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Warning, /detector_benchmarks/benchmarks/zdc_sigma/config.yml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 sim:zdc_sigma:
0002   stage: simulate
0003   extends: .det_benchmark
0004   parallel:
0005     matrix:
0006       - P: 100
0007       - P: 125
0008       - P: 150
0009       - P: 175
0010       - P: 200
0011       - P: 225
0012       - P: 250
0013       - P: 275
0014   timeout: 1 hours
0015   script:
0016     - snakemake --cores 1 sim_output/zdc_sigma/epic_zdc_sipm_on_tile_only_rec_sigma_dec_${P}GeV.edm4eic.root
0017   retry:
0018     max: 2
0019     when:
0020       - runner_system_failure
0022 bench:zdc_sigma:
0023   stage: benchmarks
0024   extends: .det_benchmark
0025   needs: ["sim:zdc_sigma"]
0026   script:
0027     - snakemake --cores 1 results/epic_zdc_sipm_on_tile_only/zdc_sigma
0029 collect_results:zdc_sigma:
0030   stage: collect
0031   needs: ["bench:zdc_sigma"]
0032   script:
0033     - ls -al
0034     - mv results{,_save}/ # move results directory out of the way to preserve it
0035     - snakemake --cores 1 --delete-all-output results/epic_zdc_sipm_on_tile_only/zdc_sigma
0036     - mv results{_save,}/