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File indexing completed on 2025-01-18 09:15:44

0001 #include "Event.h"
0003 int Event::GetRunNumber(void) const{
0004   return RunNumber;
0005 }
0007 int Event::GetEventID(void) const{
0008   return EventID;
0009 }
0011 int Event::GetTimeStamp(void) const{
0012   return TimeStamp;
0013 }
0015 int Event::GetROtype(void) const{
0016   return ROtype;
0017 }
0019 void Event::SetRunNumber(int r){
0020   RunNumber=r;
0021 }
0023 void Event::SetEventID(int ev){
0024   EventID=ev;
0025 }
0027 void Event::SetTimeStamp(int t){
0028   TimeStamp=t;
0029 }
0031 void Event::SetROtype(int ro){
0032   ROtype=ro;
0033 }
0035 TString Event::GetBeamName(void)const{
0036   return BeamName;
0037 }
0039 int Event::GetBeamID(void) const{
0040   return BeamID;
0041 }
0043 double Event::GetBeamEnergy(void) const{
0044   return BeamEnergy;
0045 }
0047 void Event::SetBeamName(TString n){
0048   BeamName=n;
0049 }
0051 void Event::SetBeamID(int id){
0052   BeamID=id;
0053 }
0055 void Event::SetBeamEnergy(double e){
0056   BeamEnergy=e;
0057 }
0059 void Event::AddTile(Tile* t){
0060   int id=t->GetCellID();
0061   std::map<int, Tile*>::iterator it=Tiles.find(id);
0062   if(it!=Tiles.end()){
0063     delete it->second;
0064     it->second=t;
0065     // std::cerr<<"What the hell am I doing here?, Or did I ClearTiles before ?"<<std::endl;
0066   }
0067   else{
0068     Tiles[id]=t;
0069     TileIDs.push_back(id);
0070   }
0071 }
0073 void Event::RemoveTile(Tile* t){
0074   int id=t->GetCellID();
0075   std::map<int, Tile*>::iterator it=Tiles.find(id);
0076   if(it!=Tiles.end()){
0077     delete it->second;
0078     Tiles.erase(it);
0079     TileIDs.erase(std::find(TileIDs.begin(),TileIDs.end(),id));
0080   }
0081   else{
0082     std::cerr<<"Tile does not belong to the stack in this event, dunno what went wrong"<<std::endl;
0083   }
0084 }
0086 Tile* Event::GetTile(int index){
0087   int tempID =;
0088   return GetTileFromID(tempID);
0089 }
0091 Tile* Event::GetTileFromID(int id){
0092   std::map<int, Tile*>::iterator it=Tiles.find(id);
0093   if(it!=Tiles.end()) return it->second;
0094   else return nullptr;
0095 }
0097 int Event::GetNTiles(void)const{
0098   return (int)Tiles.size();
0099 }
0101 void Event::ClearTiles(void){
0102   std::map<int, Tile*>::iterator it;
0103   for(it=Tiles.begin(); it!=Tiles.end(); ++it){
0104     delete it->second;
0105     it->second=NULL;
0106   }
0107   Tiles.clear();
0108   TileIDs.clear();
0109 }
0111 double Event::GetVov() const{
0112   return Vov;
0113 }
0115 double Event::GetVop()const{
0116   return Vop;
0117 }
0119 double Event::GetBeamPosX(void) {
0120   return BeamPosX;
0121 }
0123 double Event::GetBeamPosY(void){
0124   return BeamPosY;
0125 }
0127 const TTimeStamp* Event::GetBeginRunTime(void) const{
0128   return &BeginRun;
0129 }
0131 void Event::SetVov(double v){
0132   Vov=v;
0133 }
0135 void Event::SetVop(double v){
0136   Vop=v;
0137 }
0138 void Event::SetBeamPosX(double x){
0139   BeamPosX=x;
0140 }
0141 void Event::SetBeamPosY(double y){
0142   BeamPosY=y;
0143 }
0144 void Event::SetBeginRunTime(TTimeStamp t){
0145   BeginRun=t;
0146 }
0148 bool Event::InspectIfLocalMuonTrigg( int currTileID, 
0149                                      double averageScale,
0150                                      double minThrSc = 0.9, 
0151                                      double maxThrSc = 3
0152                                     ){
0154   double trPrim = ((Caen*)GetTileFromID(currTileID))->GetLocalTriggerPrimitive();
0155   // evaluate stored trigger primitive
0156   if (trPrim >  averageScale*minThrSc && trPrim < maxThrSc*averageScale)
0157     return true;
0158   else 
0159     return false;
0161 }
0163 bool Event::InspectIfNoiseTrigg( int currTileID, 
0164                                 double averageScale,
0165                                 double minThrSc = 0.9
0166                               ){
0167   double trPrim = ((Caen*)GetTileFromID(currTileID))->GetLocalTriggerPrimitive();
0168   // evaluate stored trigger primitive
0169   if (trPrim < averageScale*minThrSc )
0170     return true;
0171   else 
0172     return false;
0174 }
0176 double Event::CalculateLocalMuonTrigg(  Calib calib, 
0177                                         TRandom3* rand,
0178                                         int currTileID, 
0179                                         int nTiles = 4,
0180                                         double avLGHG = 10.
0181                                       ){
0183   // figure out surrounding tiles for local mip selection
0184   Setup* setup = Setup::GetInstance();
0185   long ids[6]  = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
0186   int layer     = setup->GetLayer(currTileID);
0187   int row       = setup->GetRow(currTileID);
0188   int col       = setup->GetColumn(currTileID);
0189   int mod       = setup->GetModule(currTileID);
0190   if (nTiles == 4){
0191     if (layer == 0){
0192       ids[0] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+1,mod);
0193       ids[1] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+2,mod);
0194       ids[2] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+3,mod);
0195       ids[3] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+4,mod);
0196     }else if (layer == 1){
0197       ids[0] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-1,mod);
0198       ids[1] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+1,mod);
0199       ids[2] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+2,mod);
0200       ids[3] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+3,mod);
0201     } else if (layer == setup->GetNMaxLayer()-1){
0202       ids[0] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-3,mod);
0203       ids[1] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-2,mod);
0204       ids[2] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-1,mod);
0205       ids[3] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+1,mod);      
0206     } else if (layer == setup->GetNMaxLayer()){
0207       ids[0] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-4,mod);
0208       ids[1] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-3,mod);
0209       ids[2] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-2,mod);
0210       ids[3] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-1,mod);      
0211     } else {
0212       ids[0] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-2,mod);
0213       ids[1] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-1,mod);
0214       ids[2] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+1,mod);
0215       ids[3] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+2,mod);
0216     }
0217   } else if (nTiles == 6){  
0218     if (layer == 0){
0219       ids[0] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+1,mod);
0220       ids[1] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+2,mod);
0221       ids[2] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+3,mod);
0222       ids[3] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+4,mod);
0223       ids[4] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+5,mod);
0224       ids[5] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+6,mod);
0225     }else if (layer == 1){
0226       ids[0] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-1,mod);
0227       ids[1] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+1,mod);
0228       ids[2] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+2,mod);
0229       ids[3] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+3,mod);
0230       ids[4] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+4,mod);
0231       ids[5] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+5,mod);
0232     }else if (layer == 2){
0233       ids[0] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-2,mod);
0234       ids[1] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-1,mod);
0235       ids[2] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+1,mod);
0236       ids[3] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+2,mod);
0237       ids[4] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+3,mod);
0238       ids[5] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+4,mod);
0239     } else if (layer == setup->GetNMaxLayer()-2){
0240       ids[0] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-4,mod);
0241       ids[1] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-3,mod);
0242       ids[2] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-2,mod);
0243       ids[3] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-1,mod);
0244       ids[4] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+1,mod);
0245       ids[5] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+2,mod);      
0246     } else if (layer == setup->GetNMaxLayer()-1){
0247       ids[0] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-5,mod);
0248       ids[1] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-4,mod);
0249       ids[2] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-3,mod);
0250       ids[3] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-2,mod);
0251       ids[4] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-1,mod);
0252       ids[5] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+1,mod);      
0253     } else if (layer == setup->GetNMaxLayer()){
0254       ids[0] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-6,mod);
0255       ids[1] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-5,mod);
0256       ids[2] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-4,mod);
0257       ids[3] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-3,mod);
0258       ids[4] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-2,mod);
0259       ids[5] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-1,mod);      
0260     } else {
0261       ids[0] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-3,mod);
0262       ids[1] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-2,mod);
0263       ids[2] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-1,mod);
0264       ids[3] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+1,mod);
0265       ids[4] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+2,mod);
0266       ids[5] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+3,mod);
0267     }
0269   } else if (nTiles == 2){
0270     if (layer == 0){
0271       ids[0] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+1,mod);
0272       ids[1] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+2,mod);            
0273     } else if (layer == setup->GetNMaxLayer()){
0274       ids[0] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-2,mod);
0275       ids[1] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-1,mod);          
0276     } else {
0277       ids[0] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer-1,mod);
0278       ids[1] = setup->GetCellID(row, col, layer+1,mod);      
0279     }
0280   }
0281   // calculate average sum of surrounding tiles (nominally 2 in the front + 2 in the back)
0282   double avsurr = 0;
0283   Int_t activeTiles = nTiles;
0284   for (Int_t t = 0; t < nTiles; t++){
0285     if ((Caen*)GetTileFromID(ids[t]) == nullptr){
0286       activeTiles--;
0287       continue;
0288     }
0289     if (calib.GetBCCalib()){
0290       if (calib.GetBadChannel(ids[t]) != -64  && calib.GetBadChannel(ids[t]) < 3){
0291         activeTiles--;
0292         continue;
0293       }
0294     }
0295     double tmpGain  = 0;
0296     double scale    = (calib.GetScaleLGHGCorr(ids[t]) == -64.) ? avLGHG : calib.GetScaleLGHGCorr(ids[t]);     // only use LG-HG corr factor if fit succeeded, otherwise use average
0297     // calculating combined gain
0298     if (((Caen*)GetTileFromID(ids[t]))->GetADCHigh() < 3800)
0299       tmpGain = ((Caen*)GetTileFromID(ids[t]))->GetADCHigh()-calib.GetPedestalMeanH(ids[t]); 
0300     else 
0301       tmpGain = (((Caen*)GetTileFromID(ids[t]))->GetADCLow()-calib.GetPedestalMeanL(ids[t]))*scale + rand->Rndm()*scale;
0303     if (tmpGain > 3*calib.GetPedestalSigH(ids[t]))
0304       avsurr +=tmpGain;
0305   }
0306   if (activeTiles > 1)
0307     avsurr        = avsurr/activeTiles;
0308   return avsurr;
0309 }