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0001 // This file is part of the ACTS project.
0002 //
0003 // Copyright (C) 2016 CERN for the benefit of the ACTS project
0004 //
0005 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
0006 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
0007 // file, You can obtain one at
0009 #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
0011 #include "Acts/Definitions/Algebra.hpp"
0012 #include "Acts/Utilities/BinUtility.hpp"
0013 #include "Acts/Utilities/BinningType.hpp"
0015 #include <array>
0016 #include <cmath>
0017 #include <cstddef>
0018 #include <numbers>
0019 #include <utility>
0020 #include <vector>
0022 namespace Acts::Test {
0024 // OPEN - equidistant binning tests
0025 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(BinUtility_equidistant_binning) {
0026   Vector3 xyzPosition(1.5, 2.5, 3.5);
0027   Vector3 edgePosition(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
0029   // | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
0030   BinUtility xUtil_eq(10, 0., 10., open, AxisDirection::AxisX);
0031   BinUtility yUtil_eq(10, 0., 10., open, AxisDirection::AxisY);
0032   BinUtility zUtil_eq(10, 0., 10., open, AxisDirection::AxisZ);
0033   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(xUtil_eq.bins(), std::size_t{10});
0034   // make it 2-dim
0035   BinUtility xyUtil_eq(10, 0., 10., open, AxisDirection::AxisX);
0036   xyUtil_eq += yUtil_eq;
0037   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(xyUtil_eq.bins(), 100u);
0038   // make it 3-dim
0039   BinUtility xyzUtil_eq(xyUtil_eq);
0040   xyzUtil_eq += zUtil_eq;
0041   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(xyzUtil_eq.bins(), 1000u);
0042   // check the dimensions
0043   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(xUtil_eq.dimensions(), 1u);
0044   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(xyUtil_eq.dimensions(), 2u);
0045   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(xyzUtil_eq.dimensions(), 3u);
0047   // check equality operator
0048   BinUtility xUtil_eq_copy(10, 0., 10., open, AxisDirection::AxisX);
0049   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(xUtil_eq_copy, xUtil_eq);
0050   BOOST_CHECK_NE(yUtil_eq, xUtil_eq);
0052   // bin triples and clusters
0053   auto xTriple = xUtil_eq.binTriple(xyzPosition);
0054   auto xyTriple = xyUtil_eq.binTriple(xyzPosition);
0055   auto xyzTriple = xyzUtil_eq.binTriple(xyzPosition);
0057   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(xTriple[0], 1u);
0058   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(xTriple[1], 0u);
0059   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(xTriple[2], 0u);
0061   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(xyTriple[0], 1u);
0062   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(xyTriple[1], 2u);
0063   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(xyTriple[2], 0u);
0065   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(xyzTriple[0], 1u);
0066   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(xyzTriple[1], 2u);
0067   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(xyzTriple[2], 3u);
0068 }
0070 // OPEN - equidistant binning tests
0071 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(BinUtility_arbitrary_binning) {
0072   std::vector<float> bvalues = {-5., 0., 1., 1.1, 8.};
0073   BinUtility xUtil(bvalues, Acts::open, Acts::AxisDirection::AxisX);
0075   // Underflow
0076   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(xUtil.bin(Vector3(-6., 0., 0.)), 0u);
0077   // Bin 0
0078   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(xUtil.bin(Vector3(-4., 0., 0.)), 0u);
0079   // Bin 1
0080   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(xUtil.bin(Vector3(0.5, 0., 0.)), 1u);
0081   // Bin 2
0082   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(xUtil.bin(Vector3(1.05, 0., 0.)), 2u);
0083   // Bin 3
0084   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(xUtil.bin(Vector3(4., 0., 0.)), 3u);
0085   // Overflow
0086   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(xUtil.bin(Vector3(9., 0., 0.)), 3u);
0087 }
0089 // OPEN - local to global transform test
0090 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(BinUtility_transform) {
0091   Transform3 transform_LtoG = Transform3::Identity();
0092   transform_LtoG = transform_LtoG * Translation3(0., 0., -50);
0093   transform_LtoG =
0094       transform_LtoG * AngleAxis3(std::numbers::pi / 4., Vector3(0, 0, 1));
0096   Transform3 transform_GtoL = transform_LtoG.inverse();
0098   BinUtility rUtil(10, 0., 100., open, AxisDirection::AxisR);
0099   BinUtility phiUtil(10, -std::numbers::pi, std::numbers::pi, closed,
0100                      AxisDirection::AxisPhi);
0101   BinUtility zUtil(10, -100., 100., open, AxisDirection::AxisZ);
0103   BinUtility noTranform;
0104   noTranform += rUtil;
0105   noTranform += phiUtil;
0106   noTranform += zUtil;
0108   BinUtility withTranform(transform_LtoG);
0109   withTranform += rUtil;
0110   withTranform += phiUtil;
0111   withTranform += zUtil;
0113   Vector3 pos1(0, 0, 0);
0114   Vector3 pos2(60, 0, 0);
0115   Vector3 pos3(34, std::numbers::pi / 2., 0);
0116   Vector3 pos4(0, 0, -80);
0117   Vector3 pos5(80, -std::numbers::pi / 4., 50);
0119   for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
0120     BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(withTranform.bin(pos1, i),
0121                       noTranform.bin(transform_GtoL * pos1, i));
0122     BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(withTranform.bin(pos2, i),
0123                       noTranform.bin(transform_GtoL * pos2, i));
0124     BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(withTranform.bin(pos3, i),
0125                       noTranform.bin(transform_GtoL * pos3, i));
0126     BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(withTranform.bin(pos4, i),
0127                       noTranform.bin(transform_GtoL * pos4, i));
0128     BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(withTranform.bin(pos5, i),
0129                       noTranform.bin(transform_GtoL * pos5, i));
0130   }
0131 }
0133 }  // namespace Acts::Test