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0001 // Copyright 2023, Christopher Dilks, adapted from Alexander Kiselev's Juggler implementation `IRTAlgorithm`
0002 // Subject to the terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory.
0004 #include "IrtCherenkovParticleID.h"
0006 #include <IRT/ChargedParticle.h>
0007 #include <IRT/CherenkovPID.h>
0008 #include <IRT/OpticalPhoton.h>
0009 #include <IRT/RadiatorHistory.h>
0010 #include <IRT/SinglePDF.h>
0011 #include <TString.h>
0012 #include <TVector3.h>
0013 #include <edm4eic/CherenkovParticleIDHypothesis.h>
0014 #include <edm4eic/EDM4eicVersion.h>
0015 #include <edm4eic/TrackPoint.h>
0016 #include <edm4hep/MCParticleCollection.h>
0017 #include <edm4hep/SimTrackerHitCollection.h>
0018 #include <edm4hep/Vector2f.h>
0019 #include <fmt/core.h>
0020 #include <fmt/format.h>
0021 #include <podio/ObjectID.h>
0022 #include <podio/RelationRange.h>
0023 #include <spdlog/common.h>
0024 #include <algorithm>
0025 #include <cstddef>
0026 #include <functional>
0027 #include <gsl/pointers>
0028 #include <iterator>
0029 #include <set>
0030 #include <stdexcept>
0031 #include <utility>
0032 #include <vector>
0034 #include "algorithms/pid/IrtCherenkovParticleIDConfig.h"
0035 #include "algorithms/pid/Tools.h"
0037 namespace eicrecon {
0039 void IrtCherenkovParticleID::init(
0040     CherenkovDetectorCollection*     irt_det_coll,
0041     std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger>& logger
0042     )
0043 {
0044   // members
0045   m_irt_det_coll = irt_det_coll;
0046   m_log          = logger;
0048   // print the configuration parameters
0049   m_cfg.Print(m_log, spdlog::level::debug);
0051   // inform the user if a cheat mode is enabled
0052   m_cfg.PrintCheats(m_log);
0054   // extract the the relevant `CherenkovDetector`, set to `m_irt_det`
0055   auto& detectors = m_irt_det_coll->GetDetectors();
0056   if(detectors.size() == 0)
0057     throw std::runtime_error("No CherenkovDetectors found in input collection `irt_det_coll`");
0058   if(detectors.size() > 1)
0059     m_log->warn("IrtCherenkovParticleID currently only supports 1 CherenkovDetector at a time; taking the first");
0060   auto this_detector = *detectors.begin();
0061   m_det_name         = this_detector.first;
0062   m_irt_det          = this_detector.second;
0063   m_log->debug("Initializing IrtCherenkovParticleID algorithm for CherenkovDetector '{}'", m_det_name);
0065   // readout decoding
0066   m_cell_mask = m_irt_det->GetReadoutCellMask();
0067   m_log->debug("readout cellMask = {:#X}", m_cell_mask);
0069   // rebin refractive index tables to have `m_cfg.numRIndexBins` bins
0070   m_log->trace("Rebinning refractive index tables to have {} bins",m_cfg.numRIndexBins);
0071   for(auto [rad_name,irt_rad] : m_irt_det->Radiators()) {
0072     auto ri_lookup_table_orig = irt_rad->m_ri_lookup_table;
0073     irt_rad->m_ri_lookup_table.clear();
0074     irt_rad->m_ri_lookup_table = Tools::ApplyFineBinning( ri_lookup_table_orig, m_cfg.numRIndexBins );
0075     // m_log->trace("- {}", rad_name);
0076     // for(auto [energy,rindex] : irt_rad->m_ri_lookup_table) m_log->trace("  {:>5} eV   {:<}", energy, rindex);
0077   }
0079   // build `m_pid_radiators`, the list of radiators to use for PID
0080   m_log->debug("Obtain List of Radiators:");
0081   for(auto [rad_name,irt_rad] : m_irt_det->Radiators()) {
0082     if(rad_name!="Filter") {
0083       m_pid_radiators.insert({ std::string(rad_name), irt_rad });
0084       m_log->debug("- {}", rad_name.Data());
0085     }
0086   }
0088   // check radiators' configuration, and pass it to `m_irt_det`'s radiators
0089   for(auto [rad_name,irt_rad] : m_pid_radiators) {
0090     // find `cfg_rad`, the associated `IrtCherenkovParticleIDConfig` radiator
0091     auto cfg_rad_it = m_cfg.radiators.find(rad_name);
0092     if(cfg_rad_it != m_cfg.radiators.end()) {
0093       auto cfg_rad = cfg_rad_it->second;
0094       // pass `cfg_rad` params to `irt_rad`, the IRT radiator
0095       irt_rad->m_ID = Tools::GetRadiatorID(std::string(rad_name));
0096       irt_rad->m_AverageRefractiveIndex = cfg_rad.referenceRIndex;
0097       irt_rad->SetReferenceRefractiveIndex(cfg_rad.referenceRIndex);
0098       if(cfg_rad.attenuation>0)
0099         irt_rad->SetReferenceAttenuationLength(cfg_rad.attenuation);
0100       if(cfg_rad.smearing>0) {
0101         if(cfg_rad.smearingMode=="uniform")
0102           irt_rad->SetUniformSmearing(cfg_rad.smearing);
0103         else if(cfg_rad.smearingMode=="gaussian")
0104           irt_rad->SetGaussianSmearing(cfg_rad.smearing);
0105         else
0106           m_log->error("Unknown smearing mode '{}' for {} radiator", cfg_rad.smearingMode, rad_name);
0107       }
0108     }
0109     else
0110       m_log->error("Cannot find radiator '{}' in IrtCherenkovParticleIDConfig instance", rad_name);
0111   }
0113   // get PDG info for the particles we want to identify in PID
0114   m_log->debug("List of particles for PID:");
0115   for(auto pdg : m_cfg.pdgList) {
0116     auto mass = m_particleSvc.particle(pdg).mass;
0117     m_pdg_mass.insert({ pdg, mass });
0118     m_log->debug("  {:>8}  M={} GeV", pdg, mass);
0119   }
0121 }
0123 void IrtCherenkovParticleID::process(
0124     const IrtCherenkovParticleID::Input& input,
0125     const IrtCherenkovParticleID::Output& output) const
0126 {
0127   const auto [in_aerogel_tracks, in_gas_tracks, in_merged_tracks, in_raw_hits, in_hit_assocs] = input;
0128   auto [out_aerogel_particleIDs, out_gas_particleIDs] = output;
0130   // logging
0131   m_log->trace("{:=^70}"," call IrtCherenkovParticleID::AlgorithmProcess ");
0132   m_log->trace("number of raw sensor hits: {}", in_raw_hits->size());
0133   m_log->trace("number of raw sensor hit with associated photons: {}", in_hit_assocs->size());
0135   std::map<std::string, const edm4eic::TrackSegmentCollection*> in_charged_particles{
0136     {"Aerogel", in_aerogel_tracks},
0137     {"Gas", in_gas_tracks},
0138     {"Merged", in_merged_tracks},
0139   };
0141   // start output collections
0142   std::map<std::string, edm4eic::CherenkovParticleIDCollection*> out_cherenkov_pids{
0143     {"Aerogel", out_aerogel_particleIDs},
0144     {"Gas", out_gas_particleIDs}
0145   };
0147   // check `in_charged_particles`: each radiator should have the same number of TrackSegments
0148   std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::size_t> in_charged_particle_size_distribution;
0149   for(const auto& [rad_name, in_charged_particle] : in_charged_particles) {
0150     ++in_charged_particle_size_distribution[in_charged_particle->size()];
0151   }
0152   if (in_charged_particle_size_distribution.size() != 1) {
0153     std::vector<size_t> in_charged_particle_sizes;
0154     std::transform(in_charged_particles.begin(), in_charged_particles.end(),
0155       std::back_inserter(in_charged_particle_sizes),
0156       [](const auto& in_charged_particle) { return in_charged_particle.second->size(); });
0157     m_log->error("radiators have differing numbers of TrackSegments {}", fmt::join(in_charged_particle_sizes, ", "));
0158     return;
0159   }
0161   // loop over charged particles ********************************************
0162   m_log->trace("{:#<70}","### CHARGED PARTICLES ");
0163   std::size_t num_charged_particles = in_charged_particle_size_distribution.begin()->first;
0164   for(long i_charged_particle=0; i_charged_particle<num_charged_particles; i_charged_particle++) {
0165     m_log->trace("{:-<70}", fmt::format("--- charged particle #{} ", i_charged_particle));
0167     // start an `irt_particle`, for `IRT`
0168     auto irt_particle = std::make_unique<ChargedParticle>();
0170     // loop over radiators
0171     for(auto [rad_name,irt_rad] : m_pid_radiators) {
0173       // get the `charged_particle` for this radiator
0174       auto charged_particle_list_it = in_charged_particles.find(rad_name);
0175       if(charged_particle_list_it == in_charged_particles.end()) {
0176         m_log->error("Cannot find radiator '{}' in `in_charged_particles`", rad_name);
0177         continue;
0178       }
0179       const auto *charged_particle_list = charged_particle_list_it->second;
0180       auto charged_particle      = charged_particle_list->at(i_charged_particle);
0182       // set number of bins for this radiator and charged particle
0183       if(charged_particle.points_size()==0) {
0184         m_log->trace("No propagated track points in radiator '{}'", rad_name);
0185         continue;
0186       }
0187       irt_rad->SetTrajectoryBinCount(charged_particle.points_size() - 1);
0189       // start a new IRT `RadiatorHistory`
0190       // - must be a raw pointer for `irt` compatibility
0191       // - it will be destroyed when `irt_particle` is destroyed
0192       auto *irt_rad_history = new RadiatorHistory();
0193       irt_particle->StartRadiatorHistory({ irt_rad, irt_rad_history });
0195       // loop over `TrackPoint`s of this `charged_particle`, adding each to the IRT radiator
0196       irt_rad->ResetLocations();
0197       m_log->trace("TrackPoints in '{}' radiator:", rad_name);
0198       for(const auto& point : charged_particle.getPoints()) {
0199         TVector3 position = Tools::PodioVector3_to_TVector3(point.position);
0200         TVector3 momentum = Tools::PodioVector3_to_TVector3(point.momentum);
0201         irt_rad->AddLocation(position, momentum);
0202         Tools::PrintTVector3(m_log, " point: x", position);
0203         Tools::PrintTVector3(m_log, "        p", momentum);
0204       }
0207       // loop over raw hits ***************************************************
0208       m_log->trace("{:#<70}","### SENSOR HITS ");
0209       for(const auto& raw_hit : *in_raw_hits) {
0211         // get MC photon(s), typically only used by cheat modes or trace logging
0212         // - loop over `in_hit_assocs`, searching for the matching hit association
0213         // - will not exist for noise hits
0214         edm4hep::MCParticle mc_photon;
0215         bool mc_photon_found = false;
0216         if(m_cfg.cheatPhotonVertex || m_cfg.cheatTrueRadiator) {
0217           for(const auto& hit_assoc : *in_hit_assocs) {
0218             if(hit_assoc.getRawHit().isAvailable()) {
0219               if(hit_assoc.getRawHit().id() == {
0221                 mc_photon = hit_assoc.getSimHit().getMCParticle();
0222 #else
0223                 // hit association found, get the MC photon and break the loop
0224                 if(hit_assoc.simHits_size() > 0) {
0225                   mc_photon = hit_assoc.getSimHits(0).getMCParticle();
0226 #endif
0227                   mc_photon_found = true;
0228                   if(mc_photon.getPDG() != -22)
0229                     m_log->warn("non-opticalphoton hit: PDG = {}",mc_photon.getPDG());
0231 #else
0232                 }
0233                 else if(m_cfg.CheatModeEnabled())
0234                   m_log->error("cheat mode enabled, but no MC photons provided");
0235 #endif
0236                 break;
0237               }
0238             }
0239           }
0240         }
0242         // cheat mode, for testing only: use MC photon to get the actual radiator
0243         if(m_cfg.cheatTrueRadiator && mc_photon_found) {
0244           auto vtx    = Tools::PodioVector3_to_TVector3(mc_photon.getVertex());
0245           auto mc_rad = m_irt_det->GuessRadiator(vtx, vtx); // assume IP is at (0,0,0)
0246           if(mc_rad != irt_rad) continue; // skip this photon, if not from radiator `irt_rad`
0247           Tools::PrintTVector3(m_log, fmt::format("cheat: radiator '{}' determined from photon vertex", rad_name), vtx);
0248         }
0250         // get sensor and pixel info
0251         // FIXME: signal and timing cuts (ADC, TDC, ToT, ...)
0252         auto     cell_id   = raw_hit.getCellID();
0253         uint64_t sensor_id = cell_id & m_cell_mask;
0254         TVector3 pixel_pos = m_irt_det->m_ReadoutIDToPosition(cell_id);
0256         // trace logging
0257         if(m_log->level() <= spdlog::level::trace) {
0258           m_log->trace("cell_id={:#X}  sensor_id={:#X}", cell_id, sensor_id);
0259           Tools::PrintTVector3(m_log, "pixel position", pixel_pos);
0260           if(mc_photon_found) {
0261             TVector3 mc_endpoint = Tools::PodioVector3_to_TVector3(mc_photon.getEndpoint());
0262             Tools::PrintTVector3(m_log, "photon endpoint", mc_endpoint);
0263             m_log->trace("{:>30} = {}", "dist( pixel,  photon )", (pixel_pos  - mc_endpoint).Mag());
0264           }
0265           else m_log->trace("  no MC photon found; probably a noise hit");
0266         }
0268         // start new IRT photon
0269         auto *irt_sensor = m_irt_det->m_PhotonDetectors[0]; // NOTE: assumes one sensor type
0270         auto *irt_photon = new OpticalPhoton(); // new raw pointer; it will also be destroyed when `irt_particle` is destroyed
0271         irt_photon->SetVolumeCopy(sensor_id);
0272         irt_photon->SetDetectionPosition(pixel_pos);
0273         irt_photon->SetPhotonDetector(irt_sensor);
0274         irt_photon->SetDetected(true);
0276         // cheat mode: get photon vertex info from MC truth
0277         if((m_cfg.cheatPhotonVertex || m_cfg.cheatTrueRadiator) && mc_photon_found) {
0278           irt_photon->SetVertexPosition(Tools::PodioVector3_to_TVector3(mc_photon.getVertex()));
0279           irt_photon->SetVertexMomentum(Tools::PodioVector3_to_TVector3(mc_photon.getMomentum()));
0280         }
0282         // cheat mode: retrieve a refractive index estimate; it is not exactly the one, which
0283         // was used in GEANT, but should be very close
0284         if(m_cfg.cheatPhotonVertex) {
0285           double ri;
0286           auto mom    = 1e9 * irt_photon->GetVertexMomentum().Mag();
0287           auto ri_set = Tools::GetFinelyBinnedTableEntry(irt_rad->m_ri_lookup_table, mom, &ri);
0288           if(ri_set) {
0289             irt_photon->SetVertexRefractiveIndex(ri);
0290             m_log->trace("{:>30} = {}", "refractive index", ri);
0291           }
0292           else
0293             m_log->warn("Tools::GetFinelyBinnedTableEntry failed to lookup refractive index for momentum {} eV", mom);
0294         }
0296         // add each `irt_photon` to the radiator history
0297         // - unless cheating, we don't know which photon goes with which
0298         // radiator, thus we add them all to each radiator; the radiators'
0299         // photons are mixed in `ChargedParticle::PIDReconstruction`
0300         irt_rad_history->AddOpticalPhoton(irt_photon);
0301         /* FIXME: this considers ALL of the `irt_photon`s... we can limit this
0302          * once we add the ability to get a fiducial volume for each track, i.e.,
0303          * a region of sensors where we expect to see this `irt_particle`'s
0304          * Cherenkov photons; this should also combat sensor noise
0305          */
0306       } // end `in_hit_assocs` loop
0308     } // end radiator loop
0312     // particle identification +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0314     // define a mass hypothesis for each particle we want to check
0315     m_log->trace("{:+^70}"," PARTICLE IDENTIFICATION ");
0316     CherenkovPID irt_pid;
0317     std::unordered_map<int,MassHypothesis*> pdg_to_hyp; // `pdg` -> hypothesis
0318     for(auto [pdg,mass] : m_pdg_mass) {
0319       irt_pid.AddMassHypothesis(mass);
0320       pdg_to_hyp.insert({ pdg, irt_pid.GetHypothesis(irt_pid.GetHypothesesCount()-1) });
0321     }
0323     // run IRT PID
0324     irt_particle->PIDReconstruction(irt_pid);
0325     m_log->trace("{:-^70}"," IRT RESULTS ");
0327     // loop over radiators
0328     for(auto [rad_name,irt_rad] : m_pid_radiators) {
0329       m_log->trace("-> {} Radiator (ID={}):", rad_name, irt_rad->m_ID);
0331       // Cherenkov angle (theta) estimate
0332       unsigned npe        = 0;
0333       double   rindex_ave = 0.0;
0334       double   energy_ave = 0.0;
0335       std::vector<std::pair<double,double>> phot_theta_phi;
0337       // loop over this radiator's photons, and decide which to include in the theta estimate
0338       auto *irt_rad_history = irt_particle->FindRadiatorHistory(irt_rad);
0339       if(irt_rad_history==nullptr) {
0340         m_log->trace("  No radiator history; skip");
0341         continue;
0342       }
0343       m_log->trace("  Photoelectrons:");
0344       for(auto *irt_photon : irt_rad_history->Photons()) {
0346         // check whether this photon was selected by at least one mass hypothesis
0347         bool photon_selected = false;
0348         for(auto irt_photon_sel : irt_photon->_m_Selected) {
0349           if(irt_photon_sel.second == irt_rad) {
0350             photon_selected = true;
0351             break;
0352           }
0353         }
0354         if(!photon_selected) continue;
0356         // trace logging
0357         Tools::PrintTVector3(
0358             m_log,
0359             fmt::format("- sensor_id={:#X}: hit",irt_photon->GetVolumeCopy()),
0360             irt_photon->GetDetectionPosition()
0361             );
0362         Tools::PrintTVector3(m_log, "photon vertex", irt_photon->GetVertexPosition());
0364         // get this photon's theta and phi estimates
0365         auto phot_theta = irt_photon->_m_PDF[irt_rad].GetAverage();
0366         auto phot_phi   = irt_photon->m_Phi[irt_rad];
0368         // add to the total
0369         npe++;
0370         phot_theta_phi.emplace_back( phot_theta, phot_phi );
0371         if(m_cfg.cheatPhotonVertex) {
0372           rindex_ave += irt_photon->GetVertexRefractiveIndex();
0373           energy_ave += irt_photon->GetVertexMomentum().Mag();
0374         }
0376       } // end loop over this radiator's photons
0378       // compute averages
0379       if(npe>0) {
0380         rindex_ave /= npe;
0381         energy_ave /= npe;
0382       }
0384       // fill photon info
0385       auto out_cherenkov_pid =>create();
0386       out_cherenkov_pid.setNpe(static_cast<decltype(edm4eic::CherenkovParticleIDData::npe)>(npe));
0387       out_cherenkov_pid.setRefractiveIndex(static_cast<decltype(edm4eic::CherenkovParticleIDData::refractiveIndex)>(rindex_ave));
0388       out_cherenkov_pid.setPhotonEnergy(static_cast<decltype(edm4eic::CherenkovParticleIDData::photonEnergy)>(energy_ave));
0389       for(auto [phot_theta,phot_phi] : phot_theta_phi)
0390         out_cherenkov_pid.addToThetaPhiPhotons(edm4hep::Vector2f{
0391             static_cast<float>(phot_theta),
0392             static_cast<float>(phot_phi)
0393             });
0395       // relate mass hypotheses
0396       for(auto [pdg,mass] : m_pdg_mass) {
0398         // get hypothesis results
0399         auto *irt_hypothesis =;
0400         auto hyp_weight     = irt_hypothesis->GetWeight(irt_rad);
0401         auto hyp_npe        = irt_hypothesis->GetNpe(irt_rad);
0403         // fill `ParticleID` output collection
0404         edm4eic::CherenkovParticleIDHypothesis out_hypothesis;
0405         out_hypothesis.PDG    = static_cast<decltype(edm4eic::CherenkovParticleIDHypothesis::PDG)>(pdg);
0406         out_hypothesis.weight = static_cast<decltype(edm4eic::CherenkovParticleIDHypothesis::weight)>(hyp_weight);
0407         out_hypothesis.npe    = static_cast<decltype(edm4eic::CherenkovParticleIDHypothesis::npe)>(hyp_npe);
0409         // relate
0410         out_cherenkov_pid.addToHypotheses(out_hypothesis);
0412       } // end hypothesis loop
0414       // logging
0415       Tools::PrintCherenkovEstimate(m_log, out_cherenkov_pid);
0417       // relate charged particle projection
0418       auto charged_particle_list_it = in_charged_particles.find("Merged");
0419       if(charged_particle_list_it != in_charged_particles.end()) {
0420         const auto *charged_particle_list = charged_particle_list_it->second;
0421         auto charged_particle      = charged_particle_list->at(i_charged_particle);
0422         out_cherenkov_pid.setChargedParticle(charged_particle);
0423       }
0424       else
0425         m_log->error("Cannot find radiator 'Merged' in `in_charged_particles`");
0427       // relate hit associations
0428       for(const auto& hit_assoc : *in_hit_assocs)
0429         out_cherenkov_pid.addToRawHitAssociations(hit_assoc);
0431     } // end radiator loop
0433     /* NOTE: `unique_ptr irt_particle` goes out of scope and will now be destroyed, and along with it:
0434      * - raw pointer `irt_rad_history` for each radiator
0435      * - all `irt_photon` raw pointers
0436      */
0438   } // end `in_charged_particles` loop
0439 }
0441 } // namespace eicrecon