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EIC code displayed by LXR



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0001 """
0002 @author Jesse Campbell
0003 """
0005 import numpy as np
0006 import sys
0007 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
0008 circle = 2 * np.pi
0009 epsilon = 1e-2  # to avoid zero division
0012 def makeAngles(theta_min: float, theta_max: float, num_rings: int, hit_density: int) -> list:
0013     """
0014     :param theta_min: minimum polar angle of dRICH in radians
0015     :param theta_max: maximum polar angle of dRICH in radians
0016     :param num_rings: number of concentric rings
0017     :param hit_density: the amount of photon hits for the minimum polar angle
0018     :return: returns a list of tuples containing polar and azimuthal angles, in radians, in the form
0019     [(polar, azimuthal), (...), ...] for generating photons that will have an even distribution on the dRICH sensor
0020     """
0022     angles = []
0023     thetas = np.linspace(theta_min, theta_max, num=num_rings)
0024     phis = np.linspace(hit_density, hit_density * (theta_max / (theta_min + epsilon)), num=num_rings, dtype=int)
0026     for r, t in convert(thetas, phis):
0027         angles.append(tuple((r, t)))
0028     """
0029         plt.plot(r * np.cos(t), r * np.sin(t), 'bo')
0031     """
0032     return angles
0035 def convert(thetas, phis):
0036     # Helper function for makePositions()
0037     for i in range(len(thetas)):
0038         for j in range(phis[i]):
0039             yield thetas[i], j * (circle / phis[i])
0042 if __name__ == '__main__':  # Code for running makePositions() in command line
0043     args = sys.argv
0044     theta_min = float(args[2])
0045     theta_max = float(args[3])
0046     num_rings = int(args[4])
0047     hit_density = int(args[5])
0048     globals()[args[1]](theta_min, theta_max, num_rings, hit_density)