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File indexing completed on 2025-01-30 09:14:58

0001 import ROOT
0002 import argparse, math
0004 from ROOT import TCanvas, TFile, TTree, TLine, TArrow, gStyle
0005 from array import array
0007 if "__main__" == __name__:
0008     p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
0010     p.add_argument(
0011         "-i",
0012         "--input",
0013         type=str,
0014         default="",
0015         help="Input file with material tracks used from the mapping",
0016     )
0017     p.add_argument(
0018         "-o",
0019         "--output",
0020         type=str,
0021         default="",
0022         help="Output file with material mapping analysis",
0023     )
0024     p.add_argument(
0025         "-d",
0026         "--distance",
0027         type=float,
0028         default=50,
0029         help="Maximum distance to the surface",
0030     )
0031     p.add_argument(
0032         "-e",
0033         "--entries",
0034         type=int,
0035         default=10000,
0036         help="Number of draw entries",
0037     )
0038     p.add_argument(
0039         "--z-range",
0040         type=float,
0041         nargs=2,
0042         default=[-3000, 3000],
0043         help="Drawing z range",
0044     )
0045     p.add_argument(
0046         "--r-range",
0047         type=float,
0048         nargs=2,
0049         default=[0, 1200],
0050         help="Drawing z range",
0051     )
0053     p.add_argument(
0054         "--arrows",
0055         action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction,
0056         help="Draw arrows for the material projection",
0057         default=False,
0058     )
0060     p.add_argument(
0061         "--eta-lines",
0062         type=float,
0063         nargs="+",
0064         default=[
0065             -3.5,
0066             -3.25,
0067             -3,
0068             -2.75,
0069             -2.5,
0070             -2.25,
0071             -2,
0072             -1.75,
0073             -1.5,
0074             -1.25,
0075             -1,
0076             -0.75,
0077             -0.5,
0078             -0.25,
0079             0,
0080             0.25,
0081             0.5,
0082             0.75,
0083             1,
0084             1.25,
0085             1.5,
0086             1.75,
0087             2,
0088             2.25,
0089             2.5,
0090             2.75,
0091             3,
0092             3.25,
0093             3.5,
0094         ],
0095         help="Drawing z range",
0096     )
0098     args = p.parse_args()
0100     # Bailout
0101     if args.input == "":
0102         print("** ERROR ** The input file must be provided")
0103         exit(1)
0105     # Some basic style
0106     gStyle.SetOptStat(0)
0107     gStyle.SetOptTitle(0)
0109     # File handling
0110     tfile = TFile.Open(args.input, "READ")
0111     ttree = tfile.Get("material-tracks")
0113     # {\displaystyle \theta =2\arctan \left(e^{-\eta }\right).}
0114     def theta_from_eta(eta):
0115         return 2 * math.atan(math.exp(-eta))
0117     # Calculate the theta cut
0118     theta_cut = math.atan2(args.r_range[1], args.z_range[1])
0120     # The eta line
0121     def draw_eta_line(
0122         eta: float, theta_cut, z_max=args.z_range[1], r_max=args.r_range[1]
0123     ):
0124         theta = theta_from_eta(eta)
0125         # Inside barrel line
0126         if theta > theta_cut and theta < math.pi - theta_cut:
0127             r_line = r_max
0128             z_line = r_line / math.tan(theta)
0129         else:
0130             # Outside barrel line
0131             z_line = z_max
0132             if theta > 0.5 * math.pi:
0133                 z_line = args.z_range[0]
0134             r_line = z_line * math.tan(theta)
0135         # Create the line
0136         line = TLine(0, 0, z_line, r_line)
0137         line.SetLineColor(ROOT.kGray)
0138         if not float(eta).is_integer():
0139             if float(eta) % 1 == 0.25 or float(eta) % 1 == 0.75:
0140                 line.SetLineStyle(ROOT.kDotted)
0141             else:
0142                 line.SetLineStyle(ROOT.kDashed)
0143         return line
0145     c = TCanvas("CheckCanvas", "Check Material Mapping", 1200, 1200)
0146     c.Divide(1, 2)
0148     lines_store = []
0150     # Overall plot
0152     hcmd = f"mat_r:mat_z>>d1(100,{args.z_range[0]},{args.z_range[1]},100,{args.r_range[0]},{args.r_range[1]})"
0153     ttree.Draw(
0154         hcmd,
0155         "sur_distance>" + str(args.distance) + "; z [mm]; r [mm]",
0156         "colz",
0157         args.entries,
0158     )
0159     ttree.Draw("sur_r:sur_z", "", "same", args.entries)
0161     for eta in args.eta_lines:
0162         eta_line = draw_eta_line(eta, theta_cut)
0163         if eta_line:
0164             eta_line.Draw("same")
0165             lines_store.append(eta_line)
0166     c.Update()
0168     # Detailed plot
0170     hcmd = f"mat_r:mat_z>>d2(100,{args.z_range[0]},{args.z_range[1]},100,{args.r_range[0]},{args.r_range[1]})"
0171     ttree.Draw(hcmd + "; z [mm]; r [mm]", "", "", args.entries)
0173     for ie in range(args.entries):
0174         ttree.GetEntry(ie)
0175         steps = len(ttree.sur_distance)
0176         for si, sd in enumerate(ttree.sur_distance):
0177             if sd > args.distance:
0178                 if args.arrows:
0179                     line = TArrow(
0180                         ttree.mat_z[si],
0181                         ttree.mat_r[si],
0182                         ttree.sur_z[si],
0183                         ttree.sur_r[si],
0184                         0.01,
0185                         ">",
0186                     )
0187                     line.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed)
0188                     line.Draw(">")
0189                 else:
0190                     line = TLine(
0191                         ttree.sur_z[si],
0192                         ttree.sur_r[si],
0193                         ttree.mat_z[si],
0194                         ttree.mat_r[si],
0195                     )
0196                     line.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed)
0197                     line.Draw("same")
0198                 lines_store.append(line)
0200     for eta in args.eta_lines:
0201         eta_line = draw_eta_line(eta, theta_cut)
0202         if eta_line:
0203             eta_line.Draw("same")
0204             lines_store.append(eta_line)