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Warning, /epic-data/onnx/identity_gemm_w1x1_b1.ipynb is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 {
0002   "nbformat": 4,
0003   "nbformat_minor": 0,
0004   "metadata": {
0005     "colab": {
0006       "private_outputs": true,
0007       "provenance": []
0008     },
0009     "kernelspec": {
0010       "name": "python3",
0011       "display_name": "Python 3"
0012     },
0013     "language_info": {
0014       "name": "python"
0015     }
0016   },
0017   "cells": [
0018     {
0019       "cell_type": "code",
0020       "execution_count": null,
0021       "metadata": {
0022         "id": "caYDhywKMSWl"
0023       },
0024       "outputs": [],
0025       "source": [
0026         "from __future__ import print_function\n",
0027         "from itertools import count\n",
0028         "\n",
0029         "import torch\n",
0030         "import torch.nn.functional as F"
0031       ]
0032     },
0033     {
0034       "cell_type": "code",
0035       "source": [
0036         "W_target = torch.tensor([[1.]])\n",
0037         "b_target = torch.tensor([0.])\n",
0038         "\n",
0039         "print(W_target)\n",
0040         "print(b_target)"
0041       ],
0042       "metadata": {
0043         "id": "2b6XbnmCNEYF"
0044       },
0045       "execution_count": null,
0046       "outputs": []
0047     },
0048     {
0049       "cell_type": "code",
0050       "source": [
0051         "def f(x):\n",
0052         "    \"\"\"Approximated function.\"\"\"\n",
0053         "    return + b_target.item()\n",
0054         "\n",
0055         "\n",
0056         "def poly_desc(W, b):\n",
0057         "    \"\"\"Creates a string description of a polynomial.\"\"\"\n",
0058         "    result = 'y = '\n",
0059         "    for i, w in enumerate(W):\n",
0060         "        result += '{:+.2f} x^{} '.format(w, i + 1)\n",
0061         "    result += '{:+.2f}'.format(b[0])\n",
0062         "    return result\n",
0063         "\n",
0064         "\n",
0065         "def get_batch(batch_size=32):\n",
0066         "    \"\"\"Builds a batch i.e. (x, f(x)) pair.\"\"\"\n",
0067         "    x = torch.randn(batch_size,1)\n",
0068         "    y = f(x)\n",
0069         "    return x, y\n",
0070         "\n",
0071         "\n",
0072         "# Define model\n",
0073         "torch_model = torch.nn.Linear(W_target.size(0), 1)\n",
0074         "\n",
0075         "for batch_idx in count(1):\n",
0076         "    # Get data\n",
0077         "    batch_x, batch_y = get_batch()\n",
0078         "\n",
0079         "    # Reset gradients\n",
0080         "    torch_model.zero_grad()\n",
0081         "\n",
0082         "    # Forward pass\n",
0083         "    output = F.smooth_l1_loss(torch_model(batch_x), batch_y)\n",
0084         "    loss = output.item()\n",
0085         "\n",
0086         "    # Backward pass\n",
0087         "    output.backward()\n",
0088         "\n",
0089         "    # Apply gradients\n",
0090         "    for param in torch_model.parameters():\n",
0091         " * param.grad)\n",
0092         "\n",
0093         "    # Stop criterion\n",
0094         "    if loss < 1e-3:\n",
0095         "        break\n",
0096         "\n",
0097         "print('Loss: {:.6f} after {} batches'.format(loss, batch_idx))\n",
0098         "print('==> Learned function:\\t' + poly_desc(torch_model.weight.view(-1), torch_model.bias))\n",
0099         "print('==> Actual function:\\t' + poly_desc(W_target.view(-1), b_target))"
0100       ],
0101       "metadata": {
0102         "id": "k9XLRY6jMgR0"
0103       },
0104       "execution_count": null,
0105       "outputs": []
0106     },
0107     {
0108       "cell_type": "code",
0109       "source": [
0110         "!pip install onnxscript"
0111       ],
0112       "metadata": {
0113         "id": "Z-lKVqBRR3UR"
0114       },
0115       "execution_count": null,
0116       "outputs": []
0117     },
0118     {
0119       "cell_type": "code",
0120       "source": [
0121         "import onnx\n",
0122         "import onnxscript\n",
0123         "\n",
0124         "torch_input = torch.randn(1,1)\n",
0125         "torch_output = torch_model(torch_input)\n",
0126         "onnx_program = torch.onnx.export(\n",
0127         "    torch_model,\n",
0128         "    torch_input,\n",
0129         "    \"identity_gemm_w1x1_b1.onnx\",\n",
0130         "    export_params = True,\n",
0131         "    input_names = ['InclusiveKinematicsElectron.x'],\n",
0132         "    output_names = ['InclusiveKinematicsML.x'],\n",
0133         ")"
0134       ],
0135       "metadata": {
0136         "id": "25N8HUU6MmZF"
0137       },
0138       "execution_count": null,
0139       "outputs": []
0140     },
0141     {
0142       "cell_type": "code",
0143       "source": [
0144         "import onnx\n",
0145         "onnx_model = onnx.load(\"identity_gemm_w1x1_b1.onnx\")\n",
0146         "onnx.checker.check_model(onnx_model)"
0147       ],
0148       "metadata": {
0149         "id": "XPvjg0-URwnO"
0150       },
0151       "execution_count": null,
0152       "outputs": []
0153     },
0154     {
0155       "cell_type": "code",
0156       "source": [
0157         "!pip install onnxruntime"
0158       ],
0159       "metadata": {
0160         "id": "JwNIOzCcVVdg"
0161       },
0162       "execution_count": null,
0163       "outputs": []
0164     },
0165     {
0166       "cell_type": "code",
0167       "source": [
0168         "import numpy as np\n",
0169         "import onnxruntime\n",
0170         "\n",
0171         "ort_session = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(\"identity_gemm_w1x1_b1.onnx\", providers=[\"CPUExecutionProvider\"])\n",
0172         "\n",
0173         "def to_numpy(tensor):\n",
0174         "    return tensor.detach().cpu().numpy() if tensor.requires_grad else tensor.cpu().numpy()\n",
0175         "\n",
0176         "# compute ONNX Runtime output prediction\n",
0177         "ort_input = {ort_session.get_inputs()[0].name: to_numpy(torch_input)}\n",
0178         "ort_output =, ort_input)\n",
0179         "\n",
0180         "# compare ONNX Runtime and PyTorch results\n",
0181         "np.testing.assert_allclose(to_numpy(torch_output), ort_output[0], rtol=1e-03, atol=1e-05)\n",
0182         "\n",
0183         "print(\"Exported model has been tested with ONNXRuntime, and the result looks good!\")"
0184       ],
0185       "metadata": {
0186         "id": "nJAIj4xtVLGp"
0187       },
0188       "execution_count": null,
0189       "outputs": []
0190     },
0191     {
0192       "cell_type": "code",
0193       "source": [],
0194       "metadata": {
0195         "id": "DT8eI-rwVUCN"
0196       },
0197       "execution_count": null,
0198       "outputs": []
0199     }
0200   ]
0201 }