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Last indexation completed on 2024-09-27 07:04:07 UTC

  Name Size Date (UTC) Last indexed Description
  Name Size Date (UTC) Last indexed Description
folder Parent directory - 2024-09-27 07:00:25  
folder deprecated/ - 2024-09-27 07:00:21  
BarrelBarDetectorWithSideFrame_geo.cpp 11152 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:21 2024-09-27 07:02:32

addtogroup PID \brief Type: **Barrel bar detector (think DIRC) with longitudinal frame**. \author S. Joosten \ingroup PID \code \endcode @{

BarrelCalorimeter_geo.cpp 10511 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:21 2024-09-27 07:02:33  
BarrelCalorimeterInterlayers_geo.cpp 19842 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:21 2024-09-27 07:02:33  
BarrelTrackerWithFrame_geo.cpp 15639 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:21 2024-09-27 07:02:33

addtogroup Trackers Trackers \brief Type: **BarrelTrackerWithFrame**. \author W. Armstrong \ingroup trackers @{

CompositeTracker_geo.cpp 2203 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:21 2024-09-27 07:02:33  
CylinderTrackerBarrel_geo.cpp 9640 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:21 2024-09-27 07:02:33  
DIRC_geo.cpp 13249 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:21 2024-09-27 07:02:33

include "DD4hep/DetFactoryHelper.h"

DRICH_geo.cpp 24923 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:21 2024-09-27 07:02:34  
FieldMapBrBz.cpp 6695 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:21 2024-09-27 07:02:34

include <DD4hep/DetFactoryHelper.h>

FileLoader.cpp 2144 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:21 2024-09-27 07:02:34

include <DD4hep/DetFactoryHelper.h>

FileLoaderHelper.h 5215 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:21 2024-09-27 07:02:34

pragma once

GaseousRICH_geo.cpp 9437 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:21 2024-09-27 07:02:34  
GeometryHelpers.cpp 5306 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:21 2024-09-27 07:02:34

include "GeometryHelpers.h" // some utility functions that can be shared namespace athena::geo {

GeometryHelpers.h 1051 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:21 2024-09-27 07:02:34

pragma once

HomogeneousCalorimeter_geo.cpp 17446 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:21 2024-09-27 07:02:34  
HybridCalorimeter_geo.cpp 8983 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:21 2024-09-27 07:02:34  
MRich_geo.cpp 20238 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:21 2024-09-27 07:02:35  
PFRICH_geo.cpp 13953 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:21 2024-09-27 07:02:35  
PolyhedraEndcapCalorimeter2_geo.cpp 5314 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:21 2024-09-27 07:02:35  
ScFiCalorimeter_geo.cpp 7873 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:21 2024-09-27 07:02:35  
ShashlikCalorimeter_geo.cpp 8297 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:21 2024-09-27 07:02:35  
SimpleDiskDetector_geo.cpp 5693 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:21 2024-09-27 07:02:35  
SolenoidCoil_geo.cpp 3595 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:21 2024-09-27 07:02:35  
TrapEndcapTracker_geo.cpp 14381 bytes 2024-09-27 07:00:21 2024-09-27 07:02:36

addtogroup Trackers Trackers \brief Type: **BarrelTrackerWithFrame**. \author W. Armstrong \ingroup trackers @{