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0001 // This file is part of the ACTS project.
0002 //
0003 // Copyright (C) 2016 CERN for the benefit of the ACTS project
0004 //
0005 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
0006 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
0007 // file, You can obtain one at
0009 #include "Acts/Plugins/DD4hep/DD4hepDetectorSurfaceFactory.hpp"
0011 #include "Acts/Definitions/Units.hpp"
0012 #include "Acts/Detector/detail/ProtoMaterialHelper.hpp"
0013 #include "Acts/Material/HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial.hpp"
0014 #include "Acts/Plugins/DD4hep/DD4hepBinningHelpers.hpp"
0015 #include "Acts/Plugins/DD4hep/DD4hepConversionHelpers.hpp"
0016 #include "Acts/Plugins/DD4hep/DD4hepDetectorElement.hpp"
0017 #include "Acts/Plugins/TGeo/TGeoMaterialConverter.hpp"
0018 #include "Acts/Plugins/TGeo/TGeoSurfaceConverter.hpp"
0020 #include "DD4hep/DetElement.h"
0022 using namespace Acts::detail;
0024 Acts::DD4hepDetectorSurfaceFactory::DD4hepDetectorSurfaceFactory(
0025     std::unique_ptr<const Logger> mlogger)
0026     : m_logger(std::move(mlogger)) {
0027   ACTS_DEBUG("UnitLength conversion factor (DD4hep -> Acts): " << unitLength);
0028 }
0030 void Acts::DD4hepDetectorSurfaceFactory::construct(
0031     Cache& cache, const GeometryContext& gctx,
0032     const dd4hep::DetElement& dd4hepElement, const Options& options) {
0033   ACTS_DEBUG("Configured to convert "
0034              << (options.convertSensitive ? "sensitive components and " : "")
0035              << (options.convertPassive
0036                      ? "passive surfaces."
0037                      : (!options.convertSensitive
0038                             ? "nothing (this is likely a configuration error)."
0039                             : "")));
0040   ACTS_DEBUG("Constructing DD4hepDetectorElements - tree level call from  "
0041              << << ".");
0042   recursiveConstruct(cache, gctx, dd4hepElement, options, 1);
0043   ACTS_DEBUG("Recursive search did yield: "
0044              << cache.sensitiveSurfaces.size() << " sensitive surface(s), "
0045              << cache.passiveSurfaces.size() << " passive surface(s)");
0047   // Check for auto-range determination
0048   if (!cache.binnings.empty() && cache.sExtent.has_value()) {
0049     ACTS_DEBUG("Autorange deterimnation of binning enabled.");
0050   }
0051 }
0053 void Acts::DD4hepDetectorSurfaceFactory::recursiveConstruct(
0054     Cache& cache, const GeometryContext& gctx,
0055     const dd4hep::DetElement& dd4hepElement, const Options& options,
0056     int level) {
0057   ACTS_VERBOSE("Conversion call at level " << level << " for element "
0058                                            <<;
0060   // Check if any surface binnning can be detected
0061   int sBinning = getParamOr<int>("acts_surface_binning_dim", dd4hepElement, 0);
0062   if (sBinning > 0) {
0063     cache.binnings = DD4hepBinningHelpers::convertBinning(
0064         dd4hepElement, "acts_surface_binning");
0065   }
0067   // Deal with passive surface if detected
0068   bool pSurface =
0069       getParamOr<bool>("acts_passive_surface", dd4hepElement, false);
0070   if (pSurface && options.convertPassive) {
0071     ACTS_VERBOSE("Passive surface(s) detected.");
0072     cache.passiveSurfaces.push_back(
0073         constructPassiveComponents(cache, gctx, dd4hepElement, options));
0074   }
0076   const dd4hep::DetElement::Children& children = dd4hepElement.children();
0077   if (!children.empty()) {
0078     ACTS_VERBOSE(children.size() << " child(ren) detected.");
0079     for (auto& child : children) {
0080       dd4hep::DetElement childDetElement = child.second;
0081       ACTS_VERBOSE("Processing child " <<;
0082       if (childDetElement.volume().isSensitive() && options.convertSensitive) {
0083         ACTS_VERBOSE("Sensitive surface detected.");
0084         cache.sensitiveSurfaces.push_back(constructSensitiveComponents(
0085             cache, gctx, childDetElement, options));
0086       }
0087       recursiveConstruct(cache, gctx, childDetElement, options, level + 1);
0088     }
0089   } else {
0090     ACTS_VERBOSE("No children detected.");
0091   }
0092 }
0094 Acts::DD4hepDetectorSurfaceFactory::DD4hepSensitiveSurface
0095 Acts::DD4hepDetectorSurfaceFactory::constructSensitiveComponents(
0096     Cache& cache, const GeometryContext& gctx,
0097     const dd4hep::DetElement& dd4hepElement, const Options& options) const {
0098   // Extract the axis definition
0099   std::string detAxis =
0100       getParamOr<std::string>("axis_definitions", dd4hepElement, "XYZ");
0101   std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial> surfaceMaterial = nullptr;
0103   // Create the corresponding detector element
0104   auto dd4hepDetElement = std::make_shared<Acts::DD4hepDetectorElement>(
0105       dd4hepElement, detAxis, unitLength, false, nullptr);
0106   auto sSurface = dd4hepDetElement->surface().getSharedPtr();
0107   // Measure if configured to do so
0108   if (cache.sExtent.has_value()) {
0109     auto sExtent =
0110         sSurface->polyhedronRepresentation(gctx, cache.nExtentQSegments)
0111             .extent();
0112     cache.sExtent.value().extend(sExtent, cache.extentConstraints);
0113   }
0115   // Attach surface material if present
0116   attachSurfaceMaterial(gctx, "acts_surface_", dd4hepElement, *sSurface.get(),
0117                         dd4hepDetElement->thickness(), options);
0118   // return the surface
0119   return {dd4hepDetElement, sSurface};
0120 }
0122 Acts::DD4hepDetectorSurfaceFactory::DD4hepPassiveSurface
0123 Acts::DD4hepDetectorSurfaceFactory::constructPassiveComponents(
0124     Cache& cache, const GeometryContext& gctx,
0125     const dd4hep::DetElement& dd4hepElement, const Options& options) const {
0126   // Underlying TGeo node, shape & transform
0127   const auto& tgeoNode = *(dd4hepElement.placement().ptr());
0128   auto tgeoShape = tgeoNode.GetVolume()->GetShape();
0129   const auto tgeoTransform = dd4hepElement.nominal().worldTransformation();
0130   // Extract the axis definition
0131   auto detAxis =
0132       getParamOr<std::string>("axis_definitions", dd4hepElement, "XYZ");
0133   bool assignToAll = getParamOr<bool>("assign_to_all", dd4hepElement, true);
0134   auto [pSurface, thickness] =
0135       TGeoSurfaceConverter::toSurface(*tgeoShape, tgeoTransform, detAxis);
0136   // Measure if configured to do so
0137   if (cache.pExtent.has_value()) {
0138     auto sExtent =
0139         pSurface->polyhedronRepresentation(gctx, cache.nExtentQSegments)
0140             .extent();
0141     cache.pExtent.value().extend(sExtent, cache.extentConstraints);
0142   }
0143   attachSurfaceMaterial(gctx, "acts_passive_surface", dd4hepElement,
0144                         *pSurface.get(), thickness, options);
0145   // Return a passive surface
0146   return {pSurface, assignToAll};
0147 }
0149 void Acts::DD4hepDetectorSurfaceFactory::attachSurfaceMaterial(
0150     const GeometryContext& gctx, const std::string& prefix,
0151     const dd4hep::DetElement& dd4hepElement, Acts::Surface& surface,
0152     double thickness, const Options& options) const {
0153   // Bool proto material overrules converted material
0154   bool protoMaterial =
0155       getParamOr<bool>(prefix + "_proto_material", dd4hepElement, false);
0156   if (protoMaterial) {
0157     ACTS_VERBOSE(" - proto material binning for passive surface found.");
0158     Experimental::BinningDescription pmBinning{
0159         DD4hepBinningHelpers::convertBinning(
0160             dd4hepElement, prefix + "_proto_material_binning")};
0161     ACTS_VERBOSE(" - converted binning is " << pmBinning.toString());
0162     Experimental::detail::ProtoMaterialHelper::attachProtoMaterial(
0163         gctx, surface, pmBinning);
0165   } else if (options.convertMaterial) {
0166     ACTS_VERBOSE(" - direct conversion of DD4hep material triggered.");
0167     // Extract the material
0168     const auto& tgeoNode = *(dd4hepElement.placement().ptr());
0169     auto tgeoMaterial = tgeoNode.GetMedium()->GetMaterial();
0170     // Convert the material
0171     TGeoMaterialConverter::Options materialOptions;
0172     materialOptions.unitLengthScalor = unitLength;
0173     auto materialSlab = TGeoMaterialConverter::materialSlab(
0174         *tgeoMaterial, thickness, options.surfaceMaterialThickness,
0175         materialOptions);
0176     auto surfaceMaterial =
0177         std::make_shared<HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial>(materialSlab);
0178     // Assign the material to the surface
0179     surface.assignSurfaceMaterial(std::move(surfaceMaterial));
0180   }
0181 }