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Warning, /detector_benchmarks/benchmarks/tracking_performances/ is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 Shyam Kumar; INFN Bari, Italy;
0002 Method to produce the tracking performances with ePIC tracker
0003 The scripts can be used to create the debug plots for the momentum resolutions.
0005 To run a full simulation-reconstruction-analysis chain do:
0006 ```
0007 snakemake -c2 results/tracking_performances/local
0008 ```
0009 or, referencing it by the rule name:
0010 ```
0011 snakemake --cores 1 tracking_performance_local
0012 ```
0014 To process an individual campaign do:
0015 ```
0016 snakemake -c2 results/tracking_performances/24.04.0
0017 ```
0019 It will produce the results with truth/realistic seeding.