Warning, /acts/docs/examples/full_chain_odd.md is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 # Walkthrough of the OpenDataDetector full chain example
0003 The OpenDataDetector (ODD) is fictitious silicon detector which resides in its own repository on [GitLab](https://gitlab.cern.ch/acts/OpenDataDetector). It is used for testing and as a performance baseline in ACTS.
0005 Our full chain ODD example is written in Python and can be found [here](https://github.com/acts-project/acts/blob/main/Examples/Scripts/Python/full_chain_odd.py).
0007 The first step is to load the ODD detector description and to construct the detector. `getOpenDataDetectorDirectory` gives us the ODD folder within the `thirdparty` directory in Acts. We load our preferred material map and provide it to the detector construction `getOpenDataDetector`.
0009 ```python
0010 oddDir = getOpenDataDetectorDirectory()
0012 oddMaterialMap = oddDir / "data/odd-material-maps.root"
0013 oddMaterialDeco = acts.IMaterialDecorator.fromFile(oddMaterialMap)
0015 detector = getOpenDataDetector(mdecorator=oddMaterialDeco)
0016 trackingGeometry = detector.trackingGeometry()
0017 decorators = detector.contextDecorators()
0018 ```
0020 In our simple example we assume a homogeneous magnetic field along the beam axis with 2 T. The magnetic field is passed to all the different algorithms in our simulation and the reconstruction pipeline.
0022 ```python
0023 field = acts.ConstantBField(acts.Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 2.0 * u.T))
0024 ```
0026 The simulation step involves random processes and in order to get the same results across different executions we provide our preferred random number generator with an arbitrary seed.
0028 ```python
0029 rnd = acts.examples.RandomNumbers(seed=42)
0030 ```
0032 All simulation and reconstruction pipelines in ACTS begin with a `Sequencer`. It controls the execution of the different algorithms in the chain. We provide the number of events, the number of threads to use (`-1` to use all the machine's cores) and the desired log level.
0034 ```python
0035 s = acts.examples.Sequencer(events=100, numThreads=-1, logLevel=acts.logging.INFO)
0036 ```
0038 Our first simulation step is the particle gun.
0039 It spawns particles and their initial parameters, like position and momentum, inside our detector.
0041 In our simple example we generate a single muon with random charge (i.e. muon or anti-muon) with 1-10 GeV with uniform pseudorapidity from -3 to 3.
0043 Relativistic muons are hardly deflected in the detector and will keep most of their energy which makes them almost ideal for track reconstruction.
0045 ```python
0046 addParticleGun(
0047 s,
0048 MomentumConfig(1.0 * u.GeV, 10.0 * u.GeV, transverse=True),
0049 EtaConfig(-3.0, 3.0, uniform=True),
0050 ParticleConfig(1, acts.PdgParticle.eMuon, randomizeCharge=True),
0051 rnd=rnd,
0052 )
0053 ```
0055 These newly created particles now need to be propagated through our detector. Fatras will do this for us if we provide it the detector geometry and the magnetic field.
0057 Learn more about Fatras [here](/fatras/fatras).
0059 ```python
0060 addFatras(
0061 s,
0062 trackingGeometry,
0063 field,
0064 outputDirRoot=outputDir,
0065 rnd=rnd,
0066 )
0067 ```
0069 The last step in the simulation is the digitization. Here we simulate the readout of the detector after a charged particle interacted with active detector material.
0071 In the simplest case we use a gaussian smearing of the true hit and displace it slightly.
0073 ```python
0074 oddDigiConfig = oddDir / "config/odd-digi-smearing-config.json"
0076 addDigitization(
0077 s,
0078 trackingGeometry,
0079 field,
0080 digiConfigFile=oddDigiConfig,
0081 outputDirRoot=outputDir,
0082 rnd=rnd,
0083 )
0084 ```
0086 With the last step we completed the simulation and switch the focus to the actual topic: reconstruction.
0088 The first step in our reconstruction is the track seeding. Here we try to find tracks and estimate their parameters.
0090 ```python
0091 oddSeedingSel = oddDir / "config/odd-seeding-config.json"
0093 addSeeding(
0094 s,
0095 trackingGeometry,
0096 field,
0097 geoSelectionConfigFile=oddSeedingSel,
0098 outputDirRoot=outputDir,
0099 )
0100 ```
0102 The Combinatorial Kalman Filter (CKF) will use the seeds to propagate the trajectory forward and backward in time with the idea to find more measurements along the way.
0103 It combines (i.e. smooths) these measurements and outputs reconstructed tracks which include smoothed track parameters for each measurement.
0105 ```python
0106 addCKFTracks(
0107 s,
0108 trackingGeometry,
0109 field,
0110 outputDirRoot=outputDir,
0111 )
0112 ```
0114 Our very last step in the reconstruction is the vertexing. In this step we try to find the origin of our tracks which are usually in the beam pipe at center of our detector.
0116 ```python
0117 addVertexFitting(
0118 s,
0119 field,
0120 vertexFinder=VertexFinder.AMVF,
0121 outputDirRoot=outputDir,
0122 )
0123 ```