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Warning, /EICrecon/src/detectors/BEMC/ is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0002 Here is an example of using a generic algorithm class with a JANA factory.
0004 For the example, we implement the Juggler algorithm found here:
0008 This takes in objects of type _edm4hep::SimCalorimeterHit_ and produces
0009 objects of type _edm4hep::RawCalorimeterHit_. The _CalorimeterHitDigi_ class
0010 effectively knows nothing of JANA and could be used in other contexts.
0012 There are two ways one could implement this in a JFactory:
0014 1. Using multiple inheritance. This is what is done in the _JFactory_BEMCRawCalorimeterHit_ class.
0016 2. Including the algorithm object as a data member. This is what is done in the
0017 _JFactory_BEMCRawCalorimeterHit_utility_ class.
0019 The main difference in the coding is that for option 2, one needs to dereference the algorithm
0020 class object whenever referring to one of its members. Otherwise, they are line-for-line the same.
0022 The _CalorimeterHitDigi_ class methods are not reentrant, This is not an issue
0023 since only one thread will be executing the method of a given object at a time.
0024 (The same method of multiple objects may be executed in parallel.) Thus,
0025 inputs and outputs of the class are stored in data members of _CalorimeterHitDigi_.
0027 Two things I don't like about this system:
0029 1. The data objects created by the generic algorithm must be effectively cloned into
0030    _BEMRawCalorimeterHit_ objects.
0032 2. The framework has no way to automatically delete the _edm4hep::RawCalorimeterHit_ objects
0033 so we handle it manually in the _CalorimeterHitDigi_ class.
0036 One other option I have included is defining the _SetJANAConfigParameters_ templated method
0037 in the generic algorithm class _CalorimeterHitDigi_. This technically includes JANA code
0038 in the class, but since it is contained in the template, the compiler will never complain
0039 unless a template object is declared, Thus, the _CalorimeterHitDigi_ class can be used
0040 outside of the JANA framework. The pros/cons of doing this are:
0042 pros:
0043 - It places this code in the header close to the data member definitions
0044 - It makes this code reusable for all calorimeters that use this algorithm
0046 cons:
0047 - It places JANA code in a generic algorithm which could be confusing if used
0048   outside of JANA
0049 - It may be confusing to others trying to understand the code as to why this
0050   is a template
0055 <hr>
0057 Below is a list of the simulated collections and types for reference.
0059 ~~~
0060 Available Collections
0062 Collection Name                      Data Type
0063 -----------------------------------  -----------------------------------
0064 B0PreshowerHits                      edm4hep::SimTrackerHit
0065 B0TrackerHits                        edm4hep::SimTrackerHit
0066 DIRCBarHits                          edm4hep::SimTrackerHit
0067 DRICHHits                            edm4hep::SimTrackerHit
0068 EcalBarrelHits                       edm4hep::SimCalorimeterHit
0069 EcalBarrelHitsContributions          edm4hep::CaloHitContribution
0070 EcalEndcapNHits                      edm4hep::SimCalorimeterHit
0071 EcalEndcapNHitsContributions         edm4hep::CaloHitContribution
0072 EcalEndcapPHits                      edm4hep::SimCalorimeterHit
0073 EcalEndcapPHitsContributions         edm4hep::CaloHitContribution
0074 EventHeader                          edm4hep::EventHeader
0075 ForwardOffMTrackerHits1              edm4hep::SimTrackerHit
0076 ForwardOffMTrackerHits2              edm4hep::SimTrackerHit
0077 ForwardOffMTrackerHits3              edm4hep::SimTrackerHit
0078 ForwardOffMTrackerHits4              edm4hep::SimTrackerHit
0079 ForwardRomanPotHits1                 edm4hep::SimTrackerHit
0080 ForwardRomanPotHits2                 edm4hep::SimTrackerHit
0081 GEMTrackerEndcapHits1                edm4hep::SimTrackerHit
0082 GEMTrackerEndcapHits2                edm4hep::SimTrackerHit
0083 GEMTrackerEndcapHits3                edm4hep::SimTrackerHit
0084 HcalBarrelHits                       edm4hep::SimCalorimeterHit
0085 HcalBarrelHitsContributions          edm4hep::CaloHitContribution
0086 HcalEndcapNHits                      edm4hep::SimCalorimeterHit
0087 HcalEndcapNHitsContributions         edm4hep::CaloHitContribution
0088 HcalEndcapPHits                      edm4hep::SimCalorimeterHit
0089 HcalEndcapPHitsContributions         edm4hep::CaloHitContribution
0090 MCParticles                          edm4hep::MCParticle
0091 MPGDTrackerBarrelHits1               edm4hep::SimTrackerHit
0092 MPGDTrackerBarrelHits2               edm4hep::SimTrackerHit
0093 MRICHHits                            edm4hep::SimTrackerHit
0094 TOFBarrelHits                        edm4hep::SimTrackerHit
0095 TaggerCalorimeter1Hits               edm4hep::SimCalorimeterHit
0096 TaggerCalorimeter1HitsContributions  edm4hep::CaloHitContribution
0097 TaggerCalorimeter2Hits               edm4hep::SimCalorimeterHit
0098 TaggerCalorimeter2HitsContributions  edm4hep::CaloHitContribution
0099 TaggerTracker1Hits                   edm4hep::SimTrackerHit
0100 TaggerTracker2Hits                   edm4hep::SimTrackerHit
0101 TrackerBarrelHits                    edm4hep::SimTrackerHit
0102 TrackerEndcapHits1                   edm4hep::SimTrackerHit
0103 TrackerEndcapHits2                   edm4hep::SimTrackerHit
0104 TrackerEndcapHits3                   edm4hep::SimTrackerHit
0105 TrackerEndcapHits4                   edm4hep::SimTrackerHit
0106 TrackerEndcapHits5                   edm4hep::SimTrackerHit
0107 TrackerEndcapHits6                   edm4hep::SimTrackerHit
0108 VertexBarrelHits                     edm4hep::SimTrackerHit
0109 ZDCEcalHits                          edm4hep::SimCalorimeterHit
0110 ZDCEcalHitsContributions             edm4hep::CaloHitContribution
0111 ZDCHcalHits                          edm4hep::SimCalorimeterHit
0112 ZDCHcalHitsContributions             edm4hep::CaloHitContribution
0113 ~~~