Warning, /drich-dev/doc/athena.md is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 Download ATHENA
0002 ===============
0003 Clone the `athena` repo, and checkout the `144-irt-geometry` development branch:
0004 ```bash
0005 git clone --branch=144-irt-geometry git@eicweb.phy.anl.gov:EIC/detectors/athena.git
0006 ```
0008 Switch to ATHENA
0009 ================
0010 Source environment:
0011 ```bash
0012 source environ.sh # EPIC environment
0013 source deprecated/environ_athena.sh # overrides for ATHENA
0014 ```
0016 Build the ATHENA geometry, then re-build Juggler:
0017 ```bash
0018 build.sh athena clean
0019 build.sh juggler clean
0020 ```
0022 For reconstruction, you may need to create an IRT auxfile, using
0023 ```bash
0024 deprecated/create_irt_auxfile_athena.py
0025 ```
0027 Revert to EPIC
0028 ==============
0029 To switch your environment back to EPIC:
0030 ```bash
0031 source environ.sh
0032 build.sh epic clean
0033 build.sh juggler clean
0034 ```