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File indexing completed on 2025-01-30 09:18:57

0001 from pathlib import Path
0003 import click
0004 from github import Auth, Github, GithubException
0006 from ..filesystem import hashdir
0009 @click.command()
0010 @click.option('--token', envvar="GITHUB_TOKEN", required=True, help="GitHub access token (defaults to GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable)")
0011 @click.option('--owner', help="Owner of the target repository (token owner by default)")
0012 @click.option('--repo', default="capybara-reports", help="Name of the target repository")
0013 @click.argument('report-dir', type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False, dir_okay=True))
0014 @click.pass_context
0015 def cate(ctx: click.Context, owner: str, repo: str, report_dir: str, token: str):
0016     gh = Github(auth=Auth.Token(token))
0017     if owner is not None:
0018         user = gh.get_user(owner)
0019         try:
0020             repo = user.get_repo(repo)
0021         except GithubException:
0022             click.secho(f"Repository {owner}/{repo} is not available.", fg="red", err=True)
0023             repo = user.create_repo(repo)
0024     else:
0025         user = gh.get_user()
0026         try:
0027             repo = user.get_repo(repo)
0028         except GithubException:
0029             click.secho(f"Repository {user.login}/{repo} is not available. Attempting to create...", fg="yellow", err=True)
0030             repo = user.create_repo(repo)
0032     report_dir = Path(report_dir)
0034     prefix = hashdir(report_dir)
0036     def recurse_upload(cur_path):
0037         paths = cur_path.iterdir()
0038         for file_ in sorted([p for p in paths if p.is_file()]):
0039             relpath = file_.relative_to(report_dir)
0040             with open(file_, "rb") as fp:
0041                 contents =
0042             target_path = f"{prefix}/{relpath}"
0043             click.secho(f"Uploading {target_path}", fg="green", err=True)
0044             repo.create_file(
0045                 target_path,
0046                 f"Adding {target_path}", # commit message
0047                 contents.decode(),
0048                 branch="gh-pages",
0049             )
0051         paths = cur_path.iterdir()
0052         for dir_ in sorted([p for p in paths if p.is_dir()]):
0053             recurse_upload(dir_)
0055     recurse_upload(report_dir)
0057     try:
0058         file = repo.get_contents(".nojekyll")
0059     except GithubException.UnknownObjectException:
0060         # file does not exist
0061         repo.create_file(
0062             ".nojekyll",
0063             f"Adding .nojekyll", # commit message
0064             "",
0065             branch="gh-pages",
0066         )
0068     click.echo(f"https://{user.login}{}/{prefix}/")