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Warning, /detector_benchmarks/benchmarks/calo_pid/config.yml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 sim:calo_pid:
0002   extends: .det_benchmark
0003   stage: simulate
0004   parallel:
0005     matrix:
0006       - PARTICLE: ["e-", "pi-"]
0007         INDEX_RANGE: [
0008           "0 9",
0009           "10 19",
0010           "20 29",
0011           "30 39",
0012           "40 49",
0013           "50 59",
0014           "60 69",
0015           "70 79",
0016           "80 89",
0017           "90 99",
0018         ]
0019   script:
0020     - |
0021       snakemake $SNAKEMAKE_FLAGS --cores 5 \
0022         $(seq --format="sim_output/calo_pid/epic_inner_detector/${PARTICLE}/100MeVto20GeV/130to177deg/${PARTICLE}_100MeVto20GeV_130to177deg.%04.f.eicrecon.tree.edm4eic.root" ${INDEX_RANGE})
0024 bench:calo_pid:
0025   allow_failure: true # until inference merged into EICrecon
0026   extends: .det_benchmark
0027   stage: benchmarks
0028   needs:
0029     - ["sim:calo_pid"]
0030   script:
0031     - export PYTHONUSERBASE=$LOCAL_DATA_PATH/deps
0032     - pip install -r benchmarks/calo_pid/requirements.txt
0033     - snakemake $SNAKEMAKE_FLAGS --cores 1 results/epic_inner_detector/calo_pid
0035 collect_results:calo_pid:
0036   allow_failure: true # until inference merged into EICrecon
0037   extends: .det_benchmark
0038   stage: collect
0039   needs:
0040     - "bench:calo_pid"
0041   script:
0042     - ls -lrht
0043     - mv results{,_save}/ # move results directory out of the way to preserve it
0044     - snakemake $SNAKEMAKE_FLAGS --cores 1 --delete-all-output results/epic_inner_detector/calo_pid
0045     - mv results{_save,}/