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File indexing completed on 2024-09-27 07:02:37

0001 ////////////////////////////////////////
0002 // Read reconstruction ROOT output file
0003 // Plot variables
0004 ////////////////////////////////////////
0006 #include "ROOT/RDataFrame.hxx"
0007 #include <iostream>
0008 #include <algorithm>
0009 #include <string>
0011 #include "edm4hep/MCParticleCollection.h"
0012 #include "edm4hep/SimCalorimeterHitCollection.h"
0014 #include "common_bench/benchmark.h"
0015 #include "common_bench/mt.h"
0016 #include "common_bench/util.h"
0018 #include <boost/range/combine.hpp>
0020 #include "DD4hep/IDDescriptor.h"
0021 #include "DD4hep/Readout.h"
0022 #include "DD4hep/Segmentations.h"
0024 #include "TCanvas.h"
0025 #include "TStyle.h"
0026 #include "TMath.h"
0027 #include "TH1.h"
0028 #include "TF1.h"
0029 #include "TH1D.h"
0030 #include "TFitResult.h"
0031 #include "TLegend.h"
0032 #include "TString.h"
0033 #include "TGraph.h"
0034 #include "TGraph2D.h"
0035 #include "TGraphErrors.h"
0036 #include "TLine.h"
0037 #include "TError.h"
0040 #include "fmt/core.h"
0041 #include "DD4hep/Detector.h"
0042 #include "DDG4/Geant4Data.h"
0043 #include "DDRec/CellIDPositionConverter.h"
0044 #include "emcal_barrel_common_functions.h"
0045 #include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
0047 using ROOT::RDataFrame;
0048 using namespace ROOT::VecOps;
0050 void emcal_barrel_pion_rejection_analysis(
0051                                           const char* input_fname1 = "sim_output/sim_emcal_barrel_piRej_electron.edm4hep.root",
0052                                           const char* input_fname2 = "sim_output/sim_emcal_barrel_piRej_piminus.edm4hep.root"
0053                                           )
0054 {
0055   // Error Ignore Level Set
0056   gErrorIgnoreLevel = kFatal;
0058   // Setting for graphs
0059   gROOT->SetStyle("Plain");
0060   gStyle->SetOptFit(1);
0061   gStyle->SetLineWidth(2);
0062   gStyle->SetPadTickX(1);
0063   gStyle->SetPadTickY(1);
0064   gStyle->SetPadGridX(1);
0065   gStyle->SetPadGridY(1);
0066   gStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.14);
0067   gStyle->SetPadRightMargin(0.14);
0069   ROOT::EnableImplicitMT();
0070   ROOT::RDataFrame d0("events", {input_fname1, input_fname2});
0072   // Script requires EcalBarrelScFiHits
0073   if (! d0.HasColumn("EcalBarrelScFiHits")) {
0074     std::cout << "EcalBarrelScFiHits is required" << std::endl;
0075     return;
0076   }
0078   // Environment Variables
0079   std::string detector_path = "";
0080   std::string detector_name = "athena";//athena
0081   if(std::getenv("DETECTOR_PATH")) {
0082     detector_path = std::getenv("DETECTOR_PATH");
0083   }
0084   if(std::getenv("DETECTOR_CONFIG")) {
0085     detector_name = std::getenv("DETECTOR_CONFIG");
0086   }
0088   /*
0089   // Sampling Fraction grabbed from json file
0090   json j;
0091   std::ifstream prev_steps_ifstream("results/emcal_barrel_electron_calibration.json");
0092   prev_steps_ifstream >> j;
0094   // Sampling Fraction
0095   double samp_frac = j["electron"]["sampling_fraction"];
0096   */
0098   // Detector Layer Variables
0099   int layerNum; 
0100   int dep_min = 1;
0101   int dep_max = 6;
0103   // DD4HEP interface 
0104   dd4hep::Detector& detector = dd4hep::Detector::getInstance();
0105   detector.fromCompact(fmt::format("{}/{}.xml", detector_path, detector_name));
0107   auto decoder         = detector.readout("EcalBarrelImagingHits").idSpec().decoder();
0108   auto decoderScFi     = detector.readout("EcalBarrelScFiHits").idSpec().decoder();
0109   auto layer_index     = decoder->index("layer");
0110   auto layer_indexScFi = decoderScFi->index("layer");
0112   // Thrown Energy [GeV]
0113   auto Ethr = [](std::vector<edm4hep::MCParticleData> const& input) {
0114     return TMath::Sqrt(input[2].momentum.x*input[2].momentum.x + input[2].momentum.y*input[2].momentum.y + input[2].momentum.z*input[2].momentum.z + input[2].mass*input[2].mass);
0115   };
0117   // Thrown Momentum [GeV]
0118   auto Pthr = [](std::vector<edm4hep::MCParticleData> const& input) {
0119     return TMath::Sqrt(input[2].momentum.x*input[2].momentum.x + input[2].momentum.y*input[2].momentum.y + input[2].momentum.z*input[2].momentum.z);
0120   };
0122   // Thrown Eta 
0123   auto Eta = [](std::vector<edm4hep::MCParticleData> const& input) {
0124     double E  = TMath::Sqrt(input[2].momentum.x*input[2].momentum.x + input[2].momentum.y*input[2].momentum.y + input[2].momentum.z*input[2].momentum.z + input[2].mass*input[2].mass);
0125     return 0.5*TMath::Log((E + input[2].momentum.z) / (E - input[2].momentum.z));
0126   };
0128   // Thrown pT [GeV]
0129   auto pT = [](std::vector<edm4hep::MCParticleData> const& input) {
0130     return TMath::Sqrt(input[2].momentum.x*input[2].momentum.x + input[2].momentum.y*input[2].momentum.y);
0131   };
0133   // Number of hits
0134   auto nhits = [] (const std::vector<edm4hep::SimCalorimeterHitData>& evt) {return (int) evt.size(); };
0136   // Energy deposition [GeV]
0137   auto Esim = [](const std::vector<edm4hep::SimCalorimeterHitData>& evt) {
0138     double total_edep = 0.0;
0139     for (const auto& i: evt){
0140       total_edep +=;
0141     }
0142     return total_edep;
0143   };
0145   // Energy deposititon [GeV] in the first 2 layers
0146   auto Esim_dep2 = [=](const std::vector<edm4hep::SimCalorimeterHitData>& evt) {
0147     auto total_edep = 0.0;
0148     for (const auto& i: evt) {
0149       if( decoder->get(i.cellID, layer_index) < 3 ){
0150         total_edep +=;
0151       }
0152     }
0153     return total_edep;
0154   };
0156   // Energy deposititon [GeV] in the first 3 layers
0157   // Same as Esim_front from previous codes
0158   auto Esim_dep3 = [=](const std::vector<edm4hep::SimCalorimeterHitData>& evt) {
0159     auto total_edep = 0.0;
0160     for (const auto& i: evt) {
0161       if( decoder->get(i.cellID, layer_index) < 4 ){
0162         total_edep +=;
0163       }
0164     }
0165     return total_edep;
0166   };
0168   // Energy deposititon [GeV] in the first 4 layers
0169   auto Esim_dep4 = [=](const std::vector<edm4hep::SimCalorimeterHitData>& evt) {
0170     auto total_edep = 0.0;
0171     for (const auto& i: evt) {
0172       if( decoder->get(i.cellID, layer_index) < 5 ){
0173         total_edep +=;
0174       }
0175     }
0176     return total_edep;
0177   };
0179   // Energy deposititon [GeV] in the first 5 layers
0180   auto Esim_dep5 = [=](const std::vector<edm4hep::SimCalorimeterHitData>& evt) {
0181     auto total_edep = 0.0;
0182     for (const auto& i: evt) {
0183       if( decoder->get(i.cellID, layer_index) < 6 ){
0184         total_edep +=;
0185       }
0186     }
0187     return total_edep;
0188   };
0190   // Energy deposititon [GeV] in the first 6 layers
0191   auto Esim_dep6 = [=](const std::vector<edm4hep::SimCalorimeterHitData>& evt) {
0192     auto total_edep = 0.0;
0193     for (const auto& i: evt) {
0194       if( decoder->get(i.cellID, layer_index) < 7 ){
0195         total_edep +=;
0196       }
0197     }
0198     return total_edep;
0199   };
0201   // Energy deposititon [GeV] in the first 6 layers
0202   auto Esim_dep6_ScFi = [=](const std::vector<edm4hep::SimCalorimeterHitData>& evt) {
0203     auto total_edep = 0.0;
0204     for (const auto& i: evt) {
0205       if( decoderScFi->get(i.cellID, layer_indexScFi) < 7 ){
0206         total_edep +=;
0207       } 
0208     }
0209     return total_edep;
0210   };
0212   // Energy deposititon [GeV] in the first 7 layers
0213   auto Esim_dep7 = [=](const std::vector<edm4hep::SimCalorimeterHitData>& evt) {
0214     auto total_edep = 0.0;
0215     for (const auto& i: evt) {
0216       if( decoder->get(i.cellID, layer_index) < 8 ){
0217         total_edep +=;
0218       }
0219     }
0220     return total_edep;
0221   };
0222     // Energy deposititon [GeV] in the first 8 layers
0223   auto Esim_dep8 = [=](const std::vector<edm4hep::SimCalorimeterHitData>& evt) {
0224     auto total_edep = 0.0;
0225     for (const auto& i: evt) {
0226       if( decoder->get(i.cellID, layer_index) < 9 ){
0227         total_edep +=;
0228       }
0229     }
0230     return total_edep;
0231   };
0233   // Energy deposititon [GeV] in the first 9 layers
0234   auto Esim_dep9 = [=](const std::vector<edm4hep::SimCalorimeterHitData>& evt) {
0235     auto total_edep = 0.0;
0236     for (const auto& i: evt) {
0237       if( decoder->get(i.cellID, layer_index) < 10 ){
0238         total_edep +=;
0239       }
0240     }
0241     return total_edep;
0242   };
0244   // Energy deposititon [GeV], returns array
0245   // Note Layer_index = 0 does not exist at the wrting of this code
0246   auto Esim_dep = [=](const std::vector<edm4hep::SimCalorimeterHitData>& evt) {
0247     std::vector<double>res(20);
0248     for (const auto& i: evt) {
0249       res[decoder->get(i.cellID, layer_index)] +=;
0250     }
0251     return res;
0252   };
0254   // Sum of Energy deposititon [GeV]
0255   auto Esim_dep_sum = [&dep_min, &dep_max](const std::vector<double>& dep) {
0256     double res = 0;
0257     for (int i = dep_min; i < dep_max + 1; i++) {
0258       if (i >= dep.size()) continue;
0259       res += dep[i];
0260     }
0261     return res;
0262   };
0264   // Energy deposititon in a layer [GeV]
0265   auto Esim_depN = [&layerNum](const std::vector<double>& dep) {
0266     return (layerNum < dep.size() ? dep[layerNum] : 0.0);
0267   };
0269   // Sampling fraction = Esampling / Ethrown
0270   auto fsam = [](const double& sampled, const double& thrown) {
0271     return sampled / thrown;
0272   };
0274   // E_front / p
0275   auto fEp = [](const double& E_front, const double& mom) {
0276     return E_front / mom;
0277   };
0279   // Returns the PDG of the particle
0280   auto getpid = [](std::vector<edm4hep::MCParticleData> const& input) {
0281     return input[2].PDG;
0282   };
0284   // Returns number of particle daughters
0285   auto getdau = [](std::vector<edm4hep::MCParticleData> const& input){
0286     return input[2].daughters_begin;
0287   };
0289   // Filter function to get electrons
0290   auto is_electron = [](std::vector<edm4hep::MCParticleData> const& input){
0291     return (input[2].PDG == 11 ? true : false);
0292   };
0294   // Filter function to get just negative pions
0295   auto is_piMinus = [](std::vector<edm4hep::MCParticleData> const& input){
0296     return (input[2].PDG == -211 ? true : false);
0297   };
0299   // Filter function Edeposit
0300   auto EDep_bool = [](std::vector<double> const& input){
0301     return (input[0] > input[1]);
0302   };
0304   auto Diff = [](const double &esim, const double &edep){
0305     return esim-edep;
0306   };
0309   // Define variables
0310   auto d1 = d0.Define("Ethr",            Ethr,                  {"MCParticles"})
0311               .Define("Pthr",            Pthr,                  {"MCParticles"})
0312               .Define("nhits",           nhits,                 {"EcalBarrelImagingHits"})
0313               .Define("Esim",            Esim,                  {"EcalBarrelImagingHits"})
0314               .Define("EsimScFi",        Esim,                  {"EcalBarrelScFiHits"})
0315               .Define("EsimOverP",       fEp,                   {"Esim", "Pthr"})
0316               .Define("EsimScFiOverP",   fEp,                   {"EsimScFi", "Pthr"})
0317               .Define("EsimTot",                                "EsimScFi+Esim")
0318               .Define("EsimTotOverP",    fEp,                   {"EsimTot", "Pthr"})
0319               .Define("fsam",            fsam,                  {"Esim","Ethr"})
0320               .Define("pid",             getpid,                {"MCParticles"})
0321               .Define("EDep",            Esim_dep,              {"EcalBarrelImagingHits"})
0322               .Define("EDepSum",         Esim_dep_sum,          {"EDep"})
0323               .Define("EDepN",           Esim_depN,             {"EDep"})
0324               .Define("EDep2",           Esim_dep2,             {"EcalBarrelImagingHits"})
0325               .Define("EDep3",           Esim_dep3,             {"EcalBarrelImagingHits"})
0326               .Define("EDep4",           Esim_dep4,             {"EcalBarrelImagingHits"})
0327               .Define("EDep5",           Esim_dep5,             {"EcalBarrelImagingHits"})
0328               .Define("EDep6",           Esim_dep6,             {"EcalBarrelImagingHits"})
0329               .Define("EDep6OverP",      fEp,                   {"EDep6", "Pthr"})
0330               .Define("EOverP",          fEp,                   {"EDep3", "Pthr"})
0331               .Define("Eta",             Eta,                   {"MCParticles"})
0332               .Define("pT",              pT,                    {"MCParticles"})
0333               .Define("EDepOverP",       fEp,                   {"EDepN", "Pthr"})
0334               .Define("EDepOverPT",      fEp,                   {"EDepN", "pT"})
0335               .Define("EDepSumOverP",    fEp,                   {"EDepSum", "Pthr"})
0336               .Define("EDepSumOverPT",   fEp,                   {"EDepSum", "pT"})
0337               .Define("EDepFrac",        fEp,                   {"EDepSum", "Esim"})
0338               ;
0340   // Particle Filters
0341   dep_min = 1;
0342   dep_max = 6;
0343   auto d_ele = d1.Filter(is_electron, {"MCParticles"});
0344   auto d_pim = d1.Filter(is_piMinus,  {"MCParticles"});
0346   // Cut Filter
0347   std::string currentCut = "(EDep6OverP>2.5e-3)&&(EDep6>5e-3)";// Good athena cut, that is changed by cutEE later
0349   // Generic 1D Histogram Plots Comparing Electons and Pions w/o cuts
0350   // Edep first 6 layers(EDep6), EDep/p, pT, eta
0351   std::vector<std::string> var              = {"Esim [GeV];", "EsimTot [GeV];", "EDep6 [GeV];", "EDep6/p;",     "pT [GeV];", "#eta;",  "EsimScFi [GeV]",  "EsimScFi/p"};
0352   std::vector<std::string> var_save         = {"Esim",        "EsimTot",        "EDep6",        "EDep6OverP",   "pT",        "eta",    "EsimScFi",        "EsimScFiOverP"};  
0353   std::vector<std::string> col              = {"Esim",        "EsimTot",        "EDep6",        "EDep6OverP",   "pT",        "Eta",    "EsimScFi",        "EsimScFiOverP"};
0354   std::vector<std::vector<double>> h1Ranges = {{0,0.2},       {0, 0.2},         {0,0.25},       {0, 0.02},      {0, 18},     {-1, 1},  {0,0.2},            {0,0.2}};
0355   for (int i = 0; i < var.size(); i++){
0356     std::string title = "#pi^{-}, e^{-};" + var[i] + " Events";
0357     auto he = d_ele.Histo1D({"he", title.c_str(), 100, h1Ranges[i][0], h1Ranges[i][1]}, col[i]);
0358     auto hp = d_pim.Histo1D({"hp", title.c_str(), 100, h1Ranges[i][0], h1Ranges[i][1]}, col[i]);
0360     hp->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
0361     he->SetLineWidth(2);
0362     he->SetLineColor(kRed);
0363     hp->SetLineWidth(2);
0364     hp->SetLineColor(kBlue);
0365     auto c = new TCanvas("c", "c", 700, 500);
0366     auto leng = new TLegend(0.7, 0.7, 0.9, 0.9);
0367     if (var[i] != "EsimScFi/p"){ 
0368       hp->DrawClone();
0369       he->DrawClone("same");
0370     }
0371     else {
0372       he->DrawClone();
0373       hp->DrawClone("same");
0374     }
0375     c->Update();
0377     leng->AddEntry(he.GetPtr(),"e^{-}","l");
0378     leng->AddEntry(hp.GetPtr(),"#pi^{-}","l");
0379     leng->Draw();
0380     c->SaveAs(("results/emcal_barrel_pion_rej_uncut_comb_" + var_save[i] + ".png").c_str());
0381   }
0383   // Cut Generation
0384   // The cut breaks the Energy range in to three energy bins (EBins) and the two barrel eta bins (-1 to 0, and 0 to 1)
0385   // Then fits a gaussian within the range
0386   // The cut is then based upon Mean -2*StdDev < Mean < 3*StdDev
0387   std::string cutEEta;
0388   std::vector<std::vector<double>> EBins = {{0,2}, {2, 4}, {4, 6}, {6, 9}, {9, 12}, {12, 19}};
0389   for (int i = 0; i < EBins.size(); i++){
0390     std::string minCut = "Pthr>="+std::to_string(EBins[i][0]);
0391     std::string maxCut = "Pthr<"+std::to_string(EBins[i][1]);
0392     cutEEta += "(" + minCut + "&&" + maxCut + "&&";
0394     for (int j = -1; j < 1; j++){
0395       std::string title = "#pi^{-}, e^{-}";
0396       title += fmt::format(" : {} < E < {}", EBins[i][0], EBins[i][1]);
0397       title += fmt::format(" & {} < #eta < {};EDep6/p; Events", j, j+1);
0398       std::string etaCutMin = fmt::format("Eta>={}", j);
0399       std::string etaCutMax = fmt::format("Eta<{}",j+1);
0400       cutEEta += "(" + etaCutMin + "&&" + etaCutMax + "&&";
0401       auto he = d_ele.Filter(minCut).Filter(maxCut).Filter(etaCutMin).Filter(etaCutMax).Histo1D({"he", title.c_str(), 50, 0, 0.02}, "EDep6OverP");
0402       auto hp = d_pim.Filter(minCut).Filter(maxCut).Filter(etaCutMin).Filter(etaCutMax).Histo1D({"hp", title.c_str(), 50, 0, 0.02}, "EDep6OverP");
0403       auto hecopy = he->DrawCopy();
0404       hecopy->Fit("gaus", "", "", 0, hecopy->GetMaximum());
0405       double* res = hecopy->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParameters();
0406       cutEEta += fmt::format("EDep6OverP>={}", res[1] - 2.0*res[2]);
0407       cutEEta += fmt::format("&&EDep6OverP<{})||",res[1] + 3.0*res[2]);
0409       hp->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
0410       he->SetLineWidth(2);
0411       he->SetLineColor(kRed);
0412       hp->SetLineWidth(2);
0413       hp->SetLineColor(kBlue);
0414       auto c = new TCanvas("c", "c", 700, 500);
0415       auto leng = new TLegend(0.7, 0.7, 0.9, 0.9);
0416       hp->DrawClone();
0417       he->DrawClone("same");
0418       c->Update();
0420       leng->AddEntry(he.GetPtr(),"e^{-}","l");
0421       leng->AddEntry(hp.GetPtr(),"#pi^{-}","l");
0422       leng->Draw();
0423       c->SaveAs((fmt::format("results/emcal_barrel_pion_rej_uncut_comb_E{}Eta{}.png", i, j+1)).c_str());
0424     }
0425     cutEEta.pop_back();
0426     cutEEta.pop_back();
0427     cutEEta += ")||";
0428   }
0429   cutEEta.pop_back();
0430   cutEEta.pop_back();
0431   currentCut = cutEEta;
0433   // Filtered dataframes
0434   auto d_pim_cut = d_pim.Filter(currentCut.c_str());
0435   auto d_ele_cut = d_ele.Filter(currentCut.c_str());
0437   // Gathering benchmarks and plotting distrubutions
0438   std::vector<double> E                 = {5, 10, 18};
0439   std::vector<double> ledges5           = {2.8, 0.4, 0.3, 0.5};
0440   std::vector<double> ledges10          = {1.4, 0.5, 0.6, 1.0};
0441   std::vector<double> ledges18          = {0.9, 0.9, 1.0, 1.8};
0442   std::vector<double> maxRate5          = {0.1, 100, 500, 1000};
0443   std::vector<double> maxRate10         = {10, 400, 800, 1000};
0444   std::vector<double> maxRate18         = {200, 800, 1000, 100};
0445   std::vector<vector<double>> maxRate   = {maxRate5, maxRate10, maxRate18};
0446   std::vector<vector<double>> lowEdges  = {ledges5, ledges10, ledges18};
0447   double suppression                    = 1e-4;
0448   std::vector<vector<double>> rejRatios = lowEdges;
0449   std::vector<vector<double>> effEle    = lowEdges;
0450   std::vector<vector<double>> effPim    = lowEdges;
0451   std::vector<std::string> etaBin       = {"Eta >= -3.5 && Eta < -2.0", "Eta >= -2.0 && Eta < -1.0", "Eta >= -1.0 && Eta < 0", "Eta >= 0 && Eta < 1.0"};
0452   std::vector<std::string> etaTitle     = {"-3.5 < #eta < -2.0", "-2.0 < #eta < -1.0", "-1.0 < #eta < 0", "0 < #eta < 1.0"};
0454   // Pion Rejection Plot that mimics that of the one in the image
0455   std::vector<double> pBins  = {0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,1,2,3,4,5,10,12,14,16,18};
0456   EBins = {{0,2}, {2, 4}, {4, 6}, {6, 9}, {9, 12}, {12, 19}};
0457   auto tg = new TGraphErrors();
0459   for (int i = 0; i < EBins.size(); i++){
0460     std::string filter = currentCut;
0461     filter += "&&(Pthr>=" + std::to_string(EBins[i][0]) + "&&Pthr<" + std::to_string(EBins[i][1]) + ")";
0462     double numer = (double)*d_ele_cut.Filter(filter.c_str()).Count();
0463     double denom = (double)*d_pim_cut.Filter(filter.c_str()).Count();
0464     double error = std::sqrt(std::pow(numer / denom, 2.0)*(1.0/numer + 1.0/denom));
0465     double ratio = numer / denom;
0466     if (denom == 0){ratio = 1; error = 1;}
0467     tg->SetPoint(i, 0.5*(EBins[i][0] + EBins[i][1]), ratio);
0468     tg->SetPointError(i, 0.5*(EBins[i][1] - EBins[i][0]), error);
0469   }
0470   double e_eff = (double)*d_ele_cut.Count() / (double)*d_ele.Count();
0471   tg->SetTitle(("#pi Rejection with #varepsilon_{e} = "+ std::to_string(e_eff)).c_str());
0472   tg->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p [GeV]");
0473   tg->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("R_{e/#pi}");
0474   tg->SetMarkerColor(kBlue);
0475   tg->SetMarkerStyle(20);
0477   auto cp = new TCanvas("cp", "cp");
0478   cp->SetLogy();
0479   cp->SetLogx();
0480   tg->DrawClone("ap");
0481   cp->SaveAs("results/emcal_barrel_pion_rej_RatioRej.png");
0483   // Barrel eta cuts
0484   // The eta range for the barrel is -1 < eta < 1
0485   // Threfore the first bins are empty and will not be iterated over
0486   dep_min = 1;
0487   dep_max = 6;
0488   for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){   // E loop
0489     for (int j = 2; j < 4; j++){ // Eta Looop
0491       // Apply eta cuts/binning and Momentum Cut
0492       std::string pCut = "Pthr>=" + std::to_string(lowEdges[i][j]) + "&&Pthr<" + std::to_string(E[i]);
0493       auto e_eta = d_ele.Filter(etaBin[j]).Filter(pCut);
0494       auto p_eta = d_pim.Filter(etaBin[j]).Filter(pCut);
0496       // Print out the momentum distributions for the electron and pi-
0497       std::string title = "e^{-} (E = " + std::to_string((int)E[i]) + " GeV) : " + etaTitle[j] + "; p [GeV]; Events";
0498       auto he = e_eta.Histo1D({"he", title.c_str(), 100, lowEdges[i][j], E[i]}, "Pthr");
0499       he->SetLineColor(kBlue);
0500       auto he_cut = e_eta.Filter(currentCut).Histo1D({"he_cut", title.c_str(), 100, lowEdges[i][j], E[i]}, "Pthr");
0501       he_cut->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
0502       he_cut->SetLineWidth(2);
0503       he_cut->SetLineColor(kRed);
0505       title = "#pi^{-} (E = " + std::to_string((int)E[i]) + " GeV) : " + etaTitle[j] + "; p [GeV]; Events";
0506       auto hp = p_eta.Histo1D({"hp", title.c_str(), 100, lowEdges[i][j], E[i]}, "Pthr");
0507       hp->SetLineColor(kBlue);
0508       auto hp_cut = p_eta.Filter(currentCut).Histo1D({"hp", title.c_str(), 100, lowEdges[i][j], E[i]}, "Pthr");
0509       hp_cut->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
0510       hp_cut->SetLineWidth(2);
0511       hp_cut->SetLineColor(kRed);
0513       auto c = new TCanvas("c", "c", 700, 500);
0514       c->SetLogy(1);
0515       he->DrawClone();
0516       he_cut->DrawClone("same");
0517       c->SaveAs((fmt::format("results/emcal_barrel_pion_rej_cut_mom_ele_E{}_eta{}.png", (int)E[i], j)).c_str());
0518       c->SaveAs((fmt::format("results/emcal_barrel_pion_rej_cut_mom_ele_E{}_eta{}.pdf", (int)E[i], j)).c_str());
0519       c->Clear();
0521       hp->DrawClone();
0522       hp_cut->DrawClone("same");
0523       c->SaveAs((fmt::format("results/emcal_barrel_pion_rej_cut_mom_pim_E{}_eta{}.png", (int)E[i], j)).c_str());
0524       c->SaveAs((fmt::format("results/emcal_barrel_pion_rej_cut_mom_pim_E{}_eta{}.pdf", (int)E[i], j)).c_str());
0525       c->Clear();
0527       // Gather ratio of pi/e and efficiencies for each Energy and eta bin
0528       // Then plot the distributions
0529       rejRatios[i][j] = (double)hp_cut->Integral() / (double)he_cut->Integral();
0530       effPim[i][j]    = (double)hp_cut->Integral() / (double)hp->Integral();
0531       effEle[i][j]    = (double)he_cut->Integral() / (double)he->Integral();
0533       hp_cut->Divide(he.GetPtr());
0534       title = "#pi^{-}/e^{-} (E = " + std::to_string((int)E[i]) + " GeV) : " + etaTitle[j];
0535       hp_cut->SetTitle(title.c_str());
0536       hp_cut->SetLineColor(kBlack);
0537       hp_cut->DrawClone();
0538       c->SaveAs((fmt::format("results/emcal_barrel_pion_rej_cut_ratio_pim_E{}_eta{}.png", (int)E[i], j)).c_str());
0539       c->SaveAs((fmt::format("results/emcal_barrel_pion_rej_cut_ratio_pim_E{}_eta{}.pdf", (int)E[i], j)).c_str());
0540       c->Clear();
0542       // Print out the 1D distributions for the electron and pi- within the current Eta bin
0543       std::vector<std::string> endStr           = {";pT [GeV]; Events", ";EDep6/p; Events"};
0544       std::vector<std::string> var_save_loc     = {"pT",                "EDep6OverP"};  
0545       std::vector<std::string> col_loc          = {"pT",                "EDep6OverP"};
0546       std::vector<std::vector<double>> h1Ranges = {{0, E[i]},           {0, 0.02}};
0547       for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++){
0548         auto cl = new TCanvas("cl", "cl", 700, 500);
0549         title = "e^{-} (E = " + std::to_string((int)E[i]) + " GeV) : " + etaTitle[j] + endStr[k];
0550         auto he1 = e_eta.Histo1D({"he", title.c_str(), 100, h1Ranges[k][0], h1Ranges[k][1]}, col_loc[k]);
0551         he1->SetLineColor(kBlue);
0552         auto he1_cut = e_eta.Filter(currentCut).Histo1D({"he_cut", title.c_str(), 100, h1Ranges[k][0], h1Ranges[k][1]}, col_loc[k]);
0553         he1_cut->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
0554         he1_cut->SetLineWidth(2);
0555         he1_cut->SetLineColor(kRed);
0557         title = "#pi^{-} (E = " + std::to_string((int)E[i]) + " GeV) : " + etaTitle[j] + endStr[k];
0558         auto hp1 = p_eta.Histo1D({"hp", title.c_str(), 100, h1Ranges[k][0], h1Ranges[k][1]}, col_loc[k]);
0559         hp1->SetLineColor(kBlue);
0560         auto hp1_cut = p_eta.Filter(currentCut).Histo1D({"hp_cut", title.c_str(), 100, h1Ranges[k][0], h1Ranges[k][1]}, col_loc[k]);
0561         hp1_cut->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
0562         hp1_cut->SetLineWidth(2);
0563         hp1_cut->SetLineColor(kRed);
0565         cl->SetLogy(1);
0566         he1->DrawClone();
0567         he1_cut->DrawClone("same");
0568         cl->SaveAs((fmt::format("results/emcal_barrel_pion_rej_cut_{}_ele_E{}_eta{}.png", col_loc[k], (int)E[i], j)).c_str());
0569         cl->SaveAs((fmt::format("results/emcal_barrel_pion_rej_cut_{}_ele_E{}_eta{}.pdf", col_loc[k], (int)E[i], j)).c_str());
0570         cl->Clear();
0572         hp1->DrawClone();
0573         hp1_cut->DrawClone("same");
0574         cl->SaveAs((fmt::format("results/emcal_barrel_pion_rej_cut_{}_pim_E{}_eta{}.png", col_loc[k], (int)E[i], j)).c_str());
0575         cl->SaveAs((fmt::format("results/emcal_barrel_pion_rej_cut_{}_pim_E{}_eta{}.pdf", col_loc[k], (int)E[i], j)).c_str());
0576         cl->Clear();
0578         // Combined plots
0579         title = "#pi^{-}, e^{-} (E = " + std::to_string((int)E[i]) + " GeV) : " + etaTitle[j] + endStr[k];
0580         hp1_cut->SetLineColor(kBlue);
0581         he1_cut->SetLineColor(kRed);
0582         he1_cut->SetTitle(title.c_str());
0584         auto leng = new TLegend(0.7, 0.7, 0.9, 0.9);
0585         he1_cut->DrawClone();
0586         hp1_cut->DrawClone("same");
0587         cl->Update();
0589         leng->AddEntry(he1_cut.GetPtr(),"e^{-}","l");
0590         leng->AddEntry(hp1_cut.GetPtr(),"#pi^{-}","l");
0591         leng->Draw();
0592         cl->SaveAs((fmt::format("results/emcal_barrel_pion_rej_cut_{}_comb_E{}_eta{}.png", col_loc[k], (int)E[i], j)).c_str());
0593         cl->SaveAs((fmt::format("results/emcal_barrel_pion_rej_cut_{}_comb_E{}_eta{}.pdf", col_loc[k], (int)E[i], j)).c_str());
0595       }// Generic 1d loop
0596     }// Eta Loop
0597   }// E loop
0599   // Writing out benchmarks
0600   //Tests
0601   std::string test_tag = "Barrel_emcal_pion_rejection";
0602   //TODO: Change test_tag to something else
0603   std:string detectorEle = "Barrel_emcal";
0605   for (int i = 0; i < etaTitle.size(); i++){
0606     etaTitle[i].erase(std::remove(etaTitle[i].begin(), etaTitle[i].end(), '#'), etaTitle[i].end());
0607     std::replace(etaTitle[i].begin(), etaTitle[i].end(), 'e', 'E');    
0608   }
0610   // E, Eta = 18, 2
0611   common_bench::Test pion_rejection_E18_Eta2{
0612     {{"name", fmt::format("{}_E{}_EtaBin{}", test_tag, (int)E[0], 2)},
0613      {"title", "Pion Rejection1"},
0614      {"description", fmt::format("Pion rejection with E = {}, and {}", (int)E[0], etaTitle[2])},
0615      {"quantity", "pi-/e-"},
0616      {"cut", currentCut},
0617      {"e- efficiency", std::to_string(effEle[0][2])},
0618      {"pi- efficiency", std::to_string(effPim[0][2])},
0619      {"target", std::to_string(suppression * maxRate[0][2])}
0620     }
0621   };
0622   suppression * maxRate[0][2] >= rejRatios[0][2] ? pion_rejection_E18_Eta2.pass(rejRatios[0][2]) :[0][2]);   
0624   // E, Eta = 18, 3
0625   common_bench::Test pion_rejection_E18_Eta3{
0626     {{"name", fmt::format("{}_E{}_EtaBin{}", test_tag, (int)E[0], 3)},
0627      {"title", "Pion Rejection"},
0628      {"description", fmt::format("Pion rejection with E = {}, and {}", (int)E[0], etaTitle[3])},
0629      {"quantity", "pi-/e-"},
0630      {"cut", currentCut},
0631      {"e- efficiency", std::to_string(effEle[0][3])},
0632      {"pi- efficiency", std::to_string(effPim[0][3])},
0633      {"target", std::to_string(suppression * maxRate[0][3])}
0634    }
0635   };
0636   suppression * maxRate[0][3] >= rejRatios[0][3] ? pion_rejection_E18_Eta3.pass(rejRatios[0][3]) :[0][3]);
0638   // E, Eta = 10, 2
0639   common_bench::Test pion_rejection_E10_Eta2{
0640     {{"name", fmt::format("{}_E{}_EtaBin{}", test_tag, (int)E[1], 2)},
0641      {"title", "Pion Rejection"},
0642      {"description", fmt::format("Pion rejection with E = {}, and {}", (int)E[1], etaTitle[2])},
0643      {"quantity", "pi-/e-"},
0644      {"cut", currentCut},
0645      {"e- efficiency", std::to_string(effEle[1][2])},
0646      {"pi- efficiency", std::to_string(effPim[1][2])},
0647      {"target", std::to_string(suppression * maxRate[1][2])}
0648     }
0649   };
0650   suppression * maxRate[1][2] >= rejRatios[1][2] ? pion_rejection_E10_Eta2.pass(rejRatios[1][2]) :[1][2]);
0652   // E, Eta = 10, 3
0653   common_bench::Test pion_rejection_E10_Eta3{
0654     {{"name", fmt::format("{}_E{}_EtaBin{}", test_tag, (int)E[1], 3)},
0655      {"title", "Pion Rejection"},
0656      {"description", fmt::format("Pion rejection with E = {}, and {}", (int)E[1], etaTitle[3])},
0657      {"quantity", "pi-/e-"},
0658      {"e- efficiency", std::to_string(effEle[1][3])},
0659      {"pi- efficiency", std::to_string(effPim[1][3])},
0660      {"target", std::to_string(suppression * maxRate[1][3])}
0661     }
0662   };
0663   suppression * maxRate[1][3] >= rejRatios[1][3] ? pion_rejection_E10_Eta3.pass(rejRatios[1][3]) :[1][3]);
0665   // E, Eta = 5, 2
0666   common_bench::Test pion_rejection_E5_Eta2{
0667     {{"name", fmt::format("{}_E{}_EtaBin{}", test_tag, (int)E[2], 2)},
0668      {"title", "Pion Rejection"},
0669      {"description", fmt::format("Pion rejection with E = {}, and {}", (int)E[2], etaTitle[2])},
0670      {"quantity", "pi-/e-"},
0671      {"cut", currentCut},
0672      {"e- efficiency", std::to_string(effEle[2][2])},
0673      {"pi- efficiency", std::to_string(effPim[2][2])},
0674      {"target", std::to_string(suppression * maxRate[2][2])}
0675     }
0676   };
0677   suppression * maxRate[2][2] >= rejRatios[2][2] ? pion_rejection_E5_Eta2.pass(rejRatios[2][2]) :[2][2]);
0679   // E, Eta = 5, 3
0680   common_bench::Test pion_rejection_E5_Eta3{
0681     {{"name", fmt::format("{}_E{}_EtaBin{}", test_tag, (int)E[2], 3)},
0682      {"title", "Pion Rejection"},
0683      {"description", fmt::format("Pion rejection with E = {}, and {}", (int)E[2], etaTitle[3])},
0684      {"quantity", "pi-/e-"},
0685      {"cut", currentCut},
0686      {"e- efficiency", std::to_string(effEle[2][3])},
0687      {"pi- efficiency", std::to_string(effPim[2][3])},
0688      {"target", std::to_string(suppression * maxRate[2][3])}
0689     }
0690   };
0691   suppression * maxRate[2][3] >= rejRatios[2][3] ? pion_rejection_E5_Eta3.pass(rejRatios[2][3]) :[2][3]);
0693   // Writing out all tests
0694   common_bench::write_test({pion_rejection_E18_Eta2, 
0695                          pion_rejection_E18_Eta3, 
0696                          pion_rejection_E10_Eta2, 
0697                          pion_rejection_E10_Eta3, 
0698                          pion_rejection_E5_Eta2, 
0699                          pion_rejection_E5_Eta3}, 
0700                          fmt::format("results/{}_pion_rej.json", detectorEle));
0701 }