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Warning, /EICrecon/src/detectors/RPOTS/CMakeLists.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # Automatically set plugin name the same as the directory name Don't forget
0002 # string(REPLACE " " "_" PLUGIN_NAME ${PLUGIN_NAME}) if this dir has spaces in
0003 # its name
0004 get_filename_component(PLUGIN_NAME ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR} NAME)
0006 # Function creates ${PLUGIN_NAME}_plugin and ${PLUGIN_NAME}_library targets
0007 # Setting default includes, libraries and installation paths
0008 plugin_add(${PLUGIN_NAME})
0010 # The macro grabs sources as *.cc *.cpp *.c and headers as *.h *.hh *.hpp Then
0011 # correctly sets sources for ${_name}_plugin and ${_name}_library targets Adds
0012 # headers to the correct installation directory
0013 plugin_glob_all(${PLUGIN_NAME})
0015 # Find dependencies
0016 plugin_add_dd4hep(${PLUGIN_NAME})
0017 plugin_add_event_model(${PLUGIN_NAME})
0019 # Add include directories (works same as target_include_directories)
0020 # plugin_include_directories(${PLUGIN_NAME} SYSTEM PUBLIC ${podio_INCLUDE_DIR}
0023 # Add libraries (works same as target_include_directories)
0024 plugin_link_libraries(${PLUGIN_NAME} algorithms_fardetectors_library)