Warning, /eic.github.io/_documentation/getstarted.md is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
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0010 Welcome to the **Get Started** section. This page will guide you through the steps to get setup for contributing and working in our software framework.
0012 1. Join GitHub: [https://github.com/eic](https://github.com/eic)
0013 * GitHub serves as a central platform for version control, code review, issue tracking, and documentation. We maintain the EIC organization on GitHub for collaborative development of all software related to the EIC.
0014 * **Read Access:** Contact [![emailicon](../assets/images/site/icons/email.png){: width="3%" }](mailto:eic-software-l-request@lists.bnl.gov) **eic-software-l-request@lists.bnl.gov** from your institutional email address. Include in your email your GitHub username and confirmation of whether you or your sponsor/advisor is a member of the EICUG or ePIC.
0015 * **Write Access:** For access to specific repositories, you can request to join various GitHub teams. For example, join 'EPIC Devs’ for software development within the ePIC collaboration.
0017 1. Join Mattermost: [https://chat.epic-eic.org/](https://chat.epic-eic.org/)
0018 * We use Mattermost for our main communication channel.
0019 * You can join by emailing any group member to be added.
0020 1. Sign up for our mailing lists:
0021 * Collaboration mailing list ([subscribe here](https://lists.bnl.gov/mailman/listinfo/eic-projdet-collab-l)): [![emailicon](../assets/images/site/icons/email.png){: width="3%" }](mailto:eic-projdet-collab-l@lists.bnl.gov) **eic-projdet-collab-l@lists.bnl.gov**
0022 * Software mailing list ([subscribe here](https://lists.bnl.gov/mailman/listinfo/eic-projdet-compsw-l)): [![emailicon](../assets/images/site/icons/email.png){: width="3%" }](mailto:eic-projdet-compsw-l@lists.bnl.gov) **eic-projdet-compsw-l@lists.bnl.gov**
0024 1. Join a project! Checkout the [ePIC wiki](https://wiki.bnl.gov/EPIC/index.php?title=Collaboration) to get involved:
0025 * [Physics Working Group](https://wiki.bnl.gov/EPIC/index.php?title=Collaboration)
0026 * [Detector Subsystems](https://wiki.bnl.gov/EPIC/index.php?title=Collaboration)
0027 * [Software Working Group](https://wiki.bnl.gov/EPIC/index.php?title=Collaboration)
0029 1. Refer back to the [landing page](./landingpage.html) to checkout [HEP Software](https://hepsoftwarefoundation.org/training/center.html) and [ePIC tutorials](./tutorials.html)