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0001 //==========================================================================
0002 //  AIDA Detector description implementation 
0003 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
0004 // Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
0005 // All rights reserved.
0006 //
0007 // For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
0008 // For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
0009 //
0010 // Author     : M.Frank
0011 //
0012 //==========================================================================
0013 //
0014 // DDDB is a detector description convention developed by the LHCb experiment.
0015 // For further information concerning the DTD, please see:
0016 //
0017 //
0018 //==========================================================================
0020 // Framework includes
0021 #include "DDDB/DDDBTags.h"
0022 #include "DDDB/DDDBDimension.h"
0023 #include "DDDB/DDDBHelper.h"
0025 // C/C++ include files
0026 #include <set>
0028 using namespace std;
0029 using namespace dd4hep;
0030 using namespace dd4hep::DDDB;
0032 /// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
0033 namespace dd4hep {
0035   /// Keep all in here anonymous. Does not have to be visible outside.
0036   namespace {
0037     struct dddb_vis {};
0038     struct vis      {};
0039     struct display  {};
0040     struct volume   {};
0041     struct include  {};
0042   }
0043   template <> void Converter<dddb_vis>::operator()(xml_h element) const;
0044   template <> void Converter<vis>::operator()(xml_h element) const;
0045   template <> void Converter<display>::operator()(xml_h element) const;
0046   template <> void Converter<volume>::operator()(xml_h element) const;
0047   template <> void Converter<include>::operator()(xml_h element) const;
0049   /** Convert compact visualization attribute to Detector visualization attribute
0050    *
0051    *  <vis name="SiVertexBarrelModuleVis"
0052    *       alpha="1.0" r="1.0" g="0.75" b="0.76"
0053    *       drawingStyle="wireframe"
0054    *       showDaughters="false"
0055    *       visible="true"/>
0056    */
0057   template <> void Converter<vis>::operator()(xml_h e) const {
0058     VisAttr attr(e.attr<string>(_U(name)));
0059     float red   = e.hasAttr(_U(r)) ? e.attr<float>(_U(r)) : 1.0f;
0060     float green = e.hasAttr(_U(g)) ? e.attr<float>(_U(g)) : 1.0f;
0061     float blue  = e.hasAttr(_U(b)) ? e.attr<float>(_U(b)) : 1.0f;
0063     printout(DEBUG, "Compact", "++ Converting VisAttr  structure: %s.",;
0064     attr.setColor(red, green, blue);
0065     if (e.hasAttr(_U(alpha)))
0066       attr.setAlpha(e.attr<float>(_U(alpha)));
0067     if (e.hasAttr(_U(visible)))
0068       attr.setVisible(e.attr<bool>(_U(visible)));
0069     if (e.hasAttr(_U(lineStyle))) {
0070       string ls = e.attr<string>(_U(lineStyle));
0071       if (ls == "unbroken")
0072         attr.setLineStyle(VisAttr::SOLID);
0073       else if (ls == "broken")
0074         attr.setLineStyle(VisAttr::DASHED);
0075     }
0076     else {
0077       attr.setLineStyle(VisAttr::SOLID);
0078     }
0079     if (e.hasAttr(_U(drawingStyle))) {
0080       string ds = e.attr<string>(_U(drawingStyle));
0081       if (ds == "wireframe")
0082         attr.setDrawingStyle(VisAttr::WIREFRAME);
0083       else if (ds == "solid")
0084         attr.setDrawingStyle(VisAttr::SOLID);
0085     }
0086     else {
0087       attr.setDrawingStyle(VisAttr::SOLID);
0088     }
0089     if (e.hasAttr(_U(showDaughters)))
0090       attr.setShowDaughters(e.attr<bool>(_U(showDaughters)));
0091     else
0092       attr.setShowDaughters(true);
0093     description.addVisAttribute(attr);
0094   }
0096   template <> void Converter<include>::operator()(xml_h e) const {
0097     xml::DocumentHolder doc(xml::DocumentHandler().load(e, e.attr_value(_U(ref))));
0098     xml_h node = doc.root();
0099     string tag = node.tag();
0101     if ( tag == "display" )
0102       xml_coll_t(node,_U(vis)).for_each(Converter<vis>(this->description,param));
0103     else if ( tag == "vismapping" )
0104       xml_coll_t(node,_U(volume)).for_each(Converter<volume>(this->description,param));
0105     else if ( tag == "DDDB_VIS" )
0106       Converter<dddb_vis>(description,param)(node);
0107     else if ( tag == "dddb_vis" )
0108       Converter<dddb_vis>(description,param)(node);
0109   }
0111   template <> void Converter<volume>::operator()(xml_h e) const {
0112     dddb_dim_t dim = e;
0113     string path = dim.nameStr();
0114     string attr = dim.visStr();
0115     DDDBHelper* helper = _param<DDDBHelper>();
0116     helper->addVisAttr(path, attr);
0117   }
0119   template <> void Converter<dddb_vis>::operator()(xml_h e) const {
0120     xml_coll_t(e, _U(include)).for_each(                  Converter<include>(description,param));
0121     xml_coll_t(e, _U(display)).for_each(_U(include),      Converter<include>(description,param));
0122     xml_coll_t(e, _LBU(vismapping)).for_each(_U(include), Converter<include>(description,param));
0123     xml_coll_t(e, _U(display)).for_each(_U(vis),          Converter<vis>    (description,param));
0124     xml_coll_t(e, _LBU(vismapping)).for_each(_U(volume),  Converter<volume> (description,param));
0125   }
0126 }
0128 /// Plugin entry point.
0129 static long load_dddb_vis(Detector& description, xml_h element) {
0130   DDDBHelper* helper = description.extension<DDDBHelper>(false);
0131   if ( helper )   {
0132     dd4hep::Converter<dddb_vis> cnv(description,helper);
0133     cnv(element);
0134     return 1;
0135   }
0136   except("DDDB","+++ Failed to access cool. No DDDBHelper object defined. Run plugin DDDBInstallHelper.");
0137   return 0;
0138 }