File indexing completed on 2025-01-18 09:12:10
0001 // This file is part of the ACTS project. 0002 // 0003 // Copyright (C) 2016 CERN for the benefit of the ACTS project 0004 // 0005 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public 0006 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this 0007 // file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. 0008 0009 #include <array> 0010 #include <string> 0011 #include <vector> 0012 #include <iostream> 0013 0014 #include <TCanvas.h> 0015 #include <TEfficiency.h> 0016 #include <TProfile.h> 0017 #include <TFile.h> 0018 0019 #include "CommonUtils.h" 0020 0021 /// This script allows a fast reading and replotting of the existing performance plots, e.g. 'trackeff_vs_*' and 'nMeasurements_vs_*', 0022 /// from the root file 'performance_track_fitter.root' or 'performance_ckf.root'. 0023 /// Note that redefinition of the tracking efficiency etc. is not possible with this script. 0024 /// If you want to define your own efficiency etc., please refer to 'defineReconstructionPerformance.C'. 0025 /// 0026 void reconstructionPerformance(std::vector<std::string> inputFileNames) { 0027 std::array<TCanvas*, 3> emho = {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}; 0028 std::vector<std::string> tags = {"eta", "pT"}; 0029 std::vector<std::string> params = {"trackeff", "nMeasurements", "nHoles", 0030 "nOutliers", "nStates"}; 0031 0032 // Create the Canvae 0033 unsigned int itag = 0; 0034 for (const auto& t : tags) { 0035 std::string name = "efd_" + t; 0036 std::string label = "Efficiency, Fakes, Duplicate vs. " + t; 0037 emho[itag] = 0038 new TCanvas(name.c_str(), label.c_str(), itag * 10, 10, 1800, 300); 0039 emho[itag]->Divide(5, 1); 0040 ++itag; 0041 } 0042 0043 unsigned int imode = 1; 0044 for (auto fileName : inputFileNames) { 0045 // The appropriate file 0046 auto file = TFile::Open(fileName.c_str(), "read"); 0047 unsigned int itag = 0; 0048 for (const auto& t : tags) { 0049 unsigned int ipar = 0; 0050 for (const auto& p : params) { 0051 std::string hName = p + std::string("_vs_") + t; 0052 emho[itag]->cd(ipar+1); 0053 auto h = file->Get(hName.c_str()); 0054 auto heff = dynamic_cast<TEfficiency*>(h); 0055 if (heff != nullptr){ 0056 setEffStyle(heff, imode); 0057 } else { 0058 auto hprof = dynamic_cast<TProfile*>(h); 0059 if (hprof != nullptr){ 0060 setHistStyle(hprof, imode); 0061 } 0062 } 0063 std::string dOpt = imode == 1 ? "" : "same"; 0064 h->Draw(dOpt.c_str()); 0065 ++ipar; 0066 } 0067 ++itag; 0068 } 0069 ++imode; 0070 } 0071 } 0072 0073 /** 0074 TFile** performance_track_fitter.root 0075 TFile* performance_track_fitter.root 0076 KEY: TH1F res_d0;1 Residual of d0 0077 KEY: TH2F res_d0_vs_eta;1 Residual of d0 vs eta 0078 KEY: TH1F resmean_d0_vs_eta;1 Residual mean of d0 0079 KEY: TH1F reswidth_d0_vs_eta;1 Residual width of d0 0080 KEY: TH2F res_d0_vs_pT;1 Residual of d0 vs pT 0081 KEY: TH1F resmean_d0_vs_pT;1 Residual mean of d0 0082 KEY: TH1F reswidth_d0_vs_pT;1 Residual width of d0 0083 KEY: TH1F pull_d0;1 Pull of d0 0084 KEY: TH2F pull_d0_vs_eta;1 Pull of d0 vs eta 0085 KEY: TH1F pullmean_d0_vs_eta;1 Pull mean of d0 0086 KEY: TH1F pullwidth_d0_vs_eta;1 Pull width of d0 0087 KEY: TH2F pull_d0_vs_pT;1 Pull of d0 vs pT 0088 KEY: TH1F pullmean_d0_vs_pT;1 Pull mean of d0 0089 KEY: TH1F pullwidth_d0_vs_pT;1 Pull width of d0 0090 KEY: TH1F res_z0;1 Residual of z0 0091 KEY: TH2F res_z0_vs_eta;1 Residual of z0 vs eta 0092 KEY: TH1F resmean_z0_vs_eta;1 Residual mean of z0 0093 KEY: TH1F reswidth_z0_vs_eta;1 Residual width of z0 0094 KEY: TH2F res_z0_vs_pT;1 Residual of z0 vs pT 0095 KEY: TH1F resmean_z0_vs_pT;1 Residual mean of z0 0096 KEY: TH1F reswidth_z0_vs_pT;1 Residual width of z0 0097 KEY: TH1F pull_z0;1 Pull of z0 0098 KEY: TH2F pull_z0_vs_eta;1 Pull of z0 vs eta 0099 KEY: TH1F pullmean_z0_vs_eta;1 Pull mean of z0 0100 KEY: TH1F pullwidth_z0_vs_eta;1 Pull width of z0 0101 KEY: TH2F pull_z0_vs_pT;1 Pull of z0 vs pT 0102 KEY: TH1F pullmean_z0_vs_pT;1 Pull mean of z0 0103 KEY: TH1F pullwidth_z0_vs_pT;1 Pull width of z0 0104 KEY: TH1F res_phi;1 Residual of phi 0105 KEY: TH2F res_phi_vs_eta;1 Residual of phi vs eta 0106 KEY: TH1F resmean_phi_vs_eta;1 Residual mean of phi 0107 KEY: TH1F reswidth_phi_vs_eta;1 Residual width of phi 0108 KEY: TH2F res_phi_vs_pT;1 Residual of phi vs pT 0109 KEY: TH1F resmean_phi_vs_pT;1 Residual mean of phi 0110 KEY: TH1F reswidth_phi_vs_pT;1 Residual width of phi 0111 KEY: TH1F pull_phi;1 Pull of phi 0112 KEY: TH2F pull_phi_vs_eta;1 Pull of phi vs eta 0113 KEY: TH1F pullmean_phi_vs_eta;1 Pull mean of phi 0114 KEY: TH1F pullwidth_phi_vs_eta;1 Pull width of phi 0115 KEY: TH2F pull_phi_vs_pT;1 Pull of phi vs pT 0116 KEY: TH1F pullmean_phi_vs_pT;1 Pull mean of phi 0117 KEY: TH1F pullwidth_phi_vs_pT;1 Pull width of phi 0118 KEY: TH1F res_theta;1 Residual of theta 0119 KEY: TH2F res_theta_vs_eta;1 Residual of theta vs eta 0120 KEY: TH1F resmean_theta_vs_eta;1 Residual mean of theta 0121 KEY: TH1F reswidth_theta_vs_eta;1 Residual width of theta 0122 KEY: TH2F res_theta_vs_pT;1 Residual of theta vs pT 0123 KEY: TH1F resmean_theta_vs_pT;1 Residual mean of theta 0124 KEY: TH1F reswidth_theta_vs_pT;1 Residual width of theta 0125 KEY: TH1F pull_theta;1 Pull of theta 0126 KEY: TH2F pull_theta_vs_eta;1 Pull of theta vs eta 0127 KEY: TH1F pullmean_theta_vs_eta;1 Pull mean of theta 0128 KEY: TH1F pullwidth_theta_vs_eta;1 Pull width of theta 0129 KEY: TH2F pull_theta_vs_pT;1 Pull of theta vs pT 0130 KEY: TH1F pullmean_theta_vs_pT;1 Pull mean of theta 0131 KEY: TH1F pullwidth_theta_vs_pT;1 Pull width of theta 0132 KEY: TH1F res_qop;1 Residual of qop 0133 KEY: TH2F res_qop_vs_eta;1 Residual of qop vs eta 0134 KEY: TH1F resmean_qop_vs_eta;1 Residual mean of qop 0135 KEY: TH1F reswidth_qop_vs_eta;1 Residual width of qop 0136 KEY: TH2F res_qop_vs_pT;1 Residual of qop vs pT 0137 KEY: TH1F resmean_qop_vs_pT;1 Residual mean of qop 0138 KEY: TH1F reswidth_qop_vs_pT;1 Residual width of qop 0139 KEY: TH1F pull_qop;1 Pull of qop 0140 KEY: TH2F pull_qop_vs_eta;1 Pull of qop vs eta 0141 KEY: TH1F pullmean_qop_vs_eta;1 Pull mean of qop 0142 KEY: TH1F pullwidth_qop_vs_eta;1 Pull width of qop 0143 KEY: TH2F pull_qop_vs_pT;1 Pull of qop vs pT 0144 KEY: TH1F pullmean_qop_vs_pT;1 Pull mean of qop 0145 KEY: TH1F pullwidth_qop_vs_pT;1 Pull width of qop 0146 KEY: TH1F res_t;1 Residual of t 0147 KEY: TH2F res_t_vs_eta;1 Residual of t vs eta 0148 KEY: TH1F resmean_t_vs_eta;1 Residual mean of t 0149 KEY: TH1F reswidth_t_vs_eta;1 Residual width of t 0150 KEY: TH2F res_t_vs_pT;1 Residual of t vs pT 0151 KEY: TH1F resmean_t_vs_pT;1 Residual mean of t 0152 KEY: TH1F reswidth_t_vs_pT;1 Residual width of t 0153 KEY: TH1F pull_t;1 Pull of t 0154 KEY: TH2F pull_t_vs_eta;1 Pull of t vs eta 0155 KEY: TH1F pullmean_t_vs_eta;1 Pull mean of t 0156 KEY: TH1F pullwidth_t_vs_eta;1 Pull width of t 0157 KEY: TH2F pull_t_vs_pT;1 Pull of t vs pT 0158 KEY: TH1F pullmean_t_vs_pT;1 Pull mean of t 0159 KEY: TH1F pullwidth_t_vs_pT;1 Pull width of t 0160 KEY: TEfficiency trackeff_vs_pT;1 Tracking efficiency 0161 KEY: TEfficiency trackeff_vs_eta;1 Tracking efficiency 0162 KEY: TEfficiency trackeff_vs_phi;1 Tracking efficiency 0163 KEY: TProfile nStates_vs_eta;1 Number of total states vs. #eta 0164 KEY: TProfile nMeasurements_vs_eta;1 Number of measurements vs. #eta 0165 KEY: TProfile nOutliers_vs_eta;1 Number of outliers vs. #eta 0166 KEY: TProfile nHoles_vs_eta;1 Number of holes vs. #eta 0167 KEY: TProfile nStates_vs_pT;1 Number of total states vs. pT 0168 KEY: TProfile nMeasurements_vs_pT;1 Number of measurements vs. pT 0169 KEY: TProfile nOutliers_vs_pT;1 Number of outliers vs. pT 0170 KEY: TProfile nHoles_vs_pT;1 Number of holes vs. pT 0171 */
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