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Warning, /DD4hep/examples/DDDigi/CMakeLists.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 #==========================================================================
0002 #  AIDA Detector description implementation 
0003 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
0004 # Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
0005 # All rights reserved.
0006 #
0007 # For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
0008 # For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
0009 #
0010 #==========================================================================
0011 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14 FATAL_ERROR)
0013 IF(NOT TARGET DD4hep::DDCore)
0014   find_package ( DD4hep REQUIRED )
0015   include ( ${DD4hep_DIR}/cmake/DD4hep.cmake )
0016   include ( ${DD4hep_DIR}/cmake/DD4hepBuild.cmake )
0017   dd4hep_configure_output()
0018 ENDIF()
0019 #
0020 IF(NOT TARGET DD4hep::DDDigi)
0021   MESSAGE(STATUS "+++> DDDigi examples shall not be built! [DDDigi not enabled]")
0022   return()
0023 ENDIF()
0024 #
0025 dd4hep_set_compiler_flags()
0026 dd4hep_use_python_executable()
0027 #==========================================================================
0028 dd4hep_configure_output ()
0029 #
0030 set(DDDigiexamples_INSTALL  ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/examples/DDDigi)
0031 #
0032 dd4hep_add_plugin(DDDigiExampleLib SOURCES src/*.cpp )
0033 target_link_libraries(DDDigiExampleLib DD4hep::DDDigi Boost::boost ROOT::Geom ROOT::GenVector ROOT::RIO ROOT::Gui ROOT::Hist)
0034 install(TARGETS DDDigiExampleLib LIBRARY DESTINATION lib)
0035 install(DIRECTORY scripts DESTINATION ${DDDigiexamples_INSTALL})
0036 #
0037 dd4hep_configure_scripts (DDDigi DEFAULT_SETUP WITH_TESTS)
0038 #
0039 # Test basic processing chain
0040 dd4hep_add_test_reg(DDDigi_framework
0042   EXEC_ARGS  ${Python_EXECUTABLE} ${DDDigiexamples_INSTALL}/scripts/
0043   REGEX_PASS "\\+\\+\\+ 5 Events out of 5 processed."
0044   REGEX_FAIL "Error;ERROR;FATAL;Exception"
0045   )
0046 #
0047 # Test colored noise factory
0048 dd4hep_add_test_reg(DDDigi_colored_noise
0050   EXEC_ARGS  geoPluginRun -ui -plugin DD4hep_FalphaNoise -shots 1000000 -variance 1 -alpha 0.5
0051   DEPENDS    DDDigi_framework
0052   REGEX_PASS "FalphaNoise      INFO  Distribution  RMS                 1.0"
0053   REGEX_FAIL "Error;ERROR;FATAL;Exception"
0054   )
0055 #
0056 # Test new properties
0057 dd4hep_add_test_reg(DDDigi_properties
0059   EXEC_ARGS  ${Python_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/examples/DDDigi/scripts/
0060   REGEX_PASS "roperty test PASSED"
0061   REGEX_FAIL "Error;ERROR;FATAL;Exception"
0062 )
0063 #
0064 if (DD4HEP_USE_GEANT4)
0065   # Generate test data
0066   dd4hep_add_test_reg(DDDigi_generate_ddg4_data
0067     COMMAND    "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/"
0068     EXEC_ARGS  ${Python_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/examples/ClientTests/scripts/
0069          -batch -events 30 -runs 8
0070     REGEX_PASS "\\+\\+\\+ Finished run 7 after 30 events \\(240 events in total\\)."
0071     # Space is intentional to avoid G4Exception (From FindIon)
0072     REGEX_FAIL "Error;ERROR;FATAL; Exception"
0073   )
0074   # Test basic input reading from DDG4
0075   dd4hep_add_test_reg(DDDigi_test_input_reading
0076     COMMAND    "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/"
0077     EXEC_ARGS  ${Python_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/examples/DDDigi/scripts/
0078     DEPENDS    DDDigi_generate_ddg4_data
0079     REGEX_PASS "\\+\\+\\+ 5 Events out of 5 processed"
0080     REGEX_FAIL "Error;ERROR;FATAL;Exception"
0081   )
0082   # Test DDDigi exception while processing
0083   dd4hep_add_test_reg(DDDigi_test_processing_exception
0084     COMMAND    "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/"
0085     EXEC_ARGS  ${Python_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/examples/DDDigi/scripts/
0086                -num_events 1000
0087     DEPENDS    DDDigi_generate_ddg4_data
0088     REGEX_PASS "\\+\\+ Terminate Digi and delete associated actions."
0089   )
0090   # Test signal attenuation for spillover
0091   dd4hep_add_test_reg(DDDigi_test_attenuate
0092     COMMAND    "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/"
0093     EXEC_ARGS  ${Python_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/examples/DDDigi/scripts/
0094     DEPENDS    DDDigi_generate_ddg4_data
0095     REGEX_PASS "\\+\\+\\+ 5 Events out of 5 processed"
0096     REGEX_FAIL "Error;ERROR;FATAL;Exception"
0097   )
0098   # Test moving IP
0099   dd4hep_add_test_reg(DDDigi_test_move_IP
0100     COMMAND    "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/"
0101     EXEC_ARGS  ${Python_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/examples/DDDigi/scripts/
0102     DEPENDS    DDDigi_generate_ddg4_data
0103     REGEX_PASS "\\+\\+\\+ 5 Events out of 5 processed"
0104     REGEX_FAIL "Error;ERROR;FATAL;Exception"
0105   )
0106   # Test deposit count
0107   dd4hep_add_test_reg(DDDigi_test_deposit_count
0108     COMMAND    "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/"
0109     EXEC_ARGS  ${Python_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/examples/DDDigi/scripts/
0110     DEPENDS    DDDigi_generate_ddg4_data
0111     REGEX_PASS "\\+\\+\\+ 5 Events out of 5 processed"
0112     REGEX_FAIL "Error;ERROR;FATAL;Exception"
0113   )
0114   # Test weighted deposit overlay
0115   dd4hep_add_test_reg(DDDigi_test_weighted_deposit_overlay
0116     COMMAND    "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/"
0117     EXEC_ARGS  ${Python_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/examples/DDDigi/scripts/
0118     DEPENDS    DDDigi_generate_ddg4_data
0119     REGEX_PASS "\\+\\+\\+ 5 Events out of 5 processed"
0120     REGEX_FAIL "Error;ERROR;FATAL;Exception"
0121   )
0122   # Test deposit energy smearing
0123   dd4hep_add_test_reg(DDDigi_test_deposit_smear_energy
0124     COMMAND    "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/"
0125     EXEC_ARGS  ${Python_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/examples/DDDigi/scripts/
0126     DEPENDS    DDDigi_generate_ddg4_data
0127     REGEX_PASS "\\+\\+\\+ 5 Events out of 5 processed"
0128     REGEX_FAIL "Error;ERROR;FATAL;Exception"
0129   )
0130   # Test deposit time resolution smearing
0131   dd4hep_add_test_reg(DDDigi_test_deposit_smear_time
0132     COMMAND    "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/"
0133     EXEC_ARGS  ${Python_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/examples/DDDigi/scripts/
0134     DEPENDS    DDDigi_generate_ddg4_data
0135     REGEX_PASS "\\+\\+\\+ 5 Events out of 5 processed"
0136     REGEX_FAIL "Error;ERROR;FATAL;Exception"
0137   )
0138   # Test deposit position resolution smearing
0139   dd4hep_add_test_reg(DDDigi_test_smear_position
0140     COMMAND    "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/"
0141     EXEC_ARGS  ${Python_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/examples/DDDigi/scripts/
0142     DEPENDS    DDDigi_generate_ddg4_data
0143     REGEX_PASS "\\+\\+\\+ 5 Events out of 5 processed"
0144     REGEX_FAIL "Error;ERROR;FATAL;Exception"
0145   )
0146   # Test deposit track position resolution smearing
0147   dd4hep_add_test_reg(DDDigi_test_smear_track
0148     COMMAND    "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/"
0149     EXEC_ARGS  ${Python_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/examples/DDDigi/scripts/
0150     DEPENDS    DDDigi_generate_ddg4_data
0151     REGEX_PASS "\\+\\+\\+ 5 Events out of 5 processed"
0152     REGEX_FAIL "Error;ERROR;FATAL;Exception"
0153   )
0154   # Test multiple interaction input
0155   dd4hep_add_test_reg(DDDigi_test_multi_interactions
0156     COMMAND    "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/"
0157     EXEC_ARGS  ${Python_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/examples/DDDigi/scripts/
0158     DEPENDS    DDDigi_generate_ddg4_data
0159     REGEX_PASS "\\+\\+\\+ 5 Events out of 5 processed"
0160     REGEX_FAIL "Error;ERROR;FATAL;Exception"
0161   )
0162   # Test spillover input (multi interactions with attenuation)
0163   dd4hep_add_test_reg(DDDigi_test_spillover
0164     COMMAND    "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/"
0165     EXEC_ARGS  ${Python_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/examples/DDDigi/scripts/
0166     DEPENDS    DDDigi_generate_ddg4_data
0167     REGEX_PASS "\\+\\+\\+ 5 Events out of 5 processed"
0168     REGEX_FAIL "Error;ERROR;FATAL;Exception"
0169   )
0170   # Test container parellization
0171   dd4hep_add_test_reg(DDDigi_test_containers_parallel
0172     COMMAND    "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/"
0173     EXEC_ARGS  ${Python_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/examples/DDDigi/scripts/
0174     DEPENDS    DDDigi_generate_ddg4_data
0175     REGEX_PASS "\\+\\+\\+ 5 Events out of 5 processed"
0176     REGEX_FAIL "Error;ERROR;FATAL;Exception"
0177   )
0178   # Test hit resegmentation
0179   dd4hep_add_test_reg(DDDigi_test_detector_resegmentation
0180     COMMAND    "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/"
0181     EXEC_ARGS  ${Python_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/examples/DDDigi/scripts/
0182     DEPENDS    DDDigi_generate_ddg4_data
0183     REGEX_PASS "\\+\\+\\+ 5 Events out of 5 processed"
0184     REGEX_FAIL "Error;ERROR;FATAL;Exception"
0185   )
0186   # Test work splitting by segmentation
0187   dd4hep_add_test_reg(DDDigi_test_segmentation_split_1
0188     COMMAND    "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/"
0189     EXEC_ARGS  ${Python_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/examples/DDDigi/scripts/
0190     DEPENDS    DDDigi_generate_ddg4_data
0191     REGEX_PASS "\\+\\+\\+ 5 Events out of 5 processed"
0192     REGEX_FAIL "Error;ERROR;FATAL;Exception"
0193   )
0194   # Test work splitting by segmentation (2)
0195   dd4hep_add_test_reg(DDDigi_test_segmentation_split_2
0196     COMMAND    "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/"
0197     EXEC_ARGS  ${Python_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/examples/DDDigi/scripts/
0198     DEPENDS    DDDigi_generate_ddg4_data
0199     REGEX_PASS "\\+\\+\\+ 5 Events out of 5 processed"
0200     REGEX_FAIL "Error;ERROR;FATAL;Exception"
0201   )
0202   # Test simple ADC response
0203   dd4hep_add_test_reg(DDDigi_test_simple_adc_response
0204     COMMAND    "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/"
0205     EXEC_ARGS  ${Python_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/examples/DDDigi/scripts/
0206     DEPENDS    DDDigi_generate_ddg4_data
0207     REGEX_PASS "\\+\\+\\+ 5 Events out of 5 processed"
0208     REGEX_FAIL "Error;ERROR;FATAL;Exception"
0209   )
0210   #
0211   # Test raw digi write
0212   dd4hep_add_test_reg(DDDigi_test_digi_root_write
0213     COMMAND    "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/"
0214     EXEC_ARGS  ${Python_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/examples/DDDigi/scripts/
0215     DEPENDS    DDDigi_generate_ddg4_data
0216     REGEX_PASS "\\+\\+\\+ Closing ROOT output file dddigi_write_digi_00000000.root after 5 events"
0217     REGEX_FAIL "Error;ERROR;FATAL;Exception"
0218   )
0219   #
0220   # Test EDM4HEP output module
0221   if (DD4HEP_USE_EDM4HEP)
0222     # Generate edm4hep test data
0223     dd4hep_add_test_reg(DDDigi_generate_edm4hep_data
0224       COMMAND    "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/"
0225       EXEC_ARGS  ${Python_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/examples/ClientTests/scripts/
0226       -batch -events 30 -runs 3 -output MiniTel_DDG4_edm4hep_data.root
0227       DEPENDS    DDDigi_generate_ddg4_data
0228       REGEX_PASS "\\+\\+\\+ Finished run 2 after 30 events \\(90 events in total\\)."
0229       REGEX_FAIL "Error;ERROR;FATAL; Exception"
0230     )
0231     # Test reading EDM4HEP input written with DDG4
0232     dd4hep_add_test_reg(DDDigi_test_edm4hep_read
0233       COMMAND    "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/"
0234       EXEC_ARGS  ${Python_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/examples/DDDigi/scripts/
0235                    -num_events 15 -num_threads 10 -events_parallel 5
0236       DEPENDS    DDDigi_generate_edm4hep_data
0237       REGEX_PASS "\\+\\+\\+ 15 Events out of 15 processed."
0238       REGEX_FAIL "ERROR;FATAL;Exception"
0239     )
0240     #
0241     # Test EDM4HEP writing OUTPUT from ddg4 input (needs to be expanded)
0242     dd4hep_add_test_reg(DDDigi_test_edm4hep_output
0243       COMMAND    "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/"
0244       EXEC_ARGS  ${Python_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/examples/DDDigi/scripts/
0245                    -num_events 5 -num_threads 10 -events_parallel 4
0246       DEPENDS    DDDigi_generate_ddg4_data
0247       DEPENDS    DDDigi_generate_edm4hep_data
0248       REGEX_PASS "\\+\\+\\+ 5 Events out of 5 processed."
0249       REGEX_FAIL "ERROR;FATAL;Exception"
0250     )
0251   endif()
0252 #
0253 endif()
0254 #