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0001 # dRICH-dev
0002 Resources and Tools for EPIC dRICH development
0004 | **Table of Contents**               |                                                       |
0005 | --:                                 | ---                                                   |
0006 | [Setup](#setup)                     | How to download and build the code                    |
0007 | [ePIC Software Stack](#flowchart)   | Flowchart of ePIC Software and Dependency             |
0008 | [Geometry and Materials](#geometry) | Detector geometry and material properties description |
0009 | [Simulation](#simulation)           | Running the simulation in Geant4                      |
0010 | [Reconstruction](#reconstruction)   | Running the reconstruction algorithms                 |
0011 | [Benchmarks](#benchmarks)           | Running the analysis benchmarks and performance plots |
0012 | [Miscellaneous](#miscellaneous)     | Additional code for support                           |
0014 | **Documentation Links**                                 |                                               |
0015 | --:                                                     | ---                                           |
0016 | [Tutorial Series](doc/tutorials/              | Series of dRICH-specific Tutorials            |
0017 | [Links](doc/                                   | Collection of dRICH Software and Resources    |
0018 | [Branches and Pull Requests](doc/           | Active development branches and pull requests |
0019 | [Project Board]( | Issues and Pull Request Tracking              |
0020 | [Material Properties](doc/           | Generation of Material Property Tables        |
0022 ## Notes
0023 EPIC Software is modular: see [the flowchart below](#flowchart) for
0024 general guidance of the modules relevant for RICH development. It shows their
0025 dependences, calls, and data flow.
0027 See also [the collection of links](doc/ to various resources and dRICH
0028 implementations.
0030 ## Active Branches
0032 Depending on the development, you likely need to change `git` branches for some
0033 of the modules. See the [active branches tables](doc/ for tables
0034 of branches for varying configurations.
0036 ## Notes for ATHENA
0037 - This repository was used for development of the ATHENA dRICH and pfRICH; it
0038   has since been modified to support EPIC
0039 - See [doc/](doc/ for guidance how to run using the ATHENA geometry;
0040   this is temporarily supported for helping test reconstruction algorithms
0041 - See [doc/](doc/ for information about the
0042   development branches and pull requests that were used for the ATHENA proposal
0044 ---
0046 <a name="setup"></a>
0047 # Setup
0048 - First, clone this `drich-dev` repository
0049   - If you follow the directions below as is, everything will be installed in
0050     subdirectories of this repository; you will need a few GB of disk space
0051   - If you have experience with the ATHENA software stack, you may prefer your
0052     own set up; in that case, make symlinks to your local `git` repository
0053     clones, so you can use the scripts in this directory
0054 - Obtain the EIC Software image (`jug_xl`):
0055   - follow [ePIC Software Tutorials](
0056     to obtain the EIC software image
0057     - the `eic-shell` script is used to start a container shell
0058     - all documentation below assumes you are running in `eic-shell`
0059     - this image contains all the dependencies needed for EPIC simulations
0060       - tip: when in a container shell (`eic-shell`), see `/opt/local` or `/opt/software/linux.../gcc.../`
0061         for the installed software
0062         - for example, if you want to check exactly what is available in the
0063           [EDM4hep data model](, see the headers
0064           in `/opt/software/linux.../gcc.../edm4hep.../include/edm4hep/` (these are
0065           produced by the [edm4hep.yaml](
0066           configuration file)
0067     - be sure to regularly update your image by running `eic-shell --upgrade`; this is necessary
0068       to keep up with upstream changes, such as in EDM4hep or DD4hep
0069 - Obtain EPIC Software modules, either clone or symlink the repositories to the
0070   specified paths:
0071   - Modules:
0072     - [`epic`]( to `./epic`, for the EPIC detector geometry,
0073       based on [DD4hep](
0074     - [`irt`]( to `./irt`, for the Indirect Ray Tracing for RICH reconstruction
0075     - [`EDM4eic`]( to `./EDM4eic`, for the data model; this extends
0076       [`EDM4hep`](, the common data model, which is included
0077       in the EIC software image
0078     - [`EICRecon`]( to `./EICrecon`, for the reconstruction framework
0079     - [`reconstruction_benchmarks`]( to
0080       `./reconstruction_benchmarks`, for the reconstruction benchmarks and performance studies
0081   - Cloning:
0082     - Only clone the repositories that you need or intend to modify; they are all installed in the `eic-shell`
0083       image, but if you want to build the latest possible version of a repository, clone it; `drich-dev` is
0084       designed to _override_ `eic-shell` image builds
0085     - Clone the Github repositories with SSH, which is required for
0086       contributions (you must be a member of the EIC organization and ePIC Devs
0087       team), otherwise you need to clone with HTTPS (or fork and clone the fork
0088       with SSH)
0089       - SSH clone:
0090         ```bash
0091         git clone
0092         git clone
0093         git clone
0094         git clone
0095         ```
0096       - HTTPS clone:
0097         ```bash
0098         git clone
0099         git clone
0100         git clone
0101         git clone
0102         ```
0103     - Some repositories are still hosted on [EICweb](; if you want to contribute
0104       to them, you will also need an account there. Again, if you have access, clone with SSH, otherwise clone
0105       with HTTPS:
0106       - SSH clone:
0107         ```bash
0108         git clone
0109         ```
0110       - HTTPS clone:
0111         ```bash
0112         git clone
0113         ```
0114   - Checkout the appropriate branches of each repository, depending on your needs
0115     - see [Branches and Pull Requests](doc/
0116     - see also the [project page](
0117       for more up-to-date information
0118   - Follow directions below to build each module
0120 ## Environment
0121 - execute `source`
0122   - this file contains several environment variables needed by many scripts;
0123     it is recommended to read through `` and make any changes as
0124     needed
0125   - `$BUILD_NPROC` is the number of parallel threads used for multi-threaded
0126     building and running multi-threaded
0127     - change it, if you prefer
0128     - memory-hungry builds will be built single-threaded
0129   - `$EIC_SHELL_PREFIX` is the main directory where module builds will be installed
0130     - `` will change this to `./prefix`, so that all module builds
0131       will be installed locally
0132     - change it, if you prefer a different directory
0133   - you can find documentation for many other variables in the corresponding
0134     module repositories
0135   - there are some additional "comfort" settings, which depend on your host
0136     environment; it is not required to use these, but feel free to add your own
0137     - if `~/bin` exists, it will be added to your `$PATH`
0139 ## Building Modules
0140 - you must be in the EIC container (`eic-shell`) and have environment
0141   variables set (`source`)
0142 - build each repository, one-by-one, in order of dependences
0143   - build scripts, in recommended order:
0144   ```bash
0145   ./ EDM4eic
0146   ./ irt
0147   ./ epic
0148   ./ EICrecon
0149   ./ reconstruction_benchmarks
0150   ```
0151   - you could also run `./` to (re)build all of the modules in the
0152     recommended order
0153 - run `source` again, if:
0154   - if this is your first time building, or a clean build
0155   - if a module's environment has been updated, in particular `epic/templates/`
0156 - finally, build the local `drich-dev` code:
0157   ```bash
0158   make         # build and install the code
0159   make clean   # remove built targets (only if you want to recompile from scratch)
0160   ```
0161   - this will produce several executables in `bin/` from code in `src/`
0163 ### Recommendations and Troubleshooting
0164 - be mindful of the environment variables
0165   - if in doubt, run `source` to update all of them
0166   - inspect all of the printed environment variables
0167 - execute `./` to quickly rebuild all repositories, in order of
0168   dependences; this is useful when you switch branches in *any* of the
0169   repositories, or if you pull in updates
0170   - sometimes things will break, simply because a dependent module is out of
0171     date; in that case, make sure all repositories are as up-to-date as
0172     possible; you may also need to update your Singularity/Docker image
0173     (`eic-shell --upgrade`)
0174 - be mindful of which branch you are on in each repository, especially if you
0175   have several active pull requests
0176   - for example, `irt` requires the new `EDM4eic` components and datatypes, which
0177     at the time of writing this have not been merged to `EDM4eic` `main`
0178   - use `./` to quickly check which branches you are on in all
0179     repositories
0180   - use `./` to run `git status` in each repository, which is
0181     useful during active development
0182 - for clean builds, you can generally pass the word `clean` to any build script
0183   (you can also do `./ clean` to clean-build everything)
0184 - most build scripts will run `cmake --build` multi-threaded
0185   - the `$BUILD_NPROC` environment variable should be set to the number of
0186     parellel threads you want to build with (see ``)
0188 ---
0190 <a name="flowchart"></a>
0191 # ePIC Software Stack
0192 This is a flowchart showing the ePIC Software Stack, dependencies, and data flow, with some focus
0193 on parts specific for the dRICH. This `drich-dev` repository uses all of these, and in many cases,
0194 wraps functionality in dRICH-specific code stored here in `drich-dev`.
0196 ## Abridged Flowchart
0198 ```mermaid
0199 flowchart TB
0200   classDef epic fill:#ff8888,color:black
0202   EventGeneration[Event<br/>Generation]:::epic
0203   subgraph Simulation
0204     epic[<strong>epic</strong><br/>Geometry]:::epic
0205   end
0206   subgraph Reconstruction
0207     irt[<strong>irt</strong><br/>PID Algorithm]:::epic
0208     EICrecon[<strong>EICrecon</strong><br/>Reconstruction]:::epic
0209   end
0210   subgraph Benchmarks
0211     PhysicsBenchmarks[<strong>physics_benchmarks</strong>]:::epic
0212     ReconstructionBenchmarks[<strong>reconstruction_benchmarks</strong>]:::epic
0213     DetectorBenchmarks[<strong>detector_benchmarks</strong>]:::epic
0214   end
0215   EDM4eic[<strong>EDM4eic</strong><br/>Data Model]:::epic
0217   EventGeneration -->  epic ---> EICrecon --> PhysicsBenchmarks
0218   irt             -->  EICrecon
0219   EICrecon        -->  ReconstructionBenchmarks
0220   epic            ---> DetectorBenchmarks
0221   EDM4eic         -->  Reconstruction
0222   EDM4eic         -->  Benchmarks
0223 ```
0225 ## Full Flowchart
0227 ```mermaid
0228 flowchart LR
0229   classDef epic fill:#ff8888,color:black
0230   classDef dep fill:#00aaaa,color:black
0231   classDef obj fill:#88ff88,color:black
0232   classDef data fill:#ffff88,color:black
0233   classDef op fill:#770077,color:white
0235   subgraph Legend
0236     epic[ePIC<br/>Repository]:::epic
0237     dep(Dependency<br/>Repository):::dep
0238     data[(Data files)]:::data
0239     obj{{Object}}:::obj
0240     op{Boolean}:::op
0241     dep --> epic --> data
0242     obj --> epic
0243   end
0244 ```
0247 ```mermaid
0248 flowchart TB
0249   classDef epic fill:#ff8888,color:black
0250   classDef dep fill:#00aaaa,color:black
0252   subgraph Data Model
0253     EDM4hep(EDM4hep):::dep
0254     EDM4eic[EDM4eic]:::epic
0255     PODIO(PODIO):::dep
0256   end
0257   PODIO --> EDM4hep --> EDM4eic
0258   PODIO --> EDM4eic
0259 ```
0261 ```mermaid
0262 flowchart TB
0263   classDef epic fill:#ff8888,color:black
0264   classDef dep fill:#00aaaa,color:black
0265   classDef obj fill:#88ff88,color:black
0266   classDef data fill:#ffff88,color:black
0267   classDef op fill:#770077,color:white
0269   subgraph Event Generation
0270     Pythia6(Pythia6):::dep
0271     Pythia8(Pythia8):::dep
0272     OtherGen(etc.):::dep
0273     Hepmc[(HEPMC files)]:::data
0274     Gun(Particle Guns<br/>ddsim OR npsim):::dep
0275     GenOR{OR}:::op
0276   end
0277   Pythia6  --> Hepmc
0278   Pythia8  --> Hepmc
0279   OtherGen --> Hepmc
0280   Hepmc    --> GenOR
0281   Gun      --> GenOR
0283   subgraph Simulation
0284     DD4hep(DD4hep):::dep
0285     Geant(Geant4):::dep
0286   end
0287   Geant --> DD4hep
0289   subgraph Geometry
0290     Epic[epic]:::epic
0291     subgraph Compact Files
0292       DDCompact{{Compact files}}:::obj
0293       DDMat{{Material Properties}}:::obj
0294     end
0295     DDPlugin{{Geometry Plugins}}:::obj
0296   end
0297   SimOut[(Simulation Output<br/>edm4hep ROOT files)]:::data
0298   DD4hep    --> Gun
0299   GenOR     --> Epic
0300   DD4hep    --> Epic
0301   DDCompact --> Epic
0302   DDMat     --> Epic
0303   DDPlugin  --> Epic
0304   Epic      --> SimOut
0306   subgraph Reconstruction Framework
0307     JANA(JANA2):::dep
0308     EICreconPlugins{{EICrecon<br/>Plugins}}:::obj
0309     EICreconFactories{{EICrecon<br/>Factories}}:::obj
0310     EICreconServices{{EICrecon<br/>Services}}:::obj
0311     EICrecon[EICrecon]:::epic
0312   end
0313   subgraph Reconstruction Algorithms
0314     IRT[irt]:::epic
0315     RecoAlgorithms{{Reconstruction<br/>Algorithms}}:::obj
0316     RecoAlgorithmConfigs{{Algorithm<br/>Configurations}}:::obj
0317   end
0318   RecOut[(Reconstruction Output<br/>edm4hep ROOT files)]:::data
0319   IRT                  -->  RecoAlgorithms
0320   EICreconServices     -->  EICreconFactories
0321   EICreconFactories    -->  EICrecon
0322   IRT                  -->  EICreconServices
0323   RecoAlgorithmConfigs -->  RecoAlgorithms
0324   RecoAlgorithms       -->  EICreconFactories
0325   EICreconFactories    -->  RecoAlgorithmConfigs
0326   EICreconPlugins      -->  EICrecon
0327   JANA                 -->  EICrecon
0328   SimOut               --> EICrecon
0329   EICrecon         -->  RecOut
0331   subgraph Benchmarks
0332     PhysicsBenchmarks[physics_benchmarks]:::epic
0333     ReconstructionBenchmarks[reconstruction_benchmarks]:::epic
0334     DetectorBenchmarks[detector_benchmarks]:::epic
0335   end
0336   AnaOut[(Reconstruction Analysis<br/>ROOT files)]:::data
0337   SimOut --> DetectorBenchmarks
0338   RecOut --> PhysicsBenchmarks
0339   RecOut --> ReconstructionBenchmarks --> AnaOut
0341 ```
0344 ---
0346 <a name="geometry"></a>
0347 # Geometry and Materials
0348 - the geometry and materials are implemented in DD4hep, in the
0349   [epic]( repository
0350   - see the [DD4hep class index](
0351     or the [homepage]( for documentation
0352   - the following files in `epic/` are relevant for the dRICH:
0353     - `compact/drich.xml`: the compact file for the dRICH
0354       - constants for the geometry (e.g., dimensions, positions)
0355       - see `compact/definitions.xml` for main constants (for the full detector),
0356         such as global positioning
0357       - use `./ [PATTERN]` to quickly obtain the
0358         *numerical* value of any constant, where `[PATTERN]` is case sensitive
0359         (e.g., `./ DRICH`); this is a script in
0360         `drich-dev` which wraps `npdet_info`
0361       - see `comment` tags for details of all parameters
0362     - `compact/optical_materials.xml` for surface and material property tables,
0363       such as refractive index
0364       - property tables relevant for the dRICH can be generated by following 
0365         [doc/](doc/
0366       - see `compact/materials.xml` for material definitions and
0367         `compact/elements.xml` for elements
0368       - materials and parameterizations relevent for the dRICH contain the
0369         substring `DRICH` in their name
0370       - materials etc. are referenced by name in `compact/drich.xml`
0371     - the full detector compact file is `$DETECTOR_PATH/epic.xml`, which is generated via
0372       Jinja during `cmake` (run ` epic`), along with a dRICH-only
0373       compact file `$DETECTOR_PATH/epic_drich_only.xml`
0374       - these compact files are used by many scripts, such as `npsim`, whereas
0375         `compact/drich.xml` is *only* for the dRICH implementation itself
0376       - ` epic` (`cmake`) will also copy local `epic/compact/*.xml`
0377         files to `$DETECTOR_PATH`, since the generated compact files (`$DETECTOR_PATH/epic*.xml`) 
0378         reference compact files in `$DETECTOR_PATH`
0379     - `src/DRICH_geo.cpp` is the C++ source file for the dRICH
0380       - relies on constants from the compact files
0381       - builds the dRICH
0382       - placement algorithms
0383       - parameterizations (e.g., of the mirrors)
0384       - see comments within the code for documentation
0386 ## Viewing the Geometry and Parameter Values
0387 - run `./` to produce the `TGeo` geometry ROOT file
0388   - follow the usage guide to specify whether to draw the full EPIC
0389     detector, or just the dRICH
0390   - output ROOT file will be in `geo/`, by default
0391 - open the resulting ROOT file in `jsroot` geoviewer, using either:
0392   - [CERN host]( (recommended)
0393   - Local host (advanced, but offers better control) - see [setup guide](doc/
0394   - [ANL hosted](
0395   - alternatively, run `` to use a `ROOT` `TGeoManager`
0396 - browse the ROOT file geometry tree in the sidebar on the left:
0397   ```
0398   detector_geometry.root
0399   └── default
0400       └── world_volume
0401           ├── ...
0402           ├── DRICH
0403           └── ...
0404   ```
0405   - right click on the desired component, then click `Draw`
0406   - the default projection is perspective, but if you need to check alignment,
0407     change to orthographic projection:
0408     - right click -> show controls -> advanced -> orthographic camera
0409     - square your browser window aspect ratio, since the default aspect ratio is
0410       whatever your browser window is
0411   - more documentation found on [jsroot website](
0412 - check for overlaps
0413   - typically more efficient to let the CI do this (in `epic`)
0414   - call `./` to run a local check
0415     - one check faster and less accurate, the other is slower and more accurate
0416 - use `./ [PATTERN]` to quickly obtain the value of any
0417   parameter in the compact files, rather than trying to "reverse" the formulas
0418   - for example, `./ DRICH` to get all dRICH variables
0419   - the search pattern is case sensitive
0420   - this script is just a wrapper for `npdet_info`, run `npdet_info -h` for
0421     further guidance
0422 - use `` to generate a PNG file showing a cross section of all detectors
0424 ## GDML Output
0425 - currently we use the CI for this, from the `epic` repository
0426   (the `athena` repository has a dRICH specific GDML output CI job, but at the
0427   time of writing this, this automation is not yet present in `epic` CI)
0428 - TODO: add a local script to automate connection to Fun4all
0430 ---
0432 <a name="simulation"></a>
0433 # Simulation
0434 There are some local scripts to aid in simulation development. All compilable
0435 `src/.cpp` programs are compiled by running `make`, which will build
0436 corresponding executables and install them to `bin/`
0438 - ``: runs `npsim` with settings for the dRICH and pfRICH
0439   - run with no arguments for usage guidance
0440   - `npsim` is the main script for running Geant4 simulations with DD4hep; it
0441     wraps DD4hep's `ddsim` with some extra settings for Cherenkov detectors,
0442     such as the sensitive detector action
0443   - basically copied to `reconstruction_benchmarks`, but stored here as well for
0444     backup
0445 - example simulation analysis code is found in `src/examples`
0446   - see comments within each for more details
0447   - build with `make` (from the top-level directory); the corresponding executables
0448     will be installed to `bin/`
0449 - `src/draw_hits.cpp` (run with `bin/draw_hits`)
0450   - reads simulation output and draws raw hit positions and number of hits vs.
0451     momentum
0452   - build with `make`, execute as `bin/draw_hits [simulation_output_file]`
0453 - `src/event_display.cpp` (run with `bin/event_display`)
0454   - reads simulation output and draws the hits within sensor pixels, which is
0455     useful for checking mapping of sensor segmentation (pixels)
0457 ## Automated Parameter Variation
0458 - use `scripts/vary_params.rb` to run simulation jobs while varying dRICH compact file parameters
0459   - Ruby gems (dependencies) are required to run this; see [doc/](doc/ for guidance
0460   - The input of this script is a configuration file, written as a class
0461     - This file includes:
0462       - Which parameters to vary, and how
0463       - Pipelines: shell commands to run on each variant, for example, ``
0464     - See `ruby/variator/template.rb` for an example and more details
0465       - The class `Variator` inherits from the common superclass `VariatorBase`
0466       - Add your own `Variator` class in another file, then specify this file
0467         when you call `vary_params.rb`, so that it will use your `Variator` class
0468         rather than the default
0469     - The script runs multi-threaded: one thread per variant
0470       - Output `stdout` and `stderr` are logged, along with your shell command pipelines
0472 ---
0474 <a name="reconstruction"></a>
0475 # Reconstruction
0477 ## IRT: Indirect Ray Tracing
0479 To use reconstruction with IRT, you must be on the correct set of branches. See
0480 the [tables of branches](doc/ for guidance.
0482 ### EICrecon
0484 The EICrecon version will be better documented later, when at least a basic
0485 version is merged to `main`, but in the meantime, see
0486 [the README in EICrecon](
0487 (if you see nothing there, change to the appropriate branch).
0489 To run the reconstruction with EICrecon:
0490 ```bash
0491 recon.rb -h  # see usage guide (run with no arguments to run with defaults)
0492 ```
0494 There are various configuration files available in `config/`, which depends on which branch
0495 of EICrecon you are currently on.
0497 ---
0499 <a name="benchmarks"></a>
0500 # Benchmarks
0502 The benchmarks run downstream of all other modules, and are useful for running
0503 tests. For example, automated checks of upstream geometry changes, to see what
0504 happens to performance plots.
0506 - obtain and build the `reconstruction_benchmarks` repository (see above)
0507 - run `benchmark.rb` (a symlink to the main benchmark runner script) with no arguments
0508   to see the usage guide
0510 ## `drich-dev` Continuous Integration (CI)
0512 `drich-dev` includes a CI workflow, for rapid testing of changes to the ePIC dRICH
0513 - The CI workflow is triggered on every commit to a branch with an associated pull request
0514 - The workflow includes:
0515   - Build tests: all modules are built in order of dependence
0516   - Pipeline: simulation, reconstruction, benchmarks, plus some other local executables
0517     from `drich-dev`
0518   - Geometry generation: generate `TGeo` files and tables of constants
0519   - See [workflow file](.github/workflows/ci.yml) for more details
0520 - Edit [`scripts/`](scripts/ to select which branch each
0521   module should be on
0522   - this is useful if you have made changes to more than one repository
0523   - this _complements_ the CI workflows on each module, allowing dRICH developers to test the full
0524     simulation-reconstruction-benchmarks pipeline on any custom combination of `git` branches
0526 ---
0528 <a name="miscellaneous"></a>
0529 # Miscellaneous
0530 - the `math/` directory contains scripts and Mathematica notebooks used to
0531   perform miscellaneous calculations; many are "once and done" and don't really
0532   need to be implemented in the source code
0533 - the `scripts/` directory contains all other miscellaneous scripts; 
0534   - some scripts are in Ruby; follow [this guide](doc/ to install gems
0535   (dependencies)
0536 - `deprecated/` contains some old scripts which may also be helpful
0538 ## Upstream Development Support
0539 This section contains notes for building upstream repositories. Clone the repositories
0540 that you want to test to this top-level directory. The general build procedure is:
0541 ```bash
0542 source
0543 DD4hep
0544 source scripts/
0545 NPDet
0546 source scripts/  # note: you may prefer to directly call scripts in NPDet/install/bin
0548 ```
0549 Only build these repositories if you want to override the versions installed in
0550 `eic-shell`. To revert back to the `eic-shell` versions, restart your
0551 `eic-shell` instance and run `source`; you may also need to run
0552 `` (or ` clean`).