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0001 // This file is part of the ACTS project.
0002 //
0003 // Copyright (C) 2016 CERN for the benefit of the ACTS project
0004 //
0005 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
0006 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
0007 // file, You can obtain one at
0009 #include "ActsExamples/TrackFinding/HoughTransformSeeder.hpp"
0011 #include "Acts/Definitions/Algebra.hpp"
0012 #include "Acts/Definitions/Common.hpp"
0013 #include "Acts/Definitions/TrackParametrization.hpp"
0014 #include "Acts/EventData/SourceLink.hpp"
0015 #include "Acts/Geometry/TrackingGeometry.hpp"
0016 #include "Acts/Surfaces/Surface.hpp"
0017 #include "Acts/Utilities/Enumerate.hpp"
0018 #include "Acts/Utilities/MathHelpers.hpp"
0019 #include "ActsExamples/EventData/GeometryContainers.hpp"
0020 #include "ActsExamples/EventData/Index.hpp"
0021 #include "ActsExamples/EventData/IndexSourceLink.hpp"
0022 #include "ActsExamples/EventData/Measurement.hpp"
0023 #include "ActsExamples/EventData/ProtoTrack.hpp"
0024 #include "ActsExamples/Framework/AlgorithmContext.hpp"
0025 #include "ActsExamples/TrackFinding/DefaultHoughFunctions.hpp"
0026 #include "ActsExamples/Utilities/GroupBy.hpp"
0027 #include "ActsExamples/Utilities/Range.hpp"
0029 #include <algorithm>
0030 #include <cmath>
0031 #include <iterator>
0032 #include <ostream>
0033 #include <stdexcept>
0034 #include <variant>
0036 static inline int quant(double min, double max, unsigned nSteps, double val);
0037 static inline double unquant(double min, double max, unsigned nSteps, int step);
0038 template <typename T>
0039 static inline std::string to_string(std::vector<T> v);
0041 ActsExamples::HoughTransformSeeder::HoughTransformSeeder(
0042     ActsExamples::HoughTransformSeeder::Config cfg, Acts::Logging::Level lvl)
0043     : ActsExamples::IAlgorithm("HoughTransformSeeder", lvl),
0044       m_cfg(std::move(cfg)),
0045       m_logger(Acts::getDefaultLogger("HoughTransformSeeder", lvl)) {
0046   // require spacepoints or input measurements (or both), but at least one kind
0047   // of input
0048   bool foundInput = false;
0049   for (const auto& spName : m_cfg.inputSpacePoints) {
0050     if (!(spName.empty())) {
0051       foundInput = true;
0052     }
0054     auto& handle = m_inputSpacePoints.emplace_back(
0055         std::make_unique<ReadDataHandle<SimSpacePointContainer>>(
0056             this,
0057             "InputSpacePoints#" + std::to_string(m_inputSpacePoints.size())));
0058     handle->initialize(spName);
0059   }
0060   if (!(m_cfg.inputMeasurements.empty())) {
0061     foundInput = true;
0062   }
0064   if (!foundInput) {
0065     throw std::invalid_argument(
0066         "HoughTransformSeeder: Missing some kind of input (measurements of "
0067         "spacepoints)");
0068   }
0070   if (m_cfg.outputProtoTracks.empty()) {
0071     throw std::invalid_argument(
0072         "HoughTransformSeeder: Missing hough tracks output collection");
0073   }
0074   if (m_cfg.outputSeeds.empty()) {
0075     throw std::invalid_argument(
0076         "HoughTransformSeeder: Missing hough track seeds output collection");
0077   }
0079   m_outputProtoTracks.initialize(m_cfg.outputProtoTracks);
0080   m_inputMeasurements.initialize(m_cfg.inputMeasurements);
0082   if (!m_cfg.trackingGeometry) {
0083     throw std::invalid_argument(
0084         "HoughTransformSeeder: Missing tracking geometry");
0085   }
0087   if (m_cfg.geometrySelection.empty()) {
0088     throw std::invalid_argument(
0089         "HoughTransformSeeder: Missing geometry selection");
0090   }
0091   // ensure geometry selection contains only valid inputs
0092   for (const auto& geoId : m_cfg.geometrySelection) {
0093     if ((geoId.approach() != 0u) || (geoId.boundary() != 0u) ||
0094         (geoId.sensitive() != 0u)) {
0095       throw std::invalid_argument(
0096           "HoughTransformSeeder: Invalid geometry selection: only volume and "
0097           "layer are allowed to be set");
0098     }
0099   }
0100   // remove geometry selection duplicates
0101   //
0102   // the geometry selections must be mutually exclusive, i.e. if we have a
0103   // selection that contains both a volume and a layer within that same volume,
0104   // we would create the space points for the layer twice.
0105   auto isDuplicate = [](Acts::GeometryIdentifier ref,
0106                         Acts::GeometryIdentifier cmp) {
0107     // code assumes ref < cmp and that only volume and layer can be non-zero
0108     // root node always contains everything
0109     if (ref.volume() == 0) {
0110       return true;
0111     }
0112     // unequal volumes always means separate hierarchies
0113     if (ref.volume() != cmp.volume()) {
0114       return false;
0115     }
0116     // within the same volume hierarchy only consider layers
0117     return (ref.layer() == cmp.layer());
0118   };
0119   // sort geometry selection so the unique filtering works
0120   std::ranges::sort(m_cfg.geometrySelection,
0121                     std::less<Acts::GeometryIdentifier>{});
0122   auto geoSelBeg = m_cfg.geometrySelection.begin();
0123   auto geoSelEnd = m_cfg.geometrySelection.end();
0124   auto geoSelLastUnique = std::unique(geoSelBeg, geoSelEnd, isDuplicate);
0125   if (geoSelLastUnique != geoSelEnd) {
0126     ACTS_WARNING("Removed " << std::distance(geoSelLastUnique, geoSelEnd)
0127                             << " geometry selection duplicates");
0128     m_cfg.geometrySelection.erase(geoSelLastUnique, geoSelEnd);
0129   }
0130   ACTS_INFO("Hough geometry selection:");
0131   for (const auto& geoId : m_cfg.geometrySelection) {
0132     ACTS_INFO("  " << geoId);
0133   }
0135   // Fill convenience variables
0136   m_step_x = (m_cfg.xMax - m_cfg.xMin) / m_cfg.houghHistSize_x;
0137   m_step_y = (m_cfg.yMax - m_cfg.yMin) / m_cfg.houghHistSize_y;
0138   for (unsigned i = 0; i <= m_cfg.houghHistSize_x; i++) {
0139     m_bins_x.push_back(
0140         unquant(m_cfg.xMin, m_cfg.xMax, m_cfg.houghHistSize_x, i));
0141   }
0142   for (unsigned i = 0; i <= m_cfg.houghHistSize_y; i++) {
0143     m_bins_y.push_back(
0144         unquant(m_cfg.yMin, m_cfg.yMax, m_cfg.houghHistSize_y, i));
0145   }
0147   m_cfg.fieldCorrector
0148       .connect<&ActsExamples::DefaultHoughFunctions::fieldCorrectionDefault>();
0149   m_cfg.layerIDFinder
0150       .connect<&ActsExamples::DefaultHoughFunctions::findLayerIDDefault>();
0151   m_cfg.sliceTester
0152       .connect<&ActsExamples::DefaultHoughFunctions::inSliceDefault>();
0153 }
0155 ActsExamples::ProcessCode ActsExamples::HoughTransformSeeder::execute(
0156     const AlgorithmContext& ctx) const {
0157   // clear our Hough measurements out from the previous iteration, if at all
0158   houghMeasurementStructs.clear();
0160   // add SPs to the inputs
0161   addSpacePoints(ctx);
0163   // add ACTS measurements
0164   addMeasurements(ctx);
0166   static thread_local ProtoTrackContainer protoTracks;
0167   protoTracks.clear();
0169   // loop over our subregions and run the Hough Transform on each
0170   for (int subregion : m_cfg.subRegions) {
0171     ACTS_DEBUG("Processing subregion " << subregion);
0172     ActsExamples::HoughHist m_houghHist = createHoughHist(subregion);
0174     for (unsigned y = 0; y < m_cfg.houghHistSize_y; y++) {
0175       for (unsigned x = 0; x < m_cfg.houghHistSize_x; x++) {
0176         if (passThreshold(m_houghHist, x, y)) {
0177           /* now we need to unpack the hits; there should be multiple track
0178              candidates if we have multiple hits in a given layer So the first
0179              thing is to unpack the indices (which is what we need) by layer */
0181           std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<Index>>> hitIndicesAll(
0182               m_cfg.nLayers);  // [layer,vector<Index]
0183           std::vector<std::size_t> nHitsPerLayer(m_cfg.nLayers);
0184           for (auto measurementIndex : m_houghHist.atLocalBins({y, x}).second) {
0185             HoughMeasurementStruct* meas =
0186                 houghMeasurementStructs[measurementIndex].get();
0187             hitIndicesAll[meas->layer].push_back(meas->indices);
0188             nHitsPerLayer[meas->layer]++;
0189           }
0190           std::vector<std::vector<int>> combs = getComboIndices(nHitsPerLayer);
0192           for (auto [icomb, hit_indices] :
0193                Acts::enumerate(combs)) {  // loop over all the combination
0195             ProtoTrack protoTrack;
0196             for (unsigned layer = 0; layer < m_cfg.nLayers; layer++) {
0197               if (hit_indices[layer] >= 0) {
0198                 for (auto index : hitIndicesAll[layer][hit_indices[layer]]) {
0199                   protoTrack.push_back(index);
0200                 }
0201               }
0202             }
0203             protoTracks.push_back(protoTrack);
0204           }
0205         }
0206       }
0207     }
0208   }
0209   ACTS_DEBUG("Created " << protoTracks.size() << " proto track");
0211   m_outputProtoTracks(ctx, ProtoTrackContainer{protoTracks});
0212   // clear the vector
0213   houghMeasurementStructs.clear();
0214   return ActsExamples::ProcessCode::SUCCESS;
0215 }
0217 ActsExamples::HoughHist
0218 ActsExamples::HoughTransformSeeder::createLayerHoughHist(unsigned layer,
0219                                                          int subregion) const {
0220   ActsExamples::HoughHist houghHist(
0221       Axis(0, m_cfg.houghHistSize_y, m_cfg.houghHistSize_y),
0222       Axis(0, m_cfg.houghHistSize_x, m_cfg.houghHistSize_x));
0223   for (unsigned index = 0; index < houghMeasurementStructs.size(); index++) {
0224     HoughMeasurementStruct* meas = houghMeasurementStructs[index].get();
0225     if (meas->layer != layer) {
0226       continue;
0227     }
0228     if (!(m_cfg.sliceTester(meas->z, meas->layer, subregion)).value()) {
0229       continue;
0230     }
0232     // This scans over y (pT) because that is more efficient in memory
0233     for (unsigned y_ = 0; y_ < m_cfg.houghHistSize_y; y_++) {
0234       unsigned y_bin_min = y_;
0235       unsigned y_bin_max = (y_ + 1);
0237       // Find the min/max x bins
0238       auto xBins =
0239           yToXBins(y_bin_min, y_bin_max, meas->radius, meas->phi, meas->layer);
0240       // Update the houghHist
0241       for (unsigned y = y_bin_min; y < y_bin_max; y++) {
0242         for (unsigned x = xBins.first; x < xBins.second; x++) {
0243           houghHist.atLocalBins({y, x}).first++;
0244           houghHist.atLocalBins({y, x}).second.insert(index);
0245         }
0246       }
0247     }
0248   }
0250   return houghHist;
0251 }
0253 ActsExamples::HoughHist ActsExamples::HoughTransformSeeder::createHoughHist(
0254     int subregion) const {
0255   ActsExamples::HoughHist houghHist(
0256       Axis(0, m_cfg.houghHistSize_y, m_cfg.houghHistSize_y),
0257       Axis(0, m_cfg.houghHistSize_x, m_cfg.houghHistSize_x));
0259   for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_cfg.nLayers; i++) {
0260     HoughHist layerHoughHist = createLayerHoughHist(i, subregion);
0261     for (unsigned x = 0; x < m_cfg.houghHistSize_x; ++x) {
0262       for (unsigned y = 0; y < m_cfg.houghHistSize_y; ++y) {
0263         if (layerHoughHist.atLocalBins({y, x}).first > 0) {
0264           houghHist.atLocalBins({y, x}).first++;
0265           houghHist.atLocalBins({y, x}).second.insert(
0266               layerHoughHist.atLocalBins({y, x}).second.begin(),
0267               layerHoughHist.atLocalBins({y, x}).second.end());
0268         }
0269       }
0270     }
0271   }
0273   return houghHist;
0274 }
0276 bool ActsExamples::HoughTransformSeeder::passThreshold(
0277     HoughHist const& houghHist, unsigned x, unsigned y) const {
0278   // Pass window threshold
0279   unsigned width = m_cfg.threshold.size() / 2;
0280   if (x < width || m_cfg.houghHistSize_x - x < width) {
0281     return false;
0282   }
0283   for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_cfg.threshold.size(); i++) {
0284     if (houghHist.atLocalBins({y, x - width + i}).first < m_cfg.threshold[i]) {
0285       return false;
0286     }
0287   }
0289   // Pass local-maximum check, if used
0290   if (m_cfg.localMaxWindowSize != 0) {
0291     for (int j = -m_cfg.localMaxWindowSize; j <= m_cfg.localMaxWindowSize;
0292          j++) {
0293       for (int i = -m_cfg.localMaxWindowSize; i <= m_cfg.localMaxWindowSize;
0294            i++) {
0295         if (i == 0 && j == 0) {
0296           continue;
0297         }
0298         if (y + j < m_cfg.houghHistSize_y && x + i < m_cfg.houghHistSize_x) {
0299           if (houghHist.atLocalBins({y + j, x + i}).first >
0300               houghHist.atLocalBins({y, x}).first) {
0301             return false;
0302           }
0303           if (houghHist.atLocalBins({y + j, x + i}).first ==
0304               houghHist.atLocalBins({y, x}).first) {
0305             if (houghHist.atLocalBins({y + j, x + i}).second.size() >
0306                 houghHist.atLocalBins({y, x}).second.size()) {
0307               return false;
0308             }
0309             if (houghHist.atLocalBins({y + j, x + i}).second.size() ==
0310                     houghHist.atLocalBins({y, x}).second.size() &&
0311                 j <= 0 && i <= 0) {
0312               return false;  // favor bottom-left (low phi, low neg q/pt)
0313             }
0314           }
0315         }
0316       }
0317     }
0318   }
0320   return true;
0321 }
0323 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0324 // Helpers
0326 // Quantizes val, given a range [min, max) split into nSteps. Returns the bin
0327 // below.
0328 static inline int quant(double min, double max, unsigned nSteps, double val) {
0329   return static_cast<int>((val - min) / (max - min) * nSteps);
0330 }
0332 // Returns the lower bound of the bin specified by step
0333 static inline double unquant(double min, double max, unsigned nSteps,
0334                              int step) {
0335   return min + (max - min) * step / nSteps;
0336 }
0338 template <typename T>
0339 static inline std::string to_string(std::vector<T> v) {
0340   std::ostringstream oss;
0341   oss << "[";
0342   if (!v.empty()) {
0343     std::copy(v.begin(), v.end() - 1, std::ostream_iterator<T>(oss, ", "));
0344     oss << v.back();
0345   }
0346   oss << "]";
0347   return oss.str();
0348 }
0350 double ActsExamples::HoughTransformSeeder::yToX(double y, double r,
0351                                                 double phi) const {
0352   double d0 = 0;  // d0 correction TO DO allow for this
0353   double x =
0354       asin(r * ActsExamples::HoughTransformSeeder::m_cfg.kA * y - d0 / r) + phi;
0356   if (m_cfg.fieldCorrector.connected()) {
0357     x += (m_cfg.fieldCorrector(0, y, r)).value();
0358   }
0360   return x;
0361 }
0363 // Find the min/max x bins of the hit's line, in each y bin. Max is exclusive.
0364 // Note this assumes yToX is monotonic. Returns {0, 0} if hit lies out of
0365 // bounds.
0366 std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> ActsExamples::HoughTransformSeeder::yToXBins(
0367     std::size_t yBin_min, std::size_t yBin_max, double r, double phi,
0368     unsigned layer) const {
0369   double x_min = yToX(m_bins_y[yBin_min], r, phi);
0370   double x_max = yToX(m_bins_y[yBin_max], r, phi);
0371   if (x_min > x_max) {
0372     std::swap(x_min, x_max);
0373   }
0374   if (x_max < m_cfg.xMin || x_min > m_cfg.xMax) {
0375     return {0, 0};  // out of bounds
0376   }
0378   // Get bins
0379   int x_bin_min = quant(m_cfg.xMin, m_cfg.xMax, m_cfg.houghHistSize_x, x_min);
0380   int x_bin_max = quant(m_cfg.xMin, m_cfg.xMax, m_cfg.houghHistSize_x, x_max) +
0381                   1;  // exclusive
0383   // Extend bins
0384   unsigned extend = getExtension(yBin_min, layer);
0385   x_bin_min -= extend;
0386   x_bin_max += extend;
0388   // Clamp bins
0389   if (x_bin_min < 0) {
0390     x_bin_min = 0;
0391   }
0392   if (x_bin_max > static_cast<int>(m_cfg.houghHistSize_x)) {
0393     x_bin_max = m_cfg.houghHistSize_x;
0394   }
0396   return {x_bin_min, x_bin_max};
0397 }
0399 // We allow variable extension based on the size of m_hitExtend_x. See comments
0400 // below.
0401 unsigned ActsExamples::HoughTransformSeeder::getExtension(
0402     unsigned y, unsigned layer) const {
0403   if (m_cfg.hitExtend_x.size() == m_cfg.nLayers) {
0404     return m_cfg.hitExtend_x[layer];
0405   }
0407   if (m_cfg.hitExtend_x.size() == m_cfg.nLayers * 2) {
0408     // different extension for low pt vs high pt, split in half but irrespective
0409     // of sign first nLayers entries of m_hitExtend_x is for low pt half, rest
0410     // are for high pt half
0411     if (y < m_cfg.houghHistSize_y / 4 || y > 3 * m_cfg.houghHistSize_y / 4) {
0412       return m_cfg.hitExtend_x[layer];
0413     }
0415     return m_cfg.hitExtend_x[m_cfg.nLayers + layer];
0416   }
0417   return 0;
0418 }
0420 /**
0421  * Given a list of sizes (of arrays), generates a list of all combinations of
0422  * indices to index one element from each array.
0423  *
0424  * For example, given [2 3], generates [(0 0) (1 0) (0 1) (1 1) (0 2) (1 2)].
0425  *
0426  * This basically amounts to a positional number system of where each digit has
0427  * its own base. The number of digits is sizes.size(), and the base of digit i
0428  * is sizes[i]. Then all combinations can be uniquely represented just by
0429  * counting from [0, nCombs).
0430  *
0431  * For a decimal number like 1357, you get the thousands digit with n / 1000 = n
0432  * / (10 * 10 * 10). So here, you get the 0th digit with n / (base_1 * base_2 *
0433  * base_3);
0434  */
0435 std::vector<std::vector<int>>
0436 ActsExamples::HoughTransformSeeder::getComboIndices(
0437     std::vector<std::size_t>& sizes) const {
0438   std::size_t nCombs = 1;
0439   std::vector<std::size_t> nCombs_prior(sizes.size());
0440   std::vector<int> temp(sizes.size(), 0);
0442   for (std::size_t i = 0; i < sizes.size(); i++) {
0443     if (sizes[i] > 0) {
0444       nCombs_prior[i] = nCombs;
0445       nCombs *= sizes[i];
0446     } else {
0447       temp[i] = -1;
0448     }
0449   }
0451   std::vector<std::vector<int>> combos(nCombs, temp);
0453   for (std::size_t icomb = 0; icomb < nCombs; icomb++) {
0454     std::size_t index = icomb;
0455     for (std::size_t isize = sizes.size() - 1; isize < sizes.size(); isize--) {
0456       if (sizes[isize] == 0) {
0457         continue;
0458       }
0459       combos[icomb][isize] = static_cast<int>(index / nCombs_prior[isize]);
0460       index = index % nCombs_prior[isize];
0461     }
0462   }
0464   return combos;
0465 }
0467 void ActsExamples::HoughTransformSeeder::addSpacePoints(
0468     const AlgorithmContext& ctx) const {
0469   // construct the combined input container of space point pointers from all
0470   // configured input sources.
0471   for (const auto& isp : m_inputSpacePoints) {
0472     const auto& spContainer = (*isp)(ctx);
0473     ACTS_DEBUG("Inserting " << spContainer.size() << " space points from "
0474                             << isp->key());
0475     for (auto& sp : spContainer) {
0476       double r = Acts::fastHypot(sp.x(), sp.y());
0477       double z = sp.z();
0478       float phi = std::atan2(sp.y(), sp.x());
0479       ResultUnsigned hitlayer = m_cfg.layerIDFinder(r).value();
0480       if (!(hitlayer.ok())) {
0481         continue;
0482       }
0483       std::vector<Index> indices;
0484       for (const auto& slink : sp.sourceLinks()) {
0485         const auto& islink = slink.get<IndexSourceLink>();
0486         indices.push_back(islink.index());
0487       }
0489       auto meas =
0490           std::shared_ptr<HoughMeasurementStruct>(new HoughMeasurementStruct(
0491               hitlayer.value(), phi, r, z, indices, HoughHitType::SP));
0492       houghMeasurementStructs.push_back(meas);
0493     }
0494   }
0495 }
0497 void ActsExamples::HoughTransformSeeder::addMeasurements(
0498     const AlgorithmContext& ctx) const {
0499   const auto& measurements = m_inputMeasurements(ctx);
0501   ACTS_DEBUG("Inserting " << measurements.size() << " space points from "
0502                           << m_cfg.inputMeasurements);
0504   for (Acts::GeometryIdentifier geoId : m_cfg.geometrySelection) {
0505     // select volume/layer depending on what is set in the geometry id
0506     auto range =
0507         selectLowestNonZeroGeometryObject(measurements.orderedIndices(), geoId);
0508     // groupByModule only works with geometry containers, not with an
0509     // arbitrary range. do the equivalent grouping manually
0510     auto groupedByModule = makeGroupBy(range, detail::GeometryIdGetter());
0512     for (const auto& [moduleGeoId, moduleSourceLinks] : groupedByModule) {
0513       // find corresponding surface
0514       const Acts::Surface* surface =
0515           m_cfg.trackingGeometry->findSurface(moduleGeoId);
0516       if (surface == nullptr) {
0517         ACTS_ERROR("Could not find surface " << moduleGeoId);
0518         return;
0519       }
0521       for (auto& sourceLink : moduleSourceLinks) {
0522         // extract a local position/covariance independent of the concrete
0523         // measurement content. since we do not know if and where the local
0524         // parameters are contained in the measurement parameters vector, they
0525         // are transformed to the bound space where we do know their location.
0526         // if the local parameters are not measured, this results in a
0527         // zero location, which is a reasonable default fall-back.
0528         const ConstVariableBoundMeasurementProxy measurement =
0529             measurements.getMeasurement(sourceLink.index());
0531         assert(measurement.contains(Acts::eBoundLoc0) &&
0532                "Measurement does not contain the required bound loc0");
0533         assert(measurement.contains(Acts::eBoundLoc1) &&
0534                "Measurement does not contain the required bound loc1");
0536         auto boundLoc0 = measurement.indexOf(Acts::eBoundLoc0);
0537         auto boundLoc1 = measurement.indexOf(Acts::eBoundLoc1);
0539         Acts::Vector2 localPos{measurement.parameters()[boundLoc0],
0540                                measurement.parameters()[boundLoc1]};
0542         // transform local position to global coordinates
0543         Acts::Vector3 globalFakeMom(1, 1, 1);
0544         Acts::Vector3 globalPos =
0545             surface->localToGlobal(ctx.geoContext, localPos, globalFakeMom);
0546         double r = globalPos.head<2>().norm();
0547         double phi = std::atan2(globalPos[Acts::ePos1], globalPos[Acts::ePos0]);
0548         double z = globalPos[Acts::ePos2];
0549         ResultUnsigned hitlayer = m_cfg.layerIDFinder(r);
0550         if (hitlayer.ok()) {
0551           std::vector<Index> index;
0552           index.push_back(sourceLink.index());
0553           auto houghMeas = std::shared_ptr<HoughMeasurementStruct>(
0554               new HoughMeasurementStruct(hitlayer.value(), phi, r, z, index,
0555                                          HoughHitType::MEASUREMENT));
0556           houghMeasurementStructs.push_back(houghMeas);
0557         }
0558       }
0559     }
0560   }
0561 }