Warning, /acts/Plugins/Podio/edm.yml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 ---
0002 schema_version: 1
0003 options:
0004 getSyntax: True
0005 exposePODMembers: False
0006 includeSubfolder: True
0008 components:
0010 ActsPodioEdm::Vector3f :
0011 Members:
0012 - float x
0013 - float y
0014 - float z
0015 ExtraCode:
0016 declaration: "
0017 constexpr Vector3f() : x(0),y(0),z(0) {}\n
0018 constexpr Vector3f(float xx, float yy, float zz) : x(xx),y(yy),z(zz) {}\n
0019 constexpr Vector3f(const float* v) : x(v[0]),y(v[1]),z(v[2]) {}\n
0020 constexpr bool operator==(const Vector3f& v) const { return (x==v.x&&y==v.y&&z==v.z) ; }\n
0021 constexpr float operator[](unsigned i) const { return *( &x + i ) ; }\n
0022 "
0024 ActsPodioEdm::Surface:
0025 Members:
0026 - int surfaceType
0027 - int boundsType
0028 - uint64_t geometryId
0029 - uint64_t identifier
0030 - std::array<double, 10> boundValues
0031 - uint32_t boundValuesSize
0032 - std::array<double, 16> transform
0034 ActsPodioEdm::TrackInfo:
0035 Members:
0036 - std::array<double, 6> parameters
0037 - std::array<double, 36> covariance // local covariance
0038 - uint32_t tipIndex // index of the outermost track state
0039 - uint32_t stemIndex // index of the innermost track state
0040 - unsigned int nMeasurements // number of measurements
0041 - unsigned int nHoles // number of holes
0042 - float chi2 // chi squared of the track
0043 - unsigned int ndf // number of degrees of freedom
0044 - unsigned int nOutliers // number of outliers
0045 - unsigned int nSharedHits // number of shared hits
0047 ActsPodioEdm::TrackStateInfo:
0048 Members:
0049 - uint32_t previous
0050 - uint32_t next
0052 - uint32_t ipredicted;
0053 - uint32_t ifiltered;
0054 - uint32_t ismoothed;
0056 - std::array<double, 6> measurement
0057 - std::array<double, 36> measurementCovariance
0058 - uint32_t measdim;
0060 - uint32_t ijacobian
0061 - uint64_t projector
0062 - bool hasProjector
0064 - float chi2
0065 - double pathLength
0066 - uint64_t typeFlags
0068 - uint64_t uncalibratedIdentifier
0070 ActsPodioEdm::BoundParametersInfo:
0071 Members:
0072 - std::array<double, 6> values
0073 - std::array<double, 36> covariance
0075 ActsPodioEdm::JacobianInfo:
0076 Members:
0077 - std::array<double, 36> values
0079 ActsPodioEdm::ParticleHypothesis:
0080 Members:
0081 - uint32_t absPdg
0082 - float mass
0083 - float absQ
0085 datatypes:
0086 ActsPodioEdm::Track:
0087 Description: "Reconstructed track"
0088 Author : "Paul Gessinger, CERN"
0089 Members:
0090 - ActsPodioEdm::TrackInfo data // local parameters and covariance
0092 - ActsPodioEdm::Surface referenceSurface // reference surface
0094 - ActsPodioEdm::ParticleHypothesis particleHypothesis // particle hypothesis
0096 ActsPodioEdm::TrackState:
0097 Description: "Local state on a track"
0098 Author : "Paul Gessinger, CERN"
0099 Members:
0100 - ActsPodioEdm::TrackStateInfo data // local information
0101 - ActsPodioEdm::Surface referenceSurface // reference surface
0103 ActsPodioEdm::BoundParameters:
0104 Description: "Local track parameters"
0105 Author : "Paul Gessinger, CERN"
0106 Members:
0107 - ActsPodioEdm::BoundParametersInfo data // parameter information
0109 ActsPodioEdm::Jacobian:
0110 Description: "Jacobian matrix from the previous track state to the current one"
0111 Author : "Paul Gessinger, CERN"
0112 Members:
0113 - ActsPodioEdm::JacobianInfo data // the jacobian data
0115 # - int32_t type //flagword that defines the type of track.Bits 16-31 are used internally
0116 # - float chi2 //Chi^2 of the track fit
0117 # - int32_t ndf //number of degrees of freedom of the track fit
0118 # - float dEdx //dEdx of the track.
0119 # - float dEdxError //error of dEdx.
0120 # - float radiusOfInnermostHit //radius of the innermost hit that has been used in the track fit
0121 # VectorMembers:
0122 # - int32_t subDetectorHitNumbers //number of hits in particular subdetectors.Check/set collection variable TrackSubdetectorNames for decoding the indices
0123 # - edm4hep::TrackState trackStates //track states
0124 # - edm4hep::Quantity dxQuantities // different measurements of dx quantities
0125 # OneToManyRelations:
0126 # - edm4hep::TrackerHit trackerHits //hits that have been used to create this track
0127 # - edm4hep::Track tracks //tracks (segments) that have been combined to create this track
0128 # ExtraCode:
0129 # declaration: >
0130 # auto data() { return &m_obj->data; }