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0001 //==========================================================================
0002 //  AIDA Detector description implementation 
0003 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
0004 // Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
0005 // All rights reserved.
0006 //
0007 // For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
0008 // For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
0009 //
0010 // Author     : M.Frank
0011 //
0012 //==========================================================================
0013 //
0014 // DDDB is a detector description convention developed by the LHCb experiment.
0015 // For further information concerning the DTD, please see:
0016 //
0017 //
0018 //==========================================================================
0020 // Framework includes
0021 #include "DD4hep/Detector.h"
0022 #include "DD4hep/Path.h"
0023 #include "DD4hep/Printout.h"
0024 #include "DD4hep/Factories.h"
0025 #include "DD4hep/InstanceCount.h"
0026 #include "DD4hep/DetectorProcessor.h"
0027 #include "DD4hep/ConditionsPrinter.h"
0028 #include "DD4hep/AlignmentsProcessor.h"
0029 #include "DD4hep/AlignmentsCalculator.h"
0030 #include "DDCond/ConditionsSlice.h"
0032 #include "DDDB/DDDBConversion.h"
0034 #include "TStatistic.h"
0035 #include "TTimeStamp.h"
0037 using namespace std;
0038 using namespace dd4hep;
0039 using namespace dd4hep::cond;
0040 using align::deltaCollector;    
0041 using align::AlignmentsCalculator;
0043 /// Anonymous namespace for plugins
0044 namespace  {
0046   /// DDDB Conditions analyser to select alignments.
0047   /**
0048    *   \author  M.Frank
0049    *   \version 1.0
0050    *   \date    31/03/2016
0051    *   \ingroup DD4HEP_DDDB
0052    */
0053   class AlignmentSelector  {
0054   public:
0055     typedef std::shared_ptr<ConditionsContent>   Content;
0056     Detector&                description;
0057     string               name;
0058     PrintLevel           printLevel     = INFO;
0059     TStatistic           load_stat, comp_stat;
0060     Content              content;
0061     ConditionsPrinter    printer;
0063     /// Initializing constructor
0064     AlignmentSelector(Detector& l, PrintLevel p)
0065       : description(l), name("DDDBAlignments"), printLevel(p),
0066         load_stat("Load"), comp_stat("Compute"), printer(0,"Alignments")
0067     {
0068       printer.printLevel = DEBUG;
0069       content.reset(new ConditionsContent());
0070     }
0072     /// Default destructor
0073     virtual ~AlignmentSelector()   {
0074       content.reset();
0075     }
0076     /// Initial collector call
0077     long collect(ConditionsManager manager, const IOV& iov)  {
0078       shared_ptr<ConditionsSlice> slice(new ConditionsSlice(manager,content));
0079       ConditionsManager::Result cres = manager.prepare(iov, *slice);
0080       printout(INFO,name,
0081                "++ DDDB: Initial prepare: %7ld conditions (S:%ld,L:%ld,C:%ld,M:%ld) for IOV:%-12s",
0082      , cres.selected, cres.loaded, cres.computed, cres.missing, iov.str().c_str());
0083       cond::fill_content(manager,*content,*iov.iovType);
0084       printout(INFO,name,"++ DDDB: Content: %ld conditions, %ld derived conditions.",
0085                content->conditions().size(), content->derived().size());
0086       return 1;
0087     }
0088     /// Compute dependent alignment conditions
0089     int computeDependencies(shared_ptr<ConditionsSlice>& slice,
0090                             ConditionsManager manager,
0091                             const IOV& iov,
0092                             bool access = false)
0093     {
0094       AlignmentsCalculator align;
0095       std::map<DetElement, Delta> align_deltas;
0096       slice.reset(new ConditionsSlice(manager,content));
0097       TTimeStamp acc_start;
0098       ConditionsManager::Result cres = manager.prepare(iov, *slice);
0099       TTimeStamp acc_stop;
0100       load_stat.Fill(acc_stop.AsDouble()-acc_start.AsDouble());
0101       printout(INFO,name,
0102                "++ DDDB: Prepared %7ld conditions (S:%ld,L:%ld,C:%ld,M:%ld) for IOV:%-12s",
0103      , cres.selected, cres.loaded, cres.computed, cres.missing, iov.str().c_str());
0105       DetectorScanner(deltaCollector(*slice,align_deltas),,0,true);
0107       TTimeStamp comp_start;
0108       AlignmentsCalculator::Result ares = align.compute(align_deltas,*slice);
0109       TTimeStamp comp_stop;
0110       comp_stat.Fill(comp_stop.AsDouble()-comp_start.AsDouble());
0111       printout(INFO,name,
0112                "++ DDDB: AlignmentManager: %7ld conditions (S:%ld,L:%ld,C:%ld,M:%ld) alignments: (A:%ld,M:%ld) for IOV:%-12s",
0113      , cres.selected, cres.loaded, cres.computed, cres.missing, 
0114                ares.computed, ares.missing, iov.str().c_str());
0115       if ( access )   {
0116         set<DetElement> detectors;
0117         for ( const auto& e : align_deltas )  {
0118           Condition               c = slice->get(e.first,align::Keys::alignmentKey);
0119           Alignment               a = c;
0120           const Delta&            D =;
0121           printout(PrintLevel(printLevel+1),"Alignment",
0122                    "++ [%16llX] (%11s-%8s-%5s) Cond:%p '%s . %s'", c.key(),
0123                    D.hasTranslation() ? "Translation" : "",
0124                    D.hasRotation() ? "Rotation" : "",
0125                    D.hasPivot() ? "Pivot" : "",
0126                    c.ptr(),
0127                    e.first.path().c_str(),
0128          ;
0129           detectors.insert(e.first);
0130         }
0131         printout(INFO,name,"++ DDDB: Accessed %ld alignments from %ld DetElement objects.",
0132                  align_deltas.size(), detectors.size());
0133       }
0134       return 1;
0135     }
0136   };
0137 }
0139 //==========================================================================
0140 namespace  {
0142   /// Plugin function: Load dependent alignment conditions according to time stamps.
0143   long dddb_derived_alignments(Detector& description, int argc, char** argv) {
0144     int turns = 1, accesses = 1;
0145     PrintLevel level = INFO;
0146     long time = detail::makeTime(2016,4,1,12);
0147     string fname = Path(__FILE__).filename();
0149     for(int i=0; i<argc; ++i)  {
0150       if ( ::strncmp(argv[i],"-time",3)==0 )  {
0151         time = detail::makeTime(argv[++i],"%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S");
0152         printout(level,"DDDB","Setting event time in %s to %s [%ld]",
0153                  fname.c_str(), argv[i-1], time);
0154       }
0155       else if ( ::strncmp(argv[i],"-print",3)==0 )  {
0156         level = dd4hep::printLevel(argv[++i]);
0157         printout(level,"DDDB","Setting print level in %s to %s [%d]",
0158                  fname.c_str(), argv[i-1], level);
0159       }
0160       else if ( ::strncmp(argv[i],"-turns",3)==0 )  {
0161         turns = ::atol(argv[++i]);
0162         printout(level,"DDDB","Accumulate statistics in %s for %d [%s] turns.",
0163                  fname.c_str(), turns, argv[i-1]);
0164       }
0165       else if ( ::strncmp(argv[i],"-access",3)==0 )  {
0166         accesses = ::atol(argv[++i]);
0167         printout(level,"DDDB","Accumulate statistics in %s for %d [%s] accesses per turn.",
0168                  fname.c_str(), turns, argv[i-1]);
0169       }
0170       else if ( ::strcmp(argv[i],"--help")==0 )      {
0171         printout(level,"Plugin-Help","Usage: DDDB_DerivedAlignmentsTest --opt [--opt]        ");
0172         printout(level,"Plugin-Help","  -time  <string>     Set event time Format: \"%%d-%%m-%%Y %%H:%%M:%%S\"");
0173         printout(level,"Plugin-Help","  -print <value>      Printlevel for output      ");
0174         printout(level,"Plugin-Help","  -help               Print this help message    ");
0175         ::exit(EINVAL);
0176       }
0177     }
0178     int ret;
0179     {
0180       AlignmentSelector selec(description, level);
0181       ConditionsManager manager(ConditionsManager::from(description));
0182       TStatistic        cr_stat("Initialize"), re_acc_stat("Reaccess");
0183       const IOVType*    iovType = manager.iovType("epoch");
0184       {
0185         TTimeStamp start;
0186         IOV  iov(iovType, time);
0187         ret = selec.collect(manager,iov);
0188         TTimeStamp stop;
0189         cr_stat.Fill(stop.AsDouble()-start.AsDouble());
0190       }
0191       if ( ret == 1 )  {
0192         std::vector<IOV> iovs;
0193         for(int i=0; i<turns; ++i)  {
0194           shared_ptr<ConditionsSlice> slice;
0195           iovs.push_back(IOV(iovType, time + (i+1)*3600));
0196           ret = selec.computeDependencies(slice,manager,iovs.back());
0197         }
0199         for(int j = 0; j < accesses; ++j )   {
0200           for(int i = 0; i < turns; ++i )  {
0201             const IOV& iov = iovs[i];
0202             shared_ptr<ConditionsSlice> slice(new ConditionsSlice(manager,selec.content));
0203             TTimeStamp start;
0204             ConditionsManager::Result cres = manager.prepare(iov, *slice);
0205             TTimeStamp stop;
0206             re_acc_stat.Fill(stop.AsDouble()-start.AsDouble());
0207             printout(INFO,"DDDBAlign",
0208                      "++ DDDB: REACCESS:         %7ld conditions (S:%ld,L:%ld,C:%ld,M:%ld)             for IOV:%-12s",
0209            , cres.selected, cres.loaded, cres.computed, cres.missing, iov.str().c_str());
0210           }
0211         }
0212       }
0213       printout(INFO,"Statistics","+======= Summary: # of Runs: %3d ==========================================",turns);
0214       printout(INFO,"Statistics","+ DDDB:  %-12s:  %11.5g +- %11.4g  RMS = %11.5g  N = %lld",
0215                cr_stat.GetName(), cr_stat.GetMean(), cr_stat.GetMeanErr(), cr_stat.GetRMS(), cr_stat.GetN());
0216       printout(INFO,"Statistics","+ DDDB:  %-12s:  %11.5g +- %11.4g  RMS = %11.5g  N = %lld",
0217                selec.load_stat.GetName(), selec.load_stat.GetMean(), selec.load_stat.GetMeanErr(),
0218                selec.load_stat.GetRMS(), selec.load_stat.GetN());
0219       printout(INFO,"Statistics","+ DDDB:  %-12s:  %11.5g +- %11.4g  RMS = %11.5g  N = %lld",
0220                selec.comp_stat.GetName(), selec.comp_stat.GetMean(), selec.comp_stat.GetMeanErr(),
0221                selec.comp_stat.GetRMS(), selec.comp_stat.GetN());
0222       printout(INFO,"Statistics","+ DDDB:  %-12s:  %11.5g +- %11.4g  RMS = %11.5g  N = %lld",
0223                re_acc_stat.GetName(), re_acc_stat.GetMean(), re_acc_stat.GetMeanErr(),
0224                re_acc_stat.GetRMS(), re_acc_stat.GetN());
0225       printout(INFO,"Statistics","+=========================================================================");
0226     }
0227     InstanceCount::dump();
0228     return ret;
0229   }
0230 }   /* End anonymous namespace  */
0231 DECLARE_APPLY(DDDB_DerivedAlignmentsTest,dddb_derived_alignments)
0232 //==========================================================================
0234 namespace  {
0235   /// Plugin function: Access dependent alignment conditions from DetElement object using global and local keys
0236   long dddb_access_alignments(Detector& description, int argc, char** argv) {
0237     PrintLevel level = INFO;
0238     long time = detail::makeTime(2016,4,1,12);
0239     for(int i=0; i<argc; ++i)  {
0240       if ( ::strcmp(argv[i],"-time")==0 )  {
0241         time = detail::makeTime(argv[++i],"%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S");
0242         printout(level,"DDDB","Setting event time in %s to %s [%ld]",
0243                  Path(__FILE__).filename().c_str(), argv[i-1], time);
0244       }
0245       else if ( ::strcmp(argv[i],"-print")==0 )  {
0246         level = dd4hep::printLevel(argv[++i]);
0247         printout(level,"DDDB","Setting print level in %s to %s [%d]",
0248                  Path(__FILE__).filename().c_str(), argv[i-1], level);
0249       }
0250       else if ( ::strcmp(argv[i],"--help")==0 )      {
0251         printout(level,"Plugin-Help","Usage: DDDB_AlignmentsAccessTest --opt [--opt]        ");
0252         printout(level,"Plugin-Help","  -time  <string>     Set event time Format: \"%%d-%%m-%%Y %%H:%%M:%%S\"");
0253         printout(level,"Plugin-Help","  -print <value>      Printlevel for output      ");
0254         printout(level,"Plugin-Help","  -help               Print this help message    ");
0255         ::exit(EINVAL);
0256       }
0257     }
0258     AlignmentSelector selec(description,level);
0259     ConditionsManager manager(ConditionsManager::from(description));
0260     const IOVType* iovType = manager.iovType("epoch");
0261     IOV  iov(iovType, time);
0262     int ret = selec.collect(manager,iov);
0263     if ( ret == 1 )  {
0264       shared_ptr<ConditionsSlice> slice;
0265       ret = selec.computeDependencies(slice,manager,iov, true);
0266     }
0267     return ret;
0268   }
0269 }   /* End anonymous namespace  */
0270 DECLARE_APPLY(DDDB_AlignmentsAccessTest,dddb_access_alignments)
0271 //==========================================================================