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EIC code displayed by LXR



Warning, /DEMPgen/Test_EIC.json is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 // SJDK - 09/02/22 - University of Regina
0004 // This is a template config file for running DEMPGen for EIC events, consult this file for the availble options
0005 // DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - It is used by the two shell scripts in this folder to automatically create a new config file with the conditions you want
0006 // Either copy this file to a new name and edit it as you want OR just execute the shell scripts
0009 {
0010     // This is an exmaple Json configuration file that will accept 
0011     // parameters for both EIC and Solid simulation.
0012     //Config
0013     // All values should use units of MeV for energies and momenta,
0014     // and degrees for angles.
0015     // n_events indicates number of attempts
0016     // "experiment" : "eic" or "solid"
0017     "experiment" : "eic",
0019     "file_name" : "DEMPgen_EIC_test",
0020     "n_events" : 100000,
0021     "generator_seed": 24432,
0023     //**************************************
0024     /// This section if for EIC simulation only
0025     "Kinematics_type" : 1,         // Kinematics type (1->FF, 2->TSSA)
0026     "ROOTOut": "true",             // Enable or disable root file output, true or false
0027     "ejectile": "Pion+",                   // Choices: omega, pi+, pi0, K+
0028     "recoil_hadron": "neutron",                // Choices: Neutron, proton, Lambda or Sigma0
0029     "ebeam": 5,                         // Electron beam energy in GeV
0030     "hbeam": 100,                        // Hadron beam energy in GeV
0031     "hbeam_part":"Proton",           // Hadron beam particle, proton, deut or helium3, work in progress, will need to be added to shell script later on as an argument
0032     "OutputType": "HEPMC3",                // choices: LUND (Docker), Pythia6 (ECCE Fun4All) or HEPMC3 (ePIC)   
0033     "det_location": "ip6",                 // choices: ip6 for STAR, ip8 for PHENIX
0034     "calc_method": "Analytical",            // choices: Analytical or Solve, affects how the ejectile/recoil hadron 4-vectors are calculated. Default is analytical
0035     "Ee_Low": 0.5, // The minimum scattered electron energy that will be generated as a fraction of the electron beam energy
0036     "Ee_High": 2.5, // The maximum scattered electron energy that will be generated as a fraction of the electron beam energy
0037     "e_Theta_Low": 60.0, // The minimum scattered electron angle (theta) that will be generated in degrees
0038     "e_Theta_High": 175.0, // The maximum scattered electron angle (theta) that will be generated in degrees
0039     "EjectileX_Theta_Low": 0.0, // The minimum ejectile angle (theta) that will be generated in degrees
0040     "EjectileX_Theta_High": 100.0, // The maximum ejectile angle (theta) that will be generated in degrees
0041 }