Warning, /LQGENEP/LQguser.f_last is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 *-----------------
0002 * File: LQguser.f
0003 *-----------------
0004 *
0005 Program LQGUSER
0006 *******************************************
0007 * Generates 1000 events of the subprocess *
0008 * e+ qi --> S_1/2L --> mu+ qj *
0009 * at the HERA energies *
0010 * *
0011 * LQ mass = 200 GeV *
0012 * LQ couplings = 0.3 *
0013 * first generation quark involved *
0014 *******************************************
0015 Implicit None
0016 *
0017 double precision mass,cross_max,
0018 > ptnt,phnt,ptt,pht,pth,phh,
0019 > ppnt,ppt,pph,
0020 > ptx,pty,ptz,phx,phy,phz,
0021 > ptid,phid,ppid,pxid,pyid,pzid,lam
0023 integer lqtype,Nevt,qi,qj,iproc,id,
0024 > Nevtdown,Nevtup
0025 logical first
0026 data first /.true./
0027 save first
0028 *
0029 C...LQGENEP run setup parameters
0030 double precision BEAMPAR,LQGPAR3
0031 integer LQGPAR1,LQGPAR2
0034 C...LQGENEP event informations
0035 double precision LQGKPAR,LQGDDX
0036 integer LQGPID
0038 *
0039 integer NeV,i
0040 *
0041 c Nevt=5
0042 OPEN(UNIT=22,FILE='inputfile',STATUS='OLD')
0044 Read(22,*)Nevt
0045 close(22)
0050 Mass=200.d0
0051 qi=1
0052 qj=1
0053 iproc=0
0054 cross_max=2.d-5
0055 *
0056 * Charge of lepton beam (+1/-1 positron/electron)
0057 beampar(1)=+1.
0058 * Energy of lepton beam
0059 beampar(2)=10.
0060 * Energy of proton beam
0061 beampar(3)=250.
0062 * Number of events to generate
0063 lqgpar1(1)=Nevt
0064 * Number of events which will be fully listed in the output
0065 lqgpar1(2)=10
0066 * Histogram flag (if 1 some histograms will be produced)
0067 cc lqgpar1(3)=0
0068 * Current event number (first generated event will be lqgpar1(4)+1)
0069 lqgpar1(4)=0
0070 * Pythia process number (should be > 400, if = 0 it will be set
0071 * to 401, first value available for external processes)
0072 lqgpar1(5)=iproc
0073 * LQ type
0074 lqgpar2(1)=14
0075 * generation of the input quark in the s-channel process
0076 lqgpar2(2)=qi
0077 * generation of the output quark in the s-channel process
0078 lqgpar2(3)=qj
0079 * generation of the output lepton
0080 lqgpar2(4)=3
0081 * LQ mass in GeV
0082 lqgpar3(1)=Mass
0083 * Initial state s-channel coupling
0084 lqgpar3(2)=0.3
0085 * Final state s-channel coupling (in case of process eq -> LQ -> eq
0086 * the two couplings should be the same)
0087 lqgpar3(3)=0.3
0088 * x range low limit
0089 lqgpar3(4)=0.
0090 * x range high limit
0091 lqgpar3(5)=1.
0092 * y range low limit
0093 lqgpar3(6)=0.
0094 * y range high limit
0095 lqgpar3(7)=1.
0096 * minimum allowed Q^2 in Gev^2
0097 lqgpar3(8)=500.
0098 * Parton distribution type according to PDFLIB
0099 lqgpar3(9)=1.
0100 * Parton distribution group according to PDFLIB
0101 lqgpar3(10)=4.
0102 * Parton distribution set according to PDFLIB
0103 lqgpar3(11)=32.
0104 * Max cross section
0105 lqgpar3(12)=cross_max
0106 * Eventually switch off initial state QCD and QED radiation
0107 * setting to 0 the following Pythia parameters
0108 c MSTP(61)=0
0109 c MSTP(71)=0
0110 * Eventually switch off multiple interaction
0111 c MSTP(81)=0
0112 * Eventually switch off fragmentation and decay
0113 c MSTP(111)=0
0115 * LQGENEP Initialization
0116 cc call LQGENEP(0,ptnt,phnt,ptt,pht,pth,phh,ppnt,ppt,pph)
0117 cc call LQGENEP(0,ptx,pty,ptz,phx,phy,phz)
0118 call LQGENEP(0,ptid,pxid,pyid,pzid)
0121 Nev=lqgpar1(1)
0123 * LQGENEP generation loop
0124 do i=1,Nevt
0126 cc call LQGENEP(1,id,ptnt,phnt,ptt,pht,pth,phh,ppnt,ppt,pph)
0127 cc call LQGENEP(1,ptx,pty,ptz,phx,phy,phz)
0129 if (i.EQ.Nevt) then
0130 call LQGENEP(1,ptid,pxid,pyid,pzid)
0131 write(8,10)i,ptid,pxid,pyid,pzid
0132 10 FORMAT(I3,4(1PE14.6))
0133 else
0135 endif
0137 enddo
0138 c write(8,10)lqgpar1(4),ptid,pxid,pyid,pzid
0139 c10 FORMAT(I3,4(1PE14.6))
0140 * LQGENEP termination
0141 cc call LQGENEP(2,ptnt,phnt,ptt,pht,pth,phh,ppnt,ppt,pph)
0142 cc call LQGENEP(2,ptx,pty,ptz,phx,phy,phz)
0143 call LQGENEP(2,ptid,pxid,pyid,pzid)
0144 stop
0145 end