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Warning, /DD4hep/examples/OpticalSurfaces/compact/ReadOpticalSurfaces.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <lccdd>
0002 <!-- #==========================================================================
0003      #  AIDA Detector description implementation 
0004      #==========================================================================
0005      # Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
0006      # All rights reserved.
0007      #
0008      # For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
0009      # For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
0010      #
0011      #==========================================================================
0012 -->
0014   <info name="TestOpticalSurfaces"
0015     title="Test reading of TGeo's Optical Surfaces"
0016     author="Markus Frank"
0017     url="None"
0018     status="development"
0019     version="1.0">
0020     <comment>Test reading of TGeo's Optical Surfaces</comment>
0021   </info>
0023   <includes>
0024     <gdmlFile  ref="${DD4hepINSTALL}/DDDetectors/compact/elements.xml"/>
0025     <gdmlFile  ref="${DD4hepINSTALL}/DDDetectors/compact/materials.xml"/>
0026   </includes>
0028   <define>
0029     <constant name="world_side" value="1*m"/>
0030     <constant name="world_x" value="world_side/2"/>
0031     <constant name="world_y" value="world_side/2"/>
0032     <constant name="world_z" value="world_side/2"/>
0033     <constant name="PhotMomWaveConv" value="1243.125*eV"/>
0034   </define>
0036   <debug>
0037     <type name="matrix"  value="0"/>
0038     <type name="surface" value="0"/>
0039   </debug>
0041   <properties>
0042     <matrix name= "REFLECTIVITY0x123aff00" coldim="2" values="  
0043       PhotMomWaveConv/100.0  0.1
0044       PhotMomWaveConv/190.0  0.2
0045       PhotMomWaveConv/200.0  0.3
0046       PhotMomWaveConv/220.0  0.4
0047       PhotMomWaveConv/240.0  0.2
0048       PhotMomWaveConv/260.0  0.1
0049     "/>
0050     <matrix name= "EFFICIENCY0x8b77240" coldim="2" values="  
0051       PhotMomWaveConv/100.0  0.1
0052       PhotMomWaveConv/190.0  0.2
0053       PhotMomWaveConv/200.0  0.3
0054       PhotMomWaveConv/220.0  0.4
0055       PhotMomWaveConv/240.0  0.2
0056       PhotMomWaveConv/260.0  0.1
0057     "/>
0058   </properties>
0060   <surfaces>
0061     <comment> For the values of "finish", model and type, see TGeoOpticalSurface.h !
0062     </comment>
0063     <opticalsurface finish="Rough_LUT" model="DAVIS" name="OpticalSurface#1" type="dielectric_LUTDAVIS" value="0">
0064       <property name="REFLECTIVITY" ref="REFLECTIVITY0x123aff00"/>
0065       <property name="EFFICIENCY"   ref="EFFICIENCY0x8b77240"/>
0066       <constant name="SURFACEROUGHNESS" value="0.1*mm"/>
0067     </opticalsurface>
0068     <opticalsurface finish="ground" model="unified" name="OpticalSurface#2" type="dielectric_dielectric" value="1">
0069       <property name="REFLECTIVITY" ref="REFLECTIVITY0x123aff00"/>
0070       <property name="EFFICIENCY"   ref="EFFICIENCY0x8b77240"/>
0071       <constant name="SURFACEROUGHNESS" value="0.1*mm"/>
0072     </opticalsurface>
0073   </surfaces>
0075 </lccdd>