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0023   RowBox[{
0024    RowBox[{"Given", " ", "mirror", " ", "parameters", " ", 
0025     RowBox[{"(", 
0026      RowBox[{"center", ",", "radius"}], ")"}]}], ",", " ", 
0027    RowBox[{
0028    "determine", " ", "the", " ", "parameters", " ", "used", " ", "in", " ", 
0029     "the", " ", "compact", " ", "XML", " ", "file"}], ",", " ", 
0030    RowBox[{
0031    "the", " ", "backplane", " ", "distance", " ", "and", " ", "focus", " ", 
0032     RowBox[{"tunes", ".", " ", "This"}], " ", "notebook", " ", "can", " ", 
0033     "be", " ", "used", " ", "to", " ", "convert", " ", "mirror", " ", 
0034     "prameters", " ", "from", " ", "the", " ", "Geant4", " ", "text", " ", 
0035     "file", " ", "to", " ", "the", " ", "parameters", " ", "used", " ", "in", 
0036     " ", 
0037     RowBox[{"DD4hep", "."}]}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", "*)"}]], "Input",
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0045   RowBox[{"(*", " ", 
0046    RowBox[{
0047     RowBox[{"tank", " ", "params"}], ",", " ", 
0048     RowBox[{"w", ".", "r", ".", "t", ".", " ", "IP"}]}], " ", "*)"}], 
0049   "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
0050   RowBox[{
0051    RowBox[{
0052     RowBox[{"zMax", "=", "280"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
0053    RowBox[{
0054     RowBox[{"tankLength", " ", "=", "80"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
0055    RowBox[{"(*", " ", 
0056     RowBox[{
0057      RowBox[{"mirror", " ", "params"}], ",", " ", 
0058      RowBox[{"defined", " ", 
0059       RowBox[{"w", ".", "r", ".", "t", ".", " ", "IP"}], 
0060       "\[IndentingNewLine]", "*", " ", 
0061       RowBox[{"note", ":", " ", 
0062        RowBox[{"in", " ", "the", " ", "G4", " ", "text", " ", "file"}]}]}], 
0063      ",", " ", 
0064      RowBox[{"coords", " ", "are", " ", 
0065       RowBox[{"w", ".", "r", ".", "t", ".", " ", "centerZ"}], " ", "of", " ", 
0066       "tank"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
0067    RowBox[{
0068     RowBox[{"tankCenterZ", " ", "=", " ", 
0069      RowBox[{"zMax", "-", 
0070       RowBox[{"tankLength", "/", "2"}]}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
0071    RowBox[{
0072     RowBox[{"zM", "=", 
0073      RowBox[{
0074       RowBox[{"-", "160.81"}], "+", "tankCenterZ"}]}], ";"}], 
0075    "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
0076    RowBox[{
0077     RowBox[{"xM", "=", "125"}], ";"}], " ", "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
0078    RowBox[{
0079     RowBox[{"rM", "=", "200"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
0080    RowBox[{"Print", "[", 
0081     RowBox[{"\"\<mirror {z,x,r} = \>\"", ",", 
0082      RowBox[{"List", "[", 
0083       RowBox[{"zM", ",", "xM", ",", "rM"}], "]"}]}], "]"}]}]}]], "Input",
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0088    3.861490887566338*^9, 3.861490959519855*^9}, {3.86149099191861*^9, 
0089    3.861490996375588*^9}},
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0094   RowBox[{"\<\"mirror {z,x,r} = \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]", 
0095    RowBox[{"{", 
0096     RowBox[{"79.19`", ",", "125", ",", "200"}], "}"}]}],
0097   SequenceForm["mirror {z,x,r} = ", {79.19, 125, 200}],
0098   Editable->False]], "Print",
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0114    RowBox[{"short", " ", "snout", " ", "option"}], " ", "*)"}], 
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0116   RowBox[{
0117    RowBox[{"snoutLength", "=", "4"}], ";"}]}]], "Input",
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0125    RowBox[{"long", " ", "snout", " ", "option"}], " ", "*)"}], 
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0127   RowBox[{
0128    RowBox[{"snoutLength", "=", "20"}], ";"}]}]], "Input",
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0142   RowBox[{"(*", " ", 
0143    RowBox[{
0144     RowBox[{"sensor", " ", "sphere", " ", "params"}], ",", " ", 
0145     RowBox[{"from", " ", "compact", " ", "XML", " ", "file"}], ",", " ", 
0146     RowBox[{"defined", " ", 
0147      RowBox[{"w", ".", "r", ".", "t", ".", " ", "vessel"}], " ", "front", " ",
0148       "plane", " ", 
0149      RowBox[{"(", "zMin", ")"}]}]}], " ", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
0150   RowBox[{
0151    RowBox[{
0152     RowBox[{"zMin", "=", 
0153      RowBox[{"zMax", "-", "tankLength", "-", "snoutLength"}]}], ";"}], 
0154    "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
0155    RowBox[{
0156     RowBox[{"zSxml", "=", 
0157      RowBox[{
0158       RowBox[{"-", "168.07"}], "+", "snoutLength", "+", 
0159       RowBox[{"tankLength", "/", "2"}]}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
0160    RowBox[{
0161     RowBox[{"xSxml", "=", "124.98"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
0162    RowBox[{"Print", "[", 
0163     RowBox[{"\"\<snoutLength = \>\"", ",", "snoutLength"}], "]"}], 
0164    "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
0165    RowBox[{"Print", "[", 
0166     RowBox[{"\"\<zMin = \>\"", ",", "zMin"}], "]"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
0167    RowBox[{"Print", "[", 
0168     RowBox[{"\"\<sensor sphere center {z,x} = \>\"", ",", 
0169      RowBox[{"List", "[", 
0170       RowBox[{"zSxml", ",", "xSxml"}], "]"}]}], "]"}]}]}]], "Input",
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0180 Cell[CellGroupData[{
0182 Cell[BoxData[
0183  InterpretationBox[
0184   RowBox[{"\<\"snoutLength = \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "20"}],
0185   SequenceForm["snoutLength = ", 20],
0186   Editable->False]], "Print",
0187  CellChangeTimes->{
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0190    3.861493953938398*^9, 3.861493971655673*^9}, 3.861494535618882*^9},
0191  CellLabel->
0192   "During evaluation of \
0193 In[11]:=",ExpressionUUID->"bb82086f-14ae-4137-981c-d6a1258871ac"],
0195 Cell[BoxData[
0196  InterpretationBox[
0197   RowBox[{"\<\"zMin = \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "180"}],
0198   SequenceForm["zMin = ", 180],
0199   Editable->False]], "Print",
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0203    3.861493953938398*^9, 3.861493971655673*^9}, 3.8614945356238117`*^9},
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0205   "During evaluation of \
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0210   RowBox[{"\<\"sensor sphere center {z,x} = \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]", 
0211    RowBox[{"{", 
0212     RowBox[{
0213      RowBox[{"-", "108.07`"}], ",", "124.98`"}], "}"}]}],
0214   SequenceForm["sensor sphere center {z,x} = ", {-108.07, 124.98}],
0215   Editable->False]], "Print",
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0219    3.861493953938398*^9, 3.861493971655673*^9}, 3.861494535630763*^9},
0220  CellLabel->
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0235   RowBox[{"(*", " ", 
0236    RowBox[{
0237    "convert", " ", "compact", " ", "XML", " ", "params", " ", "to", " ", 
0238     "coords", " ", "that", " ", "are", " ", "defined", " ", 
0239     RowBox[{"w", ".", "r", ".", "t", ".", " ", "IP"}]}], " ", "*)"}], 
0240   "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
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0242    RowBox[{
0243     RowBox[{"zS", "=", 
0244      RowBox[{"zSxml", "+", "zMin"}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
0245    RowBox[{
0246     RowBox[{"xS", "=", "xSxml"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
0247    RowBox[{
0248     RowBox[{"b", "=", 
0249      RowBox[{"zMax", "-", "bXml"}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
0250    RowBox[{"(*", " ", 
0251     RowBox[{
0252      RowBox[{"focal", " ", "point"}], " ", "=", " ", 
0253      RowBox[{
0254       RowBox[{"sensor", " ", "sphere", " ", "center"}], " ", "+", " ", 
0255       RowBox[{"focus", " ", "tune"}]}]}], " ", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
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0258     RowBox[{"zF", "=", 
0259      RowBox[{"zS", "+", "zT"}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
0260    RowBox[{
0261     RowBox[{"xF", "=", 
0262      RowBox[{"xS", "+", "xT"}]}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
0263    RowBox[{"(*", " ", 
0264     RowBox[{
0265      RowBox[{"invert", " ", "FocusMirror", " ", "function"}], ",", " ", 
0266      RowBox[{
0267       RowBox[{"determining", " ", "compact", " ", "XML", " ", 
0268        RowBox[{"params", ":", "\[IndentingNewLine]", "  ", 
0269         RowBox[{"'", 
0270          RowBox[{"backplane", "'"}]}]}]}], " ", "=", " ", 
0271       RowBox[{
0272        RowBox[{
0273         RowBox[{"`bXml`", "\[IndentingNewLine]", " ", "'"}], "focus_tune", 
0274         RowBox[{"_x", "'"}]}], " ", "=", " ", 
0275        RowBox[{
0276         RowBox[{
0277          RowBox[{"`xT`", "\[IndentingNewLine]", "'"}], "focus_tune", 
0278          RowBox[{"_z", "'"}]}], " ", "=", " ", "`zT`"}]}]}]}], 
0279     "\[IndentingNewLine]", "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
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0282      RowBox[{
0283       RowBox[{"zM", "\[Equal]", 
0284        RowBox[{"b", "*", 
0285         RowBox[{"zF", "/", 
0286          RowBox[{"(", 
0287           RowBox[{
0288            RowBox[{"2", "*", "b"}], "-", "zF"}], ")"}]}]}]}], " ", "&&", 
0289       "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
0290       RowBox[{"xM", "\[Equal]", 
0291        RowBox[{"b", "*", 
0292         RowBox[{"xF", "/", 
0293          RowBox[{"(", 
0294           RowBox[{
0295            RowBox[{"2", "*", "b"}], "-", "zF"}], ")"}]}]}]}], " ", "&&", 
0296       "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
0297       RowBox[{"rM", "\[Equal]", 
0298        RowBox[{"b", "-", "zM"}]}]}], ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
0299      RowBox[{"{", 
0300       RowBox[{"zT", ",", "xT", ",", "bXml"}], "}"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", 
0301     "]"}]}]}]], "Input",
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0313    RowBox[{
0314     RowBox[{"bXml", "\[Rule]", "0.8100000000000023`"}], ",", 
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0316     RowBox[{"xT", "\[Rule]", "69.77835705117468`"}]}], "}"}], "}"}]], "Output",\
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