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EIC code displayed by LXR



Warning, /DEMPgen/reference_output/eic_DEMPgen_EIC_test.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 Seed used for the Random Number Generator                                            24432
0003 Total events tried                                                                  100000
0004 Total events cut                                                                     99927              99.927 %
0005 Total events recorded                                                                   73               0.073 %
0006 Total events cut + recorded = events tried?                                        Yes! :)
0008 Cut details -                                                         
0009 Events cut due to ejectile (X) energy NaN                                             6226               6.226 %
0010 Events cut due to conservation law check failure                                      1218               1.218 %
0011 Events cut due to negative Wsq value                                                 38576              38.576 %
0012 Events cut due to qsq < 3.5 or qsq > 35.0                                              273               0.273 %
0013 Events cut due to W < 2.0 or W > 10.2                                                39771              39.771 %
0014 Events cut due to -t > 1.3 GeV                                                       13863              13.863 %
0015 Events cut due to -ve cross section value                                                0                   0 %
0016 Events cut due to -ve weight value                                                       0                   0 %
0018 Conservation law checks details -                                     
0019 Total events PASSING conservation law check with tolerance 1.00e-05                  92556
0020 Events cut due to energy conservation check ONLY                                      1218               1.218 %
0021 Events cut due to momentum conservation check ONLY                                       0                   0 %
0022 Events cut due to energy AND momentum conservation checks                                0                   0 %
0023 Events cut due to px conservation law check                                              0                   0 %
0024 Events cut due to py conservation law check                                              0                   0 %
0025 Events cut due to pz conservation law check                                              0                   0 %
0026 Events cut due to px and py conservation law checks                                      0                   0 %
0027 Events cut due to px and pz conservation law checks                                      0                   0 %
0028 Events cut due to py and pz conservation law checks                                      0                   0 %
0029 Events cut due to px, py and pz conservation law checks                                  0                   0 %
0031 Weight correction factors -                                           
0032 Ratio of phase space factors (fPSF_org/fPSF)                                      0.325334
0033 Ratio of tried to physical events                                                  1.85254
0034  1. If the first ratio is not ~1.0 (+/- 0.05), check the number of recorded events. If the number of recorded events is < 50,000, increase the number of attempted events to generate more data. If the the ratio does not converge to ~1.0, multiply all individual event weights by this factor during analysis. Alternatively, this number can be treated as a tolerance on weights.
0035  2. If the second ratio is large (> XX), then again, multiply all invidiual event weights by this factor during analysis. Again, this could also be considered as a tolerance on weights.
0037 Energies, angles, and phase space factors -                           
0038                                                                               User-defined          Calculated              Actual
0039 Scattered electron energies (Low)                                                      2.5                 4.9             4.92549
0040 Scattered electron energies (High)                                                    12.5                6.62             5.93269
0041 Scattered electron angles (Low)                                                         60             116.925             125.522
0042 Scattered electron angles (High)                                                       175             158.785             158.238
0043 Scattered ejectile angles (Low)                                                          0                 1.5             6.72664
0044 Scattered ejectile angles (High)                                                       100                73.4             63.4974
0045 Phase space factors (fPSF fSF_org)                                                 23.2418             7.56137