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EIC code displayed by LXR



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0001 #
0002 name: The EIC Software Website
0003 title: The EIC Software Website
0004 description: The EIC Software Website
0005 url:
0006 #
0007 excerpt_separator: <!--more-->
0008 timezone: America/New_York
0009 highlighter: rouge
0010 #
0011 markdown: kramdown
0012 future: true
0013 exclude: [vendor]
0015 ##################################################################################
0016 # Important if we are not serving from the top folder - baseurl: /web            #
0017 # In that case, please make sure you use the "relative_path" directive           #
0018 # everywhere you include various site URLs in your pages.                        #
0019 #                                                                                #
0020 # Currently serving from the top folder i.e.                                     #
0021 # in this case this does not apply until further notice.                         #
0022 ##################################################################################
0024 # Custom helper variables:
0025 blank: 'target="_blank"'
0028 # Layout
0029 tablepadding: ' '
0031 # Decorative elements
0032 eic_logo: /assets/images/site/EIClogo_small.png
0033 splash: /assets/images/site/ion-collision-xparent-cropped.png
0035 # Icons:
0036 home_icon: /assets/images/site/icons/house-32.png
0037 external_icon: /assets/images/site/icons/external-link-32.png
0038 software_icon: /assets/images/site/icons/console-32.png
0039 resources_icon: /assets/images/site/icons/cog-32.png
0040 activities_icon: /assets/images/site/icons/light-bulb-5-32.png
0041 organization_icon: /assets/images/site/icons/flow-chart-32.png
0042 policies_icon: /assets/images/site/icons/cog-32.png
0043 documentation_icon: /assets/images/site/icons/literature-32.png
0044 about_icon: /assets/images/site/icons/light-bulb-5-32.png
0047 # Development:
0048 display_news: yes
0049 #
0050 plugins:
0051   - jekyll-mentions
0052   - jekyll-sitemap
0053   - jekyll-redirect-from
0055 #
0056 collections:
0057   software:
0058     output: true
0059     permalink: /software/:title.html
0060   resources:
0061     output: true
0062     permalink: /resources/:title.html
0063   activities:
0064     output: true
0065     permalink: /activities/:title.html
0066   organization:
0067     output: true
0068     permalink: /organization/:title.html
0069   documentation:
0070     output: true
0071     permalink: /documentation/:title.html
0072   policies:
0073     output: true
0074     permalink: /policies/:title.html
0075   about:
0076     output: true
0077     permalink: /about/:title.html