringFromRunInfo(currRunInfo, 3), true, 0.85*relSize8P[p], 42);
1328         }
1329       }
1330     }
1331     if (skipped < 6)
1332       canvas8Panel->SaveAs(nameOutput.Data());
1333   }  
1336   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1337   // Plot Mip with Fits for Full layer
1338   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1339   void PlotMipWithFitsFullLayer (TCanvas* canvas8Panel, TPad* pads[8], Double_t* topRCornerX,  Double_t* topRCornerY, Double_t* relSize8P, Int_t textSizePixel, 
1340                                   std::map<int,TileSpectra> spectra, std::map<int,TileSpectra> spectraTrigg, Setup* setupT, bool isHG, 
1341                                   Double_t xPMin, Double_t xPMax, Double_t scaleYMax, int layer, int mod,  TString nameOutput, RunInfo currRunInfo){
1343     Double_t maxY = 0;
1344     std::map<int, TileSpectra>::iterator ithSpectra;
1345     std::map<int, TileSpectra>::iterator ithSpectraTrigg;
1347     int nRow = setupT->GetNMaxRow()+1;
1348     int nCol = setupT->GetNMaxColumn()+1;
1349     int skipped = 0;
1350     for (int r = 0; r < nRow; r++){
1351       for (int c = 0; c < nCol; c++){
1352         int tempCellID = setupT->GetCellID(r,c, layer, mod);
1353         ithSpectra=spectra.find(tempCellID);
1354         if(ithSpectra==spectra.end()){
1355           std::cout << "WARNING: skipping cell ID: " << tempCellID << "\t row " << r << "\t column " << c << "\t layer " << layer << "\t module " << mod << std::endl;
1356           continue;
1357         } 
1358         TH1D* tempHist = nullptr;
1359         if (isHG){
1360           tempHist = ithSpectra->second.GetHG();
1361         } else {
1362           tempHist = ithSpectra->second.GetLG();
1363         }
1364         if (maxY < FindLargestBin1DHist(tempHist, xPMin , xPMax)) maxY = FindLargestBin1DHist(tempHist, xPMin , xPMax);
1365       }  
1366     }
1368     for (int r = 0; r < nRow; r++){
1369       for (int c = 0; c < nCol; c++){
1370         canvas8Panel->cd();
1371         int tempCellID = setupT->GetCellID(r,c, layer, mod);
1372         int p = setupT->GetChannelInLayer(tempCellID);
1373         pads[p]->Draw();
1374         pads[p]->cd();
1375         pads[p]->SetLogy();
1376         ithSpectra=spectra.find(tempCellID);
1377         if(ithSpectra==spectra.end()){
1378           skipped++;
1379           std::cout << "WARNING: skipping cell ID: " << tempCellID << "\t row " << r << "\t column " << c << "\t layer " << layer << "\t module " << mod << std::endl;
1380           pads[p]->Clear();
1381           pads[p]->Draw();
1382           if (p ==7 ){
1383             DrawLatex(topRCornerX[p]-0.045, topRCornerY[p]-4*0.85*relSize8P[p]-1.4*relSize8P[p], GetStringFromRunInfo(currRunInfo, 2), true, 0.85*relSize8P[p], 42);
1384             DrawLatex(topRCornerX[p]-0.045, topRCornerY[p]-4*0.85*relSize8P[p]-2.2*relSize8P[p], GetStringFromRunInfo(currRunInfo, 3), true, 0.85*relSize8P[p], 42);
1385           }          
1386           continue;
1387         } 
1388         ithSpectraTrigg=spectraTrigg.find(tempCellID);
1389         TH1D* tempHist = nullptr;
1390         double noiseWidth = 0;
1391         if (isHG){
1392             tempHist = ithSpectra->second.GetHG();
1393             noiseWidth = ithSpectra->second.GetCalib()->PedestalSigH;
1394         } else {
1395             tempHist = ithSpectra->second.GetLG();
1396             noiseWidth = ithSpectra->second.GetCalib()->PedestalSigL;
1397         }
1398         SetStyleHistoTH1ForGraphs( tempHist, tempHist->GetXaxis()->GetTitle(), tempHist->GetYaxis()->GetTitle(), 0.85*textSizePixel, textSizePixel, 0.85*textSizePixel, textSizePixel,0.9, 1.1, 510, 510, 43, 63);  
1399         SetMarkerDefaults(tempHist, 20, 1, kBlue+1, kBlue+1, kFALSE);   
1400         tempHist->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(xPMin,xPMax);
1401         tempHist->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.7,scaleYMax*maxY);
1403         tempHist->Draw("pe");
1404         short bctemp = ithSpectra->second.GetCalib()->BadChannel;
1405         if (bctemp != -64 && bctemp < 3){
1406           Color_t boxCol = kGray;
1407           if (bctemp == 1)
1408             boxCol = kGray+1;
1409           else if (bctemp == 0)
1410             boxCol = kGray+2;
1411           TBox* badChannelArea =  CreateBox(boxCol, xPMin, 0.7, xPMax,scaleYMax*maxY, 1001 );
1412           badChannelArea->Draw();
1413           tempHist->Draw("same,axis");
1414           tempHist->Draw("same,pe");
1415         }
1417         TH1D* tempHistT = nullptr;
1419         if (isHG){
1420             tempHistT = ithSpectraTrigg->second.GetHG();
1421         } else {
1422             tempHistT = ithSpectraTrigg->second.GetLG();
1423         }
1424         SetMarkerDefaults(tempHistT, 24, 1, kRed+1, kRed+1, kFALSE);   
1425         tempHistT->Draw("same,pe");
1427         TString label           = Form("row %d col %d", r, c);
1428         if (p == 7){
1429           label = Form("row %d col %d layer %d", r, c, layer);
1430         }
1431         TLatex *labelChannel    = new TLatex(topRCornerX[p]-0.045,topRCornerY[p]-1.2*relSize8P[p],label);
1432         SetStyleTLatex( labelChannel, 0.85*textSizePixel,4,1,43,kTRUE,31);
1435         TF1* fit            = nullptr;
1436         bool isTrigFit      = false;
1437         double maxFit       = 0;
1438         if (isHG){
1439           fit = ithSpectraTrigg->second.GetSignalModel(1);
1440           if (!fit){
1441               fit = ithSpectra->second.GetSignalModel(1);
1442               if (fit){
1443                 maxFit = ithSpectra->second.GetCalib()->ScaleH;
1444               }
1445           } else {
1446               isTrigFit = true;
1447               maxFit = ithSpectraTrigg->second.GetCalib()->ScaleH;
1448           }
1449         } else {
1450           fit = ithSpectraTrigg->second.GetSignalModel(0);
1451           if (!fit){
1452               fit = ithSpectra->second.GetSignalModel(0);
1453               if (fit){
1454                 maxFit = ithSpectra->second.GetCalib()->ScaleL;
1455               }
1456           } else {
1457               isTrigFit = true;
1458               maxFit = ithSpectraTrigg->second.GetCalib()->ScaleL;
1459           }  
1460         }
1461         if (fit){
1462           if (isTrigFit)
1463             SetStyleFit(fit , 0, 2000, 7, 3, kRed+3);
1464           else 
1465             SetStyleFit(fit , 0, 2000, 7, 7, kBlue+3);  
1466           fit->Draw("same");
1467           TLegend* legend = GetAndSetLegend2( topRCornerX[p]-10*relSize8P[p], topRCornerY[p]-4*0.85*relSize8P[p]-0.4*relSize8P[p], topRCornerX[p]-0.04, topRCornerY[p]-0.6*relSize8P[p],0.85*textSizePixel, 1, label, 43,0.1);
1468           if (isTrigFit)
1469             legend->AddEntry(fit, "Landau-Gauss fit, trigg.", "l");
1470           else 
1471             legend->AddEntry(fit, "Landau-Gauss fit", "l");  
1472           legend->AddEntry((TObject*)0, Form("#scale[0.8]{L MPV = %2.2f #pm %2.2f}",fit->GetParameter(1), fit->GetParError(1) ) , " ");
1473           legend->AddEntry((TObject*)0, Form("#scale[0.8]{Max = %2.2f}", maxFit ) , " ");
1474           legend->Draw();
1475           DrawLines(maxFit, maxFit,0.7, scaleYMax*maxY/10, 5, kRed+3, 7);  
1476         } else {
1477           labelChannel->Draw();  
1478         }
1480         DrawLines(noiseWidth*3, noiseWidth*3,0.7, scaleYMax*maxY, 2, kGray+1, 10);  
1481         DrawLines(noiseWidth*5, noiseWidth*5,0.7, scaleYMax*maxY, 2, kGray+1, 6);  
1483         if (p ==7 ){
1484           DrawLatex(topRCornerX[p]-0.045, topRCornerY[p]-4*0.85*relSize8P[p]-1.4*relSize8P[p], GetStringFromRunInfo(currRunInfo, 2), true, 0.85*relSize8P[p], 42);
1485           DrawLatex(topRCornerX[p]-0.045, topRCornerY[p]-4*0.85*relSize8P[p]-2.2*relSize8P[p], GetStringFromRunInfo(currRunInfo, 3), true, 0.85*relSize8P[p], 42);
1486         }
1487       }
1488     }
1489     if (skipped < 6)
1490       canvas8Panel->SaveAs(nameOutput.Data());
1491   }
1494   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1495   // Plot Corr with Fits for Full layer
1496   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1497   void PlotCorrWithFitsFullLayer (TCanvas* canvas8Panel, TPad* pads[8], Double_t* topRCornerX,  Double_t* topRCornerY, Double_t* relSize8P, Int_t textSizePixel, 
1498                                   std::map<int,TileSpectra> spectra, Setup* setupT, bool isHG, 
1499                                   Double_t xPMin, Double_t xPMax, Double_t scaleYMax, int layer, int mod,  TString nameOutput, RunInfo currRunInfo){
1501     Double_t maxY = 3900;
1502     if (isHG) maxY = 340;
1503     std::map<int, TileSpectra>::iterator ithSpectra;    
1504     int nRow = setupT->GetNMaxRow()+1;
1505     int nCol = setupT->GetNMaxColumn()+1;
1506     int skipped = 0;
1508     for (int r = 0; r < nRow; r++){
1509       for (int c = 0; c < nCol; c++){
1510         canvas8Panel->cd();
1511         int tempCellID = setupT->GetCellID(r,c, layer, mod);
1512         int p = setupT->GetChannelInLayer(tempCellID);
1513         pads[p]->Draw();
1514         pads[p]->SetLogy(0);
1515         pads[p]->cd();
1517         ithSpectra=spectra.find(tempCellID);
1518         if(ithSpectra==spectra.end()){
1519           skipped++;
1520           std::cout << "WARNING: skipping cell ID: " << tempCellID << "\t row " << r << "\t column " << c << "\t layer " << layer << "\t module " << mod << std::endl;
1521           pads[p]->Clear();
1522           pads[p]->Draw();
1523           if (p ==7 ){
1524             DrawLatex(topRCornerX[p]+0.045, topRCornerY[p]-4*0.85*relSize8P[p]-1.4*relSize8P[p], GetStringFromRunInfo(currRunInfo, 2), false, 0.85*relSize8P[p], 42);
1525             DrawLatex(topRCornerX[p]+0.045, topRCornerY[p]-4*0.85*relSize8P[p]-2.2*relSize8P[p], GetStringFromRunInfo(currRunInfo, 3), false, 0.85*relSize8P[p], 42);
1526           }
1527         continue;
1528         } 
1529         TProfile* tempProfile = nullptr;
1530         if (isHG){
1531             tempProfile = ithSpectra->second.GetHGLGcorr();
1532         } else {
1533             tempProfile = ithSpectra->second.GetLGHGcorr();
1534         }
1535         if (!tempProfile) continue;
1536         TH1D* dummyhist = new TH1D("dummyhist", "", tempProfile->GetNbinsX(), tempProfile->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(), tempProfile->GetXaxis()->GetXmax());
1537         SetStyleHistoTH1ForGraphs( dummyhist, tempProfile->GetXaxis()->GetTitle(), tempProfile->GetYaxis()->GetTitle(), 0.85*textSizePixel, textSizePixel, 0.85*textSizePixel, textSizePixel,0.9, 1.5, 510, 510, 43, 63);  
1540         // SetStyleTProfile( tempProfile, tempProfile->GetXaxis()->GetTitle(), tempProfile->GetYaxis()->GetTitle(), 0.85*textSizePixel, textSizePixel, 0.85*textSizePixel, textSizePixel,0.9, 1.1, 510, 510, 43, 63);  
1541         SetMarkerDefaultsProfile(tempProfile, 20, 1, kBlue+1, kBlue+1);   
1542         Int_t maxX = 3900;        
1543         if (!isHG)
1544           maxX = 340;
1545         dummyhist->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,maxX);
1546         dummyhist->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,maxY);
1547         dummyhist->Draw("axis");
1549         short bctemp = ithSpectra->second.GetCalib()->BadChannel;
1550         if (bctemp != -64 && bctemp < 3){
1551           Color_t boxCol = kGray;
1552           if (bctemp == 1)
1553             boxCol = kGray+1;
1554           else if (bctemp == 0)
1555             boxCol = kGray+2;
1556           TBox* badChannelArea =  CreateBox(boxCol, 0, 0, maxX,maxY, 1001 );
1557           badChannelArea->Draw();
1558           dummyhist->Draw("axis,same");
1559         }
1561         tempProfile->Draw("pe, same");
1563         TString label           = Form("row %d col %d", r, c);
1564         if (p == 7){
1565           label = Form("row %d col %d layer %d", r, c, layer);
1566         }
1567         TLatex *labelChannel    = new TLatex(topRCornerX[p]+0.045,topRCornerY[p]-1.2*relSize8P[p],label);
1568         SetStyleTLatex( labelChannel, 0.85*textSizePixel,4,1,43,kTRUE,11);
1571         TF1* fit            = nullptr;
1572         if (isHG){
1573           fit = ithSpectra->second.GetCorrModel(1);
1574         } else {
1575           fit = ithSpectra->second.GetCorrModel(0);
1576         }
1577         if (fit){
1578           Double_t rangeFit[2] = {0,0};
1579           fit->GetRange(rangeFit[0], rangeFit[1]);
1580           SetStyleFit(fit , rangeFit[0], rangeFit[1], 7, 3, kRed+3);
1581           fit->Draw("same");
1582           TLegend* legend = GetAndSetLegend2( topRCornerX[p]+0.045, topRCornerY[p]-4*0.85*relSize8P[p]-0.4*relSize8P[p], topRCornerX[p]+6*relSize8P[p], topRCornerY[p]-0.6*relSize8P[p],0.85*textSizePixel, 1, label, 43,0.1);
1583           legend->AddEntry(fit, "linear fit, trigg.", "l");
1584           legend->AddEntry((TObject*)0, Form("#scale[0.8]{b = %2.2f #pm %2.2f}",fit->GetParameter(0), fit->GetParError(0) ) , " ");
1585           legend->AddEntry((TObject*)0, Form("#scale[0.8]{a = %2.2f #pm %2.2f}",fit->GetParameter(1), fit->GetParError(1) ) , " ");
1586           legend->Draw();
1587         } else {
1588           labelChannel->Draw();  
1589         }
1591         if (p ==7 ){
1592           DrawLatex(topRCornerX[p]+0.045, topRCornerY[p]-4*0.85*relSize8P[p]-1.4*relSize8P[p], GetStringFromRunInfo(currRunInfo, 2), false, 0.85*relSize8P[p], 42);
1593           DrawLatex(topRCornerX[p]+0.045, topRCornerY[p]-4*0.85*relSize8P[p]-2.2*relSize8P[p], GetStringFromRunInfo(currRunInfo, 3), false, 0.85*relSize8P[p], 42);
1594         }
1595       }
1596     }
1597     if (skipped < 6)
1598       canvas8Panel->SaveAs(nameOutput.Data());
1599   }
1602   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1603   // Plot Trigger Primitive with Fits for Full layer
1604   //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1605   void PlotTriggerPrimWithFitsFullLayer (TCanvas* canvas8Panel, TPad* pads[8], Double_t* topRCornerX,  Double_t* topRCornerY, 
1606                                          Double_t* relSize8P, Int_t textSizePixel, 
1607                                          std::map<int,TileSpectra> spectra, Setup* setupT, 
1608                                          double avMip, double facLow, double facHigh,
1609                                          Double_t xPMin, Double_t xPMax, Double_t scaleYMax, 
1610                                          int layer, int mod,  TString nameOutput, RunInfo currRunInfo){
1612     Double_t maxY = 0;
1613     std::map<int, TileSpectra>::iterator ithSpectra;
1614     std::map<int, TileSpectra>::iterator ithSpectraTrigg;
1616     int nRow = setupT->GetNMaxRow()+1;
1617     int nCol = setupT->GetNMaxColumn()+1;
1618     int skipped = 0;
1619     for (int r = 0; r < nRow; r++){
1620       for (int c = 0; c < nCol; c++){
1621         int tempCellID = setupT->GetCellID(r,c, layer, mod);
1622         ithSpectra=spectra.find(tempCellID);
1623         if(ithSpectra==spectra.end()){
1624           std::cout << "WARNING: skipping cell ID: " << tempCellID << "\t row " << r << "\t column " << c << "\t layer " << layer << "\t module " << mod << std::endl;
1625           continue;
1626         } 
1627         TH1D* tempHist = ithSpectra->second.GetTriggPrim();
1628         if (maxY < FindLargestBin1DHist(tempHist, xPMin , xPMax)) maxY = FindLargestBin1DHist(tempHist, xPMin , xPMax);
1629       }  
1630     }
1632     for (int r = 0; r < nRow; r++){
1633       for (int c = 0; c < nCol; c++){
1634         canvas8Panel->cd();
1635         int tempCellID = setupT->GetCellID(r,c, layer, mod);
1636         int p = setupT->GetChannelInLayer(tempCellID);
1637         pads[p]->Draw();
1638         pads[p]->cd();
1639         pads[p]->SetLogy();
1640         ithSpectra=spectra.find(tempCellID);
1641         if(ithSpectra==spectra.end()){
1642           skipped++;
1643           std::cout << "WARNING: skipping cell ID: " << tempCellID << "\t row " << r << "\t column " << c << "\t layer " << layer << "\t module " << mod << std::endl;
1644           pads[p]->Clear();
1645           pads[p]->Draw();
1646           if (p ==7 ){
1647             DrawLatex(topRCornerX[p]-0.045, topRCornerY[p]-2.*relSize8P[p], GetStringFromRunInfo(currRunInfo, 2), true, 0.85*relSize8P[p], 42);
1648             DrawLatex(topRCornerX[p]-0.045, topRCornerY[p]-3.*relSize8P[p], GetStringFromRunInfo(currRunInfo, 3), true, 0.85*relSize8P[p], 42);
1649             DrawLatex(topRCornerX[p]-0.045, topRCornerY[p]-4.*relSize8P[p], "Trigger primitives", true, 0.85*relSize8P[p], 42);
1650           }
1651           continue;
1652         } 
1653         TH1D* tempHist = ithSpectra->second.GetTriggPrim();
1654         SetStyleHistoTH1ForGraphs( tempHist, tempHist->GetXaxis()->GetTitle(), tempHist->GetYaxis()->GetTitle(), 0.85*textSizePixel, textSizePixel, 0.85*textSizePixel, textSizePixel,0.9, 1.1, 510, 510, 43, 63);  
1655         SetMarkerDefaults(tempHist, 20, 1, kBlue+1, kBlue+1, kFALSE);   
1656         tempHist->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(xPMin,xPMax);
1657         tempHist->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.7,scaleYMax*maxY);
1659         tempHist->Draw("pe");
1660         short bctemp = ithSpectra->second.GetCalib()->BadChannel;
1661         if (bctemp != -64 && bctemp < 3){
1662           Color_t boxCol = kGray;
1663           if (bctemp == 1)
1664             boxCol = kGray+1;
1665           else if (bctemp == 0)
1666             boxCol = kGray+2;
1667           TBox* badChannelArea =  CreateBox(boxCol, xPMin, 0.7, xPMax,scaleYMax*maxY, 1001 );
1668           badChannelArea->Draw();
1669           tempHist->Draw("same,axis");
1670           tempHist->Draw("same,pe");
1671         }
1673         TString label           = Form("row %d col %d", r, c);
1674         if (p == 7){
1675           label = Form("row %d col %d layer %d", r, c, layer);
1676         }
1677         TLatex *labelChannel    = new TLatex(topRCornerX[p]-0.045,topRCornerY[p]-1.2*relSize8P[p],label);
1678         SetStyleTLatex( labelChannel, 0.85*textSizePixel,4,1,43,kTRUE,31);
1679         labelChannel->Draw();  
1681         TBox* triggArea =  CreateBox(kBlue-8, avMip*facLow, 0.7, avMip*facHigh,scaleYMax*maxY, 1001 );
1682         triggArea->Draw();
1684         DrawLines(avMip*facLow, avMip*facLow,0.7, scaleYMax*maxY, 1, 1, 7);
1685         DrawLines(avMip*facHigh, avMip*facHigh,0.7, scaleYMax*maxY, 1, 1, 7);
1686         tempHist->Draw("same,axis");
1687         tempHist->Draw("same,pe");
1689         if (p ==7 ){
1690           DrawLatex(topRCornerX[p]-0.045, topRCornerY[p]-2.*relSize8P[p], GetStringFromRunInfo(currRunInfo, 2), true, 0.85*relSize8P[p], 42);
1691           DrawLatex(topRCornerX[p]-0.045, topRCornerY[p]-3.*relSize8P[p], GetStringFromRunInfo(currRunInfo, 3), true, 0.85*relSize8P[p], 42);
1692           DrawLatex(topRCornerX[p]-0.045, topRCornerY[p]-4.*relSize8P[p], "Trigger primitives", true, 0.85*relSize8P[p], 42);
1693         }
1694       }
1695     }
1696     if (skipped < 6)
1697       canvas8Panel->SaveAs(nameOutput.Data());
1698   }
1700 #endif