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0001 # Template variator code
0002 # - use this to start your own variation study
0003 # - see other `var*.rb` files for more examples
0004 # - here we define the class `Variator`, which inherits from `VariatorBase`,
0005 #   where we only need to write the constructor `initialize`:
0006 #   - first call `VariatorBase` constructor (`super`) to instantiate instance
0007 #     variables such as `@varied_settings` (they all start with a single `@`)
0008 #   - overwrite the instance variables with your own
0010 ##### begin boilerplate #####
0011 require './ruby/variator/variator_base.rb'
0012 class Variator < VariatorBase
0013   def initialize
0014     super
0015     ##### end boilerplate #####
0018     ### PARAMETER VARIATIONS *************************
0019     # - create the following Hash for each variation, and add it to the 
0020     #   Array `@varied_settings`:
0021     #     {
0022     #       :xpath     => XPATH to the XML node
0023     #       :attribute => node attribute
0024     #       :function  => variation function (see variator_base.rb)
0025     #       :args      => variation arguments
0026     #       :count     => number of variations
0027     #       :label     => OPTIONAL: unique Symbol representing this variation; see `@derived_settings` below
0028     #     }
0029     # - XPATHs can be specific or more general; see
0030     # - try to make sure the XPATH refers to a unique node
0031     # - note: to vary a "constant" such as `DRICH_Length` in the compact file, use:
0032     #     { :xpath=>'//constant[@name="DRICH_Length"]', :attribute=>'value' }
0033     #   
0034     @varied_settings = [
0035       {
0036         :xpath     => '//mirror',
0037         :attribute => 'focus_tune_z',
0038         :function  => @@min_max,
0039         :args      => [30, 40],
0040         :count     => 2,
0041       },
0042       {
0043         :xpath     => '//sensors//sphere',
0044         :attribute => 'radius',
0045         :function  => @@center_delta,
0046         :args      => [140, 20],
0047         :count     => 3,
0048         :label     => :sensor_sphere_radius,
0049       },
0050     ]
0053     ### FIXED SETTINGS *******************************
0054     # - specify specific fixed settings
0055     # - `@fixed_settings` is also an array of Hashes, with one of the following forms:
0056     #     { :constant, :value }           # for `XPATH=//constant` nodes
0057     #     { :xpath, :attribute, :value }  # for general attribute (similar to `@varied_settings`)
0058     # - this is optional, don't set it if you don't need it
0059     @fixed_settings = [
0060       { :constant=>'DRICH_debug_optics', :value=>'0' },
0061     ]
0064     ### DERIVED SETTINGS *****************************
0065     # specify settings which depend on variant-specific values
0066     # - `@derived_settings` is also an array of Hashes
0067     # - add a unique `:label` to any variation setting in `@varied_settings`;
0068     #   the label will provide access to that variation's variant-specific value
0069     # - the Hash is defined as:
0070     #     {
0071     #       :xpath      => XPATH to the XML node to set
0072     #       :attribute  => node attribute to set
0073     #       :derivation => a Proc, which returns the derived value you want to set (see below)
0074     #     }
0075     # - the `:derivation` Proc takes one argument, a Hash which contains
0076     #   key=>value pairs where the keys are the `:label`s you defined in
0077     #   `@varied_settings`, and the values are the variant-specific values
0078     # - this is optional, don't set it if you don't need it
0079     @derived_settings = [
0080       # sets sensor sphere `centerz` to `50 - radius`
0081       {
0082         :xpath      => '//sensors//sphere',
0083         :attribute  => 'centerz',
0084         :derivation =>{ |value| 50.0 - value[:sensor_sphere_radius] },
0085       },
0086     ]
0089     ### SIMULATION COMMANDS **************************
0090     # - list of commands to run the simulation
0091     # - the full `simulation_pipelines` array is a list of pipelines, which will be
0092     #   executed sequentially
0093     #   - a pipeline is a list of commands, where stdout of one command is streamed
0094     #     to stdin of the next command
0095     #     - each command is written as an array, where the first element is the
0096     #       command, and the remaining elements are its arguments
0097     #     - a pipeline can be a single command
0098     #   - the list of pipelines will be executed for each variant
0099     #   - example pipelines:
0100     #     [[ "ls", "-t" ]]                  # => `ls -t`
0101     #     [ ["ls","-lt"], ["tail","-n3"] ]  # => `ls -lt | tail -n3`
0102     #
0103     # - `settings` is a Hash, including the following:
0104     #     {
0105     #       :id               => variant ID
0106     #       :compact_drich    => dRICH compact file; this file is the variant dRICH configuration
0107     #       :compact_detector => full detector compact file; references settings[:compact_drich]
0108     #       :output           => output ROOT file
0109     #       :log              => output log file prefix
0110     #       :variant_info     => Hash of this variant's settings
0111     #     }
0112     #
0113     # - some common `simulation_pipelines` are found in `variator_base.rb`,
0114     #   for example, optics testing; you are welcome to add your own there too
0115     #
0116     @simulation_pipelines = do |settings|
0117       [
0118         [[
0119           "./",
0120           "-t 1",
0121           "-n 100",
0122           "-c #{settings[:compact_detector]}",
0123           "-o #{settings[:output]}",
0124         ]],
0125         [[
0126           "bin/draw_hits",
0127           "d",
0128           settings[:output],
0129         ]],
0130       ]
0131     end
0134   ##### begin boilerplate #####
0135   end # `Variator` constructor
0136 end # class `Variator`