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0001 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
0002 // Copyright (C) 2023 Christopher Dilks, Duane Byer
0004 #include "SidisTree.h"
0006 ClassImp(SidisTree)
0008 // constructor
0009 SidisTree::SidisTree(TString treeName_, std::shared_ptr<Kinematics> K_, std::shared_ptr<Kinematics> Ktrue_) 
0010   : treeName(treeName_)
0011   , K(K_)
0012   , Ktrue(Ktrue_)
0013 {
0014   // branch names are set to match `brufit` implementation
0015   // (see ``)
0016   T = new TTree(treeName,treeName);
0017   T->Branch("Q2",        &(K->Q2),        "Q2/D");
0018   T->Branch("X",         &(K->x),         "X/D");
0019   T->Branch("Y",         &(K->y),         "Y/D");
0020   T->Branch("Z",         &(K->z),         "Z/D");
0021   T->Branch("W",         &(K->W),         "W/D");
0022   T->Branch("MX",        &(K->mX),        "MX/D");
0023   T->Branch("PhPerp",    &(K->pT),        "PhPerp/D");
0024   T->Branch("PhiH",      &(K->phiH),      "PhiH/D");
0025   T->Branch("PhiS",      &(K->phiS),      "PhiS/D");
0026   T->Branch("TruePhiH",  &(Ktrue->phiH),  "TruePhiH/D");
0027   T->Branch("TruePhiS",  &(Ktrue->phiS),  "TruePhiS/D");
0028   T->Branch("PolT",      &(K->polT),      "PolT/D");
0029   T->Branch("PolL",      &(K->polL),      "PolL/D");
0030   T->Branch("PolB",      &(K->polBeam),   "PolB/D");
0031   T->Branch("Depol1",    &(K->depolP1),   "Depol1/D");
0032   T->Branch("Depol2",    &(K->depolP2),   "Depol2/D");
0033   T->Branch("Depol3",    &(K->depolP3),   "Depol3/D");
0034   T->Branch("Depol4",    &(K->depolP4),   "Depol4/D");
0035   T->Branch("HadPID",    &(K->hadPID),    "HadPID/I");
0036   T->Branch("Spin_idx",  &(K->tSpin),     "Spin_idx/I");
0037   T->Branch("SpinL_idx", &(K->lSpin),     "SpinL_idx/I");
0038   T->Branch("Weight",    &(weight),       "Weight/D");
0039 };
0041 // destructor
0042 SidisTree::~SidisTree() {
0043 };