File indexing completed on 2025-01-18 09:14:52
0021 #include "DD4hep/Path.h"
0022 #include "DD4hep/Alignments.h"
0023 #include "DD4hep/OpaqueDataBinder.h"
0024 #include "DD4hep/detail/ConditionsInterna.h"
0025 #include "DDDB/DDDBTags.h"
0026 #include "DDDB/DDDBHelper.h"
0027 #include "DDDB/DDDBReader.h"
0028 #include "DDDB/DDDBDimension.h"
0029 #include "DDDB/DDDBConversion.h"
0030 #include "DDDBConfig.h"
0032 #include "Math/Polar2D.h"
0035 #include <climits>
0037 using namespace std;
0038 using namespace dd4hep;
0039 using namespace dd4hep::DDDB;
0041 #ifdef __GNUC__
0042 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
0043 #endif
0046 namespace dd4hep {
0049 namespace {
0051 using cond::AbstractMap;
0053 typedef AbstractMap::Params ConditionParams;
0054 struct PositionRPhiZ {};
0055 struct DDDBLogVolRef {};
0056 struct DDDBElementRef {};
0057 struct DDDBMaterialRef {};
0058 struct DDDBCatalogRef {};
0059 struct DDDBConditionRef {};
0060 struct DDDBTabPropertyRef {};
0061 struct DDDBDetElemRef {};
0063 struct DDDBConditionInfo {};
0064 struct DDDBDetElem {};
0065 struct DDDBParam {};
0066 struct DDDBBlock {};
0067 struct DDDBConfig {};
0068 struct DDDBParameter {};
0069 struct DDDBGeometryInfo {};
0070 struct DDDBConditionParam {};
0071 struct DDDBConditionParamMap {};
0072 struct DDDBConditionParamVector {};
0073 struct DDDBConditionParamSpecific {};
0076 std::string str_lower(const std::string& str) {
0077 std::string res = str.c_str();
0078 for(char* p=(char*)res.c_str(); *p; ++p) *p = ::tolower(*p);
0079 return res;
0080 }
0083 std::string str_upper(const std::string& str) {
0084 std::string res = str.c_str();
0085 for(char* p=(char*)res.c_str(); *p; ++p) *p = ::toupper(*p);
0086 return res;
0087 }
0092 class DDDBContext {
0094 private:
0095 template <typename T,typename Q>
0096 void collect_id(Q& container, const string& id, T* object) const {
0097 typename Q::const_iterator i=container.find(id);
0098 if ( i != container.end() ) {
0099 if ( object == (*i).second ) return;
0100 printout(ERROR,"collect","++ Duplicate ID: %s %p <-> %p",
0101 id.c_str(), object, (*i).second);
0102 }
0103 object->id = id;
0104 container[id] = object->addRef();
0105 print(object);
0106 }
0107 template <typename T,typename Q>
0108 void collect_p(Q& container, const string& path, T* object) const {
0109 typename Q::const_iterator i=container.find(path);
0110 if ( i != container.end() ) {
0111 if ( object == (*i).second ) return;
0112 printout(ERROR,"collectPath","++ Duplicate ID: %s %p <-> %p",
0113 path.c_str(), object, (*i).second);
0114 }
0115 container[path] = object->addRef();
0116 }
0118 public:
0123 class Locals {
0124 public:
0125 string obj_path;
0126 DDDBDocument* xml_doc = 0;
0127 Locals() = default;
0128 Locals(const Locals& c) = default;
0129 Locals& operator=(const Locals& c) = default;
0130 };
0135 class PreservedLocals : public Locals {
0136 public:
0137 DDDBContext* context;
0138 #ifdef __DEBUG_LOCALS
0139 void print(const char* opt, bool inc) const {
0140 static int preserv_level = 0;
0141 int level = inc ? preserv_level++ : --preserv_level;
0142 if ( xml_doc )
0143 printout(INFO,"Locals","%s[%d]: %s [%s]", opt, level, obj_path.c_str(), xml_doc->id.c_str());
0144 else
0145 printout(INFO,"Locals","%s[%d]: %s ", opt, level, obj_path.c_str());
0146 }
0147 #else
0148 inline void print(const char*, bool) const {}
0149 #endif
0150 PreservedLocals(DDDBContext* c) : Locals(c->locals), context(c) {
0151 print("PUSH", true);
0152 }
0153 ~PreservedLocals() {
0154 print("POP ", false);
0155 context->locals = *this;
0156 }
0157 };
0159 public:
0160 Locals locals;
0161 Detector* description = 0;
0162 xml::UriReader* resolver = 0;
0163 dddb* geo = 0;
0164 bool check = true;
0166 CondDB2Objects::PrintConfig printConfig;
0168 DDDBContext() = default;
0170 DDDBContext(Detector* d);
0173 void print(const DDDBIsotope* obj) const { if ( printConfig.materials ) dddb_print(obj); }
0174 void print(const DDDBElement* obj) const { if ( printConfig.materials ) dddb_print(obj); }
0175 void print(const DDDBMaterial* obj) const { if ( printConfig.materials ) dddb_print(obj); }
0176 void print(const DDDBShape* obj) const { if ( printConfig.shapes ) dddb_print(obj); }
0177 void print(const DDDBPhysVol* obj) const { if ( printConfig.physvol ) dddb_print(obj); }
0178 void print(const DDDBLogVol* obj) const { if ( printConfig.logvol ) dddb_print(obj); }
0179 void print(const DDDBCatalog* obj) const { if ( printConfig.catalog ) dddb_print(obj); }
0180 void print(const DDDBTabProperty* obj) const { if ( printConfig.tabprop ) dddb_print(obj); }
0181 void print(const DDDBDocument* obj) const { if ( ) dddb_print(obj); }
0184 void collect(const string& id, DDDBCatalog* obj) { collect_id(geo->catalogs, id, obj); }
0185 void collect(const string& id, DDDBShape* obj) { collect_id(geo->shapes, id, obj); }
0186 void collect(const string& id, DDDBPhysVol* obj) { collect_id(geo->placements, id, obj); }
0187 void collect(const string& id, DDDBLogVol* obj) { collect_id(geo->volumes, id, obj); }
0188 void collect(const string& id, DDDBIsotope* obj) { collect_id(geo->isotopes, id, obj); }
0189 void collect(const string& id, DDDBElement* obj) { collect_id(geo->elements, id, obj); }
0190 void collect(const string& id, DDDBMaterial* obj) { collect_id(geo->materials, id, obj); }
0191 void collect(const string& id, DDDBTabProperty* obj) { collect_id(geo->tabproperties, id, obj); }
0192 void collect(const string& id, Condition& object) {
0193 dddb::Conditions::const_iterator i=geo->conditions.find(id);
0194 if ( i != geo->conditions.end() ) {
0195 if ( object.ptr() == (*i).second ) return;
0196 printout(ERROR,"collect","++ Duplicate ID: %s %p <-> %p",
0197 id.c_str(), object.ptr(), (*i).second);
0198 }
0199 geo->conditions[id] = object.ptr();
0200 }
0203 void collectPath(const string& path, DDDBElement* obj) { collect_p(geo->elementPaths, path, obj); }
0204 void collectPath(const string& path, DDDBMaterial* obj) { collect_p(geo->materialPaths, path, obj); }
0205 void collectPath(const string& path, DDDBPhysVol* obj) { collect_p(geo->placementPaths, path, obj); }
0206 void collectPath(const string& path, DDDBLogVol* obj) { collect_p(geo->volumePaths, path, obj); }
0207 void collectPath(const string& path, DDDBTabProperty* obj) { collect_p(geo->tabpropertyPaths, path, obj); }
0208 void collectPath(const string& path, DDDBCatalog* obj) { collect_p(geo->catalogPaths, path, obj); }
0209 void collectPath(const string& path, Condition& object) {
0210 dddb::Conditions::const_iterator i=geo->conditionPaths.find(path);
0211 if ( i != geo->conditionPaths.end() ) {
0212 if ( object.ptr() == (*i).second ) return;
0213 printout(ERROR,"collectPath","++ Duplicate ID: %s %p <-> %p",
0214 path.c_str(), object.ptr(), (*i).second);
0215 }
0216 geo->conditionPaths[path] = object.ptr();
0217 }
0218 } s_config;
0221 DDDBContext::DDDBContext(Detector* d) {
0222 *this = s_config;
0223 description = d;
0224 }
0230 template <typename T> struct Conv : protected Converter<T> {
0231 public:
0233 Conv(Detector& l, void* p, void* o=0) : Converter<T>(l,p,o) {}
0234 void convert(xml::Handle_t element) const;
0235 void fill(xml::Handle_t, T*) const {}
0236 void operator()(xml::Handle_t element) const {
0237 Increment<T> incr;
0238 try {
0239 convert(element);
0240 }
0241 catch(const exception& e) {
0242 bool eval_err = ::strstr(e.what(),"error during expression evaluation");
0243 if ( !eval_err ) eval_err = ::strstr(e.what(),"Evaluator : unknown variable");
0244 if ( !eval_err || (eval_err && s_config.printConfig.eval_error) )
0245 printout(INFO,typeName(typeid(T)),"Failed to convert XML object: %s", e.what());
0246 if ( s_config.printConfig.tree_on_error ) xml::dump_tree(element.parent());
0247 }
0248 catch(...) {
0249 printout(INFO,typeName(typeid(T)),"Failed to convert XML object.");
0250 if ( s_config.printConfig.tree_on_error ) xml::dump_tree(element.parent());
0251 }
0252 }
0253 };
0258 template <typename T> struct ShapeConv : private Converter<T> {
0259 public:
0261 ShapeConv(Detector& l, void* p) : Converter<T>(l,p,0) {}
0262 void operator()(xml::Handle_t element, DDDBShape*& ptr_shape) const {
0263 Increment<T> incr;
0264 try {
0265 convert(element, ptr_shape);
0266 }
0267 catch(const exception& e) {
0268 printout(INFO,typeName(typeid(T)),"Failed to convert object: %s",e.what());
0270 }
0271 catch(...) {
0272 printout(INFO,typeName(typeid(T)),"Failed to convert object.");
0274 }
0275 }
0276 void convert(xml::Handle_t element, DDDBShape*& ptr_shape) const;
0277 };
0280 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBShape>::convert(xml_h element, DDDBShape*& s) const;
0281 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBAssembly>::convert(xml_h , DDDBShape*& s) const;
0282 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBBox>::convert(xml_h element, DDDBShape*& s) const;
0283 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBCons>::convert(xml_h element, DDDBShape*& s) const;
0284 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBConeSegment>::convert(xml_h element, DDDBShape*& s) const;
0285 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBTubs>::convert(xml_h element, DDDBShape*& s) const;
0286 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBTrap>::convert(xml_h element, DDDBShape*& s) const;
0287 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBPolycone>::convert(xml_h element, DDDBShape*& s) const;
0288 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBPolygon>::convert(xml_h element, DDDBShape*& s) const;
0289 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBEllipticalTube>::convert(xml_h element, DDDBShape*& s) const;
0290 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBTRD>::convert(xml_h element, DDDBShape*& s) const;
0291 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBSphere>::convert(xml_h element, DDDBShape*& s) const;
0292 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBBooleanShape>::convert(xml_h element, DDDBShape*& s) const;
0293 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBBooleanUnion>::convert(xml_h element, DDDBShape*& s) const;
0294 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBBooleanIntersection>::convert(xml_h element, DDDBShape*& s) const;
0295 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBBooleanSubtraction>::convert(xml_h element, DDDBShape*& s) const;
0296 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBBooleanOperation>::convert(xml_h element, DDDBShape*& ptr_shape) const;
0298 template <> void Conv<DDDBZPlane>::convert(xml_h element) const;
0299 template <> void Conv<dddb>::convert(xml_h element) const;
0300 template <> void Conv<DDDBLogVol>::convert(xml_h element) const;
0301 template <> void Conv<DDDBBlock>::convert(xml_h element) const;
0302 template <> void Conv<DDDBConfig>::convert(xml_h element) const;
0303 template <> void Conv<DDDBLogVolRef>::convert(xml_h element) const;
0304 template <> void Conv<DDDBPhysVol>::convert(xml_h element) const;
0305 template <> void Conv<DDDBParamPhysVol>::convert(xml_h element) const;
0306 template <> void Conv<DDDBParamPhysVol2D>::convert(xml_h element) const;
0307 template <> void Conv<DDDBParamPhysVol3D>::convert(xml_h element) const;
0308 template <> void Conv<DDDBConditionParam>::convert(xml_h element) const;
0309 template <> void Conv<Delta>::convert(xml_h element) const;
0311 template <> void Conv<Position>::convert(xml_h element) const;
0312 template <> void Conv<PositionRPhiZ>::convert(xml_h element) const;
0313 template <> void Conv<RotationZYX>::convert(xml_h element) const;
0314 template <> void Conv<Transform3D>::convert(xml_h element) const;
0316 void extract_transformation(Detector& description, void* context, xml_coll_t& collection, Transform3D& tr, int which=-1);
0317 void build_transformation(Detector& description, void* context, xml_h element, Transform3D& tr, int which=-1) {
0318 xml_coll_t p(element,_U(star));
0319 extract_transformation(description,context,p,tr,which);
0320 }
0321 string reference_href(xml_h element, const string& ref);
0323 xml_h find_local_element(xml_elt_t element, const string& ref, const xml_tag_t& tag) {
0324 size_t hash = ref.find("#");
0325 if ( hash == 0 ) {
0326 string name = ref.substr(1);
0327 xml_h root = element.document().root();
0328 for(xml_coll_t coll(root,tag); coll; ++coll ) {
0329 string entry = coll.attr<string>(_U(name));
0330 if ( entry == name ) {
0331 return std::move(coll);
0332 }
0333 }
0334 }
0335 return xml_h(0);
0336 }
0338 string object_path(DDDBContext* context, const string& ref) {
0339 size_t hash = ref.rfind("#");
0340 Path path = hash==0 ? ref.substr(1) : ref;
0341 if ( ref[0] != '/' ) {
0342 path = context->locals.obj_path;
0343 path /= (hash==0 ? ref.substr(1) : ref.substr(hash+1));
0344 }
0345 return path.normalize().native();
0346 }
0347 string object_href(xml_h element, const string& ref) {
0348 string p = xml::DocumentHandler::system_path(element);
0349 Path path = p;
0350 p = path.normalize().native();
0351 p += '#';
0352 p += ref;
0353 return p;
0354 }
0355 string reference_path(DDDBContext* context, const string& ref) {
0356 size_t hash = ref.rfind("#");
0357 size_t idx = ref.find(":");
0358 size_t idq = ref.find("/");
0359 Path path = hash==0 ? ref.substr(1) : ref;
0360 if ( (idx == string::npos || idq < idx) && ref[0] != '/' ) {
0361 path = context->locals.xml_doc->id;
0362 if ( hash != 0 ) path = path.parent_path();
0363 path /= ref.substr(0,hash);
0364 }
0365 return path.normalize().native();
0366 }
0367 void print_ref(const char* desc, DDDBContext* context, xml_h element, const string& ref, const string& opt="") {
0368 size_t hash = ref.find("#");
0369 string path = reference_path(context,ref);
0370 string obj = hash == string::npos ? ref : ref.substr(hash+1);
0371 string id1 = object_path(context,ref);
0372 string id2 = reference_href(element,ref);
0373 printout(INFO, desc, "** %s --> %s path: %s # %s %s",
0374 id1.c_str(), id2.c_str(), path.c_str(), obj.c_str(), opt.c_str());
0375 }
0377 template <typename ACTION=dddb>
0378 void load_dddb_entity(DDDBContext* context,
0379 DDDBCatalog* catalog,
0380 xml_h element,
0381 const string& ref,
0382 bool print=false);
0385 template <typename Q> bool _find(const string& id, const Q& container) {
0386 return container.find(id) != container.end();
0387 }
0389 bool checkParents(DDDBContext* context, DDDBCatalog* det) {
0390 dddb* geo = context->geo;
0391 if ( det == geo->top ) {
0392 return true;
0393 }
0394 else if ( det ) {
0395 DDDBCatalog* par = 0;
0396 string parent_id = det->support;
0397 dddb::Catalogs::const_iterator k = geo->catalogPaths.find(parent_id);
0398 if ( k != geo->catalogPaths.end() ) {
0399 par = (*k).second;
0400 par->catalogrefs[det->id] = det;
0401 return checkParents(context, par);
0402 }
0403 Path p(det->path);
0404 parent_id = p.parent_path().native();
0405 if ( parent_id == "/" ) {
0406 return true;
0407 }
0408 k = geo->catalogPaths.find(parent_id);
0409 if ( k != geo->catalogPaths.end() ) {
0410 par = (*k).second;
0411 par->catalogrefs[det->id] = det;
0412 return checkParents(context, par);
0413 }
0414 printout(ERROR,"checkParents", "++ %s: NO PARENT Detector: '%s'!",
0415 det->path.c_str(), parent_id.c_str());
0416 }
0417 return false;
0418 }
0420 void checkParents(DDDBContext* context) {
0421 dddb* geo = context->geo;
0422 if ( context->check ) {
0423 for(dddb::Catalogs::iterator i=geo->catalogs.begin(); i!=geo->catalogs.end(); ++i) {
0424 DDDBCatalog* det = (*i).second;
0425 checkParents(context,det);
0426 }
0427 }
0428 }
0430 void fixCatalogs(DDDBContext* context) {
0431 dddb* geo = context->geo;
0432 xml::UriReader* rdr = context->resolver;
0433 for(dddb::Catalogs::iterator i=geo->catalogs.begin(); i!=geo->catalogs.end(); ++i) {
0434 DDDBCatalog* det = (*i).second;
0435 for(dddb::Catalogs::iterator j=det->catalogrefs.begin(); j!=det->catalogrefs.end(); ++j) {
0436 const string& child_id = (*j).first;
0437 dddb::Catalogs::const_iterator k = geo->catalogs.find(child_id);
0438 if ( k == geo->catalogs.end() ) {
0439 if ( !rdr->isBlocked(child_id) ) {
0440 printout(ERROR,"fixCatalogs","++ MISSING ID: %s child:%s",det->id.c_str(),child_id.c_str());
0441 }
0442 continue;
0443 }
0444 DDDBCatalog* c = (*k).second;
0445 det->catalogs[c->name] = c;
0446 if ( 0 == (*j).second ) {
0447 (*j).second = c;
0448 }
0449 }
0450 for(dddb::Volumes::iterator j=det->logvolrefs.begin(); j!=det->logvolrefs.end(); ++j) {
0451 DDDBLogVol* c = (*j).second;
0452 if ( !c ) {
0453 if ( !rdr->isBlocked(det->id) ) {
0454 printout(ERROR,"fixCatalogs","++ MISSING Volume: %s child:%s",det->id.c_str(),(*j).first.c_str());
0455 }
0456 continue;
0457 }
0458 dddb::Volumes::const_iterator k = geo->volumes.find(c->id);
0459 if ( k == geo->volumes.end() ) {
0460 if ( !rdr->isBlocked(det->id) ) {
0461 printout(ERROR,"fixCatalogs","++ MISSING VolID: %s child:%s",det->id.c_str(),c->id.c_str());
0462 }
0463 }
0464 det->logvols[c->name] = c;
0465 if ( 0 == (*j).second ) {
0466 (*j).second = c;
0467 }
0468 }
0469 }
0470 }
0471 string clean_cond_data(char pre, const string& data, char post) {
0472 string d = pre+data+" ";
0473 size_t idx, idq;
0474 for(idx = d.find_first_not_of(' ',1); idx != string::npos;) {
0475 if ( ::isspace(d[idx]) ) d[idx] = ' ';
0476 idx = d.find_first_not_of(' ',++idx);
0477 }
0478 for(idx = d.find_first_not_of(' ',1); idx != string::npos; ++idx) {
0479 if ( d[idx] != ' ' && ::isspace(d[idx]) ) d[idx] = ' ';
0480 idq = d.find_first_of(' ',idx);
0481 if ( idq != string::npos ) {
0482 idx = d.find_first_not_of(' ',idq);
0483 if ( idx == string::npos ) break;
0484 if ( d[idx] != ' ' && ::isspace(d[idx]) ) d[idx] = ' ';
0485 d[idq] = ',';
0486 continue;
0487 }
0488 break;
0489 }
0490 d[d.length()-1] = post;
0491 return d;
0492 }
0495 template <> void Conv<DDDBConditionParam>::convert(xml_h element) const {
0496 string nam = element.attr<string>(_U(name));
0497 string typ = element.hasAttr(_U(type)) ? element.attr<string>(_U(type)) : string("int");
0498 string data = element.text();
0499 pair<string,OpaqueDataBlock> block;
0500 block.first = nam;
0501 try {
0502 detail::OpaqueDataBinder::bind(detail::ValueBinder(), block.second, typ, data);
0503 }
0504 catch(...) {
0505 pair<string,OpaqueDataBlock> block1;
0506 detail::OpaqueDataBinder::bind(detail::ValueBinder(), block1.second, typ, data);
0507 }
0508 ConditionParams* par = _option<ConditionParams>();
0509 pair<ConditionParams::iterator,bool> res = par->insert(block);
0510 if ( !res.second ) {
0511 printout(INFO,"ParamVector","++ Failed to insert condition parameter:%s",nam.c_str());
0512 }
0513 }
0516 template <> void Conv<DDDBConditionParamVector>::convert(xml_h element) const {
0517 string nam = element.attr<string>(_U(name));
0518 string typ = element.hasAttr(_U(type)) ? element.attr<string>(_U(type)) : string("int");
0519 string data = clean_cond_data('[',element.text(),']');
0520 ConditionParams* par = _option<ConditionParams>();
0521 pair<string,OpaqueDataBlock> block;
0523 block.first = nam;
0524 detail::OpaqueDataBinder::bind(detail::VectorBinder(), block.second, typ, data);
0525 pair<ConditionParams::iterator,bool> res = par->insert(block);
0526 if ( !res.second ) {
0527 printout(INFO,"ParamVector","++ Failed to insert condition parameter:%s",nam.c_str());
0528 }
0529 }
0532 template <> void Conv<DDDBConditionParamMap>::convert(xml_h element) const {
0533 dddb_dim_t e = element;
0534 string nam = element.attr<string>(_U(name));
0535 string key_type = e.attr<string>(_LBU(keytype));
0536 string val_type = e.attr<string>(_LBU(valuetype));
0537 pair<string,OpaqueDataBlock> block;
0538 detail::MapBinder binder;
0540 block.first = nam;
0541 detail::OpaqueDataBinder::bind_map(binder,block.second, key_type, val_type);
0542 for(xml_coll_t i(e,_LBU(item)); i; ++i) {
0543 string key = i.attr<string>(_LBU(key));
0544 string val = i.attr<string>(_LBU(value));
0545 detail::OpaqueDataBinder::insert_map(binder,block.second, key_type, key, val_type, val);
0546 }
0547 ConditionParams* par = _option<ConditionParams>();
0548 pair<ConditionParams::iterator,bool> res = par->insert(block);
0549 if ( !res.second )
0550 printout(INFO,"ParamMap","++ Failed to insert map-condition:%s",nam.c_str());
0551 }
0554 template <> void Conv<DDDBConditionParamSpecific>::convert(xml_h element) const {
0555 string nam = element.parent().attr<string>(_U(name));
0556 pair<string,OpaqueDataBlock> block;
0557 stringstream str;
0559 xml::dump_tree(element, str);
0560 block.second.bind<string>(str.str());
0561 block.first = nam;
0563 ConditionParams* par = _option<ConditionParams>();
0564 pair<ConditionParams::iterator,bool> res = par->insert(block);
0565 if ( !res.second ) {
0566 printout(INFO,"ParamVector","++ Failed to insert condition entry:%s of type <specific/>",nam.c_str());
0567 }
0568 }
0571 template <> void Conv<Delta>::convert(xml_h element) const {
0572 string nam = element.attr<string>(_U(name));
0573 string data = clean_cond_data('(',element.text(),')');
0574 Delta* a = _option<Delta>();
0575 Position pos;
0576 const BasicGrammar& g = BasicGrammar::instance<Position>();
0578 if ( !g.fromString(&pos,data) ) g.invalidConversion(data, g.type());
0579 if ( nam == "dPosXYZ" ) {
0580 a->translation = pos/10.0;
0581 a->flags |= Delta::HAVE_TRANSLATION;
0582 }
0583 else if ( nam == "dRotXYZ" ) {
0584 a->rotation = RotationZYX(pos.z(),pos.y(),pos.x());
0585 a->flags |= Delta::HAVE_ROTATION;
0586 }
0587 else if ( nam == "pivotXYZ" ) {
0588 a->pivot = Translation3D(pos.x(),pos.y(),pos.z());
0589 a->flags |= Delta::HAVE_PIVOT;
0590 }
0591 else {
0592 printout(ERROR,"Delta","++ Unknown alignment conditions tag: %s",nam.c_str());
0593 }
0594 }
0597 template <> void Conv<Condition>::convert(xml_h element) const {
0598 DDDBContext* context = _param<DDDBContext>();
0599 string name = element.attr<string>(_U(name));
0600 string id = object_href(element,name);
0601 if ( !_find(id, context->geo->conditions) ) {
0602 DDDBCatalog* catalog = _option<DDDBCatalog>();
0603 DDDBDocument* doc = context->locals.xml_doc;
0604 string path = object_path(context,name);
0605 static int num_param=0, num_vector=0, num_map=0, num_spec=0, num_align=0;
0606 Condition cond(path,"DDDB");
0607 cond->address = doc->name+"@"+id;
0608 cond->value = path;
0609 cond->validity = "";
0610 cond->hash = detail::hash64(path);
0611 if ( element.hasAttr(_U(comment)) ) {
0612 cond->comment = element.attr<string>(_U(comment));
0613 }
0614 #if 0
0615 if ( str_upper(path).find("/VP/") != string::npos ) {
0616 printout(ALWAYS,"Conditions","Loading condition: %s", path.c_str());
0617 }
0618 #endif
0620 int cls_id = -1;
0621 if ( element.hasAttr(_LBU(classID)) ) {
0622 cls_id = element.attr<int>(_LBU(classID));
0623 }
0624 #if 0
0625 if ( cls_id == AbstractMap::ALIGNMENT ) {
0626 Conv<Delta> conv(description,context,&cond.bind<Delta>());
0627 xml_coll_t(element,_LBU(paramVector)).for_each(conv);
0628 cond->setFlag(Condition::ALIGNMENT_DELTA);
0629 ++num_align;
0630 }
0631 #endif
0632 if ( cls_id == AbstractMap::ALIGNMENT || cls_id == 1008106 ) {
0633 AbstractMap& d = cond.bind<AbstractMap>();
0634 pair<string,OpaqueDataBlock> block;
0635 Delta& align = block.second.bind<Delta>();
0636 d.clientData = doc->addRef();
0637 d.classID = cls_id;
0638 block.first = align::Keys::deltaName;
0640 Conv<Delta> conv(description,context,&align);
0641 xml_coll_t(element,_LBU(paramVector)).for_each(conv);
0642 cond.setFlag(Condition::ALIGNMENT_DELTA);
0643 pair<ConditionParams::iterator,bool> res = d.params.insert(block);
0644 if ( !res.second ) {
0645 printout(INFO,"Condition",
0646 "++ Failed to insert condition parameter:%s",
0647 name.c_str());
0648 }
0649 if ( d.size() > 1 ) {
0650 printout(WARNING,"Condition",
0651 "++ Found ALIGNMENT condition block with MULTIPLE entries [%d]: %s",
0652 int(d.size()), name.c_str());
0653 }
0654 ++num_align;
0655 }
0656 else
0657 {
0658 AbstractMap& d = cond.bind<AbstractMap>();
0659 d.clientData = doc->addRef();
0660 d.classID = cls_id;
0662 Conv<DDDBConditionParam> object_cnv(description,context,&d.params);
0663 xml_coll_t(element,_U(param)).for_each(object_cnv);
0665 Conv<DDDBConditionParamVector> vector_cnv(description,context,&d.params);
0666 xml_coll_t(element,_LBU(paramVector)).for_each(vector_cnv);
0668 Conv<DDDBConditionParamMap> map_cnv(description,context,&d.params);
0669 xml_coll_t(element,_LBU(map)).for_each(map_cnv);
0671 Conv<DDDBConditionParamSpecific> specific_cnv(description,context,&d.params);
0672 xml_coll_t(element,_LBU(specific)).for_each(specific_cnv);
0673 for(xml_coll_t iter(element,_U(star)); iter; ++iter) {
0674 string tag = iter.tag();
0675 string nam = iter.hasAttr(_U(name)) ? iter.attr<string>(_U(name)) : string();
0676 if ( context->printConfig.condition ) {
0677 printout(INFO,"ParamMap","++ Condition:%s -> %s",path.c_str(),nam.c_str());
0678 }
0679 if ( d.classID == AbstractMap::ALIGNMENT ) { continue; }
0680 if ( tag == "param" ) { ++num_param; continue; }
0681 if ( tag == "paramVector" ) { ++num_vector; continue; }
0682 if ( tag == "map" ) { ++num_map; continue; }
0683 if ( tag == "specific" ) { ++num_spec; continue; }
0684 printout(INFO,"Condition","++ Unknown conditions tag:%s obj:%s id:%s",
0685 tag.c_str(), path.c_str(), id.c_str());
0686 }
0687 num_param += int(d.params.size());
0688 }
0689 context->collect(id, cond);
0690 if ( catalog ) {
0691 context->collectPath(path, cond);
0692 }
0693 if ( (context->geo->conditions.size()%500) == 0 ) {
0694 printout(INFO,"Condition","++ Processed %d conditions....last:%s Number of Params: %d Vec:%d Map:%d Spec:%d Align:%d",
0695 int(context->geo->conditions.size()), path.c_str(), num_param, num_vector, num_map, num_spec, num_align);
0696 }
0697 }
0698 }
0701 template <> void Conv<DDDBConditionRef>::convert(xml_h element) const {
0702 DDDBContext* context = _param<DDDBContext>();
0703 DDDBCatalog* catalog = _option<DDDBCatalog>();
0704 string href = element.attr<string>(_LBU(href));
0705 string refid = reference_href(element,href);
0706 string path;
0708 xml_h target = find_local_element(element, href, _LBU(condition));
0709 if ( target )
0710 Conv<Condition>(description,context,catalog)(target);
0711 else
0712 load_dddb_entity(context, catalog, element, href);
0713 dddb::Conditions::const_iterator i=context->geo->conditions.find(refid);
0714 if ( i == context->geo->conditions.end() ) {
0715 printout(ERROR,"ConditionRef","++ MISSING ID: %s Failed to convert ref:%s cat:%s",
0716 refid.c_str(),path.c_str(), catalog ? catalog->path.c_str() : "???");
0717 if ( context->printConfig.condition_ref ) {
0718 print_ref("ConditionRef", context, element, href, "Path:----");
0719 }
0720 return;
0721 }
0722 Condition cond((*i).second);
0723 path = object_path(context,cond->name);
0724 context->collectPath(path, cond);
0725 if ( context->printConfig.condition_ref ) {
0726 print_ref("ConditionRef", context, element, href, "Path:"+path);
0727 }
0728 }
0731 template <> void Conv<DDDBAuthor>::convert(xml_h element) const {
0732 string* context = _option<string>();
0733 if ( element.hasAttr(_U(author)) ) *context = element.attr<string>(_U(author));
0734 }
0737 template <> void Conv<DDDBVersion>::convert(xml_h element) const {
0738 string* context = _option<string>();
0739 if ( element.hasAttr(_U(version)) ) *context = element.attr<string>(_U(version));
0740 }
0743 template <> void Conv<DDDBParam>::convert(xml_h element) const {
0744 DDDBCatalog* det = _option<DDDBCatalog>();
0745 string name = element.attr<string>(_U(name));
0746 string type = element.hasAttr(_U(type)) ? element.attr<string>(_U(type)) : string("int");
0747 string value = element.text();
0748 det->params[name] = make_pair(type,value);
0749 }
0752 template <> void Conv<DDDBBlock>::convert(xml_h element) const {
0753 DDDBContext* context = _param<DDDBContext>();
0754 context->resolver->blockPath(element.attr<string>(_U(name)));
0755 }
0758 template <> void Conv<DDDBConfig>::convert(xml_h element) const {
0759 xml_dim_t e = element;
0760 if ( e.hasAttr(_U(type)) && e.attr<string>(_U(type)) != "CondDB2DDDB" ) {
0761 return;
0762 }
0763 if ( !e.hasAttr(_U(type)) || e.attr<string>(_U(type)) != "CondDB2DDDB" ) {
0764 CondDB2Objects::PrintConfig& cfg = s_config.printConfig;
0765 for(xml_coll_t c(element,_U(param)); c; ++c) {
0766 xml_dim_t p = c;
0767 if ( p.nameStr() == "print_file_load" )
0768 cfg.file_load = p.attr<bool>(_U(value));
0769 else if ( p.nameStr() == "print_xml" )
0770 cfg.xml = p.attr<bool>(_U(value));
0771 else if ( p.nameStr() == "print_docs" )
0772 = p.attr<bool>(_U(value));
0773 else if ( p.nameStr() == "print_materials" )
0774 cfg.materials = p.attr<bool>(_U(value));
0775 else if ( p.nameStr() == "print_logvol" )
0776 cfg.logvol = p.attr<bool>(_U(value));
0777 else if ( p.nameStr() == "print_shapes" )
0778 cfg.shapes = p.attr<bool>(_U(value));
0779 else if ( p.nameStr() == "print_physvol" )
0780 cfg.physvol = p.attr<bool>(_U(value));
0781 else if ( p.nameStr() == "print_params" )
0782 cfg.params = p.attr<bool>(_U(value));
0783 else if ( p.nameStr() == "print_detelem" )
0784 cfg.detelem = p.attr<bool>(_U(value));
0785 else if ( p.nameStr() == "print_detelem_ref" )
0786 cfg.detelem_ref = p.attr<bool>(_U(value));
0787 else if ( p.nameStr() == "print_detelem_xml" )
0788 cfg.detelem_xml = p.attr<bool>(_U(value));
0789 else if ( p.nameStr() == "print_condition" )
0790 cfg.condition = p.attr<bool>(_U(value));
0791 else if ( p.nameStr() == "print_condition_ref" )
0792 cfg.condition_ref = p.attr<bool>(_U(value));
0793 else if ( p.nameStr() == "print_catalog" )
0794 cfg.catalog = p.attr<bool>(_U(value));
0795 else if ( p.nameStr() == "print_catalog_ref" )
0796 cfg.catalog_ref = p.attr<bool>(_U(value));
0797 else if ( p.nameStr() == "print_tabprop" )
0798 cfg.tabprop = p.attr<bool>(_U(value));
0799 else if ( p.nameStr() == "print_tree_on_error" )
0800 cfg.tree_on_error = p.attr<bool>(_U(value));
0801 else if ( p.nameStr() == "print_eval_error" )
0802 cfg.eval_error = p.attr<bool>(_U(value));
0803 }
0804 }
0805 else if ( e.attr<string>(_U(type)) != "DDDB2Objects" ) {
0806 DDDB2Objects::PrintConfig& cfg = DDDB2Objects::PrintConfig::instance();
0807 for(xml_coll_t c(element,_U(param)); c; ++c) {
0808 xml_dim_t p = c;
0809 if ( p.nameStr() == "print_materials" )
0810 cfg.materials = p.attr<bool>(_U(value));
0811 else if ( p.nameStr() == "print_logvol" )
0812 cfg.logvol = p.attr<bool>(_U(value));
0813 else if ( p.nameStr() == "print_shapes" )
0814 cfg.shapes = p.attr<bool>(_U(value));
0815 else if ( p.nameStr() == "print_physvol" )
0816 cfg.physvol = p.attr<bool>(_U(value));
0817 else if ( p.nameStr() == "print_params" )
0818 cfg.params = p.attr<bool>(_U(value));
0819 else if ( p.nameStr() == "print_detelem" )
0820 cfg.detelem = p.attr<bool>(_U(value));
0821 else if ( p.nameStr() == "print_condition" )
0822 cfg.condition = p.attr<bool>(_U(value));
0823 else if ( p.nameStr() == "print_vis" )
0824 cfg.vis = p.attr<bool>(_U(value));
0825 else if ( p.nameStr() == "max_volume_depth" )
0826 cfg.max_volume_depth = p.attr<int>(_U(value));
0827 }
0828 }
0829 }
0832 template <> void Conv<DDDBConditionInfo>::convert(xml_h element) const {
0833 DDDBCatalog* det = _option<DDDBCatalog>();
0834 string name = element.attr<string>(_U(name));
0835 string cond = element.attr<string>(_LBU(condition));
0836 det->conditioninfo[name] = cond;
0837 }
0840 template <> void Conv<DDDBIsotope>::convert(xml_h element) const {
0841 DDDBContext* context = _param<DDDBContext>();
0842 dddb_dim_t x_i = element;
0843 string name = x_i.nameStr();
0844 string id = object_path(context,name);
0845 if ( !_find(id, context->geo->isotopes) ) {
0846 DDDBIsotope* i = new DDDBIsotope();
0847 i->name = name;
0848 i->A = x_i.A(-1.0);
0849 i->Z = x_i.Z(-1.0);
0850 i->density = x_i.density(-1.0);
0851 context->collect(id, i);
0852 i->setDocument(context->locals.xml_doc);
0853 }
0854 }
0857 template <> void Conv<DDDBElementRef>::convert(xml_h element) const {
0858 DDDBContext* context = _param<DDDBContext>();
0859 DDDBCatalog* catalog = _option<DDDBCatalog>();
0860 string href = element.attr<string>(_LBU(href));
0861 string refid = reference_href(element,href);
0862 load_dddb_entity(context, catalog, element, href);
0863 dddb::Elements::const_iterator i=context->geo->elements.find(refid);
0864 if ( i == context->geo->elements.end() ) {
0865 printout(ERROR,"ElementRef","++ MISSING ID: %s Failed to convert ref:%s",refid.c_str(),href.c_str());
0866 }
0867 DDDBElement* e = (*i).second;
0868 string path = object_path(context,e->name);
0869 context->collectPath(path, e);
0870 }
0873 template <> void Conv<DDDBElement>::convert(xml_h element) const {
0874 DDDBContext* context = _param<DDDBContext>();
0875 dddb_dim_t x_elem = element;
0876 string name = x_elem.nameStr();
0877 string id = object_href(element, name);
0878 if ( !_find(id, context->geo->elements) ) {
0879 DDDBElement* e = new DDDBElement();
0880 dddb_dim_t atom = x_elem.child(_U(atom),false);
0881 e->id = id;
0882 e->name = name;
0883 e->path = object_path(context,name);
0884 e->density = x_elem.density(-1.0);
0885 e->ionization = x_elem.I(-1.0);
0886 e->symbol = x_elem.symbol(e->name);
0887 e->atom.A = atom ? atom.attr<double>(_U(A)) : -1.0;
0888 e->atom.Zeff = atom ? atom.attr<double>(_U(Zeff)) : -1.0;
0889 string st = x_elem.state();
0890 if ( st == "solid" ) e->state = DDDBElement::SOLID;
0891 else if ( st == "liquid" ) e->state = DDDBElement::LIQUID;
0892 else if ( st == "gas" ) e->state = DDDBElement::GAS;
0893 else e->state = DDDBElement::UNKNOWN;
0895 for(xml_coll_t p(x_elem,_LBU(isotoperef)); p; ++p) {
0896 dddb_dim_t isotope = p;
0897 double frac = isotope.fractionmass(1.0);
0898 string iso_id = object_path(context,isotope.href());
0899 e->isotopes.push_back(make_pair(iso_id,frac));
0900 }
0901 context->collect(e->id, e);
0902 context->collectPath(e->path, e);
0903 e->setDocument(context->locals.xml_doc);
0904 }
0905 }
0908 template <> void Conv<DDDBMaterialComponent>::convert(xml_h element) const {
0909 DDDBMaterial* m = _option<DDDBMaterial>();
0910 dddb_dim_t x_mat = element;
0911 m->components.push_back(DDDBMaterialComponent());
0912 DDDBMaterialComponent& c = m->components.back();
0913 = x_mat.nameStr();
0914 c.natoms = x_mat.natoms(1);
0915 c.fractionmass = x_mat.fractionmass(1.0);
0916 }
0919 template <> void Conv<DDDBMaterialRef>::convert(xml_h element) const {
0920 DDDBContext* context = _param<DDDBContext>();
0921 DDDBCatalog* catalog = _option<DDDBCatalog>();
0922 string href = element.attr<string>(_LBU(href));
0923 string refid = reference_href(element,href);
0924 load_dddb_entity(context, catalog, element, href);
0925 dddb::Materials::const_iterator i=context->geo->materials.find(refid);
0926 if ( i == context->geo->materials.end() ) {
0927 printout(ERROR,"MaterialRef","++ MISSING ID: %s Failed to convert ref:%s",refid.c_str(),href.c_str());
0928 }
0929 else if ( catalog ) {
0930 DDDBMaterial* m = (*i).second;
0931 string path = object_path(context,m->name);
0932 context->collectPath(path, m);
0933 }
0934 }
0937 template <> void Conv<DDDBMaterial>::convert(xml_h element) const {
0938 DDDBContext* context = _param<DDDBContext>();
0939 DDDBCatalog* catalog = _option<DDDBCatalog>();
0940 dddb_dim_t x_mat = element;
0941 string name = x_mat.nameStr();
0942 string id = object_href(element, name);
0943 if ( !_find(id, context->geo->materials) ) {
0944 DDDBMaterial* m = new DDDBMaterial();
0945 m->name = name;
0946 m->id = id;
0947 m->path = object_path(context,name);
0948 m->density = x_mat.density(-1.0);
0949 m->pressure = x_mat.pressure(-1.0);
0950 m->temperature = x_mat.temperature(-1.0);
0951 m->radlen = x_mat.radlen(-1.0);
0952 m->lambda = x_mat.lambda(-1.0);
0953 for(xml_coll_t p(element,_LBU(tabprops)); p; ++p)
0954 m->properties.push_back(p.attr<string>(_LBU(address)));
0956 xml_coll_t(element, _U(component)).for_each(Conv<DDDBMaterialComponent>(description,context,m));
0957 context->collect(m->id, m);
0958 context->collect(m->name, m);
0959 m->setDocument(context->locals.xml_doc);
0960 if ( catalog ) context->collectPath(m->path, m);
0961 }
0962 }
0965 template <> void Conv<DDDBGeometryInfo>::convert(xml_h element) const {
0966 DDDBCatalog* context = _option<DDDBCatalog>();
0967 context->logvol = element.attr<string>(_LBU(lvname));
0968 if ( element.hasAttr(_LBU(npath)) ) context->npath = element.attr<string>(_LBU(npath));
0969 if ( element.hasAttr(_LBU(support)) ) context->support = element.attr<string>(_LBU(support));
0970 if ( element.hasAttr(_LBU(condition)) ) context->condition = element.attr<string>(_LBU(condition));
0971 }
0974 template <> void Conv<Position>::convert(xml_h element) const {
0975 dddb_dim_t dim = element;
0976 Position* pos = _option<Position>();
0977 pos->SetXYZ(dim.x(0.0), dim.y(0.0), dim.z(0.0));
0979 }
0982 template <> void Conv<PositionRPhiZ>::convert(xml_h element) const {
0983 dddb_dim_t dim = element;
0984 ROOT::Math::Polar2D<double> dim2(dim.r(0.0), dim.phi(0.0));
0985 Position* pos = _option<Position>();
0986 pos->SetXYZ(dim2.X(), dim2.Y(), dim.z(0.0));
0988 }
0991 template <> void Conv<RotationZYX>::convert(xml_h element) const {
0992 dddb_dim_t dim = element;
0993 RotationZYX* rot = _option<RotationZYX>();
0994 rot->SetComponents(dim.rotZ(0.0), dim.rotY(0.0), dim.rotX(0.0));
0996 }
0999 template <> void Conv<Transform3D>::convert(xml_h element) const {
1000 Transform3D* tr = _option<Transform3D>();
1001 build_transformation(description, param, element, *tr);
1003 }
1006 template <> void Conv<DDDBZPlane>::convert(xml_h element) const {
1007 DDDBShape* s = _param<DDDBShape>();
1008 dddb_dim_t dim = element;
1009 DDDBZPlane plane;
1010 plane.innerRadius = dim.innerRadius(0.0);
1011 plane.outerRadius = dim.outerRadius(0.0);
1012 plane.z = dim.z(0.0);
1013 s->zplanes.push_back(plane);
1014 }
1017 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBShape>::convert(xml_h element, DDDBShape*& s) const {
1018 DDDBContext* context = _param<DDDBContext>();
1019 xml_dim_t dim = element;
1020 s = new DDDBShape;
1021 s->name = dim.nameStr();
1022 s->path = object_path(context, s->name);
1023 }
1026 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBAssembly>::convert(xml_h , DDDBShape*& s) const {
1027 s = new DDDBShape();
1028 s->name = "assembly";
1029 s->type = to_type::type();
1030 }
1033 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBBox>::convert(xml_h element, DDDBShape*& s) const {
1034 ShapeConv<DDDBShape>(description,param)(element,s);
1035 dddb_dim_t dim = element;
1036 s->type = to_type::type();
1037 s-> = dim.sizeX(0.0)/2e0;
1038 s-> = dim.sizeY(0.0)/2e0;
1039 s-> = dim.sizeZ(0.0)/2e0;
1040 }
1043 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBCons>::convert(xml_h element, DDDBShape*& s) const {
1044 dddb_dim_t dim = element;
1045 ShapeConv<DDDBShape>(description,param)(element,s);
1046 s->type = to_type::type();
1047 s->s.cons.innerRadiusMZ = dim.innerRadiusMZ(0.0);
1048 s->s.cons.innerRadiusPZ = dim.innerRadiusPZ(0.0);
1049 s->s.cons.outerRadiusMZ = dim.outerRadiusMZ(0.0);
1050 s->s.cons.outerRadiusPZ = dim.outerRadiusPZ(0.0);
1051 s->s.cons.sizeZ = dim.sizeZ(0.0)/2e0;
1052 }
1055 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBConeSegment>::convert(xml_h element, DDDBShape*& s) const {
1056 dddb_dim_t dim = element;
1057 ShapeConv<DDDBShape>(description,param)(element,s);
1058 s->type = to_type::type();
1059 s->s.coneSegment.start = dim.startPhiAngle(0.0);
1060 s-> = dim.deltaPhiAngle(2.0*M_PI);
1061 s->s.coneSegment.innerRadiusMZ = dim.innerRadiusMZ(0.0);
1062 s->s.coneSegment.innerRadiusPZ = dim.innerRadiusPZ(0.0);
1063 s->s.coneSegment.outerRadiusMZ = dim.outerRadiusMZ(0.0);
1064 s->s.coneSegment.outerRadiusPZ = dim.outerRadiusPZ(0.0);
1065 s->s.coneSegment.sizeZ = dim.sizeZ(0.0)/2e0;
1066 }
1069 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBTubs>::convert(xml_h element, DDDBShape*& s) const {
1070 dddb_dim_t dim = element;
1071 ShapeConv<DDDBShape>(description,param)(element,s);
1072 s->type = to_type::type();
1073 s->s.tubs.start = dim.startPhiAngle(0.0);
1074 s-> = dim.deltaPhiAngle(2.0*M_PI);
1075 s->s.tubs.innerRadius = dim.innerRadius(0.0);
1076 s->s.tubs.outerRadius = dim.outerRadius(0.0);
1077 s->s.tubs.sizeZ = dim.sizeZ(0.0)/2e0;
1078 }
1081 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBTrap>::convert(xml_h element, DDDBShape*& s) const {
1082 dddb_dim_t dim = element;
1083 ShapeConv<DDDBShape>(description,param)(element,s);
1084 if ( s->name == "Cut_out_right" ) {
1085 s->type = to_type::type();
1086 }
1087 s->type = to_type::type();
1088 s-> = dim.sizeZ()/2e0;
1089 s->s.trap.phi = dim.phiAngle(0);
1090 s->s.trap.theta = dim.thetaAngle(0);
1091 s->s.trap.h1 = dim.sizeY1(0)/2e0;
1092 s->s.trap.bl1 = dim.sizeX1(0)/2e0;
1093 s->s.trap.tl1 = dim.sizeX2(0)/2e0;
1094 s->s.trap.alpha1 = dim.alp1(0);
1095 s->s.trap.h2 = dim.sizeY2(0)/2e0;
1096 s->s.trap.bl2 = dim.sizeX3(0)/2e0;
1097 s->s.trap.tl2 = dim.sizeX4(0)/2e0;
1098 s->s.trap.alpha2 = dim.alp2(0);
1099 }
1102 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBPolycone>::convert(xml_h element, DDDBShape*& s) const {
1103 dddb_dim_t dim = element;
1104 ShapeConv<DDDBShape>(description,param)(element,s);
1105 s->type = to_type::type();
1106 s->s.polycone.start = dim.startPhiAngle(0.0);
1107 s-> = dim.deltaPhiAngle(2.0*M_PI);
1108 xml_coll_t(element, _U(zplane)).for_each(Conv<DDDBZPlane>(description,s));
1109 }
1112 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBPolygon>::convert(xml_h element, DDDBShape*& s) const {
1113 dddb_dim_t dim = element;
1114 ShapeConv<DDDBShape>(description,param)(element,s);
1115 s->type = to_type::type();
1116 s->s.polygon.z = dim.z();
1117 s->s.polygon.start = dim.start(0.0);
1118 s->s.polygon.nsides = dim.nsides();
1119 s->s.polygon.innerRadius = dim.innerRadius(0.0);
1120 s->s.polygon.outerRadius = dim.outerRadius(0.0);
1121 xml_coll_t(element, _U(zplane)).for_each(Conv<DDDBZPlane>(description,s));
1122 }
1125 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBEllipticalTube>::convert(xml_h element, DDDBShape*& s) const {
1126 dddb_dim_t dim = element;
1127 ShapeConv<DDDBShape>(description,param)(element,s);
1128 s->type = to_type::type();
1129 s->s.ellipticalTube.a = dim.a();
1130 s->s.ellipticalTube.b = dim.b();
1131 s-> =;
1132 }
1135 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBTRD>::convert(xml_h element, DDDBShape*& s) const {
1136 dddb_dim_t dim = element;
1137 ShapeConv<DDDBShape>(description,param)(element,s);
1138 s->type = to_type::type();
1139 s->s.trd.x1 = dim.sizeX1()/2e0;
1140 s->s.trd.x2 = dim.sizeX2()/2e0;
1141 s->s.trd.y1 = dim.sizeY1()/2e0;
1142 s->s.trd.y2 = dim.sizeY2()/2e0;
1143 s->s.trd.z = dim.sizeZ()/2e0;
1144 }
1147 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBSphere>::convert(xml_h element, DDDBShape*& s) const {
1148 dddb_dim_t dim = element;
1149 ShapeConv<DDDBShape>(description,param)(element,s);
1150 s->type = to_type::type();
1151 s->s.sphere.rmin = dim.innerRadius(0);
1152 s->s.sphere.rmax = dim.outerRadius(0);
1153 s->s.sphere.theta = dim.startThetaAngle(0);
1154 s->s.sphere.delta_theta = dim.deltaThetaAngle(2.0*M_PI);
1155 s->s.sphere.phi = dim.startPhiAngle(0);
1156 s->s.sphere.delta_phi = dim.deltaPhiAngle(2.0*M_PI);
1157 }
1160 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBBooleanShape>::convert(xml_h element, DDDBShape*& s) const {
1161 ShapeConv<DDDBShape>(description,param)(element,s);
1162 DDDBContext* context = _param<DDDBContext>();
1163 string id = object_path(context,s->name);
1164 DDDBContext::PreservedLocals locals(context);
1165 context->locals.obj_path = id;
1166 s->s.boolean.first = 0;
1167 for(xml_coll_t p(element,_U(star)); p; ++p) {
1168 if ( p.parent() == element ) {
1169 if ( 0 == s->s.boolean.first ) {
1170 ShapeConv<DDDBBooleanOperation>(description,context)(p,s->s.boolean.first);
1171 s->s.boolean.first->id = id + "/" + s->s.boolean.first->name;
1172 ++p;
1173 }
1174 DDDBBooleanOperation op;
1175 ShapeConv<DDDBBooleanOperation>(description,context)(p,op.shape);
1176 if ( 0 == op.shape ) {
1180 printout(ERROR,"ShapeConv","++ Invalid boolean shape operation. [Invalid operand]");
1181 continue;
1182 }
1183 op.shape->id = id + "/" + op.shape->name;
1184 ++p;
1185 extract_transformation(description, param, p, op.trafo);
1186 s->boolean_ops.push_back(op);
1187 }
1188 }
1189 }
1192 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBBooleanUnion>::convert(xml_h element, DDDBShape*& s) const {
1193 ShapeConv<DDDBBooleanShape>(description,param)(element,s);
1194 s->type = to_type::type();
1195 }
1198 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBBooleanIntersection>::convert(xml_h element, DDDBShape*& s) const {
1199 ShapeConv<DDDBBooleanShape>(description,param)(element,s);
1200 s->type = to_type::type();
1201 }
1204 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBBooleanSubtraction>::convert(xml_h element, DDDBShape*& s) const {
1205 ShapeConv<DDDBBooleanShape>(description,param)(element,s);
1206 s->type = to_type::type();
1207 }
1210 template <> void ShapeConv<DDDBBooleanOperation>::convert(xml_h element, DDDBShape*& s) const {
1211 xml_h elt = element;
1212 string tag = element.tag();
1213 DDDBContext* context = _param<DDDBContext>();
1216 if ( tag == "box" )
1217 ShapeConv<DDDBBox>(description,context)(elt,s);
1218 else if ( tag == "cons" )
1219 ShapeConv<DDDBCons>(description,context)(elt,s);
1220 else if ( tag == "tubs" )
1221 ShapeConv<DDDBTubs>(description,context)(elt,s);
1222 else if ( tag == "trap" )
1223 ShapeConv<DDDBTrap>(description,context)(elt,s);
1224 else if ( tag == "polycone" )
1225 ShapeConv<DDDBPolycone>(description,context)(elt,s);
1226 else if ( tag == "polygon" )
1227 ShapeConv<DDDBPolygon>(description,context)(elt,s);
1228 else if ( tag == "trd" )
1229 ShapeConv<DDDBTRD>(description,context)(elt,s);
1230 else if ( tag == "eltu" )
1231 ShapeConv<DDDBEllipticalTube>(description,context)(elt,s);
1232 else if ( tag == "sphere" )
1233 ShapeConv<DDDBSphere>(description,context)(elt,s);
1234 else if ( tag == "union" )
1235 ShapeConv<DDDBBooleanUnion>(description,context)(elt,s);
1236 else if ( tag == "subtraction" )
1237 ShapeConv<DDDBBooleanSubtraction>(description,context)(elt,s);
1238 else if ( tag == "intersection" )
1239 ShapeConv<DDDBBooleanIntersection>(description,context)(elt,s);
1240 else {
1241 xml::dump_tree(element.parent());
1242 except("BooleanOperation","Unknown shape conversion requested:"+tag);
1243 }
1244 }
1247 template <> void Conv<DDDBLogVolRef>::convert(xml_h element) const {
1248 DDDBContext* context = _param<DDDBContext>();
1249 DDDBCatalog* catalog = _option<DDDBCatalog>();
1250 string href = element.attr<string>(_LBU(href));
1251 string refid = reference_href(element,href);
1253 load_dddb_entity(context, catalog, element, href);
1254 dddb::Volumes::const_iterator i=context->geo->volumes.find(refid);
1255 if ( i == context->geo->volumes.end() ) {
1256 string r = reference_href(element,href);
1257 printout(ERROR,"LogVolRef","++ MISSING ID: %s Failed to convert ref:%s",refid.c_str(),href.c_str());
1258 }
1259 DDDBLogVol* vol = (*i).second;
1260 catalog->logvolrefs[vol->id] = vol;
1261 string path = object_path(context,vol->name);
1262 context->collectPath(path, vol);
1263 if ( context->printConfig.logvol ) {
1264 print_ref("LogVolRef", context, element, href, "Path:"+path);
1265 }
1266 }
1269 template <> void Conv<DDDBLogVol>::convert(xml_h element) const {
1270 DDDBContext* context = _param<DDDBContext>();
1271 string name = element.attr<string>(_U(name));
1272 string id = object_href(element, name);
1273 if ( !_find(id, context->geo->volumes) ) {
1274 DDDBCatalog* catalog = _option<DDDBCatalog>();
1275 string material;
1276 DDDBLogVol* vol = new DDDBLogVol;
1277 xml_h elt;
1278 vol->name = name;
1279 vol->path = object_path(context,name);
1280 if ( element.hasAttr(_U(material)) ) {
1281 vol->material = element.attr<string>(_U(material));
1282 }
1283 DDDBShape* s = 0;
1285 if ( (elt=element.child(_U(box),false)) )
1286 ShapeConv<DDDBBox>(description,context)(elt,s);
1287 else if ( (elt=element.child(_U(cons),false)) )
1288 ShapeConv<DDDBCons>(description,context)(elt,s);
1289 else if ( (elt=element.child(_U(tubs),false)) )
1290 ShapeConv<DDDBTubs>(description,context)(elt,s);
1291 else if ( (elt=element.child(_U(trap),false)) )
1292 ShapeConv<DDDBTrap>(description,context)(elt,s);
1293 else if ( (elt=element.child(_U(trd),false)) )
1294 ShapeConv<DDDBTRD>(description,context)(elt,s);
1295 else if ( (elt=element.child(_U(polycone),false)) )
1296 ShapeConv<DDDBPolycone>(description,context)(elt,s);
1297 else if ( (elt=element.child(_U(sphere),false)) )
1298 ShapeConv<DDDBSphere>(description,context)(elt,s);
1299 else if ( (elt=element.child(_U(union),false)) )
1300 ShapeConv<DDDBBooleanUnion>(description,context)(elt,s);
1301 else if ( (elt=element.child(_U(subtraction),false)) )
1302 ShapeConv<DDDBBooleanSubtraction>(description,context)(elt,s);
1303 else if ( (elt=element.child(_U(intersection),false)) )
1304 ShapeConv<DDDBBooleanIntersection>(description,context)(elt,s);
1305 else {
1306 ShapeConv<DDDBAssembly>(description,context)(elt,s);
1308 for(xml_coll_t p(element,_U(star)); p; ++p) {
1309 if ( p.parent() == element ) {
1310 string tag = p.tag();
1311 if ( tag == "physvol" ) continue;
1312 if ( tag == "paramphysvol" ) continue;
1313 if ( tag == "paramphysvol2D" ) continue;
1314 if ( tag == "paramphysvol3D" ) continue;
1315 printout(WARNING,"LogVol","++ Unknown and not processed tag found: %s",tag.c_str());
1316 xml::dump_tree(element);
1317 break;
1318 }
1319 }
1320 }
1322 vol->shape = id;
1323 s->setDocument(context->locals.xml_doc);
1324 vol->setDocument(context->locals.xml_doc);
1325 context->collect(id, s);
1326 context->collect(id, vol);
1327 if ( catalog ) context->collectPath(vol->path, vol);
1328 {
1329 DDDBContext::PreservedLocals locals(context);
1330 context->locals.obj_path = id;
1331 xml_coll_t(element, _U(physvol)).for_each(Conv<DDDBPhysVol>(description,context,vol));
1332 xml_coll_t(element, _LBU(paramphysvol)).for_each(Conv<DDDBParamPhysVol>(description,context,vol));
1333 xml_coll_t(element, _LBU(paramphysvol2D)).for_each(Conv<DDDBParamPhysVol2D>(description,context,vol));
1334 xml_coll_t(element, _LBU(paramphysvol3D)).for_each(Conv<DDDBParamPhysVol3D>(description,context,vol));
1335 }
1336 }
1337 }
1340 template <> void Conv<DDDBPhysVol>::fill(xml_h element, DDDBPhysVol* pv) const {
1341 xml_h elt;
1342 dddb_dim_t x_vol = element;
1343 string name = x_vol.nameStr();
1344 DDDBContext* context = _param<DDDBContext>();
1346 pv->name = name;
1347 pv->logvol = x_vol.logvol();
1348 pv->path = object_path(context,name);
1349 build_transformation(description, param, element, pv->trafo, -1);
1350 }
1351 template <> void Conv<DDDBPhysVol>::convert(xml_h element) const {
1352 DDDBContext* context = _param<DDDBContext>();
1353 dddb_dim_t x_vol = element;
1354 string name = x_vol.nameStr();
1355 string id = object_href(element, name);
1356 if ( !_find(id, context->geo->placements) ) {
1357 DDDBPhysVol* vol = new DDDBPhysVol();
1358 this->fill(element, vol);
1359 context->collect(id, vol);
1360 context->collectPath(vol->path,vol);
1361 vol->setDocument(context->locals.xml_doc);
1362 if ( optional ) {
1363 _option<DDDBLogVol>()->physvols.push_back(vol);
1364 }
1365 }
1366 }
1369 template <> void Conv<DDDBParamPhysVol>::fill(xml_h element, DDDBParamPhysVol* pv) const {
1370 dddb_dim_t x_pv = element.child(_U(physvol));
1371 dddb_dim_t elt = element;
1372 Conv<DDDBPhysVol>(description,param).fill(x_pv, pv);
1373 pv->number1 = elt.number(0);
1374 build_transformation(description, param, element, pv->trafo1, 0);
1375 }
1376 template <> void Conv<DDDBParamPhysVol>::convert(xml_h element) const {
1377 DDDBParamPhysVol* pv = new DDDBParamPhysVol();
1378 this->fill(element, pv);
1379 _option<DDDBLogVol>()->physvols.push_back(pv);
1380 }
1383 template <> void Conv<DDDBParamPhysVol2D>::fill(xml_h element, DDDBParamPhysVol2D* pv) const {
1384 dddb_dim_t elt = element;
1385 Conv<DDDBParamPhysVol>(description,param).fill(element, pv);
1386 pv->number1 = elt.number1();
1387 pv->number2 = elt.number2();
1388 build_transformation(description, param, element, pv->trafo2, 1);
1389 }
1390 template <> void Conv<DDDBParamPhysVol2D>::convert(xml_h element) const {
1391 DDDBParamPhysVol2D* pv = new DDDBParamPhysVol2D();
1392 this->fill(element,pv);
1393 _option<DDDBLogVol>()->physvols.push_back(pv);
1394 }
1397 template <> void Conv<DDDBParamPhysVol3D>::fill(xml_h element, DDDBParamPhysVol3D* pv) const {
1398 dddb_dim_t elt = element;
1399 Conv<DDDBParamPhysVol2D>(description,param).fill(element, pv);
1400 pv->number3 = elt.number3();
1401 build_transformation(description, param, element, pv->trafo3, 2);
1402 }
1403 template <> void Conv<DDDBParamPhysVol3D>::convert(xml_h element) const {
1404 DDDBParamPhysVol3D* pv = new DDDBParamPhysVol3D();
1405 this->fill(element,pv);
1406 _option<DDDBLogVol>()->physvols.push_back(pv);
1407 }
1410 template <> void Conv<DDDBTabProperty>::convert(xml_h element) const {
1411 DDDBContext* context = _param<DDDBContext>();
1412 dddb_dim_t x_dim = element;
1413 string name = x_dim.nameStr();
1414 string id = object_href(element, name);
1415 if ( !_find(id, context->geo->tabproperties) ) {
1416 DDDBTabProperty* p = new DDDBTabProperty();
1417 p->name = name;
1418 p->path = object_path(context,name);
1419 if ( element.hasAttr(_U(type)) ) p->type = element.attr<string>(_U(type));
1420 if ( element.hasAttr(_LBU(xunit)) ) p->xunit = element.attr<string>(_LBU(xunit));
1421 if ( element.hasAttr(_LBU(yunit)) ) p->yunit = element.attr<string>(_LBU(yunit));
1422 if ( element.hasAttr(_LBU(xaxis)) ) p->xaxis = element.attr<string>(_LBU(xaxis));
1423 if ( element.hasAttr(_LBU(yaxis)) ) p->yaxis = element.attr<string>(_LBU(yaxis));
1424 context->collect(id, p);
1425 context->collectPath(p->path, p);
1426 p->setDocument(context->locals.xml_doc);
1427 }
1428 }
1431 template <> void Conv<DDDBTabPropertyRef>::convert(xml_h element) const {
1432 DDDBContext* context = _param<DDDBContext>();
1433 DDDBCatalog* catalog = _option<DDDBCatalog>();
1434 string href = element.attr<string>(_LBU(href));
1435 string refid = reference_href(element,href);
1437 load_dddb_entity(context, catalog, element, href);
1438 dddb::TabProperties::const_iterator i=context->geo->tabproperties.find(refid);
1439 if ( i == context->geo->tabproperties.end() ) {
1440 string r = reference_href(element,href);
1441 printout(ERROR,"TabPropertyRef","++ MISSING ID: %s Failed to convert ref:%s",refid.c_str(),href.c_str());
1442 return;
1443 }
1444 DDDBTabProperty* p = (*i).second;
1445 catalog->tabpropertyrefs[p->id] = p;
1446 string path = object_path(context,p->name);
1447 context->collectPath(path, p);
1448 if ( context->printConfig.tabprop ) {
1449 print_ref("TabPropertyRef", context, element, href, "Path:"+path);
1450 }
1451 }
1454 template <> void Conv<DDDBParameter>::convert(xml_h element) const {
1455 DDDBContext* context = _param<DDDBContext>();
1456 string name = element.attr<string>(_U(name));
1457 string value = element.attr<string>(_U(value));
1458 if ( context->printConfig.params ) {
1459 printout(INFO,"Parameter","++ %s = %s",name.c_str(),value.c_str());
1460 }
1461 try {
1462 _toDictionary(name,value);
1463 }
1464 catch(const exception& e) {
1465 if ( context->printConfig.eval_error ) {
1466 printout(ERROR,"DDDBParameter","++ FAILED %s = %s [%s]",name.c_str(),value.c_str(),e.what());
1467 }
1468 throw;
1469 }
1470 }
1473 template <> void Conv<DDDBDetElemRef>::convert(xml_h element) const {
1474 DDDBContext* context = _param<DDDBContext>();
1475 DDDBCatalog* catalog = _option<DDDBCatalog>();
1476 string href = element.attr<string>(_LBU(href));
1477 string refid = reference_href(element, href);
1479 xml_h target = find_local_element(element, href, _LBU(detelem));
1480 if ( target )
1481 Conv<DDDBDetElem>(description,context,catalog)(target);
1482 else
1483 load_dddb_entity(context, catalog, element, href);
1484 dddb::Catalogs::const_iterator i=context->geo->catalogs.find(refid);
1485 catalog->catalogrefs[refid] = (i==context->geo->catalogs.end()) ? 0 : (*i).second;
1486 if ( context->printConfig.detelem_ref ) {
1487 print_ref("DetElemRef", context, element, href);
1488 }
1489 }
1492 template <> void Conv<DDDBDetElem>::convert(xml_h element) const {
1493 DDDBContext* context = _param<DDDBContext>();
1494 dddb* geo = context->geo;
1495 dddb_dim_t x_det = element;
1496 string name = x_det.nameStr();
1497 string id = object_href(element, name);
1499 dddb::Catalogs::iterator idet = geo->catalogs.find(id);
1500 if ( idet == geo->catalogs.end() ) {
1501 xml_h elt;
1502 string path = object_path(context, name);
1503 Path p(path);
1504 string parent = p.parent_path().native();
1505 DDDBCatalog* det = new DDDBCatalog();
1506 det->typeID = 1;
1507 det->name = name;
1508 det->type = x_det.typeStr();
1509 det->path = path;
1510 det->id = id;
1511 det->support = parent;
1512 det->setDocument(context->locals.xml_doc);
1513 if ( context->printConfig.detelem ) {
1514 printout(INFO,"DetElem"," xml:%s id=%s [%s/%s] doc:%s obj:%s / %s",
1515 element.parent().tag().c_str(),
1516 det->id.c_str(),
1517 det->name.c_str(),
1518 det->type.c_str(),
1519 context->locals.xml_doc->id.c_str(),
1520 context->locals.obj_path.c_str(),
1521 det->name.c_str()
1522 );
1523 }
1524 if ( x_det.hasAttr(_LBU(classID)) ) {
1525 det->classID = element.attr<int>(_LBU(classID));
1526 }
1528 if ( (elt=x_det.child(_U(author),false)) )
1529 Conv<DDDBAuthor>(description,context,&det->author)(elt);
1530 if ( (elt=x_det.child(_U(version),false)) )
1531 Conv<DDDBVersion>(description,context,&det->version)(elt);
1532 xml_coll_t(element, _U(param)).for_each(Conv<DDDBParam>(description,context,det));
1533 xml_coll_t(element, _LBU(userParameter)).for_each(Conv<DDDBParam>(description,context,det));
1534 xml_coll_t(element, _LBU(conditioninfo)).for_each(Conv<DDDBConditionInfo>(description,context,det));
1535 {
1536 DDDBContext::PreservedLocals locals(context);
1537 context->locals.obj_path = det->path;
1538 xml_coll_t(element, _LBU(geometryinfo)).for_each(Conv<DDDBGeometryInfo>(description,context,det));
1539 xml_coll_t(element, _LBU(detelem)).for_each(Conv<DDDBDetElem>(description,context,det));
1540 xml_coll_t(element, _LBU(detelemref)).for_each(Conv<DDDBDetElemRef>(description,context,det));
1541 }
1542 det->path = det->support + "/" + det->name;
1543 context->collect(det->id, det);
1544 context->collectPath(det->path, det);
1545 context->print(det);
1546 return;
1547 }
1548 printout(DEBUG,"DetElem","ALREADY PROCESSED: xid:%s -> %s",id.c_str(),(*idet).second->path.c_str());
1549 }
1552 template <> void Conv<DDDBCatalogRef>::convert(xml_h element) const {
1553 DDDBContext* context = _param<DDDBContext>();
1554 DDDBCatalog* catalog = _option<DDDBCatalog>();
1555 string href = element.attr<string>(_LBU(href));
1556 string refid = reference_href(element,href);
1557 #if 0
1558 if ( href.find("@ChamAlign.xml#") != string::npos ) {
1559 print_ref("CatalogRef", context, element, href);
1560 }
1561 #endif
1562 xml_h target = find_local_element(element, href,_LBU(catalog));
1563 if ( target ) {
1564 Conv<DDDBCatalog>(description,context,catalog)(target);
1565 }
1566 else {
1567 load_dddb_entity(context, catalog, element, href);
1568 }
1569 dddb::Catalogs::const_iterator i=context->geo->catalogs.find(refid);
1570 catalog->catalogrefs[refid] = (i == context->geo->catalogs.end()) ? 0 : (*i).second;
1571 if ( context->printConfig.catalog_ref ) {
1572 print_ref("CatalogRef", context, element, href);
1573 }
1574 }
1577 template <> void Conv<DDDBCatalog>::convert(xml_h e) const {
1578 DDDBContext* context = _param<DDDBContext>();
1579 string name = e.attr<string>(_U(name));
1580 string id = object_href(e,name);
1581 dddb::Catalogs::const_iterator icat = context->geo->catalogs.find(id);
1583 if ( icat == context->geo->catalogs.end() ) {
1584 DDDBCatalog* catalog = new DDDBCatalog();
1585 catalog->name = name;
1586 catalog->path = object_path(context,name);
1587 printout(DEBUG,"Catalog","PROCESSING: xid:%s -> %s",id.c_str(),catalog->path.c_str());
1588 catalog->level = Increment<DDDBCatalog>::counter();
1589 catalog->type = "Logical";
1590 catalog->support = "";
1591 catalog->setDocument(context->locals.xml_doc);
1592 context->collect(id, catalog);
1593 context->collectPath(catalog->path, catalog);
1594 if ( catalog->path == "/dd" ) {
1595 catalog->type = "World";
1596 context->geo->top = catalog;
1597 }
1598 else if ( catalog->path == "/dd/Structure" ) {
1599 catalog->type = "Structure";
1600 context->geo->structure = catalog;
1601 }
1602 else if ( catalog->path == "/dd/Geometry" ) {
1603 catalog->type = "Geometry";
1604 context->geo->geometry = catalog;
1605 }
1606 {
1607 DDDBContext::PreservedLocals locals(context);
1608 context->locals.obj_path = catalog->path;
1609 xml_coll_t(e, _U(parameter)).for_each(Conv<DDDBParameter>(description,context,catalog));
1610 xml_coll_t(e, _U(isotope)).for_each(Conv<DDDBIsotope>(description,context,catalog));
1611 xml_coll_t(e, _U(element)).for_each(Conv<DDDBElement>(description,context,catalog));
1612 xml_coll_t(e, _U(material)).for_each(Conv<DDDBMaterial>(description,context,catalog));
1613 xml_coll_t(e, _U(logvol)).for_each(Conv<DDDBLogVol>(description,context,catalog));
1615 xml_coll_t(e, _LBU(tabproperty)).for_each(Conv<DDDBTabProperty>(description,context,catalog));
1621 xml_coll_t(e, _LBU(elementref)).for_each(Conv<DDDBElementRef>(description,context,catalog));
1622 xml_coll_t(e, _LBU(materialref)).for_each(Conv<DDDBMaterialRef>(description,context,catalog));
1623 xml_coll_t(e, _LBU(logvolref)).for_each(Conv<DDDBLogVolRef>(description,context,catalog));
1624 xml_coll_t(e, _LBU(tabpropertyref)).for_each(Conv<DDDBTabPropertyRef>(description,context,catalog));
1626 xml_coll_t(e, _LBU(conditionref)).for_each(Conv<DDDBConditionRef>(description,context,catalog));
1627 xml_coll_t(e, _LBU(catalogref)).for_each(Conv<DDDBCatalogRef>(description,context,catalog));
1628 xml_coll_t(e, _LBU(detelemref)).for_each(Conv<DDDBDetElemRef>(description,context,catalog));
1630 xml_coll_t(e, _LBU(catalog)).for_each(Conv<DDDBCatalog>(description,context,catalog));
1631 xml_coll_t(e, _LBU(detelem)).for_each(Conv<DDDBDetElem>(description,context,catalog));
1632 xml_coll_t(e, _LBU(condition)).for_each(Conv<Condition>(description,context,catalog));
1633 }
1634 return;
1635 }
1636 printout(DEBUG,"Catalog","ALREADY PROCESSED: xid:%s -> %s",id.c_str(),(*icat).second->path.c_str());
1637 }
1640 template <> void Conv<dddb>::convert(xml_h e) const {
1641 DDDBCatalog* catalog = 0;
1642 DDDBContext* context = _param<DDDBContext>();
1643 xml_coll_t(e, _LBU(block)).for_each(Conv<DDDBBlock>(description,context,catalog));
1644 xml_coll_t(e, _U(config)).for_each(Conv<DDDBConfig>(description,&s_config,catalog));
1645 xml_coll_t(e, _U(config)).for_each(Conv<DDDBConfig>(description,context,catalog));
1646 xml_coll_t(e, _U(parameter)).for_each(Conv<DDDBParameter>(description,context,catalog));
1647 xml_coll_t(e, _U(isotope)).for_each(Conv<DDDBIsotope>(description,context,catalog));
1648 xml_coll_t(e, _U(element)).for_each(Conv<DDDBElement>(description,context,catalog));
1649 xml_coll_t(e, _U(material)).for_each(Conv<DDDBMaterial>(description,context,catalog));
1650 xml_coll_t(e, _U(logvol)).for_each(Conv<DDDBLogVol>(description,context,catalog));
1651 xml_coll_t(e, _LBU(tabproperty)).for_each(Conv<DDDBTabProperty>(description,context,catalog));
1657 xml_coll_t(e, _LBU(elementref)).for_each(Conv<DDDBElementRef>(description,context,catalog));
1658 xml_coll_t(e, _LBU(materialref)).for_each(Conv<DDDBMaterialRef>(description,context,catalog));
1659 xml_coll_t(e, _LBU(logvolref)).for_each(Conv<DDDBLogVolRef>(description,context,catalog));
1660 xml_coll_t(e, _LBU(tabpropertyref)).for_each(Conv<DDDBTabPropertyRef>(description,context,catalog));
1662 xml_coll_t(e, _LBU(conditionref)).for_each(Conv<DDDBConditionRef>(description,context,catalog));
1663 xml_coll_t(e, _LBU(catalogref)).for_each(Conv<DDDBCatalogRef>(description,context,catalog));
1664 xml_coll_t(e, _LBU(detelemref)).for_each(Conv<DDDBDetElemRef>(description,context,catalog));
1666 xml_coll_t(e, _LBU(detelem)).for_each(Conv<DDDBDetElem>(description,context,catalog));
1668 xml_coll_t(e, _LBU(catalog)).for_each(Conv<DDDBCatalog>(description,context,catalog));
1669 xml_coll_t(e, _LBU(condition)).for_each(Conv<Condition>(description,context,catalog));
1670 }
1673 template <> void Conv<dddb_conditions>::convert(xml_h e) const {
1674 DDDBCatalog* catalog = 0;
1675 DDDBContext* context = _param<DDDBContext>();
1676 context->check = false;
1677 xml_coll_t(e, _LBU(conditionref)).for_each(Conv<DDDBConditionRef>(description,context,catalog));
1678 xml_coll_t(e, _LBU(catalogref)).for_each(Conv<DDDBCatalogRef>(description,context,catalog));
1679 {
1680 DDDBContext::PreservedLocals locals(context);
1682 xml_coll_t(e, _LBU(catalog)).for_each(Conv<DDDBCatalog>(description,context,catalog));
1683 xml_coll_t(e, _LBU(condition)).for_each(Conv<Condition>(description,context,catalog));
1684 }
1685 }
1687 void apply_trafo(int apply, Position& pos, RotationZYX& rot, Transform3D& trafo, Transform3D& tr) {
1688 switch(apply) {
1689 case 99: {
1690 tr *= trafo;
1691 trafo = Transform3D();
1692 pos = Position();
1693 rot = RotationZYX();
1694 break;
1695 }
1696 case 2: {
1697 Transform3D r(rot);
1698 trafo = Transform3D(pos);
1699 trafo = trafo * r;
1700 tr = trafo * tr;
1701 trafo = Transform3D();
1702 pos = Position();
1703 rot = RotationZYX();
1704 break;
1705 }
1706 case 1: {
1708 double xx, xy, xz, dx, yx, yy, yz, dy, zx, zy, zz, dz;
1709 tr.GetComponents(xx, xy, xz, dx, yx, yy, yz, dy, zx, zy, zz, dz);
1710 dx += pos.X();
1711 dy += pos.Y();
1712 dz += pos.Z();
1713 tr.SetComponents(xx, xy, xz, dx, yx, yy, yz, dy, zx, zy, zz, dz);
1714 #if 0
1715 trafo = Transform3D(pos);
1716 tr *= trafo;
1717 #endif
1718 trafo = Transform3D();
1719 pos = Position();
1720 rot = RotationZYX();
1721 break;
1722 }
1723 case 0:
1724 default:
1725 break;
1726 }
1727 }
1729 void extract_transformation(Detector& description, void* context, xml_coll_t& p, Transform3D& tr, int which) {
1730 int count = 0;
1731 int apply = 0;
1732 Position pos;
1733 RotationZYX rot;
1734 Transform3D trafo;
1735 for(xml_h element = p.parent(); p; ++p ) {
1736 if ( p.parent() == element ) {
1737 dddb_dim_t dim = p;
1738 string tag = p.tag();
1739 if ( tag == "transformation" && (which<0 || count == which) ) {
1740 apply_trafo(apply, pos, rot, trafo, tr);
1741 Conv<Transform3D>(description,context,&trafo)(p);
1742 apply = 99;
1743 }
1744 else if ( tag == "posXYZ" && (which<0 || count == which) ) {
1745 apply_trafo(apply, pos, rot, trafo, tr);
1746 pos.SetXYZ(dim.x(0.0), dim.y(0.0), dim.z(0.0));
1747 apply = 1;
1748 ++count;
1749 }
1750 else if ( tag == "posRPhiZ" && (which<0 || count == which) ) {
1751 ROOT::Math::Polar2D<double> dim2(dim.r(0.0), dim.phi(0.0));
1752 apply_trafo(apply, pos, rot, trafo, tr);
1753 pos.SetXYZ(dim2.X(), dim2.Y(), dim.z(0.0));
1754 apply = 1;
1755 ++count;
1756 }
1757 else if ( tag == "rotXYZ" && (which<0 || count == (which+1)) ) {
1758 rot.SetComponents(dim.rotZ(0.0), dim.rotY(0.0), dim.rotX(0.0));
1759 apply = 2;
1760 }
1761 else {
1762 --p;
1763 apply_trafo(apply, pos, rot, trafo, tr);
1764 return;
1765 }
1766 if ( apply > 1 ) {
1767 apply_trafo(apply, pos, rot, trafo, tr);
1768 apply = 0;
1769 }
1770 }
1771 }
1772 if ( apply > 0 ) {
1773 apply_trafo(apply, pos, rot, trafo, tr);
1774 }
1775 }
1776 string reference_href(xml_h element, const string& ref) {
1777 size_t hash = ref.rfind("#");
1778 size_t idx = ref.find(":");
1779 size_t idq = ref.find("/");
1781 if ( idx != string::npos && idx < idq ) {
1782 if ( hash == string::npos && idq != string::npos ) {
1783 if ( (idq=ref.rfind("/")) != string::npos )
1784 return ref + '#' + ref.substr(idq+1);
1785 }
1786 return ref;
1787 }
1789 string p = xml::DocumentHandler::system_path(element);
1790 if ( hash == 0 ) {
1791 p += ref;
1792 Path path = p;
1793 p = path.normalize().native();
1794 return p;
1795 }
1796 Path path = p;
1797 path = path.parent_path();
1798 path /= ref;
1799 p = path.normalize().native();
1805 if ( hash == string::npos ) {
1806 if ( (idq=p.rfind("/")) != string::npos )
1807 p += '#' + p.substr(idq+1);
1808 else if ( (idx=p.find(":")) != string::npos )
1809 p += '#' + p.substr(idx+1);
1810 else
1811 p += '#' + ref;
1812 }
1813 return p;
1814 }
1816 template <typename ACTION>
1817 void load_dddb_entity(DDDBContext* context,
1818 DDDBCatalog* catalog,
1819 xml_h element,
1820 const string& ref,
1821 bool prt)
1822 {
1823 size_t hash = ref.find("#");
1824 if ( hash != 0 ) {
1825 try {
1826 xml::UriReader* rdr = context->resolver;
1827 DDDBReaderContext* ctx = (DDDBReaderContext*)rdr->context();
1828 string doc_path = element.ptr() ? reference_href(element,ref) : ref;
1829 if ( ref == ctx->match+"/Conditions/Online" )
1830 doc_path = reference_href(element,ref);
1831 hash = doc_path.find('#');
1832 if ( hash != string::npos ) doc_path = doc_path.substr(0,hash);
1833 #if 0
1834 if ( doc_path.find("conddb:/Rich") != string::npos ) {
1835 printout(INFO, "load_dddb", "SKIPPING DOC %s", doc_path.c_str());
1836 return;
1837 }
1838 #endif
1839 dddb::Documents& docs = context->geo->documents;
1840 if ( _find(doc_path,docs) )
1841 return;
1843 size_t idx = doc_path.find('[');
1844 size_t idq = doc_path.find(']');
1845 string key, fp = doc_path;
1846 if ( idq != string::npos && idx != string::npos ) {
1847 key = doc_path.substr(idx+1,idq-idx-1);
1848 fp = doc_path.substr(0,idx);
1849 }
1850 DDDBDocument* xml_doc = new DDDBDocument();
1851 xml_doc->id = doc_path;
1852 xml_doc->name = context->locals.obj_path;
1853 xml_doc->context.doc = xml_doc->id;
1854 xml_doc->context.event_time = ctx->event_time;
1855 xml_doc->context.valid_since = 0;
1856 xml_doc->context.valid_until = LONG_MAX;
1857 docs.insert(make_pair(doc_path,xml_doc->addRef()));
1859 if ( !rdr->isBlocked(doc_path) ) {
1860 xml::UriContextReader reader(rdr, &xml_doc->context);
1861 xml_doc_holder_t doc(xml_handler_t().load(fp, &reader));
1862 xml_h e = doc.root();
1863 context->print(xml_doc);
1864 printout(context->printConfig.file_load ? INFO : DEBUG,
1865 "load_dddb","Loaded document: %s IOV: %ld [%ld,%ld]",
1866 xml_doc->id.c_str(),
1867 xml_doc->context.event_time,
1868 xml_doc->context.valid_since,
1869 xml_doc->context.valid_until);
1871 if ( e ) {
1872 if ( !key.empty() ) {
1873 stringstream str;
1874 xml::dump_tree(e, str);
1875 string buffer = str.str();
1876 while( (idx=buffer.find("-KEY-")) != string::npos )
1877 buffer.replace(idx,5,key);
1878 doc.assign(xml_handler_t().parse(buffer.c_str(),
1879 buffer.length(),
1880 doc_path.c_str(),
1881 &reader));
1882 e = doc.root();
1883 }
1884 DDDBContext::PreservedLocals locals(context);
1885 context->locals.xml_doc = xml_doc;
1886 Conv<ACTION> converter(*context->description, context, catalog);
1887 context->printConfig.condition = prt;
1888 if ( prt || context->printConfig.xml ) xml::dump_tree(e);
1889 converter(e);
1890 return;
1891 }
1892 return;
1893 }
1894 printout(context->printConfig.file_load ? INFO : DEBUG,
1895 "load_dddb","Ignore BLOCKED load %s",ref.c_str());
1896 }
1897 catch(const exception& e) {
1898 printout(INFO,"load_dddb","Failed to load %s [%s]",ref.c_str(),e.what());
1899 }
1900 catch(...) {
1901 printout(INFO,"load_dddb","Failed to load %s",ref.c_str());
1902 }
1903 }
1904 }
1906 void config_context(DDDBContext& context,
1907 DDDBHelper* hlp,
1908 const std::string& doc_path,
1909 const std::string& obj_path) {
1910 xml::UriReader* rdr = hlp->reader<xml::UriReader>();
1911 DDDBReaderContext* ctx = (DDDBReaderContext*)rdr->context();
1912 DDDBDocument* doc = new DDDBDocument();
1913 doc->name = obj_path;
1914 doc->id = doc_path;
1915 doc->context.event_time = ctx->event_time;
1916 doc->context.valid_since = ctx->valid_since;
1917 doc->context.valid_until = ctx->valid_until;
1918 context.resolver = rdr;
1919 context.geo = new dddb();
1920 context.locals.obj_path = obj_path;
1921 context.locals.xml_doc = doc;
1922 context.geo->documents.insert(make_pair("Initial_dummy_doc",doc->addRef()));
1923 }
1926 template <typename ACTION>
1927 long load_dddb_objects(Detector& description, int argc, char** argv) {
1928 DDDBHelper* hlp = description.extension<DDDBHelper>(false);
1929 if ( hlp ) {
1930 xml::UriReader* rdr = hlp->xmlReader();
1931 DDDBReaderContext* ctx = (DDDBReaderContext*)rdr->context();
1932 DDDBContext ctxt(&description);
1933 string sys_id = ctx->match+"//lhcb.xml";
1934 string obj_path = "/";
1935 if ( argc == 0 ) {
1936 return 0;
1937 }
1938 if ( argc >= 1 && argv[0] != 0 ) {
1939 rdr = (xml::UriReader*)argv[0];
1940 }
1941 if ( argc >= 2 && argv[1] != 0 ) {
1942 sys_id = argv[1];
1943 }
1944 if ( argc >= 3 && argv[2] != 0 ) {
1945 obj_path = argv[2];
1946 }
1947 if ( argc == 4 && argv[3] != 0 ) {
1948 long long int evt_time = *(long long int*)argv[3];
1949 ctx->event_time = evt_time;
1950 }
1951 if ( argc == 5 && argv[3] != 0 && argv[4] != 0) {
1952 long long int iov_start = *(long long int*)argv[3];
1953 long long int iov_end = *(long long int*)argv[4];
1954 ctx->event_time = (iov_start+iov_end)/2;
1955 ctx->valid_since = iov_start;
1956 ctx->valid_until = iov_end;
1957 }
1958 config_context(ctxt, hlp, sys_id, obj_path);
1959 load_dddb_entity<ACTION>(&ctxt,0,0,ctxt.locals.xml_doc->id);
1960 checkParents( &ctxt );
1961 fixCatalogs( &ctxt );
1963 hlp->setDetectorDescription( ctxt.geo );
1964 ctxt.geo = 0;
1965 return 1;
1966 }
1967 except("DDDB","+++ Failed to access cool. No DDDBHelper object defined. Run plugin DDDBInstallHelper.");
1968 return 0;
1969 }
1970 }
1973 CondDB2Objects::PrintConfig& CondDB2Objects::PrintConfig::instance() {
1974 return s_config.printConfig;
1975 }
1977 namespace DDDB {
1978 long load_dddb_from_uri(Detector& description, int argc, char** argv) {
1979 return load_dddb_objects<dddb>(description,argc,argv);
1980 }
1981 long load_dddb_conditions_from_uri(Detector& description, int argc, char** argv) {
1982 return load_dddb_objects<dddb_conditions>(description,argc,argv);
1983 }
1985 long load_dddb_from_handle(Detector& description, xml_h element) {
1986 DDDBHelper* helper = description.extension<DDDBHelper>(false);
1987 if ( helper ) {
1988 DDDBContext context(&description);
1989 xml::UriReader* rdr = helper->xmlReader();
1990 DDDBReaderContext* ctx = (DDDBReaderContext*)rdr->context();
1991 config_context(context, helper, ctx->match+"//lhcb.xml", "/");
1993 Conv<dddb> converter(description, &context);
1994 converter( element );
1995 checkParents( &context );
1996 fixCatalogs( &context );
1998 helper->setDetectorDescription( context.geo );
1999 context.geo = 0;
2000 return 1;
2001 }
2002 except("DDDB","+++ Failed to access cool. No DDDBHelper object defined. Run plugin DDDBInstallHelper.");
2003 return 0;
2004 }
2005 }
2006 }
2007 DECLARE_XML_DOC_READER(DDDB,load_dddb_from_handle)
2008 DECLARE_APPLY(DDDB_Loader,load_dddb_from_uri)
2009 DECLARE_APPLY(DDDB_ConditionsLoader,load_dddb_conditions_from_uri)
2012 static long install_helper(Detector& description, int argc, char** argv) {
2013 DDDBHelper* helper = description.extension<DDDBHelper>(false);
2014 if ( !helper ) {
2015 helper = new DDDBHelper(description);
2016 if ( argc > 0 ) {
2017 helper->setXmlReader((xml::UriReader*)argv[0]);
2018 }
2019 description.addExtension<DDDBHelper,DDDBHelper>(helper);
2020 }
2021 return 1;
2022 }
2023 DECLARE_APPLY(DDDB_InstallHelper,install_helper)