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Warning, /DD4hep/examples/SimpleDetector/compact/materials.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001   <materials>
0002     <material name="G4_KAPTON" state="solid">
0003       <MEE unit="eV" value="79.6"/>
0004       <D unit="g/cm3" value="1.42"/>
0005       <fraction n="0.026362" ref="H"/>
0006       <fraction n="0.691133" ref="C"/>
0007       <fraction n="0.07327" ref="N"/>
0008       <fraction n="0.209235" ref="O"/>
0009     </material>
0010     <isotope N="28" Z="14" name="Si28">
0011       <atom unit="g/mole" value="27.9769"/>
0012     </isotope>
0013     <isotope N="29" Z="14" name="Si29">
0014       <atom unit="g/mole" value="28.9765"/>
0015     </isotope>
0016     <isotope N="30" Z="14" name="Si30">
0017       <atom unit="g/mole" value="29.9738"/>
0018     </isotope>
0019     <element name="Si">
0020       <fraction n="0.922296077703922" ref="Si28"/>
0021       <fraction n="0.0468319531680468" ref="Si29"/>
0022       <fraction n="0.0308719691280309" ref="Si30"/>
0023     </element>
0024     <material name="SiC_foam" state="solid">
0025       <MEE unit="eV" value="137.77733431141"/>
0026       <D unit="g/cm3" value="0.19"/>
0027       <fraction n="0.299548759813591" ref="C"/>
0028       <fraction n="0.700451240186409" ref="Si"/>
0029     </material>
0030     <material Z="13" name="G4_Al" state="solid">
0031       <MEE unit="eV" value="166"/>
0032       <D unit="g/cm3" value="2.699"/>
0033       <atom unit="g/mole" value="26.9815"/>
0034       <fraction n="1" ref="Al"/>
0035     </material>
0036     <material name="G4_Si" state="solid">
0037       <MEE unit="eV" value="173"/>
0038       <D unit="g/cm3" value="2.33"/>
0039       <fraction n="1" ref="Si"/>
0040     </material>
0041     <isotope N="63" Z="29" name="Cu63">
0042       <atom unit="g/mole" value="62.9296"/>
0043     </isotope>
0044     <isotope N="65" Z="29" name="Cu65">
0045       <atom unit="g/mole" value="64.9278"/>
0046     </isotope>
0047     <element name="Cu">
0048       <fraction n="0.6917" ref="Cu63"/>
0049       <fraction n="0.3083" ref="Cu65"/>
0050     </element>
0051     <material name="G4_Cu" state="solid">
0052       <MEE unit="eV" value="322"/>
0053       <D unit="g/cm3" value="8.96"/>
0054       <fraction n="1" ref="Cu"/>
0055     </material>
0056     <material Z="4" name="G4_Be" state="solid">
0057       <MEE unit="eV" value="63.7"/>
0058       <D unit="g/cm3" value="1.848"/>
0059       <atom unit="g/mole" value="9.01218"/>
0060       <fraction n="1" ref="Be"/>
0061     </material>
0062     <material name="G4_Ti" state="solid">
0063       <MEE unit="eV" value="233"/>
0064       <D unit="g/cm3" value="4.54"/>
0065       <fraction n="1" ref="Ti"/>
0066     </material>
0067     <material name="styropor" state="solid">
0068       <MEE unit="eV" value="65.9436601819466"/>
0069       <D unit="g/cm3" value="0.025"/>
0070       <fraction n="0.922577329294378" ref="C"/>
0071       <fraction n="0.0774226707056217" ref="H"/>
0072     </material>
0073     <material name="GroundOrHVMix" state="solid">
0074       <MEE unit="eV" value="259.806022507979"/>
0075       <D unit="g/cm3" value="5.19"/>
0076       <fraction n="0.00360636223506744" ref="H"/>
0077       <fraction n="0.0945480597302505" ref="C"/>
0078       <fraction n="0.0100234489402697" ref="N"/>
0079       <fraction n="0.0286236705202312" ref="O"/>
0080       <fraction n="0.863198458574181" ref="Cu"/>
0081     </material>
0082     <isotope N="35" Z="17" name="Cl35">
0083       <atom unit="g/mole" value="34.9689"/>
0084     </isotope>
0085     <isotope N="37" Z="17" name="Cl37">
0086       <atom unit="g/mole" value="36.9659"/>
0087     </isotope>
0088     <element name="Cl">
0089       <fraction n="0.7578" ref="Cl35"/>
0090       <fraction n="0.2422" ref="Cl37"/>
0091     </element>
0092     <material name="siPCBMix" state="solid">
0093       <MEE unit="eV" value="262.475002085268"/>
0094       <D unit="g/cm3" value="5.05076923076923"/>
0095       <fraction n="0.014498933901919" ref="Cl"/>
0096       <fraction n="0.083477099995865" ref="O"/>
0097       <fraction n="0.0654857498400853" ref="Si"/>
0098       <fraction n="0.00351122019083304" ref="H"/>
0099       <fraction n="0.0142636698452849" ref="C"/>
0100       <fraction n="0.818763326226013" ref="Cu"/>
0101     </material>
0102     <isotope N="36" Z="18" name="Ar36">
0103       <atom unit="g/mole" value="35.9675"/>
0104     </isotope>
0105     <isotope N="38" Z="18" name="Ar38">
0106       <atom unit="g/mole" value="37.9627"/>
0107     </isotope>
0108     <isotope N="40" Z="18" name="Ar40">
0109       <atom unit="g/mole" value="39.9624"/>
0110     </isotope>
0111     <element name="Ar">
0112       <fraction n="0.003365" ref="Ar36"/>
0113       <fraction n="0.000632" ref="Ar38"/>
0114       <fraction n="0.996003" ref="Ar40"/>
0115     </element>
0116     <material name="G4_AIR" state="gas">
0117       <MEE unit="eV" value="85.7"/>
0118       <D unit="g/cm3" value="0.00120479"/>
0119       <fraction n="0.000124000124000124" ref="C"/>
0120       <fraction n="0.755267755267755" ref="N"/>
0121       <fraction n="0.231781231781232" ref="O"/>
0122       <fraction n="0.0128270128270128" ref="Ar"/>
0123     </material>
0124     <material name="Vacuum" state="gas">
0125       <D unit="g/cm3" value="0.00000000001"/>
0126       <fraction n="1" ref="G4_AIR"/>
0127     </material>
0128     <material name="Air" state="gas">
0129       <D unit="g/cm3" value="0.00120479"/>
0130       <fraction n="1" ref="G4_AIR"/>
0131     </material>
0132     <isotope N="180" Z="74" name="W180">
0133       <atom unit="g/mole" value="179.947"/>
0134     </isotope>
0135     <isotope N="182" Z="74" name="W182">
0136       <atom unit="g/mole" value="181.948"/>
0137     </isotope>
0138     <isotope N="183" Z="74" name="W183">
0139       <atom unit="g/mole" value="182.95"/>
0140     </isotope>
0141     <isotope N="184" Z="74" name="W184">
0142       <atom unit="g/mole" value="183.951"/>
0143     </isotope>
0144     <isotope N="186" Z="74" name="W186">
0145       <atom unit="g/mole" value="185.954"/>
0146     </isotope>
0147     <element name="W">
0148       <fraction n="0.0012" ref="W180"/>
0149       <fraction n="0.265" ref="W182"/>
0150       <fraction n="0.1431" ref="W183"/>
0151       <fraction n="0.3064" ref="W184"/>
0152       <fraction n="0.2843" ref="W186"/>
0153     </element>
0154     <material name="G4_W" state="solid">
0155       <MEE unit="eV" value="727"/>
0156       <D unit="g/cm3" value="19.3"/>
0157       <fraction n="1" ref="W"/>
0158     </material>
0159     <material name="g10" state="solid">
0160       <MEE unit="eV" value="114.378463512112"/>
0161       <D unit="g/cm3" value="1.7"/>
0162       <fraction n="0.08" ref="Cl"/>
0163       <fraction n="0.460597175271302" ref="O"/>
0164       <fraction n="0.361327255" ref="Si"/>
0165       <fraction n="0.0193736737588317" ref="H"/>
0166       <fraction n="0.078701895969866" ref="C"/>
0167     </material>
0168     <isotope N="54" Z="26" name="Fe54">
0169       <atom unit="g/mole" value="53.9396"/>
0170     </isotope>
0171     <isotope N="56" Z="26" name="Fe56">
0172       <atom unit="g/mole" value="55.9349"/>
0173     </isotope>
0174     <isotope N="57" Z="26" name="Fe57">
0175       <atom unit="g/mole" value="56.9354"/>
0176     </isotope>
0177     <isotope N="58" Z="26" name="Fe58">
0178       <atom unit="g/mole" value="57.9333"/>
0179     </isotope>
0180     <element name="Fe">
0181       <fraction n="0.05845" ref="Fe54"/>
0182       <fraction n="0.91754" ref="Fe56"/>
0183       <fraction n="0.02119" ref="Fe57"/>
0184       <fraction n="0.00282" ref="Fe58"/>
0185     </element>
0186     <isotope N="50" Z="24" name="Cr50">
0187       <atom unit="g/mole" value="49.946"/>
0188     </isotope>
0189     <isotope N="52" Z="24" name="Cr52">
0190       <atom unit="g/mole" value="51.9405"/>
0191     </isotope>
0192     <isotope N="53" Z="24" name="Cr53">
0193       <atom unit="g/mole" value="52.9407"/>
0194     </isotope>
0195     <isotope N="54" Z="24" name="Cr54">
0196       <atom unit="g/mole" value="53.9389"/>
0197     </isotope>
0198     <element name="Cr">
0199       <fraction n="0.04345" ref="Cr50"/>
0200       <fraction n="0.83789" ref="Cr52"/>
0201       <fraction n="0.09501" ref="Cr53"/>
0202       <fraction n="0.02365" ref="Cr54"/>
0203     </element>
0204     <isotope N="58" Z="28" name="Ni58">
0205       <atom unit="g/mole" value="57.9353"/>
0206     </isotope>
0207     <isotope N="60" Z="28" name="Ni60">
0208       <atom unit="g/mole" value="59.9308"/>
0209     </isotope>
0210     <isotope N="61" Z="28" name="Ni61">
0211       <atom unit="g/mole" value="60.9311"/>
0212     </isotope>
0213     <isotope N="62" Z="28" name="Ni62">
0214       <atom unit="g/mole" value="61.9283"/>
0215     </isotope>
0216     <isotope N="64" Z="28" name="Ni64">
0217       <atom unit="g/mole" value="63.928"/>
0218     </isotope>
0219     <element name="Ni">
0220       <fraction n="0.680769" ref="Ni58"/>
0221       <fraction n="0.262231" ref="Ni60"/>
0222       <fraction n="0.011399" ref="Ni61"/>
0223       <fraction n="0.036345" ref="Ni62"/>
0224       <fraction n="0.009256" ref="Ni64"/>
0225     </element>
0226     <material name="stainless_steel" state="solid">
0227       <MEE unit="eV" value="282.929693036223"/>
0228       <D unit="g/cm3" value="7.87"/>
0229       <fraction n="0.70611" ref="Fe"/>
0230       <fraction n="0.18784" ref="Cr"/>
0231       <fraction n="0.10605" ref="Ni"/>
0232     </material>
0233     <material name="fanele2" state="solid">
0234       <MEE unit="eV" value="75.3984269235952"/>
0235       <D unit="g/cm3" value="2.04"/>
0236       <fraction n="0.0814736540216391" ref="H"/>
0237       <fraction n="0.543350389498575" ref="C"/>
0238       <fraction n="0.257623229207059" ref="O"/>
0239       <fraction n="0.0266436363636364" ref="N"/>
0240       <fraction n="0.0909090909090909" ref="Cu"/>
0241     </material>
0242     <material name="fanele1" state="solid">
0243       <MEE unit="eV" value="83.6887639821308"/>
0244       <D unit="g/cm3" value="2.61666666666667"/>
0245       <fraction n="0.0746841828531692" ref="H"/>
0246       <fraction n="0.498071190373694" ref="C"/>
0247       <fraction n="0.236154626773137" ref="O"/>
0248       <fraction n="0.0244233333333333" ref="N"/>
0249       <fraction n="0.166666666666667" ref="Cu"/>
0250     </material>
0251     <material name="G4_POLYSTYRENE" state="solid">
0252       <MEE unit="eV" value="68.7"/>
0253       <D unit="g/cm3" value="1.06"/>
0254       <fraction n="0.077418" ref="H"/>
0255       <fraction n="0.922582" ref="C"/>
0256     </material>
0257     <isotope N="79" Z="35" name="Br79">
0258       <atom unit="g/mole" value="78.9183"/>
0259     </isotope>
0260     <isotope N="81" Z="35" name="Br81">
0261       <atom unit="g/mole" value="80.9163"/>
0262     </isotope>
0263     <element name="Br">
0264       <fraction n="0.5069" ref="Br79"/>
0265       <fraction n="0.4931" ref="Br81"/>
0266     </element>
0267     <material name="PCB" state="solid">
0268       <MEE unit="eV" value="88.255598548367"/>
0269       <D unit="g/cm3" value="1.7"/>
0270       <fraction n="0.180774" ref="Si"/>
0271       <fraction n="0.405633" ref="O"/>
0272       <fraction n="0.278042" ref="C"/>
0273       <fraction n="0.0684428" ref="H"/>
0274       <fraction n="0.0671091" ref="Br"/>
0275     </material>
0276     <material name="G4_Fe" state="solid">
0277       <MEE unit="eV" value="286"/>
0278       <D unit="g/cm3" value="7.874"/>
0279       <fraction n="1" ref="Fe"/>
0280     </material>
0281     <material name="beam" state="gas">
0282       <P unit="pascal" value="6.25e-06"/>
0283       <MEE unit="eV" value="38.5760755714278"/>
0284       <D unit="g/cm3" value="1.7e-14"/>
0285       <fraction n="0.36264" ref="H"/>
0286       <fraction n="0.36276" ref="N"/>
0287       <fraction n="0.117748421296248" ref="C"/>
0288       <fraction n="0.156851578703752" ref="O"/>
0289     </material>
0290     <material name="TDR_gas" state="gas">
0291       <MEE unit="eV" value="177.374841770826"/>
0292       <D unit="g/cm3" value="0.001731"/>
0293       <fraction n="0.95667" ref="Ar"/>
0294       <fraction n="0.00519198196" ref="H"/>
0295       <fraction n="0.02165502376" ref="C"/>
0296       <fraction n="0.01648299428" ref="O"/>
0297     </material>
0298     <material name="epoxy" state="solid">
0299       <MEE unit="eV" value="60.8292941662115"/>
0300       <D unit="g/cm3" value="1.3"/>
0301       <fraction n="0.131793699039672" ref="H"/>
0302       <fraction n="0.535387047414054" ref="C"/>
0303       <fraction n="0.332819253546274" ref="O"/>
0304     </material>
0305     <material name="G4_C" state="solid">
0306       <MEE unit="eV" value="81"/>
0307       <D unit="g/cm3" value="2"/>
0308       <fraction n="1" ref="C"/>
0309     </material>
0310     <isotope N="27" Z="13" name="Al27">
0311       <atom unit="g/mole" value="26.9815"/>
0312     </isotope>
0313     <element name="Al">
0314       <fraction n="1" ref="Al27"/>
0315     </element>
0316     <material name="TPC_endplate_mix" state="solid">
0317       <MEE unit="eV" value="97.0754229107761"/>
0318       <D unit="g/cm3" value="0.5827515446"/>
0319       <fraction n="0.00953598760814401" ref="C"/>
0320       <fraction n="0.558898138898139" ref="N"/>
0321       <fraction n="0.226789772550668" ref="O"/>
0322       <fraction n="0.00949198949198949" ref="Ar"/>
0323       <fraction n="0.14" ref="Al"/>
0324       <fraction n="0.0096" ref="Cl"/>
0325       <fraction n="0.0433592706" ref="Si"/>
0326       <fraction n="0.00232484085105981" ref="H"/>
0327     </material>
0328     <material name="CarbonFiber" state="solid">
0329       <MEE unit="eV" value="70.7270877537631"/>
0330       <D unit="g/cm3" value="1.46666666666667"/> 
0331       <!-- debug <D unit="g/cm3" value="1.4*1.46666666666667"/> -->
0332       <fraction n="0.794091986922138" ref="C"/>
0333       <fraction n="0.058408571165309" ref="H"/>
0334       <fraction n="0.147499441912553" ref="O"/>
0335     </material>
0336     <material name="G4_GRAPHITE" state="solid">
0337       <MEE unit="eV" value="78"/>
0338       <D unit="g/cm3" value="2.21"/>
0339       <fraction n="1" ref="C"/>
0340     </material>
0341     <material name="diamond" state="solid">
0342       <MEE unit="eV" value="81"/>
0343       <D unit="g/cm3" value="3.51"/>
0344       <fraction n="1" ref="C"/>
0345     </material>
0346     <material Z="79" name="G4_Au" state="solid">
0347       <MEE unit="eV" value="790"/>
0348       <D unit="g/cm3" value="19.32"/>
0349       <atom unit="g/mole" value="196.967"/>
0350     </material>
0351     <material name="G4_POLYETHYLENE" state="solid">
0352       <MEE unit="eV" value="57.4"/>
0353       <D unit="g/cm3" value="0.94"/>
0354       <fraction n="0.143711" ref="H"/>
0355       <fraction n="0.856289" ref="C"/>
0356     </material>
0357     <isotope N="55" Z="25" name="Mn55">
0358       <atom unit="g/mole" value="54.938"/>
0359     </isotope>
0360     <element name="Mn">
0361       <fraction n="1" ref="Mn55"/>
0362     </element>
0363     <material name="Steel235" state="solid">
0364       <MEE unit="eV" value="285.146562707739"/>
0365       <D unit="g/cm3" value="7.87"/>
0366       <fraction n="0.9843" ref="Fe"/>
0367       <fraction n="0.0017" ref="C"/>
0368       <fraction n="0.014" ref="Mn"/>
0369     </material>
0371     <comment> materials introduced for the BeamCal</comment>
0372     <material name="TungstenDens24">
0373       <D value="17.8" unit="g/cm3"/>
0374       <fraction n="0.93" ref="W"/>
0375       <fraction n="0.061" ref="Ni"/>
0376       <fraction n="0.009" ref="Fe"/>
0377     </material>
0379     <material name="Kapton">
0380       <D value="1.43" unit="g/cm3" />
0381       <composite n="22" ref="C"/>
0382       <composite n="10" ref="H" />
0383       <composite n="2" ref="N" />
0384       <composite n="5" ref="O" />
0385     </material>
0387   </materials>