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0001 // This file is part of the ACTS project.
0002 //
0003 // Copyright (C) 2016 CERN for the benefit of the ACTS project
0004 //
0005 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
0006 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
0007 // file, You can obtain one at
0009 #include "ActsExamples/Io/Root/detail/NuclearInteractionParametrisation.hpp"
0011 #include "Acts/Definitions/Common.hpp"
0013 #include <cmath>
0014 #include <iterator>
0015 #include <limits>
0017 #include <Eigen/Eigenvalues>
0018 #include <TMath.h>
0019 #include <TVectorF.h>
0020 #include <TVectorT.h>
0022 namespace ActsExamples::detail::NuclearInteractionParametrisation {
0024 namespace {
0026 /// @brief Evaluate the location in a standard normal distribution for a value
0027 /// from a probability distribution
0028 ///
0029 /// @param [in] histo The probability distribution
0030 /// @param [in] mom The abscissa value in @p histo
0031 ///
0032 /// @return The location in a standard normal distribution
0033 float gaussianValue(TH1F const* histo, const float mom) {
0034   // Get the cumulative probability distribution
0036   // DrawNormalized and GetCumulative return pointers to histograms where ROOT
0037   // transfers ownership to the caller.
0038   std::unique_ptr<TH1F> normalised(
0039       dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(histo->DrawNormalized()));
0040   std::unique_ptr<TH1F> cumulative(
0041       dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(normalised->GetCumulative()));
0042   assert(cumulative);
0043   assert(normalised);
0044   // Find the cumulative probability
0045   const float binContent = cumulative->GetBinContent(cumulative->FindBin(mom));
0046   // Transform the probability to an entry in a standard normal distribution
0047   const float value = TMath::ErfInverse(2. * binContent - 1.);
0049   return value;
0050 }
0052 /// @brief Evaluate the invariant mass of two four vectors
0053 ///
0054 /// @param [in] fourVector1 The one four vector
0055 /// @param [in] fourVector2 The other four vector
0056 ///
0057 /// @return The invariant mass
0058 float invariantMass(const Acts::Vector4& fourVector1,
0059                     const Acts::Vector4& fourVector2) {
0060   Acts::Vector4 sum = fourVector1 + fourVector2;
0061   const double energy = sum[Acts::eEnergy];
0062   double momentum = sum.template segment<3>(Acts::eMom0).norm();
0063   return std::sqrt(energy * energy - momentum * momentum);
0064 }
0066 }  // namespace
0068 std::pair<Vector, Matrix> calculateMeanAndCovariance(
0069     unsigned int multiplicity, const EventProperties& events) {
0070   // Calculate the mean
0071   Vector mean = Vector::Zero(multiplicity);
0072   for (const std::vector<float>& event : events) {
0073     for (unsigned int j = 0; j < multiplicity; j++) {
0074       mean[j] += event[j];
0075     }
0076   }
0077   mean /= events.size();
0079   // Calculate the covariance matrix
0080   Matrix covariance = Matrix::Zero(multiplicity, multiplicity);
0081   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < multiplicity; i++) {
0082     for (unsigned int j = 0; j < multiplicity; j++) {
0083       for (unsigned int k = 0; k < events.size(); k++) {
0084         covariance(i, j) += (events[k][i] - mean[i]) * (events[k][j] - mean[j]);
0085       }
0086     }
0087   }
0088   covariance /= events.size();
0090   return {mean, covariance};
0091 }
0093 EigenspaceComponents calculateEigenspace(const Vector& mean,
0094                                          const Matrix& covariance) {
0095   // Calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors
0096   Eigen::EigenSolver<Matrix> es(covariance);
0097   Vector eigenvalues = es.eigenvalues().real();
0098   Matrix eigenvectors = es.eigenvectors().real();
0099   // Transform the mean vector into eigenspace
0100   Vector meanEigenspace = eigenvectors * mean;
0102   return {eigenvalues, eigenvectors, meanEigenspace};
0103 }
0105 Parametrisation buildMomentumParameters(const EventCollection& events,
0106                                         unsigned int multiplicity, bool soft,
0107                                         unsigned int nBins) {
0108   // Strip off data
0109   auto momenta = prepareMomenta(events, multiplicity, soft);
0110   if (momenta.empty()) {
0111     return Parametrisation();
0112   }
0114   // Build histos
0115   ProbabilityDistributions histos = buildMomPerMult(momenta, nBins);
0117   // Build normal distribution
0118   auto momentaGaussian = convertEventToGaussian(histos, momenta);
0119   auto meanAndCovariance =
0120       calculateMeanAndCovariance(multiplicity + 1, momentaGaussian);
0121   // Calculate the transformation into the eigenspace of the covariance matrix
0122   EigenspaceComponents eigenspaceElements =
0123       calculateEigenspace(meanAndCovariance.first, meanAndCovariance.second);
0124   // Calculate the cumulative distributions
0125   return {eigenspaceElements, histos};
0126 }
0128 EventProperties prepareMomenta(const EventCollection& events,
0129                                unsigned int multiplicity,
0130                                bool soft)  // TODO: build enum instead of bool
0131 {
0132   EventProperties result;
0133   // Loop over all events
0134   for (const EventFraction& event : events) {
0135     // Test the multiplicity and type of the event
0136     if (event.multiplicity == multiplicity && event.soft == soft) {
0137       const float initialMomentum = event.initialParticle.absoluteMomentum();
0138       float sum = 0.;
0139       std::vector<float> momenta;
0140       momenta.reserve(multiplicity + 1);
0141       // Fill the vector with the scaled momenta
0142       for (const ActsExamples::SimParticle& p : event.finalParticles) {
0143         sum += p.absoluteMomentum();
0144         momenta.push_back(p.absoluteMomentum() / initialMomentum);
0145       }
0146       // Add the scaled sum of momenta
0147       momenta.push_back(sum / initialMomentum);
0148       result.push_back(std::move(momenta));
0149     }
0150   }
0151   return result;
0152 }
0154 ProbabilityDistributions buildMomPerMult(const EventProperties& events,
0155                                          unsigned int nBins) {
0156   // Fast exit
0157   if (events.empty()) {
0158     return {};
0159   }
0160   const unsigned int multMax = events[0].size();
0162   // Find the range of each histogram
0163   std::vector<float> min(multMax, std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
0164   std::vector<float> max(multMax, 0);
0165   for (const std::vector<float>& event : events) {
0166     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < multMax; i++) {
0167       min[i] = std::min(event[i], min[i]);
0168       max[i] = std::max(event[i], max[i]);
0169     }
0170   }
0172   // Evaluate the range of the histograms
0173   // This is used to avoid entries in over-/underflow bins
0174   std::vector<float> diff(multMax);
0175   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < multMax; i++) {
0176     diff[i] = (max[i] - min[i]) * 0.1;
0177   }
0179   // Build the histograms
0180   ProbabilityDistributions histos(multMax);
0181   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < multMax; i++) {
0182     histos[i] = new TH1F("", "", nBins, min[i] - diff[i], max[i] + diff[i]);
0183   }
0185   // Fill the histograms
0186   for (const std::vector<float>& event : events) {
0187     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < multMax; i++) {
0188       histos[i]->Fill(event[i]);
0189     }
0190   }
0191   return histos;
0192 }
0194 EventProperties convertEventToGaussian(const ProbabilityDistributions& histos,
0195                                        const EventProperties& events) {
0196   // Fast exit
0197   if (events.empty()) {
0198     return {};
0199   }
0200   const unsigned int multMax = events[0].size();
0202   // Loop over the events
0203   EventProperties gaussianEvents;
0204   for (const std::vector<float>& event : events) {
0205     // Transform the properties in the events
0206     std::vector<float> gaussianEvent;
0207     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < multMax; i++) {
0208       gaussianEvent.push_back(gaussianValue(histos[i], event[i]));
0209     }
0210     // Store the transformed event
0211     gaussianEvents.push_back(gaussianEvent);
0212   }
0213   return gaussianEvents;
0214 }
0216 EventProperties prepareInvariantMasses(const EventCollection& events,
0217                                        unsigned int multiplicity, bool soft) {
0218   EventProperties result;
0219   // Loop over all events
0220   for (const EventFraction& event : events) {
0221     // Test the multiplicity and type of the event
0222     if (event.multiplicity == multiplicity && event.soft == soft) {
0223       const auto fourVectorBefore = event.interactingParticle.fourMomentum();
0224       std::vector<float> invariantMasses;
0225       invariantMasses.reserve(multiplicity);
0226       // Fill the vector with the invariant masses
0227       for (const ActsExamples::SimParticle& p : event.finalParticles) {
0228         const auto fourVector = p.fourMomentum();
0229         invariantMasses.push_back(invariantMass(fourVectorBefore, fourVector));
0230       }
0231       result.push_back(invariantMasses);
0232     }
0233   }
0234   return result;
0235 }
0237 Parametrisation buildInvariantMassParameters(const EventCollection& events,
0238                                              unsigned int multiplicity,
0239                                              bool soft, unsigned int nBins) {
0240   // Strip off data
0241   auto invariantMasses = prepareInvariantMasses(events, multiplicity, soft);
0242   if (invariantMasses.empty()) {
0243     return Parametrisation();
0244   }
0246   // Build histos
0247   ProbabilityDistributions histos = buildMomPerMult(invariantMasses, nBins);
0249   // Build normal distribution
0250   auto invariantMassesGaussian =
0251       convertEventToGaussian(histos, invariantMasses);
0252   auto meanAndCovariance =
0253       calculateMeanAndCovariance(multiplicity, invariantMassesGaussian);
0254   // Calculate the transformation into the eigenspace of the covariance matrix
0255   EigenspaceComponents eigenspaceElements =
0256       calculateEigenspace(meanAndCovariance.first, meanAndCovariance.second);
0257   // Calculate the cumulative distributions
0258   return {eigenspaceElements, histos};
0259 }
0261 std::unordered_map<int, std::unordered_map<int, float>>
0262 cumulativePDGprobability(const EventCollection& events) {
0263   std::unordered_map<int, std::unordered_map<int, float>> counter;
0265   // Count how many and which particles were created by which particle
0266   for (const EventFraction& event : events) {
0267     if (event.finalParticles.empty()) {
0268       continue;
0269     }
0270     if (!event.soft) {
0271       counter[event.initialParticle.pdg()][event.finalParticles[0].pdg()]++;
0272     }
0273     for (unsigned int i = 1; i < event.multiplicity; i++) {
0274       counter[event.finalParticles[i - 1].pdg()]
0275              [event.finalParticles[i].pdg()]++;
0276     }
0277   }
0279   // Build a cumulative distribution
0280   for (const auto& element : counter) {
0281     float sum = 0;
0282     auto prevIt = counter[element.first].begin();
0283     for (auto it1 = counter[element.first].begin();
0284          it1 != counter[element.first].end(); it1++) {
0285       float binEntry = 0;
0286       if (it1 == counter[element.first].begin()) {
0287         binEntry = it1->second;
0288         prevIt = it1;
0289       } else {
0290         binEntry = it1->second - prevIt->second;
0291         prevIt = it1;
0292       }
0293       // Add content to next bins
0294       for (auto it2 = std::next(it1, 1); it2 != counter[element.first].end();
0295            it2++) {
0296         it2->second += binEntry;
0297         sum = it2->second;
0298       }
0299     }
0300     // Normalise the entry
0301     for (auto it1 = counter[element.first].begin();
0302          it1 != counter[element.first].end(); it1++) {
0303       it1->second /= sum;
0304     }
0305   }
0306   return counter;
0307 }
0309 std::pair<CumulativeDistribution, CumulativeDistribution>
0310 cumulativeMultiplicityProbability(const EventCollection& events,
0311                                   unsigned int multiplicityMax) {
0312   // Find the range of both histogram
0313   unsigned int minSoft = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
0314   unsigned int maxSoft = 0;
0315   unsigned int minHard = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
0316   unsigned int maxHard = 0;
0317   for (const EventFraction& event : events) {
0318     if (event.soft) {
0319       minSoft = std::min(event.multiplicity, minSoft);
0320       maxSoft = std::max(event.multiplicity, maxSoft);
0321     } else {
0322       minHard = std::min(event.multiplicity, minHard);
0323       maxHard = std::max(event.multiplicity, maxHard);
0324     }
0325   }
0327   // Build and fill the histograms
0328   TH1F* softHisto =
0329       new TH1F("", "", std::min(maxSoft, multiplicityMax) + 1 - minSoft,
0330                minSoft, std::min(maxSoft, multiplicityMax) + 1);
0331   TH1F* hardHisto =
0332       new TH1F("", "", std::min(maxHard, multiplicityMax) + 1 - minHard,
0333                minHard, std::min(maxHard, multiplicityMax) + 1);
0334   for (const EventFraction& event : events) {
0335     if (event.multiplicity <= multiplicityMax) {
0336       if (event.soft) {
0337         softHisto->Fill(event.multiplicity);
0338       } else {
0339         hardHisto->Fill(event.multiplicity);
0340       }
0341     }
0342   }
0344   return {softHisto, hardHisto};
0345 }
0347 TVectorF softProbability(const EventCollection& events) {
0348   std::size_t countSoft = 0;
0349   // Count the soft events
0350   for (const EventFraction& event : events) {
0351     if (event.soft) {
0352       countSoft++;
0353     }
0354   }
0356   TVectorF result(1);
0357   result[0] = static_cast<float>(countSoft) / events.size();
0358   return result;
0359 }
0361 CumulativeDistribution cumulativeNuclearInteractionProbability(
0362     const EventCollection& events, unsigned int interactionProbabilityBins) {
0363   // Find the limits of the histogram
0364   float min = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
0365   float max = 0.;
0366   for (const EventFraction& event : events) {
0367     min =
0368         std::min(static_cast<float>(event.interactingParticle.pathInL0()), min);
0369     max =
0370         std::max(static_cast<float>(event.interactingParticle.pathInL0()), max);
0371   }
0373   // Fill the histogram
0374   TH1F* histo = new TH1F("", "", interactionProbabilityBins, min, max);
0375   for (const EventFraction& event : events) {
0376     histo->Fill(event.interactingParticle.pathInL0());
0377   }
0379   // Build the distributions
0380   return histo;  // TODO: in this case the normalisation is not taking into
0381                  // account
0382 }
0384 }  // namespace ActsExamples::detail::NuclearInteractionParametrisation