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0001 #!/bin/bash
0002 #
0003 # This script runs the CombinatorialKalmanFitter(CKF) timing test at different pileup (mu) bins using ttbar events
0004 # To run the test:./ -d <detector> -b <bFieldMap> -n <numEvents>
0005 # In default, it will run with Generic detector in constant B field using 10 event per mu bin
0006 #
0008 help()
0009 {
0010    echo ""
0011    echo "Usage: $0 -d <detector> -b <bFieldMap> -t <numTracksPerEvent> -n <numEvents>"
0012    echo -e "\t-d The detector type, either 'Generic' or 'DD4hep'. Optional. In default 'Generic'"
0013    echo -e "\t-x The '.xml' for DD4hep detector input. Required if the detector is 'DD4hep'. In default empty"
0014    echo -e "\t-b The '.txt' or '.root' file for B Field map. Optional. In default using constant BField: (0, 0, 2)"
0015    echo -e "\t-n The number of events. Optional. In default: 1"
0016    exit 1 # Exit script after printing help
0017 }
0019 if [ ! -f "ActsExampleFatrasGeneric" ]; then
0020   echo Please run this script under the directory where the executables are located
0021   exit 1
0022 fi
0024 #Default number of tracks/event and event
0025 detector=Generic
0026 numEvents=1
0027 # Get parameters
0028 while getopts "d:x:b:n:" opt
0029 do
0030    case "$opt" in
0031       d ) detector="$OPTARG" ;;
0032       x ) dd4hepInput="$OPTARG" ;;
0033       b ) bFieldMap="$OPTARG" ;;
0034       n ) numEvents="$OPTARG" ;;
0035       ? ) help ;; # Print help in case unknown parameter
0036    esac
0037 done
0039 #check input for DDhep input
0040 if [ "${detector}" == DD4hep ]; then
0041    if [ -z "${dd4hepInput}" ]; then
0042       echo "Empty input for --dd4hep-input. A file like $<source>/thirdparty/OpenDataDetector/xml/OpenDataDetector.xml must be provided. Have to exit."
0043       exit 1
0044    fi
0045    if [ ! -f "${dd4hepInput}" ]; then
0046       echo "The ${dd4hepInput} does not exist! Have to exit."
0047       exit 1
0048    fi
0049    dd4hep_input="--dd4hep-input=${dd4hepInput}"
0050 fi
0052 # Check input for B field
0053 bField='--bf-value 0 0 2'
0054 if [ -z "${bFieldMap}" ]; then
0055    echo "bFieldMap is empty. Will use constant B Field (0, 0, 2) then."
0056 elif [ -f "$bFieldMap" ] ; then
0057    echo "Input bField map: $bFieldMap "
0058    bField='--bf-map ${bFieldMap}'
0059 else
0060    echo "Input file for bField map file does not exist!"
0061    exit 1
0062 fi
0064 time_stamp=`date +%F%T`
0065 exe_dir=$PWD
0066 run_dir=CKF_timing_${time_stamp}
0068 mkdir ${run_dir}
0069 cd ${run_dir}
0071 output_file='output.log'
0072 echo "*****CombinatorialKalmanFilter timing test vs. <mu>*****" > ${output_file}
0073 echo "Test Detector: ${detector}" >> ${output_file}
0074 echo "BField: ${bField}" >> ${output_file}
0075 echo "Events: ${numEvents}" >> ${output_file}
0076 echo "****************************************" >> ${output_file}
0077 echo "*"
0078 echo "* job | mode | mu " >> ${output_file}
0080 jobID=0
0082 # Loop over the pileup bins
0083 for mu in 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 ; do
0084     #Run ttbar events generation
0085     gen="${exe_dir}/ActsExamplePythia8  --events=${numEvents}  --output-dir=data/gen/ttbar_e${numEvents}_mu${mu} --output-csv=1 --rnd-seed=42 --gen-cms-energy-gev=14000 --gen-hard-process=Top:qqbar2ttbar=on --gen-npileup=${mu}"
0086     echo ${gen}
0087     eval ${gen}
0089     # Run sim
0090     sim="${exe_dir}/ActsExampleFatras${detector} ${dd4hep_input} ${bField} --select-pt-gev '0.1:' --select-eta '-3:3' --fatras-pmin-gev 0.1 --remove-neutral 1 --input-dir=data/gen/ttbar_e${numEvents}_mu${mu} --output-csv=1 --output-dir=data/sim_${detector}/ttbar_e${numEvents}_mu${mu}"
0091     echo ${sim}
0092     eval ${sim}
0094     # Loop over the combinatorial/sequential mode (different source link selection criteria)
0095     for mode in {0..1} ; do
0096       # Run reco
0097       if [[ $mode -eq 0 ]]; then
0098         reco="${exe_dir}/ActsExampleCKFTracks${detector} ${dd4hep_input} ${bField} -j 1 --input-dir=data/sim_${detector}/ttbar_e${numEvents}_mu${mu}  --output-dir=data/reco_${detector}/ttbar_e${numEvents}_mu${mu}_m${mode}"
0099       else
0100         reco="${exe_dir}/ActsExampleCKFTracks${detector} ${dd4hep_input} ${bField} -j 1 --input-dir=data/sim_${detector}/ttbar_e${numEvents}_mu${mu} --ckf-slselection-chi2max 10  --ckf-slselection-nmax 1 --output-dir=data/reco_${detector}/ttbar_e${numEvents}_mu${mu}_m${mode}"
0101       fi
0102       echo $reco
0103       eval ${reco}
0105       # Archive with Job ID
0106       mv data/reco_${detector}/ttbar_e${numEvents}_mu${mu}_m${mode}/timing.tsv timing_${jobID}.tsv
0107       # Extract the track finding time
0108       ckf_time_str=`grep "Algorithm:TrackFindingAlgorithm" timing_${jobID}.tsv | awk '{print $3}'`
0109       # Make sure the track finding time is fixed-point for calculation with bc
0110       ckf_time_per_event=$(echo ${ckf_time_str} | awk '{printf("%.10f\n", $1)}')
0111       echo "${jobID}, ${mode}, ${mu}, ${ckf_time_per_event}" >> ${output_file}
0113       # JobID
0114       let "jobID++"
0115   done
0116 done