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0001 //==========================================================================
0002 //  AIDA Detector description implementation 
0003 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
0004 // Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
0005 // All rights reserved.
0006 //
0007 // For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
0008 // For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
0009 //
0010 // Author     : M.Frank
0011 //
0012 //==========================================================================
0013 //
0014 // DDDB is a detector description convention developed by the LHCb experiment.
0015 // For further information concerning the DTD, please see:
0016 //
0017 //
0018 //==========================================================================
0020 // Framework includes
0021 #include "DDDB/DDDBReader.h"
0022 #include "DDDB/DDDBHelper.h"
0023 #include "DD4hep/Factories.h"
0024 #include "DD4hep/Printout.h"
0025 #include "DD4hep/Detector.h"
0026 #include "DD4hep/Path.h"
0028 // C/C++ include files
0029 #include <sys/types.h>
0030 #include <sys/stat.h>
0031 #include <unistd.h>
0032 #include <fcntl.h>
0033 #include <iostream>
0034 #include <cerrno>
0035 #include "TGeoManager.h"
0036 #include "TRint.h"
0038 using namespace std;
0039 using namespace dd4hep;
0040 using namespace dd4hep::DDDB;
0042 static void check_result(long result)   {
0043   if ( 0 == result )
0044     except("DDDBExecutor","+++ Odd things going on.....");
0045   //result = *(long*)result;
0046   if ( result != 1 )
0047     except("DDDBExecutor","+++ Odd things going on.....Processing result=%ld",result);
0048 }
0050 static void usage_load_xml_dddb()   {
0051   cout <<
0052     "DDDBExecutor opt [opt]\n"
0053     "   Note: No '-' signs infront of identifiers!                           \n"
0054     "                                                                        \n"
0055     "  -loader <plugin>      Plugin instance for XML entity resolution.      \n"
0056     "  -param  <file-name>   Preprocessing xml file                          \n"
0057     "  -input  <file-name>   Directory containing DDDB                       \n"
0058     "  -config <plugin>      Execute config plugin initializing the helper.  \n"
0059     "  -match  <string>      Match string for entity resolver e.g.'conddb:'  \n"
0060     "  -xml    <file-name>   Parse additional XML files using Detector.          \n"
0061     "  -setup  <plugin>      Add setup plugin after dddb parsing.            \n"
0062     "  -exec   <plugin>      Add execution plugin after setup.               \n"
0063     "  -attr   <file-name>   Optional XML parsing for visualization attrs.   \n"
0064     "  -dump                 Call DDDB_DetectorConditionDump plugin.         \n"
0065     "  -visualize            Call display after processing                   \n"
0066     ""
0067     "" << endl;
0069   ::exit(EINVAL);
0070 }
0072 static long run_plugin(Detector& description, const std::string& plugin, std::vector<char*>& args)  {
0073   args.push_back(0);
0074   return description.apply(plugin.c_str(), args.size()-1, &args[0]);
0075 }
0077 static long load_xml_dddb(Detector& description, int argc, char** argv) {
0078   if ( argc > 0 )   {
0079     string sys_id, params, match="conddb:", attr="", loader_name="DDDB_FileReader";
0080     std::vector<string> setup, xmlFiles, executors, config;
0081     std::map<std::string, std::vector<char*> > e_args, s_args, c_args;
0082     long result = 0, visualize = 0, dump = 0;
0083     long event_time = detail::makeTime(2016,4,1,12);
0084     long iov_start  = -1;
0085     long iov_end    = -1;
0086     char last = 0, c;
0088     for(int i=0; i<argc;++i) {
0089       const char* arg = argv[i];
0090       c = 0;
0091       if ( arg[0] == '-' )  {
0092         c = ::toupper(arg[1]);
0093         switch(c)  {
0094         case 'A':
0095           attr = argv[++i];
0096           last = 0;
0097           break;
0098         case 'C':
0099           config.push_back(argv[++i]);
0100           c_args[config.back()] = std::vector<char*>();
0101           last = c;
0102           break;
0103         case 'D':
0104           dump = 1;
0105           last = 0;
0106           break;
0107         case 'E':
0108           executors.push_back(argv[++i]);
0109           e_args[executors.back()] = std::vector<char*>();
0110           last = c;
0111           break;
0112         case 'I':
0113           if ( ::strncasecmp(arg+1,"IOV_START",5)==0 )
0114             iov_start = detail::makeTime(argv[++i],"%d-%m-%Y-%H:%M:%S");
0115           else if ( ::strncasecmp(arg+1,"IOV_END",5)==0 )
0116             iov_end = detail::makeTime(argv[++i],"%d-%m-%Y-%H:%M:%S");
0117           else
0118             sys_id = argv[++i];
0119           last = 0;
0120           break;
0121         case 'L':
0122           loader_name = argv[++i];
0123           last = 0;
0124           break;
0125         case 'M':
0126           match = argv[++i];
0127           last = 0;
0128           break;
0129         case 'P':
0130           params = argv[++i];
0131           last = 0;
0132           break;
0133         case 'S':
0134           setup.push_back(argv[++i]);
0135           s_args[setup.back()] = std::vector<char*>();
0136           last = c;
0137           break;
0138         case 'V':
0139           visualize = 1;
0140           last = 0;
0141           break;
0142         case 'X':
0143           xmlFiles.push_back(argv[++i]);
0144           last = 0;
0145           break;
0146         case 'H':
0147           usage_load_xml_dddb();
0148           break;
0149         case '?':
0150           usage_load_xml_dddb();
0151           break;
0152         default:
0153           usage_load_xml_dddb();
0154         }
0155       }
0156       if ( !c && last == 'C' )
0157         c_args[config.back()].push_back(argv[i]);
0158       else if ( !c && last == 'E' )
0159         e_args[executors.back()].push_back(argv[i]);
0160       else if ( !c && last == 'S' )  {
0161         s_args[setup.back()].push_back(argv[i]);
0162       }
0163     }
0165     Path path = sys_id;
0166     sys_id = path.normalize().c_str();
0168     xml::UriReader* resolver = 0;
0169     if ( !loader_name.empty() )  {
0170       DDDBReader* rdr = (DDDBReader*)dd4hep::PluginService::Create<void*>(loader_name,(const char*)0);
0171       rdr->setMatch(match);
0172       rdr->setDirectory(path.parent_path().c_str());
0173       if ( iov_start >= 0 && iov_end >= 0 )   {
0174         rdr->property("ValidityLower").set(iov_start);
0175         rdr->property("ValidityUpper").set(iov_end);
0176       }
0177       resolver = rdr;
0178     }
0179     /// Install helper
0180     {
0181       const void *args[] = {resolver, 0};
0182       description.apply("DDDB_InstallHelper", 1, (char**)args);
0183     }
0185     /// Execute config plugins without arguments
0186     for(size_t i=0; i<config.size(); ++i)
0187       run_plugin(description, config[i], c_args[config[i]]);
0189     /// Pre-Process Parameters
0190     if ( !params.empty() )    {
0191       const void* args[] = {0, params.c_str(), 0};
0192       printout(INFO,"DDDBExecutor","+++ Processing parameters: %s",params.c_str());
0193       result = description.apply("DDDB_Loader", 2, (char**)args);
0194       check_result(result);
0195     }
0197     /// Process visualization attributes. Must be present before converting the geometry!
0198     if ( !attr.empty() )  {
0199       const void* args[] = {attr.c_str(), 0};
0200       printout(INFO,"DDDBExecutor","+++ Processing visualization attributes: %s", attr.c_str());
0201       result = description.apply("DD4hep_XMLLoader", 1, (char**)args);
0202       check_result(result);
0203     }
0205     /// Process XML
0206     if ( !sys_id.empty() )   {
0207       printout(INFO,"DDDBExecutor","+++ Processing DDDB: %s", sys_id.c_str());
0208       const void* args[] = {0, sys_id.c_str(), "/", &event_time, 0};
0209       result = description.apply("DDDB_Loader", 4, (char**)args);
0210       check_result(result);
0211       printout(INFO,"DDDBExecutor","                         .... done");
0212     }
0214     /// Convert local database to TGeo
0215     {
0216       result = description.apply("DDDB_2dd4hep", 0, 0);
0217       check_result(result);
0218     }
0220     /// Load XML files as wanted (may also be plugins)
0221     if ( !xmlFiles.empty() )  {
0222       for(size_t i=0; i<xmlFiles.size(); ++i)  {
0223         const void* args[] = {xmlFiles[i].c_str(), 0};
0224         description.apply("DD4hep_XMLLoader", 1, (char**)args);
0225       }
0226     }
0228     /// Execute further setup plugins without arguments
0229     for(size_t i=0; i<setup.size(); ++i)
0230       run_plugin(description, setup[i], s_args[setup[i]]);
0232     /// Call executors
0233     for(size_t i=0; i<executors.size(); ++i)
0234       run_plugin(description, executors[i], e_args[executors[i]]);
0236     if ( dump )    {
0237       printout(INFO,"DDDBExecutor","------------------> Conditions dump:");
0238       description.apply("DDDB_DetectorConditionDump", 0, 0);
0239     }
0240     if ( visualize )   { /// Fire off display
0241       pair<int, char**> a(0,0);
0242       TRint app("DDDB", &a.first, a.second);
0243       TGeoManager& mgr = description.manager();
0244       mgr.SetVisLevel(999);
0245       mgr.SetVisOption(1);
0246       description.worldVolume()->Draw("ogl");
0247       app.Run();
0248     }
0249   }
0250   return 1;
0251 }
0252 DECLARE_APPLY(DDDB_Executor,load_xml_dddb)