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EIC code displayed by LXR



File indexing completed on 2025-02-22 09:39:21

0001 #include <iostream>
0002 #include <fstream>
0003 #include <vector>
0004 #include <map>
0005 #include <utility>
0006 #include <unistd.h> // Add for use on Mac OS -> Same goes for
0007 #include "TString.h"
0008 #include "TFile.h"
0009 #include "TTree.h"
0010 #include "TCanvas.h"
0011 #include "TF1.h"
0012 #include "TH1D.h"
0013 #include "TObjArray.h"
0014 #include "TObjString.h"
0016 #include "Setup.h"
0017 #include "Calib.h"
0018 #include "Event.h"
0019 #include "Tile.h"
0020 #include "HGCROC.h"
0021 #include "Caen.h"
0022 #include "EventDisplay.h"
0024 // Setup* Setup::instancePtr=nullptr; // Remove for use on Mac OS -> Add to instead
0025 //Calib* Calib::instancePtr=nullptr;
0027 void PrintHelp(char* exe){
0028   std::cout<<"Usage:"<<std::endl;
0029   std::cout<<exe<<" [-option (arguments)]"<<std::endl;
0030   std::cout<<"Options:"<<std::endl;
0031   std::cout<<"-d [0-n] switch on debug info with debug level 0 to n"<<std::endl;
0032   std::cout<<"-F fff   set plot extension explicitly, default is pdf "<<std::endl;
0033   std::cout<<"-i uuu   Input file in root format"<<std::endl;
0034   std::cout<<"-P zzz   Plots directory path"<<std::endl;
0035   std::cout<<"-r rrr   Name of run list file  2024 PS TB [../configs/DataTakingDB_202409_CAEN.csv] "<<std::endl;
0036   std::cout<<"-y yyyy  setting year externally to narrow parameters"<<std::endl;
0037   std::cout<<"-e       setting event number to plot, default: 0" <<std::endl;
0038   std::cout<<"-N       setting number of events to plot, default:1"<<std::endl;
0039   std::cout<<"-M       plot only muon triggered events"<<std::endl;
0040   std::cout<<"Examples:"<<std::endl;
0041   std::cout<<exe<<" -Q (-f) -P plotDir/ -i input.root"<<std::endl;
0042 }
0045 int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
0046   if(argc<4) {
0047     PrintHelp(argv[0]);
0048     return 0;
0049   }
0050   EventDisplay EvtDisplay;
0051   int c;
0052   while((c=getopt(argc,argv,"F:P:r:d:i:y:e:N:hM"))!=-1){
0053     switch(c){
0054     case 'd':
0055       std::cout<<"enable debug " << optarg <<std::endl;
0056       EvtDisplay.EnableDebug(atoi(optarg));
0057       break;
0058     case 'F':
0059       std::cout<<"DataPrep: Set Plot extension to: "<< optarg<<std::endl;
0060       EvtDisplay.SetPlotExtension(optarg);
0061       break;      
0062     case 'i':
0063       std::cout<<"Root input file is: "<<optarg<<std::endl;
0064       EvtDisplay.SetRootInput(Form("%s",optarg));
0065       break;
0066     case 'P':
0067       std::cout<<"Outputdir plots to be saved in: "<<optarg<<std::endl;
0068       EvtDisplay.SetPlotOutputDir(Form("%s",optarg));
0069       break;
0070     case 'r':
0071       std::cout<<"run list file from: "<<optarg<<std::endl;
0072       EvtDisplay.SetRunListInput(Form("%s",optarg));
0073       break;
0074     case 'y':
0075       std::cout<<"Setting year externally: "<<optarg<<std::endl;
0076       EvtDisplay.SetYear(atoi(optarg));
0077       break;
0078     case 'e':
0079       std::cout<<"Setting event to plot: " << optarg << std::endl;
0080       EvtDisplay.SetEventToPlot(atoi(optarg));
0081       break;
0082     case 'N':
0083       std::cout<<"Setting how many events to plot: "<<optarg<<std::endl;
0084       EvtDisplay.SetNumberOfEventsToPlot(atoi(optarg));
0085       break;
0086     case 'M':
0087       std::cout<<"Plot only muon-triggered events in the range"<<std::endl;
0088       EvtDisplay.PlotMuonTriggeredEvents(true);
0089       break;
0090     case '?':
0091       std::cout<<"Option "<<optarg <<" not supported, will be ignored "<<std::endl;
0092       break;
0093     case 'h':
0094       PrintHelp(argv[0]);
0095       return 0;
0096     }
0097   }
0098   if(!EvtDisplay.CheckAndOpenIO()){
0099     std::cout<<"Check input and configurations, inconsistency or error with I/O detected"<<std::endl;
0100     PrintHelp(argv[0]);
0101     return -1;
0102   }
0104   EvtDisplay.Process();
0105   std::cout<<"Exiting"<<std::endl;
0106   return 0;
0107 }