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0001 //==============================================================================
0002 //  AIDA Detector description implementation for LHCb
0003 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0004 // Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
0005 // All rights reserved.
0006 //
0007 // For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
0008 // For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
0009 //
0010 //  \author   Markus Frank
0011 //  \date     2018-03-08
0012 //  \version  1.0
0013 //
0014 //==============================================================================
0016 // Framework include files
0017 #include "Detector/DeVeloSensor.h"
0018 #include "DD4hep/ConditionsData.h"
0019 #include "DD4hep/Primitives.h"
0020 #include "DD4hep/Printout.h"
0022 namespace gaudi  {
0023   const DeVeloSensorElement::itemkey_type DeVeloSensorElement::key_info    = dd4hep::ConditionKey::itemCode("StripInfo");
0024   const DeVeloSensorElement::itemkey_type DeVeloSensorElement::key_noise   = dd4hep::ConditionKey::itemCode("StripNoise");
0025   const DeVeloSensorElement::itemkey_type DeVeloSensorElement::key_readout = dd4hep::ConditionKey::itemCode("StripReadout");
0026 }
0028 /// Printout method to stdout
0029 void gaudi::detail::DeVeloSensorStaticObject::print(int indent, int flg)  const   {
0030   this->DeStaticObject::print(indent, flg);
0031   if ( flg & DePrint::SPECIFIC )  {
0032     printout(INFO,"DeVeloSensor", "%s+ >> %s:%d [%s] Class:%d Sens:%d Side:%c %s R:%s Phi:%s Veto:%s Thick:%g Rmin:%g Rmax:%g",
0033              DE::indent(indent).c_str(), 
0034              moduleName.c_str(), moduleId, fullType.c_str(), clsID, sensorNumber,
0035              (de_user&DeVeloFlags::LEFT) == 0 ? 'R' : 'L',
0036              (de_user&DeVeloFlags::DOWNSTREAM) == 0 ? "UpStrm" : "DnStrm",
0037              yes_no((de_user&DeVeloFlags::R_TYPE) != 0),
0038              yes_no((de_user&DeVeloFlags::PHI_TYPE) != 0),
0039              yes_no((de_user&DeVeloFlags::PU_TYPE) != 0),
0040              siliconThickness, innerRadius, outerRadius);
0041   }
0042 }
0044 /// Initialization of sub-classes
0045 void gaudi::detail::DeVeloSensorStaticObject::initialize()   {
0046   de_user         |= DeVeloFlags::READOUT;
0047   moduleName       = param<std::string>("Module");
0048     typeName         = param<std::string>("Type");
0049   sensorNumber     = param<int>("SensorNumber");
0050   siliconThickness = param<double>("SiThick");
0051   innerRadius      = param<double>("InnerRadius");
0052   outerRadius      = param<double>("OuterRadius");
0054   if ( typeName.find("R") == 0 ) de_user |= DeVeloFlags::R_TYPE;
0055   if ( typeName.find("Phi") == 0 ) de_user |= DeVeloFlags::PHI_TYPE;
0056   if ( typeName.find("Veto") == 0 ) de_user |= DeVeloFlags::PU_TYPE;
0057   if ( typeName == "R" || typeName == "Phi" || typeName == "Veto" ) {
0058     if ( 0 != param<int>("Left") ) de_user |= DeVeloFlags::LEFT;
0059     if ( 0 != param<int>("Downstream") ) de_user |= DeVeloFlags::DOWNSTREAM;
0060     fullType = typeName
0061       + ( (de_user&DeVeloFlags::DOWNSTREAM) ? "DnStrm" : "UpStrm" )
0062       + ( (de_user&DeVeloFlags::LEFT) ? "Left" : "Right");
0063   } else {
0064     if ( (typeName == "PhiDL" || typeName == "PhiUL" ||
0065           typeName == "RLeft" || typeName == "VetoL") ) de_user |= DeVeloFlags::LEFT;
0066     if (typeName == "PhiDL" || typeName == "PhiDR") de_user |= DeVeloFlags::DOWNSTREAM;
0067     fullType = typeName;
0068   }
0069   // test new parameters ....
0070   if ( de_user&DeVeloFlags::R_TYPE ) {
0071     (0 != param<int>("DownstreamR")) ? de_user|=DeVeloFlags::DOWNSTREAM : de_user &= ~DeVeloFlags::DOWNSTREAM;
0072   } else if ( de_user&DeVeloFlags::PHI_TYPE )   {
0073     (0 != param<int>("DownstreamPhi")) ? de_user|=DeVeloFlags::DOWNSTREAM : de_user &= ~DeVeloFlags::DOWNSTREAM;
0074   }
0075 }
0077 /// Printout method to stdout
0078 void gaudi::detail::DeVeloSensorObject::print(int indent, int flg)  const   {
0079   DeIOVObject::print(indent, flg);
0080   printout(INFO,"DeIOVVeloSensor", "%s+ Z:%g Info(%s): %s [%ld entries] Noise(%s): %s [%ld entries] "
0081            "Readout(%s): %s [READOUT:%s Tell1-no-Sensor:%s]",
0082            DE::indent(indent).c_str(),
0083            z,
0085            info.isValid() ? : "--",
0086            yes_no(info.isValid()),
0087            stripInfos.size(),
0089            noise.isValid() ? : "--",
0090            yes_no(noise.isValid()),
0091            stripNoise.size(),
0093            readout.isValid() ? : "--",
0094            yes_no(readout.isValid()),
0095            yes_no((de_user&DeVeloFlags::READOUT)!=0),
0096            yes_no((de_user&DeVeloFlags::T1NOSENS)!=0));
0097 }
0099 /// Initialization of sub-classes
0100 void gaudi::detail::DeVeloSensorObject::initialize()   {
0101   DeIOVObject::initialize();
0103   sensor_static = de_static;
0104   // We require a valid alignment object for sensors!
0105   checkAlignment();
0106   z = DetectorElement<DeVeloSensor>(this).toGlobal(XYZPoint(0,0,0)).z();
0107   for(const auto& c : conditions)   {
0108     if ( c.first == DeVeloSensor::key_info ) info = c.second;
0109     else if ( c.first == DeVeloSensor::key_noise ) noise = c.second;
0110     else if ( c.first == DeVeloSensor::key_readout ) readout = c.second;
0111   }
0113   // Check here if values must be valid ?
0114   if ( !info.isValid() )  {
0115     except("DeIOVVeloSensor", "Invalid IOV dependent sensor info!");
0116   }
0117   else   {
0118     const dd4hep::cond::AbstractMap& m = info.get<dd4hep::cond::AbstractMap>();
0119     stripInfos = m.get<std::vector<int> >("StripInfo");
0120 #if 0
0121     if(m_verbose){
0122       msg() << MSG::VERBOSE << "Sensor " << m_sensorNumber << " has stripInfoConditions "<< endmsg;
0123       for( int row = 0 ; row < 64 ; ++row ){ //table of 64 rows * 32 columns of statuses
0124         msg() << MSG::VERBOSE << format("%4i-%4i",(32*row),(32*row+31));
0125         for( int col = 0 ; col < 32 ; ++col ){
0126           msg() << MSG::VERBOSE << format("%2i ",m_stripInfos[32*row+col].asInt());
0127         }
0128         msg() << MSG::VERBOSE << endmsg;
0129       }
0130     }
0131 #endif
0132     if (stripInfos.size() != DeVeloSensorStaticObject::numberOfStrips) {
0133       except("DeIOVVeloSensor","Strip info condition size does not match number of strips!");
0134     }
0135   }
0136   if ( !noise.isValid() )  {
0137     except("DeIOVVeloSensor", "Invalid IOV dependent sensor noise!");
0138   }
0139   else   {
0140     const dd4hep::cond::AbstractMap& m = noise.get<dd4hep::cond::AbstractMap>();
0141     stripNoise = m.get<std::vector<double> >("StripNoise");
0142     if ( stripNoise.size() != DeVeloSensorStaticObject::numberOfStrips ) {
0143       except("IOVDeVeloSensor","Strip noise condition size does not match number of strips!");
0144     }
0145   }
0146   if ( !readout.isValid() )  {
0147     // except(DeIOVVeloSensor", "Invalid IOV dependent sensor readout!");
0148   }
0149   else   {
0150     const dd4hep::cond::AbstractMap& m = noise.get<dd4hep::cond::AbstractMap>();
0151     (0 != m.get<int>("ReadoutFlag"))        ? de_user |= DeVeloFlags::READOUT  : de_user &= ~DeVeloFlags::READOUT;
0152     (0 != m.get<int>("Tell1WithoutSensor")) ? de_user |= DeVeloFlags::T1NOSENS : de_user &= ~DeVeloFlags::T1NOSENS;
0153   }
0154 }