Warning, /eic.github.io/_posts/2021-05-07-software-news.md is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
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0002 title: Software News May 2021
0003 author: Markus Diefenthaler
0004 layout: default
0005 symbol: glyphicon-calendar
0006 until: 2021-12-31
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0012 The Software Working Group (SWG) is open to all members of the EICUG
0013 to work on EICUG-related software tasks. The SWG regularly
0014 communicates via its [mailing list](mailto:eicug-software@eicug.org), and organizes regular [online and
0015 in-person meetings](https://indico.bnl.gov/category/301/) that enable
0016 broad and active participation from within the EICUG.
0018 The SWG has participated in the call for Expressions of Interest (EoI)
0019 and has carried its [EoI for
0020 Software](https://eic.github.io/activities/eoi.html) forward as a
0021 living document that will evolve toward a work plan for the SWG,
0022 setting priorities for the next years and goals for the next decade.
0024 Furthermore, the SWG strongly supports the simulation efforts for the
0025 collaboration proposals for detectors at the EIC. Part of the Software
0026 EoI is eAST, a project on a common Geant4 simulation toolkit. The
0027 deliverables for Project eAST will include the physics lists and the
0028 test beam based simulation tuning and validation for the detector
0029 collaboration proposals this year. Additionally, it will provide a
0030 possible path for convergence of detector simulation tools for the
0031 following year.
0033 ## Table of contents
0035 * [Updates from the Software Working Group](#swg)
0036 * [EIC School of Software & Computing](#tutorials)
0037 * [EIC Software Bundle](#bundle)
0038 * [Project eAST](#east)
0039 * [Updates from the Proto-Collaborations](#proto)
0040 * [ECCE](#ecce)
0041 * [EIC@IP6](#eicatip6)
0043 ---
0045 ## Updates from the Software Working Group {#swg}
0047 ### EIC School of Software & Computing {#tutorials}
0048 The SWG will continue hosting the EIC Software tutorials. Please be sure to add your suggestions for topics that we should cover in our next tutorials in a [Google document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/15XgfEeOH1PnRmvPDsobX92dmEfusvibIZogvCR-JcNg/edit?usp=sharing) (anyone can edit). Previous tutorials are available on the [YouTube channel of the EICUG](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXc9WfDKdlLXoZMGrotkf7w).
0050 ### EIC Software Bundle {#bundle}
0051 The EIC Software bundle contains EIC-SMEAR and various MC event generators. It is centrally installed and distributed via CVMFS (`/cvmfs/eic.opensciencegrid.org/x8664_sl7/MCEG/`). The *dev* version of the EIC Software bundle has been updated to *EIC2021a*, including many updates to the environment and the event generators. Notable changes are:
0052 * The **BeAGLE** event generator has been updated to version 1.1. Please note: This update includes major changes and fixes, older versions should no longer be used.
0053 * [**elSpectro**](https://github.com/dglazier/elSpectro), an event generator for spectroscopy, has been included.
0054 * **Pythia 6** The PYTHIA-RAD-CORR directory now contains a subdirectory named STEER-FILES-Official containing the recommended best configuration cards for EIC simulations. A [fix to improve kinematic approximations](https://gitlab.com/eic/mceg/PYTHIA-RAD-CORR/-/commit/b3ceac3ac63647906ae1219a80ca6be6bbadc877) was added. The executable for Pythia 6 has been renamed to pythia-eic (with a symlink to pythiaeRHIC for backward compatibility).
0055 * [**TOPEG**](https://gitlab.in2p3.fr/dupre/nopeg), an event generator for nuclear DVCS, has been added.
0057 ### Project eAST {#east}
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0061 The SWG is launching a community-wide effort on next-generation simulations. Project eAST (eA Simulation Toolkit) will be led by Makoto Asai of SLAC, Geant4 project leader and deep technical expert for more than 20 years, and will build on the work done in existing detector simulations for the EIC. To ease leveraging new, rapidly evolving computing technologies, the SWG will implement a common integrated approach for fast and full detector simulations in Geant4 with a plug-and-play modular approach. An [overview of the project](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1i3_MG26J93OqOuZx8MJY_btmpGpuxPRCOfdJHAHFPwY/edit?usp=sharing) and a [proposal with comments by the community](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-EduKk_hCUr2lnKZFyqCMyzQBaM4ABRTRfFeOrEtWo8/edit?usp=sharing) is available.
0063 ---
0065 ## Updates from the Proto-Collaborations {#proto}
0067 ### ECCE {#ecce}
0068 ECCE has started to develop a [GitHub repository space for simulation, reconstruction and analysis development](https://github.com/ECCE-EIC) in response to the call for detector collaboration proposals. Any and all contributions to the ECCE repositories, as well as the upstream Fun4All and EICUG repositories, are welcome.
0070 On the [ECCE software website](https://ecce-eic.github.io/), you will find dedicated repositories for tutorials, developing analysis code, new subdetectors, and running full Geant4 simulations. Additionally, there is a Singularity container that allows for any user to work on their local laptop, with minimal setup required.
0072 Recently, a workshop was held to demonstrate how to use several software tools for analysis development. The tutorials at the workshop were recorded and are available on the following Indico page: [https://indico.bnl.gov/event/11112/](https://indico.bnl.gov/event/11112/)
0074 If you are interested in contributing, please don’t hesitate to check out the available resources or reach out to one of the speakers for more information on their talk or other software-related questions. If you have any additional questions, please contact [Joe Osborn](mailto:osbornjd@ornl.gov), the liaison between ECCE and the SWG.
0076 ### EIC@IP6 {#eicatip6}
0078 The software group of EIC@IP6 is actively developing tools for a full simulation chain based on a modern modular approach:
0080 * [Integration of the reference detector in DD4HEP](https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/EIC/detectors/reference_detector) is very advanced and will be completed soon.
0081 * Factored out [implementation of the interaction region](https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/EIC/detectors/ip6) and [accelerator](https://eicweb.phy.anl.gov/EIC/detectors/accelerator).
0082 * Different tracking/vertexing options for ACTS are being prepared.
0083 * The current approach uses GitLab CI for automized benchmarks/tests, both on dedicated servers and dispatched on a SLURM-based HPC system. Going forward, we will integrate this with a middleware solution, and use Rucio for distributed data management. In the short term, we will manually use S3 and/or Globus to keep the different sites in sync.
0085 Meanwhile, detector studies will progress using currently available packages. On May 6, we will begin bi-weekly meetings for the software group. If you have any additional questions, please contact [Andrea Bressan](mailto:andrea.bressan@ts.infn.it), the liaison between EIC@IP6 and the SWG.
0087 ---
0089 ### About the Software Working Group
0091 Please see our [website](https://eic.github.io) for more information about the Software Working Group and engage in the discussion on our [mailing list](mailto:eicug-software@eicug.org). For questions about the SWG, please [contact the conveners](mailto:eicug-software-conveners@eicug.org) (Andrea Bressan (Trieste), Markus Diefenthaler (JLab), and Torre Wenaus (BNL).
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