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EIC code displayed by LXR



Warning, /athena/compact/subsystem_views/ is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # subsytem_views
0003 These compact detector files are copies of the main `athena.xml` compact description file, modified to only show certain subsystems.
0005 To add or update a subsystem:
0007 1. Copy `athena.xml` to this directory (`compact/subsystem_views`) with the appropriate name.
0008 2. Remove all the undesired detectors from this xml file. **Do not modify any of the included xml files** -- only modify the top level xml file here.
0009 3. Check that that you have the desired color scheme (eg. `colors.xml`) and display attributes (eg. `display_detailed.xml`) included.
0011 These compact detector files should not be used for any real simulations or studies.