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0001 // This file is part of the ACTS project.
0002 //
0003 // Copyright (C) 2016 CERN for the benefit of the ACTS project
0004 //
0005 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
0006 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
0007 // file, You can obtain one at
0009 #include "Acts/Detector/detail/CylindricalDetectorHelper.hpp"
0011 #include "Acts/Definitions/Direction.hpp"
0012 #include "Acts/Definitions/Tolerance.hpp"
0013 #include "Acts/Detector/DetectorVolume.hpp"
0014 #include "Acts/Detector/Portal.hpp"
0015 #include "Acts/Detector/detail/DetectorVolumeConsistency.hpp"
0016 #include "Acts/Detector/detail/PortalHelper.hpp"
0017 #include "Acts/Geometry/CutoutCylinderVolumeBounds.hpp"
0018 #include "Acts/Surfaces/CylinderBounds.hpp"
0019 #include "Acts/Surfaces/CylinderSurface.hpp"
0020 #include "Acts/Surfaces/DiscSurface.hpp"
0021 #include "Acts/Surfaces/PlanarBounds.hpp"
0022 #include "Acts/Surfaces/PlaneSurface.hpp"
0023 #include "Acts/Surfaces/RadialBounds.hpp"
0024 #include "Acts/Surfaces/RectangleBounds.hpp"
0025 #include "Acts/Surfaces/Surface.hpp"
0026 #include "Acts/Surfaces/SurfaceBounds.hpp"
0027 #include "Acts/Utilities/Axis.hpp"
0028 #include "Acts/Utilities/BinningType.hpp"
0029 #include "Acts/Utilities/Enumerate.hpp"
0030 #include "Acts/Utilities/Grid.hpp"
0031 #include "Acts/Utilities/Helpers.hpp"
0032 #include "Acts/Utilities/StringHelpers.hpp"
0034 #include <algorithm>
0035 #include <cmath>
0036 #include <cstddef>
0037 #include <iterator>
0038 #include <map>
0039 #include <numbers>
0040 #include <ostream>
0041 #include <stdexcept>
0042 #include <string>
0043 #include <tuple>
0044 #include <utility>
0046 // Indexing of the portals follows the generation order of portals in the
0047 // CylinderVolumeBounds and BevelledCylinderVolumeBounds (latter for wrapping)
0048 //
0049 // In short:
0050 //
0051 // 0: index of the low-z disc bound
0052 // 1: index of the high-z disc bound
0053 // 2: index of the outer cylinder bound
0054 //
0055 // If the volume doesn't extend inward to inner radius=0:
0056 // 3: index of the inner cylinder bound
0057 //
0058 // Cylindrical sectors have up to 6 portals, enumerated as follows:
0059 // 0: index of the low-z disc sector bound
0060 // 1: index of the high-z disc sector bound
0061 // 2: index of the outer cylinder sector bound
0062 //
0063 // If no inner cylinder sector bound is present:
0064 // 3: index of the low-phi sector bound
0065 // 4: index of the high-phi sector bound
0066 // If an inner cylinder sector bound exists, it takes index 3 and the phi sector
0067 // bounds are shifted by one index: 3: index of the inner cylinder sector bound
0068 // 4: index of the low-phi sector bound
0069 // 5: index of the high-phi sector bound
0070 //
0072 namespace {
0074 /// @brief Helper function to create a disc portal replacement
0075 ///
0076 /// @param transform The transform of the newly created portal
0077 /// @param rBoundaries the vector of binning boundaries in r
0078 /// @param phiBoundaries an eventual phi sector value
0079 /// @param dir the  direction to be set
0080 ///
0081 /// @return a new portal replacement object
0082 Acts::Experimental::PortalReplacement createDiscReplacement(
0083     const Acts::Transform3& transform, const std::vector<double>& rBoundaries,
0084     const std::vector<double>& phiBoundaries, unsigned int index,
0085     Acts::Direction dir) {
0086   // Autodetector stitch value
0087   Acts::AxisDirection stitchValue = phiBoundaries.size() == 2u
0088                                         ? Acts::AxisDirection::AxisR
0089                                         : Acts::AxisDirection::AxisPhi;
0090   // Estimate ranges
0091   auto [minRit, maxRit] = std::ranges::minmax_element(rBoundaries);
0092   auto [sectorPhi, avgPhi] = Acts::range_medium(phiBoundaries);
0094   // Transform and bounds
0095   auto bounds = std::make_unique<Acts::RadialBounds>(*minRit, *maxRit,
0096                                                      0.5 * sectorPhi, avgPhi);
0097   // A new surface on the negative side over the full range
0098   auto surface = Acts::Surface::makeShared<Acts::DiscSurface>(
0099       transform, std::move(bounds));
0100   // Make a portal and indicate the new link direction
0101   const auto& stitchBoundaries =
0102       (stitchValue == Acts::AxisDirection::AxisR) ? rBoundaries : phiBoundaries;
0103   return Acts::Experimental::PortalReplacement(
0104       std::make_shared<Acts::Experimental::Portal>(surface), index, dir,
0105       stitchBoundaries, stitchValue);
0106 }
0108 /// @brief Helper function to create a cylinder portal replacement
0109 ///
0110 /// @param transform The transform of the newly created portal
0111 /// @param r is the radius of the cylinder
0112 /// @param zBoundaries the vector of binning boundaries
0113 /// @param phiBoundaries the vector of binning boundaries
0114 /// @param index the index of this portal to be set
0115 /// @param dir the navigation direction to be set
0116 ///
0117 /// @return a new portal replacement object
0118 Acts::Experimental::PortalReplacement createCylinderReplacement(
0119     const Acts::Transform3& transform, double r,
0120     const std::vector<double>& zBoundaries,
0121     const std::vector<double>& phiBoundaries, unsigned int index,
0122     Acts::Direction dir) {
0123   // Autodetector stitch value
0124   Acts::AxisDirection stitchValue = phiBoundaries.size() == 2u
0125                                         ? Acts::AxisDirection::AxisZ
0126                                         : Acts::AxisDirection::AxisPhi;
0127   auto [lengthZ, medZ] = Acts::range_medium(zBoundaries);
0128   auto [sectorPhi, avgPhi] = Acts::range_medium(phiBoundaries);
0130   // New bounds, with current length and sector values
0131   auto bounds = std::make_unique<Acts::CylinderBounds>(r, 0.5 * lengthZ,
0132                                                        0.5 * sectorPhi, avgPhi);
0133   // A new surface on the negative side over the full range
0134   auto surface = Acts::Surface::makeShared<Acts::CylinderSurface>(
0135       transform, std::move(bounds));
0137   // A make a portal and indicate the new link direction
0138   const auto& stitchBoundaries =
0139       (stitchValue == Acts::AxisDirection::AxisZ) ? zBoundaries : phiBoundaries;
0140   return Acts::Experimental::PortalReplacement(
0141       std::make_shared<Acts::Experimental::Portal>(surface), index, dir,
0142       stitchBoundaries, stitchValue);
0143 }
0145 /// @brief Helper function to create a disc portal replacement
0146 /// @param gcxt the geometry context of this call
0147 /// @param volumeCenter a reference center of the volume (combined)
0148 /// @param refSurface the reference surface (old portal)
0149 /// @param boundaries the vector of binning boundaries in r
0150 /// @param binning the binning of the sector (inR, inZ)
0151 /// @param index the index of this portal to be set
0152 /// @param dir the navigation direction to be set
0153 ///
0154 /// @return a new portal replacement object
0155 Acts::Experimental::PortalReplacement createSectorReplacement(
0156     const Acts::GeometryContext& gctx, const Acts::Vector3& volumeCenter,
0157     const Acts::Surface& refSurface, const std::vector<double>& boundaries,
0158     Acts::AxisDirection binning, unsigned int index, Acts::Direction dir) {
0159   // Get a reference transform
0160   const auto& refTransform = refSurface.transform(gctx);
0161   auto refRotation = refTransform.rotation();
0162   // Bounds handling
0163   const auto& boundValues = refSurface.bounds().values();
0164   std::unique_ptr<Acts::PlanarBounds> bounds = nullptr;
0166   // Create a new transform
0167   Acts::Transform3 transform = Acts::Transform3::Identity();
0168   if (binning == Acts::AxisDirection::AxisR) {
0169     // Range and center-r calculation
0170     auto [range, medium] = Acts::range_medium(boundaries);
0171     // New joint center:
0172     // - you start from the center of the volume, and then head the distence
0173     //   of medium-r along the y-axis of the former (and new) portal
0174     Acts::Vector3 pCenter = volumeCenter + medium * refRotation.col(1u);
0175     transform.pretranslate(pCenter);
0176     // Create the halflength
0177     double halfX =
0178         0.5 * (boundValues[Acts::RectangleBounds::BoundValues::eMaxX] -
0179                boundValues[Acts::RectangleBounds::BoundValues::eMinX]);
0180     // New joint bounds
0181     bounds = std::make_unique<Acts::RectangleBounds>(halfX, 0.5 * range);
0182   } else if (binning == Acts::AxisDirection::AxisZ) {
0183     // Range and medium z alculation
0184     auto [range, medium] = Acts::range_medium(boundaries);
0185     // Center R calculation, using projection onto vector
0186     const auto& surfaceCenter =;
0187     Acts::Vector3 centerDiffs = (surfaceCenter - volumeCenter);
0188     double centerR =;
0189     // New joint center
0190     Acts::Vector3 pCenter = volumeCenter + centerR * refRotation.col(2);
0191     transform.pretranslate(pCenter);
0192     // New joint bounds
0193     double halfY =
0194         0.5 * (boundValues[Acts::RectangleBounds::BoundValues::eMaxY] -
0195                boundValues[Acts::RectangleBounds::BoundValues::eMinY]);
0196     bounds = std::make_unique<Acts::RectangleBounds>(0.5 * range, halfY);
0197   }
0198   // Set the rotation
0199   transform.prerotate(refRotation);
0200   // A new surface on the negative side over the full range
0201   auto surface = Acts::Surface::makeShared<Acts::PlaneSurface>(
0202       transform, std::move(bounds));
0203   // A make a portal and indicate the new link direction
0204   Acts::Experimental::PortalReplacement pRep = {
0205       std::make_shared<Acts::Experimental::Portal>(surface), index, dir,
0206       boundaries, binning};
0207   return pRep;
0208 }
0210 /// @brief Helper method to check the volumes in general and throw and exception if fails
0211 ///
0212 /// @param gctx the geometry context
0213 /// @param volumes the input volumes to be checked
0214 ///
0215 /// @note throws exception if any of checks fails
0216 void checkVolumes(
0217     const Acts::GeometryContext& gctx,
0218     const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Acts::Experimental::DetectorVolume>>&
0219         volumes) {
0220   // A minimal set of checks - exceptions are thrown
0221   // - not enough volumes given
0222   std::string message = "CylindricalDetectorHelper: ";
0223   if (volumes.size() < 2u) {
0224     message += std::string("not enough volume given (") +
0225                std::to_string(volumes.size());
0226     message += std::string(" ), when required >=2.");
0227     throw std::invalid_argument(message.c_str());
0228   }
0229   // - null pointer detected or non-cylindrical volume detected
0230   for (auto [iv, v] : Acts::enumerate(volumes)) {
0231     // Check for nullptr
0232     if (v == nullptr) {
0233       message += "nullptr detector instead of volume " + std::to_string(iv);
0234       throw std::invalid_argument(message.c_str());
0235     }
0236     // Check for cylindrical volume type
0237     if (v->volumeBounds().type() != Acts::VolumeBounds::BoundsType::eCylinder) {
0238       message += "non-cylindrical volume bounds detected for volume " +
0239                  std::to_string(iv);
0240       throw std::invalid_argument(message.c_str());
0241     }
0242   }
0243   // Check the alignment of the volumes
0244   Acts::Experimental::detail::DetectorVolumeConsistency::checkRotationAlignment(
0245       gctx, volumes);
0246 }
0248 /// @brief Helper method to check the volume bounds
0249 ///
0250 /// @param gctx the geometry context
0251 /// @param volumes the input volumes to be checked
0252 /// @param refCur reference versus current check
0253 ///
0254 /// @note throws exception if any of checks fails
0255 void checkBounds(
0256     [[maybe_unused]] const Acts::GeometryContext& gctx,
0257     const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Acts::Experimental::DetectorVolume>>&
0258         volumes,
0259     const std::vector<std::array<unsigned int, 2u>>& refCur) {
0260   // Reference values
0261   auto refValues = volumes[0u]->volumeBounds().values();
0262   for (auto [iv, v] : Acts::enumerate(volumes)) {
0263     if (iv > 0u) {
0264       auto curValues = v->volumeBounds().values();
0265       for (auto [r, c] : refCur) {
0266         if (std::abs(refValues[r] - curValues[c]) >
0267             Acts::s_onSurfaceTolerance) {
0268           std::string message = "CylindricalDetectorHelper: '";
0269           message += volumes[iv - 1]->name();
0270           if (r != c) {
0271             message += "' does not attach to '";
0272           } else {
0273             message += "' does not match with '";
0274           }
0275           message += volumes[iv]->name();
0276           message += "'\n";
0277           message += " - at bound values ";
0278           message += std::to_string(refValues[r]);
0279           message += " / " + std::to_string(curValues[c]);
0280           throw std::runtime_error(message.c_str());
0281         }
0282       }
0283       refValues = curValues;
0284     }
0285   }
0286 }
0288 }  // namespace
0290 Acts::Experimental::DetectorComponent::PortalContainer
0291 Acts::Experimental::detail::CylindricalDetectorHelper::connectInR(
0292     const GeometryContext& gctx,
0293     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Experimental::DetectorVolume>>& volumes,
0294     const std::vector<unsigned int>& selectedOnly,
0295     Acts::Logging::Level logLevel) {
0296   // Basic checks for eligability of the volumes
0297   checkVolumes(gctx, volumes);
0298   // Check for bounds values of volumes (i) and (i+1) succesively for
0299   // compatibility:
0300   // - check outer (1u) of volume (i) vs inner radius (0u) of volume (i+1)
0301   // - phi sector (3u) and average phi (4u) between volumes (i), (i+1)
0302   std::vector<std::array<unsigned int, 2u>> checks = {
0303       {1u, 0u}, {3u, 3u}, {4u, 4u}};
0304   // - And we check the half length if it is not a selective attachment
0305   if (selectedOnly.empty()) {
0306     checks.push_back({2u, 2u});
0307   }
0308   checkBounds(gctx, volumes, checks);
0310   // The local logger
0311   ACTS_LOCAL_LOGGER(getDefaultLogger("CylindricalDetectorHelper", logLevel));
0313   ACTS_DEBUG("Connect " << volumes.size() << " detector volumes in R.");
0315   // Return proto container
0316   DetectorComponent::PortalContainer dShell;
0318   // Innermost volume boundaries
0319   std::vector<double> rBoundaries = {};
0320   auto refValues = volumes[0u]->volumeBounds().values();
0322   // Reference boundary values
0323   rBoundaries.push_back(refValues[CylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eMinR]);
0324   rBoundaries.push_back(refValues[CylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eMaxR]);
0326   // Connect in R ? (2u is the index of the outer cylinder)
0327   bool connectR = selectedOnly.empty() || rangeContainsValue(selectedOnly, 2u);
0329   // Get phi sector and average phi
0330   double phiSector =
0331       refValues[CylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eHalfPhiSector];
0332   double avgPhi = refValues[CylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eAveragePhi];
0334   // Fuse the cylinders
0335   for (unsigned int iv = 1; iv < volumes.size(); ++iv) {
0336     refValues = volumes[iv]->volumeBounds().values();
0337     // Keep on collecting the outside maximum r for the overall r boundaries
0338     rBoundaries.push_back(refValues[CylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eMaxR]);
0339     // Only connect if configured to do so
0340     if (connectR) {
0341       ACTS_VERBOSE("Connect volume '" << volumes[iv - 1]->name() << "' to "
0342                                       << volumes[iv]->name() << "'.");
0344       // Fusing cylinders from inner and outer volume
0345       auto innerCylinder = volumes[iv - 1]->portalPtrs()[2u];
0346       auto outerCylinder = volumes[iv]->portalPtrs()[3u];
0347       auto fusedCylinder = Portal::fuse(innerCylinder, outerCylinder);
0348       volumes[iv - 1]->updatePortal(fusedCylinder, 2u);
0349       volumes[iv]->updatePortal(fusedCylinder, 3u);
0350     }
0351   }
0353   // Proto container setting
0354   if (connectR) {
0355     // The number of portals indicate again if the inner is present or not,
0356     if (volumes[0u]->portals().size() == 4u ||
0357         volumes[0u]->portals().size() == 6u) {
0358       dShell[3u] = volumes[0u]->portalPtrs()[3u];
0359     }
0360     dShell[2u] = volumes[volumes.size() - 1u]->portalPtrs()[2u];
0361   }
0363   // Check if sectors are present by the number of portals, check is done on the
0364   // outermost volume as this is required to have an inner cylinder, and hence
0365   // no offset needs to be respected
0366   bool sectorsPresent = volumes[volumes.size() - 1u]->portals().size() > 4u;
0368   // A portal replacement, it comprises of the portal, the index, the
0369   // direction, the binning and bins
0370   std::vector<PortalReplacement> pReplacements = {};
0372   // Disc assignments are forward for negative disc, backward for positive
0373   std::vector<Acts::Direction> discDirs = {Acts::Direction::Forward(),
0374                                            Acts::Direction::Backward()};
0375   for (const auto [iu, idir] : enumerate(discDirs)) {
0376     if (selectedOnly.empty() || rangeContainsValue(selectedOnly, iu)) {
0377       const Surface& refSurface = volumes[0u]->portals()[iu]->surface();
0378       const Transform3& refTransform = refSurface.transform(gctx);
0379       pReplacements.push_back(createDiscReplacement(
0380           refTransform, rBoundaries, {avgPhi - phiSector, avgPhi + phiSector},
0381           iu, idir));
0382     }
0383   }
0385   // If volume sectors are present, these have to be respected
0386   if (sectorsPresent) {
0387     ACTS_VERBOSE("Sector planes are present, they need replacement.");
0388     // Sector assignments are forward backward
0389     std::vector<Acts::Direction> sectorDirs = {Acts::Direction::Forward(),
0390                                                Acts::Direction::Backward()};
0391     Acts::Vector3 vCenter = volumes[0u]->transform(gctx).translation();
0392     for (const auto [iu, idir] : enumerate(sectorDirs)) {
0393       // (iu + 4u) corresponds to the indices of the phi-low and phi-high sector
0394       // planes.
0395       if (selectedOnly.empty() || rangeContainsValue(selectedOnly, iu + 4u)) {
0396         // As it is r-wrapping, the inner tube is guaranteed
0397         const Surface& refSurface =
0398             volumes[volumes.size() - 1u]->portals()[iu + 4u]->surface();
0399         pReplacements.push_back(createSectorReplacement(
0400             gctx, vCenter, refSurface, rBoundaries, Acts::AxisDirection::AxisR,
0401             iu + 4ul, idir));
0402       }
0403     }
0404   } else {
0405     ACTS_VERBOSE(
0406         "No sector planes present, full 2 * std::numbers::pi cylindrical "
0407         "geometry.");
0408   }
0410   // Attach the new volume multi links
0411   PortalHelper::attachExternalNavigationDelegates(gctx, volumes, pReplacements);
0413   // Exchange the portals of the volumes
0414   ACTS_VERBOSE("Portals of " << volumes.size() << " volumes need updating.");
0415   // Exchange the portals of the volumes
0416   for (auto& iv : volumes) {
0417     ACTS_VERBOSE("- update portals of volume '" << iv->name() << "'.");
0418     for (auto& [p, i, dir, boundaries, binning] : pReplacements) {
0419       // Fill the map
0420       dShell[i] = p;
0422       // Potential offset for tube vs/ cylinder
0423       // - if the volume doesn't have an inner portal, indices need to
0424       //   be shifted by -1 to update the correct index, that's the case for
0425       //   size 3 and 5 for portals
0426       std::size_t nPortals = iv->portals().size();
0427       bool innerPresent = (nPortals == 3u || nPortals == 5u);
0428       int iOffset = (innerPresent && i > 2u) ? -1 : 0;
0429       ACTS_VERBOSE("-- update portal with index "
0430                    << i + iOffset << " (including offset " << iOffset << ")");
0431       iv->updatePortal(p, static_cast<unsigned int>(i + iOffset));
0432     }
0433   }
0434   // Done.
0435   return dShell;
0436 }
0438 Acts::Experimental::DetectorComponent::PortalContainer
0439 Acts::Experimental::detail::CylindricalDetectorHelper::connectInZ(
0440     const Acts::GeometryContext& gctx,
0441     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Acts::Experimental::DetectorVolume>>& volumes,
0442     const std::vector<unsigned int>& selectedOnly,
0443     Acts::Logging::Level logLevel) {
0444   // Basic checks for eligability of the volumes
0445   checkVolumes(gctx, volumes);
0446   // Check for bounds compatibility
0447   // We check phi sector (3u) and average phi (4u)
0448   std::vector<std::array<unsigned int, 2u>> checks = {{3u, 3u}, {4u, 4u}};
0449   // And we check the inner radius [0u], outer radius[1u] if it is not a
0450   // selective attachment
0451   if (selectedOnly.empty()) {
0452     checks.push_back({0u, 0u});
0453     checks.push_back({1u, 1u});
0454   }
0455   checkBounds(gctx, volumes, checks);
0457   // The local logger
0458   ACTS_LOCAL_LOGGER(getDefaultLogger("CylindricalDetectorHelper", logLevel));
0460   ACTS_DEBUG("Connect " << volumes.size() << " detector volumes in Z.");
0462   // Return proto container
0463   DetectorComponent::PortalContainer dShell;
0465   // Connect in Z ?
0466   // - 1u corresponds to the index of the high-z disc portal for the reference
0467   // volume.
0468   const bool connectZ =
0469       selectedOnly.empty() || rangeContainsValue(selectedOnly, 1u);
0470   // Reference z axis
0471   const auto rotation = volumes[0u]->transform(gctx).rotation();
0473   std::vector<Vector3> zBoundaries3D = {};
0475   /// @brief  Add the z boundary
0476   /// @param gctx the geometry context
0477   /// @param volume the volume
0478   /// @param side side value
0479   auto addZboundary3D = [&](const Experimental::DetectorVolume& volume,
0480                             int side) -> void {
0481     const auto boundValues = volume.volumeBounds().values();
0482     double halflengthZ =
0483         boundValues[CylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eHalfLengthZ];
0484     zBoundaries3D.push_back(volume.transform(gctx).translation() +
0485                             side * halflengthZ * rotation.col(2));
0486   };
0488   // Fuse the discs - portals can be reused
0489   addZboundary3D(*volumes[0u].get(), -1);
0490   addZboundary3D(*volumes[0u].get(), 1);
0491   for (unsigned int iv = 1; iv < volumes.size(); ++iv) {
0492     // Add the z boundary
0493     addZboundary3D(*volumes[iv].get(), 1u);
0494     // Do the connection
0495     if (connectZ) {
0496       ACTS_VERBOSE("Connect volume '" << volumes[iv - 1]->name() << "' to "
0497                                       << volumes[iv]->name() << "'.");
0498       // Fusing the discs: positive at lower z, negative at hgiher z
0499       auto& pDisc = volumes[iv - 1]->portalPtrs()[1u];
0500       auto& nDisc = volumes[iv]->portalPtrs()[0u];
0501       // Throw an exception if the discs are not at the same position
0502       Vector3 pPosition = pDisc->surface().center(gctx);
0503       Vector3 nPosition = nDisc->surface().center(gctx);
0504       if (!pPosition.isApprox(nPosition)) {
0505         std::string message = "CylindricalDetectorHelper: '";
0506         message += volumes[iv - 1]->name();
0507         message += "' does not attach to '";
0508         message += volumes[iv]->name();
0509         message += "'\n";
0510         message += " - along z with values ";
0511         message += Acts::toString(pPosition);
0512         message += " / " + Acts::toString(nPosition);
0513         throw std::runtime_error(message.c_str());
0514       }
0515       auto fusedDisc = Portal::fuse(pDisc, nDisc);
0516       volumes[iv - 1]->updatePortal(fusedDisc, 1u);
0517       volumes[iv]->updatePortal(fusedDisc, 0u);
0518     }
0519   }
0521   // Register what we have from the container
0522   if (connectZ) {
0523     dShell[0u] = volumes[0u]->portalPtrs()[0u];
0524     dShell[1u] = volumes[volumes.size() - 1u]->portalPtrs()[1u];
0525   }
0527   // Centre of gravity
0528   Vector3 combinedCenter =
0529       0.5 * (zBoundaries3D[zBoundaries3D.size() - 1u] + zBoundaries3D[0u]);
0531   ACTS_VERBOSE("New combined center calculated at "
0532                << toString(combinedCenter));
0534   // Evaluate the series of z boundaries
0535   std::vector<double> zBoundaries = {};
0536   for (const auto& zb3D : zBoundaries3D) {
0537     auto proj3D = (zb3D - combinedCenter).dot(rotation.col(2));
0538     double zBoundary = std::copysign((zb3D - combinedCenter).norm(), proj3D);
0539     zBoundaries.push_back(zBoundary);
0540   }
0542   Transform3 combinedTransform = Transform3::Identity();
0543   combinedTransform.pretranslate(combinedCenter);
0544   combinedTransform.rotate(rotation);
0546   // Get phi sector and average phi
0547   const auto& refVolume = volumes[0u];
0548   const auto refValues = refVolume->volumeBounds().values();
0550   // Get phi sector and average phi
0551   double minR = refValues[CylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eMinR];
0552   double maxR = refValues[CylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eMaxR];
0553   double phiSector =
0554       refValues[CylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eHalfPhiSector];
0555   double avgPhi = refValues[CylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eAveragePhi];
0557   // Check if inner cylinder and sectors are present by the number of portals
0558   std::size_t nPortals = volumes[volumes.size() - 1u]->portals().size();
0559   bool innerPresent = (nPortals != 3u && nPortals != 5u);
0560   bool sectorsPresent = nPortals > 4u;
0562   // A portal replacement, it comprises of the portal, the index, the
0563   // direction, the binning and bins
0564   std::vector<PortalReplacement> pReplacements = {};
0566   // Disc assignments are forward for negative disc, backward for positive
0567   std::vector<Acts::Direction> cylinderDirs = {Acts::Direction::Backward()};
0568   // Cylinder radii
0569   std::vector<double> cylinderR = {maxR};
0570   if (innerPresent) {
0571     ACTS_VERBOSE("Inner surface present, tube geometry detected.");
0572     cylinderDirs.push_back(Direction::Forward());
0573     cylinderR.push_back(minR);
0574   } else {
0575     ACTS_VERBOSE("No inner surface present, solid cylinder geometry detected.");
0576   }
0577   // Tube/cylinder offset
0578   unsigned int iSecOffset = innerPresent ? 4u : 3u;
0579   // Prepare the cylinder replacements
0580   for (const auto [iu, idir] : enumerate(cylinderDirs)) {
0581     if (selectedOnly.empty() || rangeContainsValue(selectedOnly, iu + 2u)) {
0582       pReplacements.push_back(createCylinderReplacement(
0583           combinedTransform, cylinderR[iu], zBoundaries,
0584           {avgPhi - phiSector, avgPhi + phiSector}, iu + 2u, idir));
0585     }
0586   }
0588   // Prepare the sector side replacements
0589   if (sectorsPresent) {
0590     ACTS_VERBOSE("Sector planes are present, they need replacement.");
0591     // Sector assignmenta are forward backward
0592     std::vector<Acts::Direction> sectorDirs = {Acts::Direction::Forward(),
0593                                                Acts::Direction::Backward()};
0594     for (const auto [iu, idir] : enumerate(sectorDirs)) {
0595       // Access with 3u or 4u but always write 4u (to be caught later)
0596       if (selectedOnly.empty() || rangeContainsValue(selectedOnly, iu + 4u)) {
0597         const Surface& refSurface =
0598             volumes[0u]->portals()[iu + iSecOffset]->surface();
0599         pReplacements.push_back(createSectorReplacement(
0600             gctx, combinedCenter, refSurface, zBoundaries,
0601             Acts::AxisDirection::AxisZ, iu + 4ul, idir));
0602       }
0603     }
0604   } else {
0605     ACTS_VERBOSE(
0606         "No sector planes present, full 2 * std::numbers::pi cylindrical "
0607         "geometry.");
0608   }
0610   // Attach the new volume multi links
0611   PortalHelper::attachExternalNavigationDelegates(gctx, volumes, pReplacements);
0613   // Exchange the portals of the volumes
0614   ACTS_VERBOSE("Portals of " << volumes.size() << " volumes need updating.");
0615   for (auto& iv : volumes) {
0616     ACTS_VERBOSE("- update portals of volume '" << iv->name() << "'.");
0617     for (auto& [p, i, dir, boundaries, binning] : pReplacements) {
0618       // Potential offset for tube vs/ cylinder
0619       // if the volume doesn't have an inner portal, indices need to be shifted
0620       // by -1 to update the correct index.
0621       int iOffset = (i > 2u && !innerPresent) ? -1 : 0;
0622       ACTS_VERBOSE("-- update portal with index " << i);
0623       iv->updatePortal(p, static_cast<unsigned int>(i + iOffset));
0624       // Fill the map
0625       dShell[i] = p;
0626     }
0627   }
0628   // Done.
0629   return dShell;
0630 }
0632 Acts::Experimental::DetectorComponent::PortalContainer
0633 Acts::Experimental::detail::CylindricalDetectorHelper::connectInPhi(
0634     const Acts::GeometryContext& gctx,
0635     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Acts::Experimental::DetectorVolume>>& volumes,
0636     const std::vector<unsigned int>& /*selectedOnly*/,
0637     Acts::Logging::Level logLevel) {
0638   // Basic checks for eligability of the volumes
0639   checkVolumes(gctx, volumes);
0641   // The local logger
0642   ACTS_LOCAL_LOGGER(getDefaultLogger("CylindricalDetectorHelper", logLevel));
0644   ACTS_DEBUG("Connect " << volumes.size() << " detector volumes in phi.");
0646   // Return proto container
0647   DetectorComponent::PortalContainer dShell;
0649   // Check if inner cylinder and sectors are present by the number of portals
0650   std::size_t nPortals = volumes[volumes.size() - 1u]->portals().size();
0651   bool innerPresent = (nPortals != 3u && nPortals != 5u);
0653   Transform3 refTransform = volumes[0u]->transform(gctx);
0655   // Sector offset
0656   unsigned int iSecOffset = innerPresent ? 4u : 3u;
0657   std::vector<double> phiBoundaries = {};
0658   auto refValues = volumes[0u]->volumeBounds().values();
0659   phiBoundaries.push_back(
0660       refValues[CylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eAveragePhi] -
0661       refValues[CylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eHalfPhiSector]);
0662   phiBoundaries.push_back(
0663       refValues[CylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eAveragePhi] +
0664       refValues[CylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eHalfPhiSector]);
0665   // Fuse the sectors
0666   for (unsigned int iv = 1; iv < volumes.size(); ++iv) {
0667     ACTS_VERBOSE("Connect volume '" << volumes[iv - 1]->name() << "' to "
0668                                     << volumes[iv]->name() << "'.");
0670     // Fuse sector surfaces r handed at lower index, l handed at higher index
0671     auto& rSector = volumes[iv - 1]->portalPtrs()[iSecOffset + 1u];
0672     auto& lSector = volumes[iv]->portalPtrs()[iSecOffset];
0673     auto fusedSector = Portal::fuse(rSector, lSector);
0674     volumes[iv - 1]->updatePortal(fusedSector, iSecOffset + 1u);
0675     volumes[iv]->updatePortal(fusedSector, iSecOffset);
0676     // The current values
0677     auto curValues = volumes[iv]->volumeBounds().values();
0678     // Bail out if they do not match
0679     double lowPhi =
0680         curValues[CylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eAveragePhi] -
0681         curValues[CylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eHalfPhiSector];
0682     double highPhi =
0683         curValues[CylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eAveragePhi] +
0684         curValues[CylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eHalfPhiSector];
0685     // Check phi attachment
0686     if (std::abs(phiBoundaries[phiBoundaries.size() - 1u] - lowPhi) >
0687         Acts::s_onSurfaceTolerance) {
0688       std::string message = "CylindricalDetectorHelper: '";
0689       message += volumes[iv - 1]->name();
0690       message += "' does not attach to '";
0691       message += volumes[iv]->name();
0692       message += "'\n";
0693       message += " - within phi sectors ";
0694       message += std::to_string(lowPhi);
0695       message +=
0696           " / " + std::to_string(phiBoundaries[phiBoundaries.size() - 1u]);
0697       throw std::runtime_error(message.c_str());
0698     }
0699     // Check radial and longitudinal compatibility - @TODO
0700     phiBoundaries.push_back(highPhi);
0701     // Recursive setting of the values
0702     refValues = curValues;
0703   }
0705   // A portal replacement, it comprises of the portal, the index, the
0706   // direction, the binning and bins
0707   std::vector<PortalReplacement> pReplacements = {};
0708   // Negative disc
0709   pReplacements.push_back(createDiscReplacement(
0710       refTransform,
0711       {refValues[CylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eMinR],
0712        refValues[CylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eMaxR]},
0713       phiBoundaries, 0u, Acts::Direction::Forward()));
0715   // Positive disc
0716   pReplacements.push_back(createDiscReplacement(
0717       refTransform,
0718       {refValues[CylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eMinR],
0719        refValues[CylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eMaxR]},
0720       phiBoundaries, 1u, Acts::Direction::Backward()));
0722   // Outside cylinder
0723   pReplacements.push_back(createCylinderReplacement(
0724       refTransform, refValues[CylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eMaxR],
0725       {-refValues[CylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eHalfLengthZ],
0726        refValues[CylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eHalfLengthZ]},
0727       phiBoundaries, 2u, Acts::Direction::Backward()));
0729   // If the volume has a different inner radius than 0, it MUST have
0730   // an inner cylinder
0731   if (refValues[CylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eMinR] > 0.) {
0732     // Inner cylinder
0733     pReplacements.push_back(createCylinderReplacement(
0734         refTransform, refValues[CylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eMinR],
0735         {-refValues[CylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eHalfLengthZ],
0736          refValues[CylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eHalfLengthZ]},
0737         phiBoundaries, 3u, Acts::Direction::Forward()));
0738   }
0740   // Attach the new volume multi links
0741   PortalHelper::attachExternalNavigationDelegates(gctx, volumes, pReplacements);
0742   // Exchange the portals of the volumes
0743   ACTS_VERBOSE("Portals of " << volumes.size() << " volumes need updating.");
0744   for (auto& iv : volumes) {
0745     ACTS_VERBOSE("- update portals of volume '" << iv->name() << "'.");
0746     for (auto& [p, i, dir, boundaries, binning] : pReplacements) {
0747       ACTS_VERBOSE("-- update portal with index " << i);
0748       iv->updatePortal(p, static_cast<unsigned int>(i));
0749       // Fill the map
0750       dShell[i] = p;
0751     }
0752   }
0754   // Done.
0755   return dShell;
0756 }
0758 Acts::Experimental::DetectorComponent::PortalContainer
0759 Acts::Experimental::detail::CylindricalDetectorHelper::wrapInZR(
0760     const Acts::GeometryContext& gctx,
0761     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Acts::Experimental::DetectorVolume>>& volumes,
0762     Acts::Logging::Level logLevel) {
0763   // The local logger
0764   ACTS_LOCAL_LOGGER(getDefaultLogger("CylindricalDetectorHelper", logLevel));
0766   ACTS_DEBUG("Wrapping volumes in Z-R.");
0768   // Minimal set of checks
0769   if (volumes.size() != 2u) {
0770     throw std::invalid_argument(
0771         "Wrapping the detector volume requires exactly 2 volumes.");
0772   }
0774   // Return the new container
0775   DetectorComponent::PortalContainer dShell;
0777   // Keep the outer shells
0778   dShell[0u] = volumes[1u]->portalPtrs()[0u];
0779   dShell[1u] = volumes[1u]->portalPtrs()[1u];
0780   dShell[2u] = volumes[1u]->portalPtrs()[2u];
0782   // Fuse outer cover of first with inner cylinder of wrapping volume
0783   auto& outerCover = volumes[0u]->portalPtrs()[2u];
0784   auto& innerCover = volumes[1u]->portalPtrs()[3u];
0785   auto fusedCover = Portal::fuse(outerCover, innerCover);
0786   volumes[0u]->updatePortal(fusedCover, 2u);
0787   volumes[1u]->updatePortal(fusedCover, 3u);
0789   // Stitch sides - negative
0790   auto& firstDiscN = volumes[1u]->portalPtrs()[4u];
0791   auto& secondDiscN = volumes[0u]->portalPtrs()[0u];
0792   auto fusedDiscN = Portal::fuse(firstDiscN, secondDiscN);
0793   volumes[1u]->updatePortal(fusedDiscN, 4u);
0794   volumes[0u]->updatePortal(fusedDiscN, 0u);
0796   // Stich sides - positive
0797   auto& firstDiscP = volumes[0u]->portalPtrs()[1u];
0798   auto& secondDiscP = volumes[1u]->portalPtrs()[5u];
0799   auto fusedDiscP = Portal::fuse(firstDiscP, secondDiscP);
0800   volumes[0u]->updatePortal(fusedDiscP, 1u);
0801   volumes[1u]->updatePortal(fusedDiscP, 5u);
0803   // If needed, insert new cylinder
0804   if (volumes[0u]->portalPtrs().size() == 4u &&
0805       volumes[1u]->portalPtrs().size() == 8u) {
0806     const auto* cylVolBounds =
0807         dynamic_cast<const CylinderVolumeBounds*>(&volumes[0u]->volumeBounds());
0808     const auto* ccylVolBounds = dynamic_cast<const CutoutCylinderVolumeBounds*>(
0809         &volumes[1u]->volumeBounds());
0810     if (cylVolBounds == nullptr || ccylVolBounds == nullptr) {
0811       throw std::invalid_argument(
0812           "Wrapping the detector volume requires a cylinder and a cutout "
0813           "cylinder volume.");
0814     }
0815     // We need a new cylinder spanning over the entire inner tube
0816     double hlZ = cylVolBounds->get(
0817         Acts::CylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eHalfLengthZ);
0818     double HlZ = ccylVolBounds->get(
0819         Acts::CutoutCylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eHalfLengthZ);
0820     double innerR = cylVolBounds->get(CylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eMinR);
0821     // Create the inner replacement
0822     std::vector<PortalReplacement> pReplacements;
0823     pReplacements.push_back(createCylinderReplacement(
0824         volumes[0u]->transform(gctx), innerR, {-HlZ, -hlZ, hlZ, HlZ},
0825         {-std::numbers::pi, std::numbers::pi}, 3u, Direction::Forward()));
0826     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DetectorVolume>> zVolumes = {
0827         volumes[1u], volumes[0u], volumes[1u]};
0828     // Attach the new volume multi links
0829     PortalHelper::attachExternalNavigationDelegates(gctx, zVolumes,
0830                                                     pReplacements);
0831     auto& [p, i, dir, boundaries, binning] = pReplacements[0u];
0832     // Update the portals
0833     volumes[1u]->updatePortal(p, 6u);
0834     volumes[0u]->updatePortal(p, 3u);
0835     volumes[1u]->updatePortal(p, 7u);
0836     // Inner skin
0837     dShell[3u] = p;
0838   }
0839   // Done.
0840   return dShell;
0841 }
0843 Acts::Experimental::DetectorComponent::PortalContainer
0844 Acts::Experimental::detail::CylindricalDetectorHelper::connectInR(
0845     const GeometryContext& gctx,
0846     const std::vector<DetectorComponent::PortalContainer>& containers,
0847     const std::vector<unsigned int>& selectedOnly,
0848     Acts::Logging::Level logLevel) noexcept(false) {
0849   // The local logger
0850   ACTS_LOCAL_LOGGER(getDefaultLogger("CylindricalDetectorHelper", logLevel));
0852   ACTS_DEBUG("Connect " << containers.size() << " proto containers in R.");
0854   // Return the new container
0855   DetectorComponent::PortalContainer dShell;
0857   // Fuse the cylinders - portals can be reused for this operation
0858   for (unsigned int ic = 1; ic < containers.size(); ++ic) {
0859     auto& formerContainer = containers[ic - 1];
0860     auto& currentContainer = containers[ic];
0861     // Check and throw exception
0862     if (!formerContainer.contains(2u)) {
0863       throw std::invalid_argument(
0864           "CylindricalDetectorHelper: proto container has no outer cover, can "
0865           "not be connected in R");
0866     }
0867     if (!currentContainer.contains(3u)) {
0868       throw std::invalid_argument(
0869           "CylindricalDetectorHelper: proto container has no inner cover, can "
0870           "not be connected in R");
0871     }
0873     // Fuse containers, and update the attached volumes
0874     std::shared_ptr<Portal> innerCylinder = containers[ic - 1].find(2u)->second;
0875     // Direction is explicitly addressed with a direction index
0876     auto innerAttachedVolumes =
0877         innerCylinder->attachedDetectorVolumes()[Direction::Backward().index()];
0878     std::shared_ptr<Portal> outerCylinder = containers[ic].find(3u)->second;
0879     auto outerAttachedVolume =
0880         outerCylinder->attachedDetectorVolumes()[Direction::Forward().index()];
0881     auto fusedCylinder = Portal::fuse(innerCylinder, outerCylinder);
0883     // Update the attached volumes with the new portal
0884     std::for_each(innerAttachedVolumes.begin(), innerAttachedVolumes.end(),
0885                   [&](std::shared_ptr<DetectorVolume>& av) {
0886                     av->updatePortal(fusedCylinder, 2u);
0887                   });
0888     std::for_each(outerAttachedVolume.begin(), outerAttachedVolume.end(),
0889                   [&](std::shared_ptr<DetectorVolume>& av) {
0890                     av->updatePortal(fusedCylinder, 3u);
0891                   });
0892   }
0894   // Proto container refurbishment
0895   if (containers[0u].contains(3u)) {
0896     dShell[3u] = containers[0u].find(3u)->second;
0897   }
0898   dShell[2u] = containers[containers.size() - 1u].find(2u)->second;
0900   auto sideVolumes = PortalHelper::stripSideVolumes(
0901       containers, {0u, 1u, 4u, 5u}, selectedOnly, logLevel);
0903   for (auto [s, volumes] : sideVolumes) {
0904     auto pR = connectInR(gctx, volumes, {s});
0905     if (pR.contains(s)) {
0906       dShell[s] = pR.find(s)->second;
0907     }
0908   }
0910   // Done.
0911   return dShell;
0912 }
0914 Acts::Experimental::DetectorComponent::PortalContainer
0915 Acts::Experimental::detail::CylindricalDetectorHelper::connectInZ(
0916     const GeometryContext& gctx,
0917     const std::vector<DetectorComponent::PortalContainer>& containers,
0918     const std::vector<unsigned int>& selectedOnly,
0919     Acts::Logging::Level logLevel) noexcept(false) {
0920   // The local logger
0921   ACTS_LOCAL_LOGGER(getDefaultLogger("CylindricalDetectorHelper", logLevel));
0923   ACTS_DEBUG("Connect " << containers.size() << " proto containers in Z.");
0925   // Return the new container
0926   DetectorComponent::PortalContainer dShell;
0928   for (unsigned int ic = 1; ic < containers.size(); ++ic) {
0929     auto& formerContainer = containers[ic - 1];
0930     auto& currentContainer = containers[ic];
0931     // Check and throw exception
0932     if (!formerContainer.contains(1u)) {
0933       throw std::invalid_argument(
0934           "CylindricalDetectorHelper: proto container has no negative disc, "
0935           "can not be connected in Z");
0936     }
0937     if (!currentContainer.contains(0u)) {
0938       throw std::invalid_argument(
0939           "CylindricalDetectorHelper: proto container has no positive disc, "
0940           "can not be connected in Z");
0941     }
0942     // Container attachment positive Disc of lower, negative Disc at higher
0943     std::shared_ptr<Portal> pDisc = formerContainer.find(1u)->second;
0944     auto pAttachedVolumes =
0945         pDisc->attachedDetectorVolumes()[Direction::Backward().index()];
0947     std::shared_ptr<Portal> nDisc = currentContainer.find(0u)->second;
0948     auto nAttachedVolumes =
0949         nDisc->attachedDetectorVolumes()[Direction::Forward().index()];
0951     auto fusedDisc = Portal::fuse(pDisc, nDisc);
0953     std::for_each(pAttachedVolumes.begin(), pAttachedVolumes.end(),
0954                   [&](std::shared_ptr<DetectorVolume>& av) {
0955                     av->updatePortal(fusedDisc, 1u);
0956                   });
0957     std::for_each(nAttachedVolumes.begin(), nAttachedVolumes.end(),
0958                   [&](std::shared_ptr<DetectorVolume>& av) {
0959                     av->updatePortal(fusedDisc, 0u);
0960                   });
0961   }
0963   // Proto container refurbishment
0964   dShell[0u] = containers[0u].find(0u)->second;
0965   dShell[1u] = containers[containers.size() - 1u].find(1u)->second;
0967   // Check if this is a tube or a cylinder container (check done on 1st)
0968   std::vector<unsigned int> nominalSides = {2u, 4u, 5u};
0969   if (containers[0u].contains(3u)) {
0970     nominalSides.push_back(3u);
0971   }
0973   // Strip the side volumes
0974   auto sideVolumes = PortalHelper::stripSideVolumes(containers, nominalSides,
0975                                                     selectedOnly, logLevel);
0977   ACTS_VERBOSE("There remain " << sideVolumes.size()
0978                                << " side volume packs to be connected");
0979   for (auto [s, volumes] : sideVolumes) {
0980     ACTS_VERBOSE(" - connect " << volumes.size() << " at selected side " << s);
0981     auto pR = connectInZ(gctx, volumes, {s}, logLevel);
0982     if (pR.contains(s)) {
0983       dShell[s] = pR.find(s)->second;
0984     }
0985   }
0987   // Done.
0988   return dShell;
0989 }
0991 Acts::Experimental::DetectorComponent::PortalContainer
0992 Acts::Experimental::detail::CylindricalDetectorHelper::connectInPhi(
0993     [[maybe_unused]] const GeometryContext& gctx,
0994     [[maybe_unused]] const std::vector<DetectorComponent::PortalContainer>&
0995         containers,
0996     [[maybe_unused]] const std::vector<unsigned int>& selectedOnly,
0997     [[maybe_unused]] Acts::Logging::Level logLevel) noexcept(false) {
0998   throw std::invalid_argument(
0999       "CylindricalDetectorHelper: container connection in phi not implemented "
1000       "yet.");
1001   DetectorComponent::PortalContainer dShell;
1002   // Done.
1003   return dShell;
1004 }
1006 Acts::Experimental::DetectorComponent::PortalContainer
1007 Acts::Experimental::detail::CylindricalDetectorHelper::wrapInZR(
1008     [[maybe_unused]] const GeometryContext& gctx,
1009     const std::vector<DetectorComponent::PortalContainer>& containers,
1010     Acts::Logging::Level logLevel) {
1011   if (containers.size() != 2u) {
1012     throw std::invalid_argument(
1013         "CylindricalDetectorHelper: wrapping must take exactly two "
1014         "containers.");
1015   }
1017   // The inner one is a container
1018   auto innerContainer = containers.front();
1019   // The outer one is a single volume represented as a container
1020   auto outerContainer = containers.back();
1021   std::shared_ptr<DetectorVolume> wrappingVolume = nullptr;
1022   for (const auto& [key, value] : outerContainer) {
1023     auto attachedVolumes = value->attachedDetectorVolumes();
1024     for (const auto& ava : attachedVolumes) {
1025       for (const auto& av : ava) {
1026         if (wrappingVolume == nullptr && av != nullptr) {
1027           wrappingVolume = av;
1028         } else if (wrappingVolume != nullptr && av != wrappingVolume) {
1029           throw std::invalid_argument(
1030               "CylindricalDetectorHelper: wrapping container must represent a "
1031               "single volume.");
1032         }
1033       }
1034     }
1035   }
1036   if (wrappingVolume == nullptr) {
1037     throw std::invalid_argument(
1038         "CylindricalDetectorHelper: wrapping volume could not be "
1039         "determined.");
1040   }
1042   // The local logger
1043   ACTS_LOCAL_LOGGER(getDefaultLogger("CylindricalDetectorHelper", logLevel));
1045   ACTS_DEBUG("Wrapping a container with volume `" << wrappingVolume->name()
1046                                                   << "'.");
1047   // Return the new container
1048   DetectorComponent::PortalContainer dShell;
1050   // Keep the outer shells of the proto container
1051   dShell[0u] = wrappingVolume->portalPtrs()[0u];
1052   dShell[1u] = wrappingVolume->portalPtrs()[1u];
1053   dShell[2u] = wrappingVolume->portalPtrs()[2u];
1055   // Fuse outer cover of first with inner cylinder of wrapping volume
1056   auto& innerCover = innerContainer[2u];
1057   auto innerAttachedVolumes =
1058       innerCover->attachedDetectorVolumes()[Direction::Backward().index()];
1059   auto& innerTube = wrappingVolume->portalPtrs()[3u];
1060   auto fusedCover = Portal::fuse(innerCover, innerTube);
1062   std::for_each(innerAttachedVolumes.begin(), innerAttachedVolumes.end(),
1063                 [&](std::shared_ptr<DetectorVolume>& av) {
1064                   av->updatePortal(fusedCover, 2u);
1065                 });
1066   wrappingVolume->updatePortal(fusedCover, 3u);
1068   // Stitch sides - negative
1069   // positive disc of lower , negative disc of higher
1070   auto& firstDiscN = innerContainer[0u];
1072   auto firstNAttachedVolumes =
1073       firstDiscN->attachedDetectorVolumes()[Direction::Forward().index()];
1075   auto& secondDiscN = wrappingVolume->portalPtrs()[4u];
1076   auto fusedDiscN = Portal::fuse(firstDiscN, secondDiscN);
1078   std::for_each(firstNAttachedVolumes.begin(), firstNAttachedVolumes.end(),
1079                 [&](std::shared_ptr<DetectorVolume>& av) {
1080                   av->updatePortal(fusedDiscN, 0u);
1081                 });
1082   wrappingVolume->updatePortal(fusedDiscN, 4u);
1084   // Stich sides - positive
1085   auto& firstDiscP = innerContainer[1u];
1086   auto firstPAttachedVolumes =
1087       firstDiscP->attachedDetectorVolumes()[Direction::Backward().index()];
1089   auto& secondDiscP = wrappingVolume->portalPtrs()[5u];
1090   auto fusedDiscP = Portal::fuse(firstDiscP, secondDiscP);
1092   std::for_each(firstPAttachedVolumes.begin(), firstPAttachedVolumes.end(),
1093                 [&](std::shared_ptr<DetectorVolume>& av) {
1094                   av->updatePortal(fusedDiscP, 1u);
1095                 });
1097   wrappingVolume->updatePortal(fusedDiscP, 5u);
1099   // If inner stitching is necessary
1100   if (innerContainer.size() == 4u &&
1101       wrappingVolume->portalPtrs().size() == 8u) {
1102     // Inner Container portal
1103     auto& centralSegment = innerContainer[3u];
1104     auto centralValues = centralSegment->surface().bounds().values();
1105     double centralHalfLengthZ =
1106         centralValues[CylinderBounds::BoundValues::eHalfLengthZ];
1107     // The two segments
1108     auto& nSegment = wrappingVolume->portalPtrs()[6u];
1109     auto nValues = nSegment->surface().bounds().values();
1110     double nHalfLengthZ = nValues[CylinderBounds::BoundValues::eHalfLengthZ];
1111     auto& pSegment = wrappingVolume->portalPtrs()[7u];
1112     auto pValues = pSegment->surface().bounds().values();
1113     double pHalfLengthZ = pValues[CylinderBounds::BoundValues::eHalfLengthZ];
1115     auto sideVolumes =
1116         PortalHelper::stripSideVolumes({innerContainer}, {3u}, {3u}, logLevel);
1118     // First the left volume sector
1119     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DetectorVolume>> innerVolumes = {
1120         wrappingVolume->getSharedPtr()};
1122     std::vector<double> zBoundaries = {-centralHalfLengthZ - 2 * nHalfLengthZ,
1123                                        centralHalfLengthZ};
1124     // Loop over side volume and register the z boundaries
1125     for (auto& svs : sideVolumes) {
1126       for (auto& v : svs.second) {
1127         const auto* cylVolBounds =
1128             dynamic_cast<const CylinderVolumeBounds*>(&v->volumeBounds());
1129         if (cylVolBounds == nullptr) {
1130           throw std::invalid_argument(
1131               "CylindricalDetectorHelper: side volume must be a cylinder.");
1132         }
1133         double hlZ =
1134             cylVolBounds->get(CylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eHalfLengthZ);
1135         zBoundaries.push_back(zBoundaries.back() + 2 * hlZ);
1136         innerVolumes.push_back(v);
1137       }
1138     }
1139     // Last the right volume sector
1140     zBoundaries.push_back(zBoundaries.back() + 2 * pHalfLengthZ);
1141     innerVolumes.push_back(wrappingVolume);
1142   }
1144   // Done.
1145   return dShell;
1146 }