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Warning, /drich-dev/text/drich-materials.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 //
0002 // dRICH material properties, extracted from dRICH text file model, adapted for usage in EPIC
0003 //   original authors: E. Cisbani, A. Del Dotto, C. Fanelli
0004 //   source:
0005 //   original dRICh simulation source code:
0006 //
0008 // gas ============================================================
0009 :P C2F6density 0.005734
0010 :MIXT_BY_NATOMS C2F6 $C2F6density 2
0011   C 2
0012   F 6
0013 :P C4F10density 0.009935
0014 :MIXT_BY_NATOMS C4F10 $C4F10density 2
0015   C 4
0016   F 10
0018 // aerogel ========================================================
0019 :P aerogelDensity 0.110 // NOTE: increased from ECCE version (was 0.100)
0020 :P sio2Density    2.32
0021 :P airDensity     0.00120479
0022 :P  airFractionInAerogel  ($sio2Density-$aerogelDensity)/($sio2Density-$airDensity)
0023 :P  sio2FractionInAerogel (1.-$airFractionInAerogel)
0024 :MIXT_BY_VOLUME Aerogel $aerogelDensity 2
0025   G4_AIR             $airFractionInAerogel
0026   G4_SILICON_DIOXIDE $sio2FractionInAerogel
0028 // acrylic filter =================================================
0029 :P acrylicDensity 1.19
0030 :MIXT_BY_WEIGHT Acrylic $acrylicDensity 2
0031   G4_PLEXIGLASS        0.99
0034 // mirror =========================================================
0035 :PS mirrorMatName Acrylic
0037 // photosensors ===================================================
0038 :PS sensorMatName G4_Si
0041 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0043 // Compatibility workaround:
0044 //   To use this text file for materials, we need to assign them to volumes. Since
0045 //   we only care about materials, create a swatch of dummy volumes: cubes placed
0046 //   linearly where each cube is assigned a material, all in a mother air volume.
0047 //   This allows us to use the lookups in `g4dRIChOptics` as is.
0048 :P world 1000.0*cm
0049 :P size  10.0*cm
0050 :P pitch (3*$size)
0051 // volumes:
0052 :VOLU mother        BOX $world $world $world G4_AIR
0053 :VOLU C2F6Vol       BOX $size  $size  $size  C2F6
0054 :VOLU C4F10Vol      BOX $size  $size  $size  C4F10
0055 :VOLU AerogelVol    BOX $size  $size  $size  Aerogel
0056 :VOLU AcrylicVol    BOX $size  $size  $size  Acrylic
0057 :VOLU MirrorSurface BOX $size  $size  $size  $mirrorMatName
0058 :VOLU SensorSurface BOX $size  $size  $size  $sensorMatName
0059 // placements:
0060 :ROTM R0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0061 :PLACE C2F6Vol       1 mother R0 0.0*cm 0.0*cm (0*$pitch)
0062 :PLACE C4F10Vol      1 mother R0 0.0*cm 0.0*cm (1*$pitch)
0063 :PLACE AerogelVol    1 mother R0 0.0*cm 0.0*cm (2*$pitch)
0064 :PLACE AcrylicVol    1 mother R0 0.0*cm 0.0*cm (3*$pitch)
0065 :PLACE MirrorSurface 1 mother R0 0.0*cm 0.0*cm (4*$pitch)
0066 :PLACE SensorSurface 1 mother R0 0.0*cm 0.0*cm (5*$pitch)