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0001 // This file is part of the ACTS project.
0002 //
0003 // Copyright (C) 2016 CERN for the benefit of the ACTS project
0004 //
0005 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
0006 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
0007 // file, You can obtain one at
0009 #pragma once
0011 #include "Acts/Definitions/Algebra.hpp"
0012 #include "Acts/Utilities/AxisDefinitions.hpp"
0013 #include "Acts/Utilities/BinningData.hpp"
0014 #include "Acts/Utilities/BinningType.hpp"
0015 #include "Acts/Utilities/Enumerate.hpp"
0017 #include <array>
0018 #include <cstddef>
0019 #include <iostream>
0020 #include <iterator>
0021 #include <memory>
0022 #include <stdexcept>
0023 #include <string>
0024 #include <vector>
0026 namespace Acts {
0028 /// @class BinUtility
0029 ///
0030 /// The BinUtility class that translated global and local position into a bins
0031 /// of a BinnedArray, most performant is equidistant binning without a
0032 /// transform,
0033 /// however, optionally a transform can be provided, e.g. for binning on shifted
0034 /// object, the transform is usually shared with the geometric object the Array
0035 /// is
0036 /// defined on, for performance reasons, also the inverse transform is stored.
0037 ///
0038 class BinUtility {
0039  public:
0040   /// Constructor for equidistant
0041   BinUtility()
0042       : m_binningData(),
0043         m_transform(Transform3::Identity()),
0044         m_itransform(Transform3::Identity()) {
0045     m_binningData.reserve(3);
0046   }
0048   /// Constructor with only a Transform3
0049   ///
0050   /// @param tForm is the local to global transform
0051   explicit BinUtility(const Transform3& tForm)
0052       : m_binningData(), m_transform(tForm), m_itransform(tForm.inverse()) {
0053     m_binningData.reserve(3);
0054   }
0056   /// Constructor from BinningData directly
0057   ///
0058   /// @param bData is the provided binning data
0059   /// @param tForm is the (optional) transform
0060   explicit BinUtility(const BinningData& bData,
0061                       const Transform3& tForm = Transform3::Identity())
0062       : m_binningData(), m_transform(tForm), m_itransform(tForm.inverse()) {
0063     m_binningData.reserve(3);
0064     m_binningData.push_back(bData);
0065   }
0067   /// Constructor for equidistant
0068   ///
0069   /// @param bins is the number of bins
0070   /// @param min in the minimal value
0071   /// @param max is the maximal value
0072   /// @param opt is the binning option : open, closed
0073   /// @param value is the axis direction : AxisX, AxisY, AxisZ, etc.
0074   /// @param tForm is the (optional) transform
0075   BinUtility(std::size_t bins, float min, float max, BinningOption opt = open,
0076              AxisDirection value = AxisDirection::AxisX,
0077              const Transform3& tForm = Transform3::Identity())
0078       : m_binningData(), m_transform(tForm), m_itransform(tForm.inverse()) {
0079     m_binningData.reserve(3);
0080     m_binningData.push_back(BinningData(opt, value, bins, min, max));
0081   }
0083   /// Constructor for arbitrary
0084   ///
0085   /// @param bValues is the boundary values of the binning
0086   /// @param opt is the binning option : open, closed
0087   /// @param value is the axis direction : AxisX, AxisY, AxisZ, etc.
0088   /// @param tForm is the (optional) transform
0089   BinUtility(std::vector<float>& bValues, BinningOption opt = open,
0090              AxisDirection value = AxisDirection::AxisPhi,
0091              const Transform3& tForm = Transform3::Identity())
0092       : m_binningData(), m_transform(tForm), m_itransform(tForm.inverse()) {
0093     m_binningData.reserve(3);
0094     m_binningData.push_back(BinningData(opt, value, bValues));
0095   }
0097   /// Copy constructor
0098   ///
0099   /// @param sbu is the source bin utility
0100   BinUtility(const BinUtility& sbu) = default;
0102   BinUtility(BinUtility&& sbu) = default;
0104   /// Assignment operator
0105   ///
0106   /// @param sbu is the source bin utility
0107   BinUtility& operator=(const BinUtility& sbu) {
0108     if (this != &sbu) {
0109       m_binningData = sbu.m_binningData;
0110       m_transform = sbu.m_transform;
0111       m_itransform = sbu.m_itransform;
0112     }
0113     return (*this);
0114   }
0116   BinUtility& operator=(BinUtility&&) = default;
0118   /// Operator+= to make multidimensional BinUtility
0119   ///
0120   /// @param gbu is the additional BinUtility to be chosen
0121   BinUtility& operator+=(const BinUtility& gbu) {
0122     const std::vector<BinningData>& bData = gbu.binningData();
0124     m_transform = m_transform * gbu.transform();
0125     m_itransform = m_transform.inverse();
0126     if (m_binningData.size() + bData.size() > 3) {
0127       throw std::runtime_error{"BinUtility does not support dim > 3"};
0128     }
0129     m_binningData.insert(m_binningData.end(), bData.begin(), bData.end());
0130     return (*this);
0131   }
0133   /// Virtual Destructor
0134   ~BinUtility() = default;
0136   /// Equality operator
0137   bool operator==(const BinUtility& other) const {
0138     return (m_transform.isApprox(other.m_transform) &&
0139             m_binningData == other.binningData());
0140   }
0142   /// Return the binning data vector
0143   const std::vector<BinningData>& binningData() const { return m_binningData; }
0145   /// Return the total number of bins
0146   std::size_t bins() const { return bins(0) * bins(1) * bins(2); }
0148   /// Bin-triple fast access
0149   ///
0150   /// - calculate the bin triple with one transform
0151   ///
0152   /// @param position is the 3D position to be evaluated
0153   ///
0154   /// @return is the bin value in 3D
0155   std::array<std::size_t, 3> binTriple(const Vector3& position) const {
0156     /// transform or not
0157     const Vector3 bPosition = m_itransform * position;
0158     // get the dimension
0159     std::size_t mdim = m_binningData.size();
0160     /// now get the bins
0161     std::size_t bin0 = m_binningData[0].searchGlobal(bPosition);
0162     std::size_t bin1 = mdim > 1 ? m_binningData[1].searchGlobal(bPosition) : 0;
0163     std::size_t bin2 = mdim > 2 ? m_binningData[2].searchGlobal(bPosition) : 0;
0164     /// return the triple
0165     return {{bin0, bin1, bin2}};
0166   }
0168   /// Bin from a 3D vector (already in binning frame)
0169   ///
0170   /// @param position is the 3D position to be evaluated
0171   /// @param ba is the bin dimension
0172   ///
0173   /// @return is the bin value
0174   std::size_t bin(const Vector3& position, std::size_t ba = 0) const {
0175     if (ba >= m_binningData.size()) {
0176       return 0;
0177     }
0178     std::size_t bEval = m_binningData[ba].searchGlobal(m_itransform * position);
0179     return bEval;
0180   }
0182   /// Return the other direction for fast interlinking
0183   ///
0184   /// @param position is the global position for the next search
0185   /// @param direction is the global position for the next search
0186   /// @param ba is the bin accessor
0187   ///
0188   /// @todo the
0189   ///
0190   /// @return the next bin
0191   int nextDirection(const Vector3& position, const Vector3& direction,
0192                     std::size_t ba = 0) const {
0193     if (ba >= m_binningData.size()) {
0194       return 0;
0195     }
0196     return m_binningData[ba].nextDirection(position, direction);
0197   }
0199   /// Bin from a 2D vector (following local parameters defintitions)
0200   /// - no optional transform applied
0201   /// - USE WITH CARE !!
0202   ///
0203   /// You need to make sure that the local position is actually in the binning
0204   /// frame of the BinUtility
0205   ///
0206   /// @param lposition is the local position to be set
0207   /// @param ba is the bin dimension
0208   ///
0209   /// @return bin calculated from local
0210   std::size_t bin(const Vector2& lposition, std::size_t ba = 0) const {
0211     if (ba >= m_binningData.size()) {
0212       return 0;
0213     }
0214     return m_binningData[ba].searchLocal(lposition);
0215   }
0216   /// Check if bin is inside from Vector2 - optional transform applied
0217   ///
0218   /// @param position is the global position to be evaluated
0219   /// @return is a boolean check
0220   bool inside(const Vector3& position) const {
0221     /// transform or not
0222     const Vector3& bPosition = m_itransform * position;
0223     // loop and break
0224     for (auto& bData : m_binningData) {
0225       if (!(bData.inside(bPosition))) {
0226         return false;
0227       }
0228     }
0229     // survived all the checks
0230     return true;
0231   }
0233   /// First bin maximal value
0234   /// @return the dimension of the binning data
0235   std::size_t dimensions() const { return m_binningData.size(); }
0237   /// First bin maximal value
0238   ///
0239   /// @param ba is the binaccessor
0240   ///
0241   /// @return std::size_t is the maximal bin of the accessor entry
0242   std::size_t max(std::size_t ba = 0) const {
0243     if (ba >= m_binningData.size()) {
0244       return 0;
0245     }
0246     return (m_binningData[ba].bins() - 1);
0247   }
0249   /// Number of bins
0250   ///
0251   /// @param ba is the binaccessor
0252   ///
0253   /// @return std::size_t is the bins of the accessor entry
0254   std::size_t bins(std::size_t ba) const {
0255     if (ba >= m_binningData.size()) {
0256       return 1;
0257     }
0258     return (m_binningData[ba].bins());
0259   }
0261   /// Transform applied to global positions before lookup
0262   ///
0263   /// @return Shared pointer to transform
0264   const Transform3& transform() const { return m_transform; }
0266   /// The type/value of the binning
0267   ///
0268   /// @param ba is the binaccessor
0269   ///
0270   /// @return the binning value of the accessor entry
0271   AxisDirection binningValue(std::size_t ba = 0) const {
0272     if (ba >= m_binningData.size()) {
0273       throw std::runtime_error{"Dimension out of bounds"};
0274     }
0275     return (m_binningData[ba].binvalue);
0276   }
0278   /// Serialize the bin triple
0279   /// - this creates a simple std::size_t from a triple object
0280   ///
0281   /// @param bin is the bin to be serialized
0282   std::size_t serialize(const std::array<std::size_t, 3>& bin) const {
0283     std::size_t serializedBin = bin[0];
0284     if (m_binningData.size() == 2) {
0285       serializedBin += bin[1] * m_binningData[0].bins();
0286     } else if (m_binningData.size() == 3) {
0287       serializedBin +=
0288           (bin[1] * m_binningData[0].bins() * bin[2] * m_binningData[1].bins());
0289     }
0290     return serializedBin;
0291   }
0293   /// Output Method for std::ostream, to be overloaded by child classes
0294   ///
0295   /// @param sl is the ostream to be dumped into
0296   /// @param indent the current indentation
0297   ///
0298   /// @return the input stream
0299   std::ostream& toStream(std::ostream& sl,
0300                          const std::string& indent = "") const {
0301     sl << indent << "BinUtility for " << m_binningData.size()
0302        << "- dimensional array:" << std::endl;
0303     for (auto [ibd, bd] : enumerate(m_binningData)) {
0304       sl << indent << "dimension     : " << ibd << std::endl;
0305       sl << bd.toString(indent) << std::endl;
0306     }
0307     return sl;
0308   }
0310   /// Output into a string
0311   ///
0312   /// @param indent the current indentation
0313   ///
0314   /// @return a string with the stream information
0315   std::string toString(const std::string& indent = "") const {
0316     std::stringstream ss;
0317     toStream(ss, indent);
0318     return ss.str();
0319   }
0321   /// Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output
0322   friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& sl, const BinUtility& bgen) {
0323     return bgen.toStream(sl);
0324   }
0326  private:
0327   std::vector<BinningData> m_binningData;  /// vector of BinningData
0328   Transform3 m_transform;                  /// shared transform
0329   Transform3 m_itransform;                 /// unique inverse transform
0330 };
0332 }  // namespace Acts