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0001 # ==========================================================================
0002 #  AIDA Detector description implementation
0003 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
0004 # Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
0005 # All rights reserved.
0006 #
0007 # For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
0008 # For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
0009 #
0010 # ==========================================================================
0011 from __future__ import absolute_import
0012 import os
0013 import dddigi
0014 import logging
0015 from dd4hep import units
0016 from dddigi import DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR  # noqa: F401
0018 logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
0019 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
0021 attenuation = {'Minitel1Hits': 50 * units.ns,
0022                'Minitel2Hits': 50 * units.ns,
0023                'Minitel3Hits': 50 * units.ns,
0024 }
0027 # ==========================================================================================================
0028 class Test(dddigi.Digitize):
0030   def __init__(self, geometry=None, process_data=True):
0031     global attenuation
0032     dddigi.Digitize.__init__(self, dddigi.Kernel())
0033     dddigi.setPrintFormat(str('%-32s %5s %s'))
0034     dddigi.setPrintLevel(INFO)
0035     self.kernel().printProperties()
0036     self.geometry = geometry
0037     self.input = None
0038     self.main_sequencer()
0039     self.attenuation = attenuation
0040     self.used_inputs = []
0041     self.inputs = ['MiniTel.run00000000.root',
0042                    'MiniTel.run00000001.root',
0043                    'MiniTel.run00000002.root',
0044                    'MiniTel.run00000003.root',
0045                    'MiniTel.run00000004.root',
0046                    'MiniTel.run00000005.root',
0047                    'MiniTel.run00000006.root',
0048                    'MiniTel.run00000007.root',
0049                    'MiniTel.run00000008.root']
0050     if not os.path.exists(self.inputs[0]):
0051       if os.path.exists('DDDigi'):
0052         os.chdir('DDDigi')
0053     if process_data and not os.path.exists(self.inputs[0]):
0054       # This will cause: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'xxxxx'
0055       open(self.inputs[0])
0057   def segment_action(self, nam, **options):
0058     obj = dddigi.Interface.createSegmentAction(self.kernel(), str(nam))
0059     return obj
0061   def load_geo(self, volume_manager=None):
0062     fname = 'file:' + os.environ['DD4hepExamplesINSTALL'] + '/examples/ClientTests/compact/MiniTelGenerate.xml'
0063     self.kernel().loadGeometry(str(fname))
0064     self.printDetectors()
0065     if volume_manager:
0066       vm = self.description.volumeManager()
0067       if not vm.isValid():
0068         self.description.processXMLString(str("""<plugins>
0069           <plugin name="DD4hep_VolumeManager"/>
0070         </plugins>"""))
0071       self.volumeManager = self.description.volumeManager()
0072       if self.volumeManager.isValid():
0073'+++ Successfully created DD4hep VolumeManager')
0074     return self
0076   def data_containers(self):
0077     return list(self.attenuation.keys())
0079   def containers(self, count=None):
0080     if count:
0081       conts = []
0082       result = []
0083       for key in list(self.attenuation.keys()):
0084         conts.append(key)
0085         if len(conts) == count:
0086           result.append(conts)
0087           conts = []
0088       if len(conts) > 0:
0089         result.append(conts)
0090     else:
0091       result = list(self.attenuation.keys())
0092     return result
0094   def check_creation(self, objs):
0095     for o in objs:
0096       if o is None:
0097         self.error('FAILED  Failed to create object')
0099   def declare_input(self, name, input, parallel=True):  # noqa: A002
0100     if not self.input:
0101       self.input = dddigi.Synchronize(self.kernel(), 'DigiParallelActionSequence/READER')
0102       self.input.parallel = True
0104   def next_input(self):
0105     if len(self.used_inputs) == len(self.inputs):
0106       self.used_inputs = []
0107     next_source = self.inputs[len(self.used_inputs)]
0108     self.used_inputs.append(next_source)
0109'Prepariing next input file: ' + str(next_source))
0110     return next_source
0112   def run_checked(self, num_events=5, num_threads=5, parallel=3):
0113     result = 'FAILED'
0114     if self.num_events:
0115       num_events = int(self.num_events)
0116     if self.num_threads:
0117       num_threads = int(self.num_threads)
0118     if self.events_parallel:
0119       parallel = int(self.events_parallel)
0120     evt_done =, num_threads=num_threads, parallel=parallel)
0121     if evt_done == num_events:
0122         result = 'PASSED'
0123     self.always('%s Test finished after processing %d events. [%d parallel threads, %d parallel events]'
0124                 % (result, evt_done, num_threads, parallel, ))
0125     self.kernel().terminate()
0126     return evt_done
0129 # ==========================================================================================================
0130 def test_setup_1(digi, print_level=WARNING, parallel=True):
0131   """
0132       Create default setup for tests. Simply too bad to repeat the same lines over and over again.
0134       \author  M.Frank
0135       \version 1.0
0136   """
0137   # ========================================================================================================
0138'Created SIGNAL input')
0139   input = digi.input_action('DigiParallelActionSequence/READER')  # noqa: A001
0140   input.adopt_action('DigiDDG4ROOT/SignalReader',
0141                      mask=0xCBAA,
0142                      input=[digi.next_input()],
0143                      OutputLevel=print_level, keep_raw=False)
0144   # ========================================================================================================
0145'Creating collision overlay....')
0146   # ========================================================================================================
0147   overlay = input.adopt_action('DigiSequentialActionSequence/Overlay-1')
0148   overlay.adopt_action('DigiDDG4ROOT/Read-1',
0149                        mask=0xCBEE,
0150                        input=[digi.next_input()],
0151                        OutputLevel=print_level,
0152                        keep_raw=False)
0153'Created input.overlay-1')
0154   # ========================================================================================================
0155   event = digi.event_action('DigiSequentialActionSequence/EventAction')
0156   combine = event.adopt_action('DigiContainerCombine/Combine',
0157                                OutputLevel=print_level,
0158                                parallel=parallel,
0159                                input_masks=[0xCBAA, 0xCBEE],
0160                                output_mask=0xAAA0,
0161                                output_segment='deposits')
0162   combine.erase_combined = True
0163   proc = event.adopt_action('DigiContainerSequenceAction/HitP1',
0164                             parallel=parallel,
0165                             input_mask=0xAAA0,
0166                             input_segment='deposits',
0167                             output_mask=0xEEE5,
0168                             output_segment='deposits')
0169   combine = digi.create_action('DigiDepositWeightedPosition/WeightedPosition', OutputLevel=print_level)
0170   proc.adopt_container_processor(combine, digi.containers())
0171   conts = [c for c in digi.containers()]
0172   event.adopt_action('DigiContainerDrop/Drop',
0173                      containers=conts,
0174                      input_segment='deposits',
0175                      input_masks=[0xAAA0])
0177   return event